STEM Careers profiles - Science and Plants for Schools

Agricultural Consultant
20k-26k to >45k
Biology, Business, Chemistry, Economics, English, Geography, Maths
The Job
Qualifications needed
Office and outdoor work.
You give business and
technical advice to those in
land-based industries (e.g.
farmers, landowners,
conservation organisations,
growers). You visit farms, do
telephone consultations,
attend agricultural shows,
run training programmes
and give presentations.
Band 4: possible
Band 5: At least one science subject
(Chemistry and Biology are often
required at A-level)
Employers expect you to have a
degree in agriculture, or a related
subject such as agricultural science,
soil science, environmental science,
agricultural engineering or land and
property management.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.25.
See also LANTRA (
Agricultural Research Scientist
22k-27k to 30k-50k
Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, Geography, ICT/Computer studies, Maths
The Job
Qualifications needed
Office, laboratory and
outdoor work. You conduct
research, analyse results
and present findings to
develop new and more
efficient ways of farming
animals and plants. This
may include issues around
conservation, GM, pollution
and disease. You may also
do some teaching / training.
Band 4: possible
Band 5: At least one science subject
(Chemistry and Biology are often
required at A-level)
Degrees in relevant subjects include
agricultural science, biology, crop
science, plant or animal science,
and chemistry. Further study is
available (e.g. crop protection and
tropical ecosystems)
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.27.
See also LANTRA (
15k-22k to 22k-38k
Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Maths
The Job
Qualifications needed
Mainly outdoors in parks,
gardens, woods or forests.
You manage and supervise
planting, propagation,
maintenance, tree surgery,
and the prevention and
eradication of disease in
public areas or woodlands
solely for commercial or
private use. You may advise
on land development.
Band 3 and 4: possible
Band 5: A-levels preferably including
maths and science subjects
A degree in arboriculture (possibly
with urban forestry), horticulture
(arboriculture), urban forestry
management, or a related subject is
usually required. Forestry, forest
sciences or woodland management
subjects are also useful.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.54.
See also LANTRA (
21k-26k to 48k-86k
Biology, Chemistry, English, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You research the chemistry of
animal or plant cells and the
way living organisms work. You
study processes such as
nutrition, fermentation, pollution
or the action of substances
such as vitamins, hormones, or
drugs. Some biochemists work
on the analysis of body fluids
and tissues, then assist in the
diagnosis and treatment of
Band 5: A-levels including Chemistry
and preferably Biology, Physics or
Usually a degree in biochemistry or
biochemical engineering is preferred
but molecular biology, biophysics,
chemistry or biology may also be
acceptable. Other biological degrees
can be followed by further study in
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.25.
See also Futuremorph (
≈20k to ≈60k
Biology, Chemistry, English, H+S Care, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
Laboratory and/or outdoor work
to study human, animal and/or
plant life. Biologists tend to
specialise in one of the many
branches of biology. You may
collect and analyse field data,
identify pests and disease,
assess effects of chemicals,
develop routine tests or devise
more efficient production
processes. You may lead and
supervise teams of technicians.
Band 5: A-levels including Biology
and preferably Chemistry, Maths or
Appropriate degrees in biological
sciences are preferred, but some
subjects with a biological basis may
also be acceptable. Other related
subjects, such as a biomedical
science or some of the agricultural
sciences, can be useful.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.98.
See also the Society of Biology site (
21k-26k to >55k
Biology, Chemistry, D+T, English, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You specialise in using
combined applications of
biology and technology to
provide new or improved
processes or products in areas
that include pharmaceuticals,
agriculture, healthcare and the
environment. You might be
concerned with microorganisms, genetic
engineering, cell culture or the
control of inherited diseases.
Band 5: 2-3 A-levels and some
GCSEs including English, Science
and Maths.
A degree in biotechnology or one
with some biotechnology content is
preferred. Other acceptable degrees
include biochemical engineering,
chemistry, chemical engineering,
brewing, food science/technology
and most biological subjects.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.101.
