Anne Grete Hestnes Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Centre director Field of work: Energy use in buildings, architecture 73595037 - 91151081 Anne Gunnarshaug Lien Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Centre manager Field of work: Energy use in buildings, architecture 97757930 Terje Jacobsen Native Country: Norway 73593378 - 41664331 Position in ZEB: Centre Manager and Centre user liaison Field of work: Centre Manager is responsible for the day to day operation of ZEB. Centre user liaison is a contact point for the User parties and coordinating laboratory activities. Responsible for the development of the ZEB laboratories. Topic of thesis : Once upon a time (1989): Energy savings and thermal climate in passive solar heated buildings Arild Gustavsen 73595065 - 99363674 Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Work Package Leader of WP1 Field of work: Building physics, energy use in buildings, application of new building materials in buildings Topic of thesis : Heat transfer in window frames with internal cavities (Ph.D.) Berit Time 73593373 - 97072083 Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Working package leader (WP2) Field of work: Topic of thesis : Research management, Building Physics Vojislav Novakovic Native Country: Serbia 73593868 - 92657274 Position in ZEB: Work package leader for WP3 Field of work: Energy supply, energy consumption and indoor environment in buildings Some lines about background regarding education and work: Vojislav Novakovic has more than 30 years of experience in research, development and teaching in the area of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning of built environment. He is full professor in energy efficiency in buildings at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology since 1994. He obtained his MSc degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia and degree at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. He has participated and managed numerous national and international projects and collaborative activities. His current main field of interests, besides the ZEB project, is life-time commissioning for energy efficient operation of buildings. Some lines about non-professional background: Many years ago, when I came to Trondheim to start my PhD, I had already good connections with Norway and Norwegians. I got this through my father who during the World War II was a German prisoner in Norway for three years. During his imprisonment he got many good Norwegian friends and after the liberation, back in Yugoslavia, he was active in the friendship association. I have now lived the largest part of my life in Norway but still have good relations with my country of origin both through family and friends but also through several cooperative projects in higher education. My spare time I like to spend together with family and friends chatting, preparing food, hiking, cycling or skiing. Now, since I become grandpa, I want to spend more time with grandchildren. Thomas Berker Native Country: Germany Position in ZEB: Work package coordinator, wp 4 Field of work: Topic of thesis : Science and technology studies (sts) 7391326 Tao Gao 73593348 – 99895405 Native Country: China Position in ZEB: Postdoc Field of work: Topic of thesis : - WP1: Advanced Materials Technologies for ZEB Robert Bye Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Post Doctoral Research Fellow (60 % part time position) Field of work: Science and Technology Studies Topic of thesis : Use and user participation in building processes, energy efficiency, building operations. Laurent Georges Native Country: Belgium (+47)73592484 Position in ZEB: Postdoctoral fellow participating in WP3 Field of work: Energy and thermal comfort analysis of buildings and HVAC systems, numerical simulation of buildings and HVAC systems, optimization of high-performance buildings Topic of thesis : PhD Thesis in CFD, more specifically in Large Eddy Simulation in complex geometries Some lines about background regarding education and work: My Current position is Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Energy and Process Engineering (NTNU). Professional experience: •2009-2010, Assistant researcher at the research unit “Architecture et Climat” (UCL, Belgium) active in the domain of sustainable architecture. My works was devoted to energy systems with a special interest in heating systems within passive buildings. •2004-2008, Research engineer at Cenaero, a private research center located in Gosselies (Belgium) and devoted to aeronautical simulations. I was part of the CFD-Multiphysics group where I mainly worked on unsteady turbulent flows and aeroacoustics. •2002-2004, Teaching assistant at the Thermodynamic and Energy unit (TERM) from the “Université catholique de Louvain” (UCL, Belgium). Education: •2007, PhD degree at the UCL (Belgium) in the domain of unsteady simulation of turbulent flows, especially Large Eddy Simulation (LES) in complex geometries. •2002, Master degree in Electromechanical Engineering specialized in Energy at the UCL (Belgium) . Some lines about non-professional background: Before arriving in Norway, I always lived and worked in the south French-spoken part of Belgium, the Walloon Region. This region has a rich cultural heritage and a beautiful nature, but is, most probably, best known for its fantastic beers admired throughout the world, or maybe the entire universe. Curious by nature, I lead me to heterogeneous interests like in sport (badminton), outdoor activities (hiking and travelling by bike) or in art (drawing). I am also interested in good fantastic and science-fiction movies as well as literature. For the time being, I am struggling to learn cross-country skiing in order to enjoy the incomparable Norwegian nature and way of life. Aoife Houlihan Wiberg Native Country: Ireland 73595035 - 98857209 Position in ZEB: Post Doctoral Researcher Field of work: Work Package 5: Concepts and Strategies and Emissions calculation from operational energy and embodied energy of materials Luca Finocchiaro Native Country: Italy Position in ZEB: Postdoc Field of work: Low energy office buildings Topic of thesis : Architectural implications of the use of passive strategies in cold climates office buildings Hans Martin Mathisen 73593870 - 93059175 Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Project co-worker in WP 3 Field of work: Topic of thesis : Building service systems (Ventilation, space heating, cooling, thermal indoor climate