CDIO In China Shantou University 2013/03/27 agenda 1 The Challenges 2 CDIO Dissemination and Propagation in China 3 Integrated, Design-directed EIP-CDIO at STU 4 Work done by other CDIO PIG institutions 5 Experience to share Part One The Challenges Challenges engineering education faces The economy and industry in China Unprecedented rapid growth for 30 over years The need to gain deeper knowledge understanding, and more personal, interpersonal skills and ability A world manufacture center to conceive, design, Transform from low-cost, implement and operate in low-innovative labor- intensive manufacture to hi- real context Traditional education must tech, innovation-based be reformed to face the Industry needs innovative substantial changes in talents for further technological innovations teaching, learning and assessment. Engineering education in 2009 Number of HEI Offering EE Programs Total Number of HEI Total 2,210 2,305 Bachelor 1,003 1,090 Associate Degree 1,207 1,215 Number of Engineering Programs Total 28,848 Bachelor 11,469 Associate Degree 17,379 % 38.59 % 29.82 % 47.92 % Total Number of Programs 74,752 38,455 36,297 China has the largest engineering education 17.21% 0.08% 5.88% 3.87% 2009 total intake: 3,261,081 3.57% Engineeing 19.24% intake: 1,023,678 6.22% 1.81% 0.52% 10.21% 31.39% Philosophy 2563 Economics 191665 Law 126335 Education 116457 Literature 627375 History 17007 Science 332874 Engineering 1023678 Agriculture 58940 Medicine 202892 Administration 561295 Part Two CDIO Dissemination and CDIO与卓越工程师计划 Propagation in China 2005.10 Shantou University started implementing CDIO 2006 All 5 programs in the College of Engineering applied to 2006 cohort 2006 Shantou University the 1st member of the International CDIO Initiative in China 2007.11.6-8 2007 International CDIO fall meeting held at STU CDIO propagation in Chinese HE institutions MOE set up 2008.4 2008.5.17 “CDIO engineering education research and practice team” The first teem meeting in Shantou A national conference on CDIO 2008.5.17-19 disseminating the CDIO Initiative 教育部高教司理工处吴爱华 副处长在研讨会上发言 杨叔子院士、Edward F. Crawley、查建中教授,参加教育部“2007年第一批 大学生创新性实验计划项目”高校的工科院(系)、国家示范性软件学院等近 100所院校的200多位代表参加了会议 CDIO propagation in Chinese HE institutions MOE call implementation. A forum on 2008.12.13-15 how to implement CDIO in engineering education held at STU 2008.12 18 institutions formed a “Pilot Implementation Group (PIG)” 2008.12 STU as the PIG Leader, Chengdu University of Infortechnology (CUIT) as associate Leader 2008.12 Yanshan University (YU), CUIT, Hefei U Tech., Guangzhou U as Team Leaders for Mecanical, Eclectric, Chemical engineering, respectively CDIO propagation in Chinese HE institutions 2009.3 1st 2009 PIG work meeting held in Beijing. Decided two meetings annually. Opened 2009.11 2nd 2009 PIG work meeting hel in CUIT, Chengdu 2009.12 MOE approved 11HE institutions reform programs with CDIO as special feature 2010.3 1st 2010 PIG work meeting held in Beijing. 21 more institutions jointed PIG. 2010.12 2nd 2010 PIG work meeting held at the Second Shanghai U. of Tech, Shanghai. The four PIG teams The Teams Mechanical Eng. (Team Leader:Yanshan U) Chemical Eng. (Team Leader:Hefei U Tech) Electric Eng. (Team Leader:Chengdu U. Info Tech) Civil Eng. (Team Leader:Shantou U) 39 Institutions The four teams work parallel to define typical disciplinary program syllabi, curricula and deom courses and projects. By doing so we touch the core hearts of engineering. A Regional CDIO conference held in beijing May 8-11, 2011,Beijing Jiaotong U. hosted a regional CDIO conference. 400 over delegates from 8 countries participated in the conference. Leaders from MOE and the Chinese Academy of Engineering addressed in the conference. There were also some delegates from the industry. Key supports for successful disseminating CDIO in China Educational authorities – Vice Minister MOE Wu Qidi, Director Li Maoguo and Vice Director Wu Aihua, the Science and Engineering Education Sector, MOE have led and strongly supported the CDIO implementation in China The Internal need for change in HE institutions – Higher educators fulfil their responsibilities to educational quality, the national economy and the national competitiveness Supports from educational community Chief Editor Jiang Jiale, Professor Cha Jianzhong, Professor Wang Peimin, and many more. They provide theoretic guidance, disseminate the Initiative, pushing and sustaining the propagation. – Many important