See also Futuremorph (
18k-20k to 55k
Biology, Chemistry, English, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
Laboratory, office or fieldwork
to study plant life such as
algae, mosses and lichens,
grasses, crops, flowering plants
and trees. You can be involved
in research and development
or conservation for
environmental, agricultural and
forestry organisations. In
research and education you
attend conferences and publish
in scientific journals.
Band 5: A-levels including Biology
and preferably Chemistry, Maths or
A degree in botany or plant sciences
is preferred. Combined courses
such as botany with geography,
ecology, microbiology or molecular
biology are also available.
Agricultural science degrees are
also useful.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.107.
See also Grow Careers (
16k-24k to >45k
Biology, Chemistry, English, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You work in a laboratory, an
office, college, university or
industrial premises. Many are
involved in production of types
of foods, medicines or
cosmetics. Some create new
compounds for different
applications in industry,
agriculture or medicine. Others
analyse compounds to
determine their exact chemical
Band 5: A-levels including Chemistry
and preferably Maths or Physics.
A degree in chemistry is preferred
but degrees with a significant
chemistry content can also be
acceptable. Some courses have a
specialised focus and others
combine chemistry with business,
languages or law.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.159.
See also the Royal Society of Chemistry website (
Chemist: Analytical
20k-22k to >50k
Biology, Chemistry, English, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You analyse substances to
identify and understand their
chemical composition and how
they behave under certain
conditions. You use high tech
techniques and instruments for
the analysis of samples in
several sectors, including
manufacturing, healthcare,
forensics and food and retail
product development.
Band 5: A-levels including Chemistry
and preferably Maths or Physics.
Degrees include analytical/applied
chemistry, environmental science
(physical), bio- or geo-chemistry,
chemistry, marine sciences,
materials sciences/technology,
physical, mathematical, life, medical
or applied science.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.160.
See also the Royal Society of Chemistry website (
Civil Service Scientific Officer
23k to >60k
Biology, Chemistry, D+T, English, ICT/Comp. studies, Maths, Physics, Psychology
The Job
Qualifications needed
You carry out research for
central government or its
agencies. Areas include the
environment, agricultural and
veterinary science, the
regulation and control of
pesticides, food science and
nutrition, meteorological
services, defence projects,
building methods, conservation
and transport. You may be
involved in advisory work.
Band 4: possible
Band 5: A-levels including science or
Some degrees specific to individual
departments or agencies include
maths, geophysics, meteorology,
computer science, IT, environmental
sciences, veterinary science,
engineering, communications and
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.187.
See also Prospects (
Countryside/Conservation Manager
14k-17k to 28k-30k
Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography
The Job
Qualifications needed
You are involved in the
management, conservation and
protection of the environment.
You promote public awareness
of the natural environment. You
may investigate ways in which
farming procedures or building
projects interact with plant and
animal life. You may advise the
public and liaise with other
scientists and the government.
Band 4: possible
Band 5: A-levels including science
Degrees include environmental
sciences, countryside/environmental
management, biology, sustainable
development, ecology, conservation,
surveying or geography. For those
without a relevant first degree there
are postgraduate courses.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.244.
See also Grow Careers (
16k-23k to >45k
Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
Fieldwork is common as is
travel to remote places. You
research the complex
relationship between animals
and plants, in particular their
habitats and the impact of
people on their environment.
You may set up and maintain
ecological databases, carry out
field studies or assess the
ecological impact of
development proposals.
Band 5: A-levels including Biology
and preferably Chemistry, Maths or
There are specialist degree courses
in ecology, but other relevant
degrees include biological sciences,
environmental studies, earth
sciences, geography, agricultural
science, urban and land studies or
countryside management.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.307.
See also Grow Careers (
Environmental Scientist
18k-22k to >50k
Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
Laboratory, office and
fieldwork. You research and
advise on the effects of human
activities on the environment.
You may work on projects
related to pollution, waste
management, flood control,
energy, land use, conservation
or climate change. You may go
out and collect samples from
sites or monitor plants and
wildlife or do desk research.
Band 4: possible
Band 5: A-levels including at least
one science subject.
