ESCO Presentation on the European Skills/Competences, qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) and approval of the definitions related to Physiotherapy Annex 21 – Agenda Point 15.2 Index 1. ESCO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What Why Who How When Where 2. ESCO & Healthcare and Social activities SREF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Structure of the SREF Importance of ESCO for healthcare Occupations Skills / Competences Time plan 3. ESCO, Physiotherapy & ER-WCPT 1. 2. ESCO & ER-WCPT and opportunity – next steps Occupations, definitions and and related skills/competences 1. ESCO Skills/Competences, qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) 1.1 What? • Identifies and categorises occupations and the skills, competences and qualifications for each occupation in a standard way • A multi-lingual classification / taxonomy • Linked to relevant international classifications and frameworks, such as NACE, ISCO and EQF • To help job matching and facilitate dialogue between the labour market and education/training 1.2 Why? Europe 2020 An Agenda to new skills and jobs "To ensure that the competences required to engage in further learning and the labour market are acquired and recognised throughout general, vocational, higher, and adult education and to develop a common language and operational tool for education / training and work: a European Skills Competences and Occupations framework (ESCO)" 1.2 Why? Online job portals normally use one classification system and one language. It is difficult to exchange data between them, particularly when the systems are based in different countries. This makes it harder to find the right job abroad. 1.3 Who? • EU Commission – Joint project between DG Employment and DG Education and Culture • Governing Structure – Board, MAI and SREF • Public Employment Services • Private Employment Services 1.3 Who? • ESCO Maintenance Committee: (MAI) • Decides on acceptance or rejection of documented proposals that come from the Reference Groups and Secretariat. • Recommends proposals for the final approval to the Board. • ESCO Sectoral Reference Groups (SREF): • The aim of the work of the SREF is to include in ESCO the common denominator of the terminology used on the European labour market and the education/training sector, with the level of detail that is needed to perform qualitative skill-based job matching. 1.3 Who? • ESCO Cross-sector Reference Group (CSREF): • The CSREF develops a structure for the cross-sector skills/competences and identifies a list of cross-sector skills/competences. • The CSREF gives the work of the qualifications pillar based on experiences with the transversal skills and competences. • ESCO Secretariat: • It is the permanent central resource that will enable the establishment and day to day maintenance/editing of ESCO. • It liaises with other external groups and interests parties as necessary to refine elements of ESCO. ESCO SREFs: Section A: 1. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery Section B: 2. Mining & Heavy Industry (B, C19, C24) Section C: 3. Manufacturing of textile, apparel, leather, footwear and related products (C13, C14, C15); 4. Manufacturing of food, beverages and tobacco (C10, C11, C12); 5. Manufacturing of electrical equipment, computer, electronic and optional products (C26, C27); 6. Manufacturing of transport equipment (C29, C30); 7. Manufacturing of consumer goods except food/beverages/tobacco/textile/apparel/leather (C31, C32, T981); 8. Wood processing, paper and printing (C16, C17, C18); 9. Chemical industry (C20, C21, C22, C23); 10. Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (C25); 11. Machinery and equipment, except electrical equipment (C28, C33) ESCO SREFs (2): Section D: Section E: 12. Energy and water supply, sewerage and waste management (D35, E) Section F: 13. Construction Section G: 14. Wholesale, retail trade and rental and leasing (G, N77) Section H: 15. Transportation and storage (H, N8292) Section I: 16. Hospitality and tourism (I, N79) Section J: 17. ICT Service activities (J61, J62, J63); Media (J58, J59, J60); ESCO SREFs (3): Section K: 18. Finance, insurance and real estate (K, L) Section L: Section M: 19. Veterinary activities (M75); 20. Business administration (M69, M70, M73, N82 except for 8292); 21. Scientific and technical activities (M71, M72, M74) Section N: Section O: 22. Public administration and defence and membership organisations (O, S94, U) Section P: 23. Education ESCO SREFs (4): Section Q: 24. Human health and social services activities Section R: 25. Arts, entertainment and recreation Section S: 26. Personal service -administrative support service- and security and investigation activities (S95, S96, T97, T982, N78, N80, N81) 1.3 Who benefits? • • • • Jobseekers Education/training institutions Employers Online job portals (first use for national employment agencies under discussion to open for private agencies in the future) 1.4 How? •By means of domain experts that come together through SREF •27 Sectoral groups – 11 established •Review occupations, skills and qualifications for their sector •Work is endorsed by the MAI – experts in classification systems 1.5 When? 1.6 Where? 1.6 Where? 1.6 Where? 1.6 Where? 1.6 Where? 1.6 Where? 1.6 Where? 