experts, eg. – Media, especially research journals, like “Higher Engineering Educaiton Research” have been important forums. Part Three Integrated, DesignCDIO与卓越工程师计划 directed EIP-CDIO at STU CDIO re-innovation The strategy Work done STU CDIO re-innovation Design-directed EIP-CDIO Engineering Education Conceive Professionalism Integrity Ethics Design Implement Operate Framework of the Integrated Education Goals Syllabus Curriculum curriculum decompose Intended Knowledge Learning Skills outcome attitudes practicals Learning outcomes Course 1 Course 2 …… LO syllabus ILO1 PjBL PBL Enquiry-based learning Learn by research Case studies √ Internship ILO 2 √ ILO 3 √ …… Active and experiential learning Course groups s Course Teaching/learning √ Course/ILO matrix STU CDIO reform Work together with faculty, external professors, engineering education Experts, industrial experts method 2 3 1 Start from CDIOSyllabus: -knowledge -skills -attitude ILO To fulfill program goals - learning objectives - curriculum - quality ensurrance Combine “excellent engineer plan” - Industrial learning plan - engineering practice - eng. Practice center Curriculum Integrated Core task 1:Define the mission and vision Program mission:clearly defined program missions, with considerations on institutional conditions Program goals:vision of future professional development, current positioning, social demands, professional attribute demands knowledge, skills, attitudes: knowledge, skills and attitudes defined according to professional competency models Program gaol structure Meta Goals eg the Mechatronics program st Mission:devoted to enable our students to excel successfully in the 21 century in technology, economy and social context, overcoming the two big problems (“Can’t find the right idea”,”can’t fulfill the idea”), help our students to become excellent engineers. Vision:Out students will have sound and broad knowledge base and engineering management skills, keep good professional ethics, integrity and professionalism, gain significantly integrative thinking skills and execution skills, be able to lead or participate in the CDIO process of new products, process or systems. Strategy : use industry and society as the educational context, ride on various of CDIO team projects, to enhance the students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as ethics, integrity and professionalism, and to stimulate the students potentials. The program syllabus 1.Technical knowledge 1.1数学、物理、生物 等基础科学知识 1.2力学、电学等核心 工程基础知识 1.3机械原理、设计与 制造等专业工程基 础知识 1.4 设计与解决问题全 过程技能 2.Personal and professional skills 2.1机电产品研发过程的工 程推理和解决问题的能 力 2.2机电系统运行实验和发 现知识 2.3机电产品全系统的思维 整合(整合思维和批判 性思维) 2.4系统工作中的个人能力 和态度 2.5系统工作中的职业能力 和态度 2.6道德/诚信/职业操守与 社会责任心 2.7富有创新精神 2.8学习技能与战略 3. Teamwork communication and 3.1机电产品研发中 的有效团队工作 4. Conceive, design, implement and operate with the social and industrical context 3.2机电产品研发团 队中的有效交流 4.1大系统外部和社 会背景环境 3.3团队中使用外语 的交流 4.2理解复杂企业与 商业环境 3.4在不同和多种文 化环境中有效工 作和探索 3.5跨越人文、工程、 经济和社会的综 合视野 4.3机电新产品或新 系统的创意与 构思 4.4机械或电控系统 的设计 4.5机电产品的有效 实施 4.6机电产品全寿命 周期的运行 Core task 2: build the program syllabus Decompose the knowledge, skill, attitude goals into detailed intended learning outcomes knowledge Disciplinary knowledge skills Engineering skills attitudes Professional skills Program syllabus CDIO能力培养大纲的4个层面: 复杂的工程系统(level 1:— 技术) 有成熟思维的个体(level 2:— 个人) 基于工程环境的现代团队(level 3:-团队交流) 构思-设计-实施-运行 (level 4:– CDIO) 1 技术知识和推理能力 1.1基础科学知识 1.1.1数学(包括统计学) 函数与极限 1.1.2物理 1.2 核心工程基础知识 1.2.1固体力学 机电专业 静力学 1.3专业工程基础知识 知识点 1.3.1工程图学 标准件与常用件 测绘 1.3.2运动学与机构 ….. 1.3.3工程材料 2 个人职业技能和职业道德 2.1 工程推理和解决问题的能 力 2.1.1发现问题和表述问题 2.1.2 建模 2.1.3 估计与定性分析 2.1.4 带有不确定性的分析 2.1.5 解决方法和建议 2.2 实验和发现知识 2.2.1 建立假设 2.2.2 查询各种印刷资料和 电子文献 2.2.3 实验性的探索 2.2.4 假设检验与答辩 2.3 系统思维 2.3.1 全方位思维 2.3.2 系统的显现和交互作 用 2.3.3 确定主次与重点 2.3.4 解决问题时的妥协、 判断和平衡 2.4 个人能力和态度 2.4.1 主动性与愿 意承担风险 2.4.2 执着与变通 2.4.3 创造性思维 2.4.4 批判性思维 2.4.5 了解个人的 知识、能力和态度 2.4.6 求知欲和终 身学习 2.4.7 时间和资源 的管理 2.5 职业技能和道德 2.5.1 职业道德、 正直、责任感并勇于 负责 2.5.2 职业行为 2.5.3 主动规划个 人职业 2.5.4 与世界工程 发展保持同步 Program syllabus (continue) 3 人际交往能力: 团队工作和交流 3.1 团队工作 3.1.1 组建有效的团队 3.1.2 团队工作运行 3.1.3 团队成长和演变 3.1.4 领导能力 3.1.5 形成技术团队 3.2 交流 3.2.1 交流的策略 3.2.2 交流的结构 3.2.3 书面的交流 3.2.4 电子和多媒体交流 3.2.5 图表交流 3.2.6 口头表达和人际交流 3.3 使用外语的交流 3.3.1 英语 3.3.2 其他区域工业国的语言 3.3.3 其他语言 4 企业和社会环境下的 构思、设计、实施和运行(CDIO)系统 4.1 外部和社会背景环境 4.1.1 工程师的角色和责任 4.1.2 工程对社会的影响 4.1.3 社会对工程的规范 4.1.4 历史和文化背景环境 4.1.5 当代课题和价值观 4.1.6 发展全球观 4.2 企业与商业环境 4.2.1 重识不同的企业文化 4.2.2 企业战略,目标和规 划 4.2.3 技术创业 4.2.4 成功地在一个组织中 工作 