A degree in environmental science
or a related subject is particularly
relevant. Postgraduate specialism is
available after a scientific degree.
Some courses may be accredited by
professional institutions, such as the
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.382.
See also the British Ecological Society (
Forensic Scientist
14k-20k to 50k
Biology, Chemistry, English, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
Laboratory work and
occasional site and court visits.
You are responsible for
examining substances from
crime scenes carefully and
accurately, and presenting
detailed results clearly. You use
a variety of techniques to
identify clues. Some people
specialise (e.g. in inks,
documents, drugs, explosives,
DNA profiling or firearms).
Band 4: possible
Band 5: A-levels from Maths,
Physics, Biology and Chemistry.
There are degrees in forensic
science however the Forensic
Science Society (FSS) recommends
a good first degree in a science
subject such as chemistry,
biochemistry or biology followed by
a postgraduate qualification.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.452.
See also the Futuremorph website (
Forest District Manager
≈21.5k to ≈47k
Biology, Business, Chemistry, English, Geography
The Job
Qualifications needed
You oversee the development,
growth and conservation of a
large area of woodlands, and
are responsible for the
supervision and management
of the forest officers. You may
also be involved in
environmental research and
wildlife conservation projects
and ensure that where possible
all forest developments are
Band 5: 2-3 A-levels and GCSEs
including English and Maths.
A degree in forestry, woodland
management, forest science,
environmental forestry, forestry
conservation, or a related subject
with a high forestry content is
essential for entry to this job. It is
possible to study for a postgraduate
degree in forestry.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.453.
See also LANTRA (
≈22k to 73k
Biology, Chemistry, English, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You study inherited
characteristics in humans,
animals, plants and microorganisms. You can work in the
fields of biotechnology,
biomedicine, bioinformatics, the
environment and agriculture, or
in the context of law,
archaeology or forensics. In
hospital work, you provide
information and advice for
diagnosis and treatment.
Band 5: A-levels preferably including
Biology and Chemistry with Physics
or Maths.
Degrees in genetics, biology, applied
biology or biochemistry are
preferred. Molecular biology may
also be acceptable. Some courses
offer molecular or human genetics or
combine genetics with other
biological sciences.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.465.
See also the Genetics Society website (
Horticultural Scientist
21.5k-26k to 50k
Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Maths
The Job
Qualifications needed
You study the science and
technology of cultivating
vegetables, fruit, flowers and
other plants. You conduct
research to develop new and
more efficient methods of
small-scale planting and
production. You may study
environmental issues including
soil erosion, pollution and
public health concerns
including GM issues.
Band 4: possible
Band 5: At least one science subject
(Chemistry and Biology are often
required at A-level)
Degrees in horticulture, biology,
chemistry, biotechnology, botany,
biochemistry or plant or soil science
may be preferred. Grants from the
Botanical Society of the British Isles
for degrees may be possible.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.520.
See also Grow Careers (
Lab. Technician: Science
12k-13k to 30k-40k
Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You generally specialise in
one area of science doing
practical tasks essential to
research and development.
Tasks vary depending on
the scientific area such as
genetics, biology,
microbiology, chemistry,
food science or agriculture.
You usually work in a team,
assisting senior scientists.
Band 3 and 4: possible
Band 5: A-levels preferably including
Chemistry, Maths or Physics.
Broad degrees in biology, physics, or
chemistry, or more specific degrees
in genetics, nutrition, ecology,
biomedical science, analytical
chemistry, biophysics, geology,
meteorology and pharmacology are
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.592.
See also Futuremorph (
Marine Biologist
17k-20k to >60k
Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
Laboratory or office work as
well as time spent on research
vessels. You study microorganisms, plant and animal
life in the ocean and on the
shoreline. You may study the
effect of pollution, nuclear
power stations, coral reefs, oil
refineries and industrial activity
on the oceans, or the levels of
stocks of particular fish
Band 5: A-levels including Biology
and preferably Chemistry, Maths or
There are courses leading to first
degrees in marine/freshwater
biology and marine science, though
many marine biologists have a
degree in biology or biochemistry,
usually followed by a specialist
higher degree.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.634.