1.6 Where? In Brief: What can ESCO do? • • • • • • • • Facilitate the dialogue between the labour market and the education/training sector. Allow employment services to exchange relevant labour market information across borders. Facilitate geographical and occupational mobility through semantic interoperability. Boost online and skill-based job-matching. Help employment services in the shift towards a skills and competences-oriented approach. Help describe qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. Enable the development of innovative career guidance services. Ultimately: getting more people into jobs throughout Europe! 2. ESCO & Healthcare and Social activities SREF 2.1. Structure of the SREF: • Personal expertise, public / private sector, policy makers, national and European umbrella organizations. • The SREF agreed to divide into two sub-groups in order to facilitate the work: Healthcare - Vice Chair Healthcare – Dr Susanne Weiss – Austrian Federal Minister of Health Social Work - Vice Chair Social Work – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Pivorienè – Faculty of Social Policy in Lithuania Chair: David Gorría – ER-WCPT 2.2 Importance of ESCO for healthcare: • While the labour market reality is the starting point for developing ESCO, the healthcare and social work activities sector is regulated to a higher degree than others at EU and national level This should be reflected in our project!!! • Our goal is to match people/jobseekers only to jobs that they are permitted to practice • One of the concerns of the Healthcare subgroup is to avoid the “creation” of new health occupations and risk to patient safety 2.2 Importance of ESCO for healthcare: • To create a European Tool that reflects reality and could be a real value for mobility • Linking the ESCO project and its three pillars with other EU initiatives, policies or directives, such as Modernisation of the Directive on Professional Qualifications, Skills panorama, Diploma supplement, CPD and LLL. 2.2 Importance of ESCO for healthcare: • ESCO will provide a common European language for skills/competences acquired in the context of Continuing Professional Development across borders. • This is especially important in the healthcare sector, where skills and competences need to be up-to-date in order for the healthcare worker to be able to work safely, legally and effectively. 2.3 Occupations What does ESCO mean by occupations? • “A grouping of jobs involving similar content in terms of tasks and which require similar types of skills”. • Cover all types of labour market activity (unpaid activities, voluntary work, self-employment and political mandates). • Occupations are not the same than professions. 2.3 Occupations SREF decision • The list of occupations in this diagram started by using ISCO 08 and was then amended based on the expertise of the group members. However, because of the evolution of healthcare it may be updated and new occupations added in future revisions. • Health care professionals may work in public or private sector; some of them may also work self-employed and also can have administrative or management, education or research occupations related to their core skills, (i.e. Hospital Manager Director). National implications according to the various healthcare systems in place in each of the 28 EU Member States and EFTA countries may call for specifications and requirements not covered. 2.3 Occupations SREF decision • Regulation: For those looking for mobility or being offered a position in a healthcare occupation it is highly recommended to take into account, whether the profession is listed under the professions which are granted automatic recognition (Directive 2013/55/EU amending Directive 2005/36/EC), and observe the national requirements for recognition of diplomas and certificates as well as registration procedures for practice (see link below and note after each main category) and the EUdatabase of regulated professions and the national requirements for scope of practice, recognition and registration. action=home.home 2.3 Occupations SREF decision • Specialisations: The SREF agreed not to include a full list of specialisations for each occupation on the benefit of job seekers and because they are too diverse throughout the Member States. • There are only a few health professions harmonized (automatic recognition) by Directive 2013/55/EU amending Directive 2005/36/EC, with listed specialisations namely: Doctors of medicine and Dentists. • For other specialisations, not mentioned above, they change country per country and you should contact the national competent authority to verify requirements for practice. 2.4 Skills/Competences What does ESCO mean? • Skills is “the ability to apply knowledge and use knowhow to complete tasks and solve problems”. • Competences is “the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and/or methodological abilities, in work or study situations and in professional and personal development”. 