4.3系统的构思与工程化 4.3.1 设立系统目标和要求 4.3.2 定义功能、概念和结 构 4.3.3 系统建模和确保目标 实现 4.3.4 开发项目的管理 4.4 设计 4.4.1 设计过程 4.4.2 设计过程的分段与方 法 4.4.3 知识在设计中的利用 4.4.4 单学科设计 4.4.5 多学科设计 4.4.6 多目标设计(DFX) 4.5 实施 4.5.1 设计实施过程 4.5.2 硬件制造过程 4.5.3 软件实现过程 4.5.4 硬,软件集成 4.5.5 测试,证实、验证和 认证 4.5.6 实施过程的管理 4.6 运行 4.6.1 运行的设计和优化 4.6.2 培训与操作 4.6.3 支持系统的生命周期 4.6.4 系统改进和演变 Core task 3: Integrated Curriculum design Eg. Mechatronic program designed three level 1 projects, four level 2 projects, most courses have level 3 projects. All projects are design-directed. Design projects at different levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Each year after year one there is a level project 4-6 students as a team, one design-build project per team Embed design, innovation, coordination,communication and leadership skills Help the students to integrate their knowledge and design-build skills. Enquiry-base learning. Integrate a group of courses. One project per cluster of courses. Design, manufacture, control, test Integrate mutually connected knowledge Integrate course clusters with practical applications Avoid repetitive teaching as per need of individual courses Help enhance deeper understanding of concepts Integrate skill training Syllabus-curriculum transformation 知识、能力与素质 课程对能力的贡献 课程 Syllabus-curriculum transformation of mechatronic program Core task 4: Course delivery and documentation Knowledge and skills allocated to a course are designed to be embedded to the course delivery. Projects are often designed then appropriate Decomposition of the x. x.x 2.1 Reasoning and problem-solving skills x.x.x 2.3 4 2.1.5 proposals for problem-solving 3 Level 3 project (water rocket) 2 Experiment 2, 3 3 Experiment 2, 3 2 Lecture, Level 3 project(water rocket 2 Level 3 project (water rocket) 3 Lecture, Level 3 project(water rocket) 2 Experiment 1, 2实验三) 4 Level 3 project (water rocket) 2 Level 3 project( water rocket) 2 Level 3 project(water rocket) system thinking 2.4.2 persisitance v.s. flexibility 2.4 personal skills and attitude 2.4.4 Critical thinking 2.4.6 curiosity and life-long learning 2.5 professonal skills and sttitudes Embedded in 2.1.1 identifying and defining a problem 2.2 experimental learning Personal skills and professional competencies Level 3 Level 3 project(water rocket) Experiment 1, 2 An eg of level 3 project (water rocket) A level 3 project in Course “Thermodynamics”, some questions are given for the students Thinking and discussion questions ① what are your explanations?How do you avoid misunderstanding? ② What innovative ideas have you had? What has stimulated you to come up with the idea?? How do you know when you should stick to given procedures when you should create new ideas? ③ what R&D work have you done? Do you think they worth your work? How do you balance following given procedures and create new ideas? ④ How have you applied your statics knowledge into the analysis and design? What new knowledge did you feel needed in the design process? ⑤ What new idea have you used to the design? Do you think new idea the as important as analysis? Is it more important or less important? ⑥ Do you understand the need to good documentation? Why is it important? Do you build according to design drawings? ⑦ How did you allocate time and money resources??Have you made a plan? Have you worked following the plan? If not, why? ⑧ How do you explain this regulation? Is you design able to adapt to the potential changes? What are the responsibilities of engineers in requiring and changing regulations? ⑨ Do you understand the need of high quality implementation?Have you realized the importance to operate practically? ⑩ Have you adopted a hierarchical management strurcture? what management structure have you used? If yes, did it work well? If not, ⑪ What have learnt from the project? How will you use what you have learnt to other projects? Core task 5: Enhanced lecturing design and documentation Teaching plans are usually made to 2hr lecture sessions. The sessional ILO, contents, key concepts and the related CDIO skills are given at the beginning of a class. For each objective, designs are made for ways of approaching, lecturing, strategy used, and teaching aids. All the teaching notes are required to be documented. Faculty: Wang Xiaohong time: 2011-9-14 duration: 2 hr Course Name: “Engineering Mechanics (I) unit: restraints and restraining forces, force analyses, force diagrams classroom: E408 Content: recap with examples restraints and the respective