and indoor air quality) Bjørn Petter Jelle 73593377 Native Country: Norway Research Scientist (mainly within WP1 and WP2). SINTEF Building and Infrastructure. Position in ZEB: NTNU Department of Civil and Transport Engineering. Field of work: Building physics, material science and technology, solar radiation, thermal radiation, climate exposure, accelerated climate ageing, thermal transport, high performance building insulation materials, various experimental techniques, energy aspects and related areas. Topic of thesis : Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies of Electrochromic Materials (1993). Jan Vincent Thue Native Country: Norway 73594634 - 95285855 Position in ZEB: ZEB Contact person at Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, NTNU Field of work: Topic of thesis : Building Physics / Building Technology Bente Gilbu Tilset Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Participant in WP1 – Materials Field of work: Topic of thesis : Inorganic and hybrid nanomaterials 22067849 - 98283958 Matthias Haase Native Country: Germany Position in ZEB: Participating in WP1, WP2, WP3, and WP5 Field of work: Topic of thesis : Energy Concepts 92260501 Sivert Uvsløkk Native Country: Norway 73593393 - 91520838 Position in ZEB: Senior researcher, WP 1 and WP2 Field of work: - Building physics - Heat, Air, Rain and Moisture transfer in materials, components and building envelope parts. Theoretical modeling, calculations, full scale laboratory measurements and field studies Frode Frydenlund Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Project leader for some subprojects Field of work: Topic of thesis : Ventilation, indoor climate and energy use 73593181 - 92633930 Maria Justo Alonso Native Country: Spain 73593901 Position in ZEB: Project co-worker Field of work: Topic of thesis : Ventilation, energy use in buildings and in alimentation, district heating, heat pumps Natasa Djuric 73593338 - 48061848 Native Country: Serbia Position in ZEB: Participating in WP3 and WP5 Field of work: Energy analysis, buildings and HVAC systems modeling, energy simulation of buildings and HVAC systems, optimization of building performance, building commissioning Topic of thesis : PhD Thesis: Real-time supervision of Building HVAC system performance Some lines about background regarding education and work: 2010, Research Scientist at SINTEF Energy Research. In addition, I am Associate professor at Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST) in the subject heating systems. 2008 – 2010, Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Energy and Process Engineering (NTNU). Education: 2008, PhD degree at Department of Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU with the title: Real-time supervision of Building HVAC system performance, 2004, M.Sc. degree at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Belgrade with the title : Optimization of Energy Consumption in the Building with Hydronic Heating System, 2002, engineering degree at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Belgrade with the title: The importance of the heat recuperation on energy saving in air handling units. Some lines about non-professional background: In 2005 I came to Norway. I grew up in a small town Majdanpek, located in the east part of Serbia. Since my nineteen until I moved to Norway, I lived in Belgrade. Still I have good contacts with my family and friends in Serbia, and therefore every summer holiday I am going there. Since I prefer healthy food, I like to cook. In free time I am interested in literature, sewing, and knitting. After I came to Norway I have started actively to bike, do cross-country skiing, and play golf. Judith Thomsen Native Country: Germany Position in ZEB: Researcher Field of work: Topic of thesis : WP4 – Use of ZEB’s Igor Satori 22965541 Native Country: Italy Position in ZEB: Researcher Field of work: ZEB definition, ZEB concepts, strategies, design, Energy performance simulations, Building stock and energy scenario analysis Inger Andresen Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Field of work: Mainly WP 5 Topic of thesis : Multi-Criteria Design of Solar Energy Systems 40649405 Mark Murphy Native Country: United States Position in ZEB: Researcher Building Energy and Component Simulations Field of work: Energy Supply Systems Topic of thesis : Ön Development Project: Integrating Low-Energy and Passive House Technology together with District Heating Silje Wærp 22965733 - 48024850 Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: WP5 Field of work: Topic of thesis : Life cycle assessment (LCA) Susie Jahren Native Country: Great Britain Position in ZEB: Researcher in Advanced Materials Field of work: Topic of thesis : Smart and Intelligent Materials Åshild Lappegard Hauge Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: Researcher Field of work: Topic of thesis: Environmental Psychology 22965793 Å Thomas Haavi Native Country: Norway 73551464 – 98230442 Position in ZEB: PhD candiate Field of work: Building physics – Heat, air and moisture transfer in the building envelope Topic of thesis : Zero Emission Building Envelopes – Properties, Details and Solutions Usman Ijaz Dar Native Country: Pakistan 47284266 Position in ZEB: PhD Candiate Field of work: Eneregy and building Topic of thesis: Renewable Energy Supply Technologies for Zero Energy Building (ZEB) Birgit Risholt 73593391 - 45428981 Native Country: Norway Position in ZEB: PHd student Field of work: Renovation of existing buildings, within work package 2 Topic of thesis : Renovating Existing Buildings using Multifunctional Systems for achieving Optimal Thermal Performance of the Building Envelope Julien S. Bourelle Native Country: Canada Position in ZEB: Research Fellow Field of work: WP5 - Definition of Zero Emission Buildings Topic of thesis : Towards a Definition Framework for Zero Emission Buildings 73593346 - 94244310 Nicola Lolli Native Country: Italy 73550502 - 45063320 Position in ZEB: PHD-stipendiat Field of work: Energy retrofitting of existing apartment stocks. The research topic investigates the technical retrofitting solutions for achieving Zero Emission Topic of thesis : Building. The Myhrerenga Housing Cooperative in Oslo is taken as main case study for the research. Title. Achieve Zero Emission Buildings: the case study of Myhrerenga. Steinar Grynning Native Country: Norway 73593375 Position in ZEB: Researcher Field of work: Topic of thesis : Building physics, simulations and heat transfer related problems