Workshop EMTA on European programmes Rotterdam, 15 May 2014 Johan Diepens Ronald Jorna European workshop programme 1. Introduction to Horizon2020, TEN-T and Interreg: Focus of the programmes Relevant topics How does it work Example: CIPTEC proposal 2. Workshop: Working in small groups Identification of key challenges EMTA members are facing Topics for European project(s) 3 10-4-2020 Part 1: EU funding programmes Ronald Jorna 4 10-4-2020 European funding programmes Why participate in European projects? Address common needs Pooling resources Integrating research Learn from each other Funding 5 10-4-2020 European funding programmes Three relevant programmes (2014-2020): Horizon 2020 focus on research Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) focus on TEN-T corridors and nodes Interreg focus on regional cooperation and development 6 10-4-2020 Horizon2020 What is Horizon 2020: EC programme for € 80 billion Research & Innovation Priority 3: Focus on societal challenges, including health, clean energy and transport € 7,7 billion for ‘smart, green and integrated transport’ € 6,5 billion for ‘secure, clean and efficient energy’ Funding: 70-100% of (labour costs + 25% overhead) + 70100% of other costs (travel, subcontracting, etc.) A project should consist of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries, but in general 10-20 partners are common, but also larger consortia consist (>50 partners). 7 10-4-2020 Horizon2020 8 10-4-2020 Horizon 2020 Relevant topics in Horizon 2020: In ‘smart, green and integrated transport’, call 2015: • Strengthening knowledge and capacities of local authorities (SUMP) • Demonstrating/testing innovative solutions for clean and better urban transport and mobility (CIVITAS) • Transport societal drivers • Facilitating market take-up of innovative transport infra solutions • Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation December 2014 call open, submission in March 2015 In previous call (2014): • • • • • Smart rail services Advanced bus concepts Tackling urban road congestion CIPTEC proposal Transforming use of conventionally fuelled vehicles in urban areas ITS connectivity and seamless mobility 9 10-4-2020 CIPTEC proposal Characteristics: Full title: Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities Exploring how a favourable environment can be created for a significant growth in public transport at limited extra costs. Total budget: around € 3 million Limited involvement of EMTA: participation in meetings/workshops, advise, stakeholder involvement Funding EMTA: approx. € 32.500 (100%) Evaluation result first round expected in June 2014. 10 10-4-2020 CIPTEC proposal Possibility for additional partner (transport authority, transport operator) 10-4-2020 11 CIPTEC proposal Project activities 1.Market trends and users’ needs per customer group 2.Mapping/evaluation of innovative services and practices 3.Promoting innovation in PT by crowdsourcing, cocreation, engaging people and bridging PT with other sectors 4.Performing advanced marketing research and consumer experimentation and synthesizing the findings 5.Developing a Toolbox for PT operators/authorities towards integration of services and customers’ satisfaction. 6.Developing of a “model” strategy plan for public transport operators/authorities 12 10-4-2020 CIPTEC proposal Possible role of EMTA and EMTA members: •Provide input on market trends and users’ needs, review outcomes •Indicate your research questions on innovative services and practices •Assist researchers in getting access to PT users for crowdsourcing and co-creation •Facilitate researchers in doing advanced marketing research and consumer experimentation •Help define format and type of tools needed for the toolbox •.... 13 10-4-2020 Connecting Europe Facility Supports efficient, integrated, sustainable, multimodal transport network in Europe. Budget: €26,3 billion for 2014-2020, of which €11,3 billion for cohesion countries Special focus on border crossing projects and bottlenecks on core network corridors. 