restraining forces seen in engineering Force analyses and force diagrams ILO: At the end of the session, the students should be able to: identify restraints and determine the respective restraining forces differentiate action-applying objects and restraining objects be able to apply the conditions of equilibrium to 2-force systems and 3frce systems. “Engineering Mechanics (I)”teaching notes CDIO ILO embedded in the course L1 Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning 1.1 Math and science Mathmatics physics 2.1 Engineering reasoning and problem-solving Person and professional skills and professionalism L 3 √ √ 2.1.1 identify and define problems problem-solving plan √ 2.1.2 modeling Simplifications and the respective assumptions Select and apply qualitative and quantitative models √ 2.1.5 Problem-solving Evaluate problem-solving plans 2.4 Inter-personal skills: Teamwork and communication L 2 √ Personal skills and attitudes 2.4.3 Creative thinking Abstract concepts from reality √ 2.4.4 Critical thinking Define a problem √ 3.1 Teamwork 3.1.2 Team Operation Objective and schedule √ L 4 L 5 L 6 “Engineering Mechanics (I)”teaching notes Core task 6: problem-based learning/ Inquiry-based learning Combine lab classes with theoretica l classes. Add in level 3 projects in classes. Student-centered, use student performance as the criterion Focus on problem reasoning and problem-solving. Enhance concept learning Integrated PBL and enquirybased learning Cut lecture hours. Increase student actives/discussions Enhance engineering skills in real world context Eg. “Java program design” project presentation and reflections Proj. presntn Sample questions PP I Q:how do you understand system demand? Q:What have you done to prepare for the project? Have you gained anything? How do you know how much preparation is enough? Q:Have you had any innovative ideas? How did you come up with the idea? How do you know your system is innovative and attractive? PP II Q:Where have you applied object-oriented concept? Have your used any software design modules? Can your system adapt for demand changes? What advantages have you found of object-oriented technology? Q:How did you use your budge and time schedule method? Have you made any plan? Have you followed your plan? PP III Q:Do you know the need to good documentation? Have you followed the documentation codes of practice? If you have not followed some of them, what and why? ? Q:Were you prepared for the difficulties you have met in developing your software? If you did, what was your plan to overcome them? If not, what do you plan to do to solve the problems? Have you ever though of restart everything again? PP IV Q:Differentiate Object oriented program design and process oriented program design. What are the most essential differences? If you were asked to design the system using process oriented programming, what major difficulties you would encounter? How likely you would encounter them? Q:Analyze the success or failure of the system. Where do you think is wrong? What’s the most important thing to ensure the success of a project? Q:What have you learnt from the project? How will you apply them to other projects.? eg:Industrial surveys Eg the student reflection on what they have gained the most during their industrial learning 1 -- Active learning and think independently -- Be clear of the roles and responsibilities in real life work place -- Realize the importance of problem-solving -- understand the deterministic character of a design -- Understand the importance of time management 2 -- Know how to finish a job oderly 3 -- Real responsibility and accountability 4 -- workplace inter-person relationship 5 -- Teamwork and coordination eg:join 2013 MIT-UPOP Core task 7: Establish quality endurance 主要工作 and continuous improvement system feedback Stakeholders survery accreditation control ISO9001, ISO40001 teaching process control QA system Professional license Prepare for Professional license exams Program accreditation Some indicators of the CDIO reform 学生培养成效 Increase 24.35 % 2885 3000 2500 Increase 13.0 % 2553 2359 2053 2108 2000 1500 STU COE Guangdong 1000 500 0 2009 graduates 2011graduates Continuous graduate average salary increase Part Four Work done by other CDIO PIG institutions Work done by the four disciplinary teams of the PIG Electric Engrg Each member institution is trying to find the best way for it’s context. Eg the Shanghai Second U of Tech’s KSR-CDIO, Dalian