2.4 Skills/Competences SREF proposes • Level of skills /competences - only list the minimum required / core competences (not as a limitation!), and then refer for further information and compliance to individual national law regarding requirements for practice in each Member State – WE will decide the minimum expected competences by consensus which should not necessary be the lowest level available in any of the EU countries. • Three types of skills/competences 1. Transversal – common with other SREFs 2. Common to all the occupations in the same SREF (Healthcare) 3. Specific for each occupation 2.5 Time Plan Action Occupations Update the List of documents in Sinapse Date Remarks December 2013 January 2014 Once received from the ESCO secretariat, comments to the Vice Chairs (2 weeks) Health care occupations sectoral breakdown 15 January 2014 Breakdown to be circulated among the subgroup members before 20 December 2013. Final remarks from the members must be sent to the Chairman by 10 of January 2014. Final version submitted to the TEG by 15 January 2014. Definitions – Health care occupations / professions 10 February 2014 Group members should send their definitions to Susanne Weiss before the 20 of January 2014. With the gathered definitions a first draft will be prepared by 10 of February 2014 and circulated among the Sub group members for comments previous to the next meeting on 4 March 2014. Transversal and Subgroup common Skills/competences – Both Subgroups 17 February 2014 The Chairman will request to Elizabeth McSkeane, from the Cross Sectoral Reference Group, the updated / latest versions of documents on Transversal Skills/Competences with other SREFs and Specific Skills/Competences for all the occupations in each subgroup. Once received, the group members will receive a version for comments before the next meeting. Deadline for preliminary comments was fixed on 17 February 2014. The comments received will be summarised and present for further discussion at the next meeting on 4 March 20114. Meeting 4 March 2013 Meeting 22 May 2014 Final sectoral breakdows of occupations – 1st Draft of definitions and 1st discussion of transversal and subgroups skills and competences 2.5 Time Plan Action Date Definitions May 2014 Meeting 27 May 2014 Remarks Group specific Skills/competences for all i.e e-health Group specific Skills/competences transversal with other groups Meeting October - November 2014 Core competences for each occupation November 2014 Meeting December 2014 Final proposal including qualifications December 2014 Minimum required competences, not closed list – reference to national requirements 3. ESCO, Physiotherapy & ER-WCPT 3.1 ER-WCPT and ESCO ESCO European Project DG employment, social affairs, and inclusion ER-WCPT nominated on Committees for Health Care and Social Activities Feedback from MOs to ESCO through ER-WCPT EU Project Opportunity – If we do not do it, other will do it for us Promote Physiotherapy Profession, Region and its MOs 3.1 ESCO and Member Organisations Member Organisations ER-WCPT Working Groups (PI, EU matters & Education EU Project Opportunity ESCO European Project DG employment, social affairs, and inclusion Promote Physiotherapy Profession, Region and MO’s 3.1 NEXT STEPS FOR ER-WCPT & MOs: By 15 of April 2014 1. Send your comments on the definitions proposed by the WGs for each of the occupations in the next slides 2. Send the core competences (minimum expected list) for each of the occupations listed in the next slides 3. At the 2014 GM the Education & EU Matters WG will hold their discussion sessions on these two topics Kindly note that the agreed classification, definitions and skills / competences will be used for ESCO and also for the Region and MOs in other projects, actions, and documents at National and EU level 3.2 The classification for Physiotherapy related occupations: • Physiotherapy Assistant • Physiotherapist • Advanced Physiotherapist • Clinical Specialist • Educator • Manager • Researcher 3.2 – Physiotherapy Assistant A physiotherapy assistant assists and works under the direction and supervision of a Physiotherapist who delegates a caseload of clients/patients requiring Physiotherapy intervention. A physiotherapy assistant practices within predictable contexts using defined treatment protocols and procedures. A Physiotherapy assistant is responsible to the Physiotherapist. 3.2 – Physiotherapist A Physiotherapist is an autonomous health care professional who assesses, diagnoses, plans, treats and evaluates clients/patients and is responsible for his/her own actions. A Physiotherapist has his/her own caseload of clients/patients with complex needs and practices within complex and increasingly unpredictable contexts. A Physiotherapist practices according to professional codes of practice and conduct. A Physiotherapist has completed a Bachelor of Science Physiotherapy education programme, which is recognised by the State and allows them to 3.2 – Advanced Physiotherapist An Advanced Physiotherapist is a Physiotherapist who has formally demonstrated an ability to apply advanced competence (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in a defined area, within the scope of practice recognised as physiotherapy. An Advanced Physiotherapist has highly specialised skills to address complex decision-making and manage risk in unpredictable contexts, which demands innovation. An Advanced Physiotherapist has completed a Masters level programme or can demonstrate he/she can work at an equivalent level, focusing on a specific area of clinical practice, education, research, or For further and most updated information: ESCO gives live conference and ppts Thank you!