14 Connecting Europe Facility Relevant for EMTA members: Optimizing integration and links between transport modes, incl. horizontal projects (ERTMS, ITS): • Actions on implementation of transport infrastructure at nodes of the core network, including urban nodes Innovative projects (cities as living lab) Both works and studies Funding ranges from 20% for investments, 50% for studies and 85% for cohesion countries Link to corridor coordinator required Expected: 1 September 2014 (closing: February 2015) 15 10-4-2020 Interreg V What is Interreg A, B, C: Interreg A: cross-border cooperation through joint local and regional initiatives Interreg B: transnational cooperation aiming at achieving an integrated territorial development Interreg C: interregional cooperation and the exchange of experience Interreg Europe The EU provides approximately €9 billion for the European Territorial Cooperation from 2014 16 10-4-2020 Interreg 11 Funding priorities Strengthening research, technological development and innovation Enhancing access to and use and quality of ICT Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning by developing education and training infrastructure Enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration 17 10-4-2020 Interreg VA Interreg A €6.6 bln for the crossborder cooperation (INTERREG VA), Chart: all cross-border regions of Germany Example: new bus connection between German/Dutch border region Euregio (funding: €50.000) 18 10-4-2020 Interreg VB Interreg B: €1.8 bln for the transnational cooperation (INTERREG VB) Chart: NWE region Example: BAPT project: Boosting advanced public transport systems (7,6 mln funding) 19 10-4-2020 Interreg VB 20 10-4-2020 Interreg Europe Interreg VC: €500 mio for the interregional cooperation (INTERREG Europe) Chart: eligible countries Example: EPTA project: Enabling Public Transport Authorities in Europe (funding: €1,0 mln) 21 10-4-2020 How do European programmes work? Influencing the programme content EC publishes Calls for proposals Identify relevant topics Set up or join a consortium Write and submit proposal (1 or 2 stage process) EC carries out evaluation (with external experts) Contract negotiation Start of project Total duration from call to start of project: 12-15 months 22 10-4-2020 How to get involved in EU programmes? Think about networking and building links with potential partners: Who are the key players? Who has been involved in previous projects / stakeholder groups? How can you meet them? Attend events (info days, workshops), join EU evaluators database, join stakeholder groups, LinkedIn groups Position yourself as a key partner Get yourself known by European Commission staff, national representatives 23 10-4-2020 Part 2: Workshop Johan Diepens 24 10-4-2020 Workshop approach 1. All participants will be divided in small groups 2. Each group to answer the following questions: What are the top-3 challenges/problems you are facing in your work (e.g. issues from strategic plan, workprogramme, etc.) in the next 10 years? Related to the above: what topic(s) would you like to address in a potential European cooperation with other EMTA members, PT companies, vehicle manufacturers, research institutes, consultancies, etc.? 3. Plenary presentation of results 4. Ranking of results 25 10-4-2020 Groups Gr ou p COM PAN Y N AM E SURN AM E FI RSTN AM E CI TY COUN TRY Group 1 VBB VERKEHRSVERBUND BERLIN-BRANDENBURG GMBH ARNOLD Eike BERLIN Germany CENTRE FOR BUDAPEST TRANSPORT BKK NAGY Levente BUDAPEST Hungary CRTM MADRID CRISTOBAL PINTO Carlos MADRID Spain METROPOOL REGION ROTTERDAM DEN HAAG BAVELAAR Eric ROTTERDAM The Netherlands ROPID PRAHA PROKEL Jiří PRAGUE Czech Republic VERKEHRSVERBUND OST-REGION (VOR) GMBH SCHROLL Wolfgang WIEN Austria MOVIA GELLERT Per COPENHAGEN Denmark CONSORCIO DE TRANSPORTES DE BIZKAIA PORTILLO Lina BILBAO Spain CRTM MADRID DELGADO HERNANDEZ Laura MADRID Spain ROPID PRAHA BROŽOVÁ Blanka PRAGUE Czech Republic SUSISIEKIMO PASLAUGOS GUSAROVIENE Modesta VILNIUS Lituania EMTA BARBOSA Olivier CONSORCIO DE TRANSPORTES DE BIZKAIA ISASI Juan Luis BILBAO Spain HSL HELSINKI REGION TRANSPORT LENTO Pirkko HELSINKI Finland RUTER AS KÅSS Tore OSLO Norway STOCKHOLM PUBLIC TRANSPORTS LINDSTROM Anders STOCKHOLM Sweden SUSISIEKIMO PASLAUGOS BLIUVAS Gintas VILNIUS Lituania CENTRO INSKIP Geoff BIRMINGHAM United Kingdom CENTRO MACHANCOSES Maria-Pilar BIRMINGHAM United Kingdom ATM GARCIA Marc BARCELONA Spain HSL HELSINKI REGION TRANSPORT RIHTNIEMI Suvi HELSINKI Finland RUTER AS LEITE Marit Elin OSLO Norway AGENZIA PER LA MOBILITÀ METROPOLITANA BASON Enzo Corrado TORINO Italy WARSAW PUBLIC TRANSPORT AUTHORITY (ZTM WARSAW) CHMURSKI Marek WARSAW Poland TRANSPORT FOR LONDON NEWSOME Steve LONDON United Kingdom EMTA VAN DER PLOEG Ruud AMSTERDAM The Netherlands ATM ROSELLÓ Xavier BARCELONA Spain SYNDICAT DES TRANSPORTS D'ÎLE-DE-FRANCE (STIF) MONNET Jean Christophe PARIS France AGENZIA PER LA MOBILITÀ METROPOLITANA PAONESSA Cesare TORINO Italy WARSAW PUBLIC TRANSPORT AUTHORITY (ZTM WARSAW) RAKOWSKA Halina WARSAW Poland Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 26 10-4-2020 Workshop questions 1. What are the top-3 challenges/problems you are facing in your work in the next 10 years? 1. What topic(s) would you like to address in a potential European cooperation with other EMTA members, PT companies, vehicle manufacturers, research institutes, consultancies, etc.?