Neuosoft Institute’s TOPCARES-CDIO, Kunming U of Tech.’s EE+HD-CDIO The team members Each program works on defining its own program syllabus, progressively implement educational design and curriculum design, exploring way s to CDIO integrated teaching and learning On level of course delivery, more attention is paid to course design, course content, teaching method and assessment methods. Inter-institutional 14 visits among team institutions for site visits and exchanges to share changing experiences experiences Some achievements:1)CUIT and Nanjing Institute of Engineering worked out electronic and infortech Accumulate work program, computer science program, indsustrical achievements automation program CDIO syllabi;2)CUIT finished a new round of curriculum design, textbook compilation, and course syllabus modification according to the need for CDIO reform Work done by the four disciplinary teams of the PIG Chemical Engineering CDIO demo course syllabi for “Principles of Chemical Engineering”, “Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineering”, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, “Chemical Engineering Design” in the member institutions: Hefei U Tech Engineering practice base;“CDIO-based Education framework for chemical engineering curriculum design” approved as a provincial key educational research project Beijing Institute of PetroChem Curriculum design, course reform, practical training reforem; Institute-industry joint work team with Beijing Yanshan PetroChem Group Haerbin U. Tech. New curricula, course syllabi Chang Chun U. Tech. On the bases of the syllabi, made changes on educational philosophy, education goals, curriculum design and teaching methods. Faculty adapt to new teaching modes, lack of practice experiences; Student working spaces and funding problems Work done by the four disciplinary teams of the PIG Mechanical Engineering July 17-18, 2010, Team meeting held at Yanshan U. Discuss work plans and typical syllabus, curriculum design, demo course and exchange experiences. Collection of program syllabi of team members Major achievements Collection of program curricula of team members Collection of demo courses Collection and classification materials from team members Uneven progress of team members, hard to communicate Depth differences due to different supports, faculty, students and facilities. Work done by the four disciplinary teams of the PIG Civil Engineering Shantou U:Started the earliest. Substantial changes on goals, Only 9 team members program syllabus, curriculum design, course syllabus and course delivery. Starting from 2010 more changes brought in on integrated teaching and learning, course delivery and full documention to endure quality. Ningpo Institute of Engineering Started from 2008 “A+T·CDIO”. Currently at the stage for course delivery.. Differences among team members; Different supports make it hard for one team members to share their experiences Other PIG member’s work CDIO changed the ways of engineering education Integrated education Project-based, active learning Chengdu University of InfoTech Integrated reform for every program: “everyone, comprehensive, across the process” New curriculum designed to integrated knowledge, skills and attitudes Focus on“context”eg. Electronic and infotechnology graduates may be working as system engineer, design engineer or application engineer. “professiondirected”,“three levels”meaning system, functional and individual elements; keep system, functional and individual elements as the main framework in all structure and content optimizations. Design and build CDIO workspaces Re-innovation Dalian NeuroSoft Institute “TOPCARES-CDIO”defines eight core skills to engineering education TOPCARES-CDIO reform focus on program level. Goals, curricula, skill training, ect all based on programs. Change student management. Program as basic unit. Part Five Experience to share Experience in implementing CDIO Based on STU’s experience and change management theory, the following points need to be noted for implementing CDIO Top leader support Test operation Careful planning Getting support from the Find the right opportunity Building core teams Total engagement Create own framework students Plan resources Provide support on teaching, learning and assessment Partnership acknowledgement Leaders from MOE And all people who have contributed to CDIO reform are heartedly acknowledged Artis’s impression of the new STU campus