See also Futuremorph (
Medical Herbalist
15k-20k to >35k
Biology, Chemistry, English, Health and Social Care, Psychology
The Job
Qualifications needed
You use plant remedies to treat
a wide range of medical
conditions and diseases such
as arthritis, high blood
pressure, migraine, digestive
disorders, hay fever and
asthma, insomnia, acne and
eczema. Time is spent
preparing the medicines you
prescribe, as well as discussing
symptoms and treatment with
Band 5: Preferably two science
subjects at A-level.
For registration with the National
Institute of Medical Herbalists
(NIMH), a degree or postgraduate
qualification in herbal medicine
accredited by the NIMH or European
Herbal and Traditional Medicine
Practitioners Association is required.
Contact the NIMH for details.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.651.
See also Prospects website (
≈26k to 62k
Biology, Chemistry, English, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You study the biology and
chemistry of viruses, bacteria,
algae or fungi and their
practical application. You are
involved in diverse areas that
include medicine and
pharmaceuticals, the
environment, agriculture,
education and industry. You
may be responsible for
managing a team of biomedical
scientists and support staff.
Band 5: A-levels including Chemistry
and preferably Biology, Maths or
A degree in microbiology is usually
preferred, but bacteriology, biology,
biochemistry, cell/molecular biology,
genetics and marine biology may
also be acceptable subjects. Most
other biological science degrees are
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.665.
See also Microbiology Careers (
19k-28k to 60k
Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
Laboratory or office work as
well as time at sea. You study
different aspects of the oceans,
such as tides, temperature, the
organisms within them, or the
sea floor. You may investigate
pollution of the seas, the
effects of climate change, the
salinity and circulation of water
and the effects of pollution on
marine life or the geology of the
sea bed.
Band 5: A-levels including two
sciences and maths.
A degree in oceanography/marine
sciences or a closely related subject
may be preferred. There are few first
degrees in oceanography, but there
are some combined courses with an
oceanography option. Some other
scientific degrees are also
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.723.
See also Futuremorph (
≈25k to 55k
Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You study ancient life-forms
and their environments. There
are 4 main branches of the
subject: vertebrate and
invertebrate palaeontology,
micropalaeontology and
palaeobotany. Participation in
field trips is common and
usually leads to data being
collected for research and
publication. You may examine
fossils from all over the world.
Band 5: A-levels including a science
and maths.
Geology, geoscience, chemistry,
physics, biosciences, maths or
computing are the most useful
degree subjects. Postgraduate
courses in palaeontology are
available for those with a relevant
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.751.
See also Futuremorph (
Soil Scientist
19k-24k to 56k
Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, ICT/Computer studies, Maths
The Job
Qualifications needed
You collect and analyse data
relating to the properties of
soils and investigate
influences such as climate,
environment, land use and
biodiversity on them. You
advise those in agriculture,
industry, construction, local
and central government and
other scientists.
Band 5: A-levels including science
subjects (Chemistry and Biology are
often required at A-level).
A degree in soil science or at least a
significant course content of soil
science is required. A pre-entry
postgraduate qualification, such as
an MSc in soil science, or similar, is
essential for most posts involving
field and/or laboratory work.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.980.
See also Careers in Agriculture (
21.5k-26.5k to 40k
Biology, Chemistry, English, H+S Care, ICT/Computer studies, Maths, Physics
The Job
Qualifications needed
You undertake laboratory and
field studies to identify any
harmful effects of chemicals,
biological materials and
radiation on animals, plants,
humans and the environment.
You conduct experiments,
evaluate data and write reports.
You may advise medical
experts on treatment of
patients or specialise in the
protection of the environment.
Band 5: A-levels including
Chemistry, Biology, Maths or
Toxicology, environmental toxicology
or immunology and toxicology
degrees are available. Other
degrees include biochemical or
biological sciences, applied life
sciences, biomedical science and
food or forensic science.
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p.1095.
See also the ABPI (
Job title
Relevant subjects
The Job
Qualifications needed
Band information
Degree information
Information from Jobfile 2011-2012 (Babcock), p
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