E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l Multi-Currency Programme Solution Multi-Currency Programme Solution Central Acquisition (CA) Programme. Cross-Border (X-Border) Acquiring Programme. Mail Order Telephone Order (MO/TO) Programme. Central Issuing Programme. Global Key Account Support. Corporate Payment Programme Solutions (Acquiring & Issuing). Dynamic Currency Conversion at the Point-of-Sale (DCC). Master-Merchants & e-Commerce Acquiring. Third Party Multi-Currency Processing. E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l Europay’s Central Acquisition Program Subjects Europay’s CA program specifications. Interchange. Multi-Currency technique. Strategic options for consideration. Costing & Business model. Central Issuing. E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l The Product What is Central Acquisition ? Central Acquisition is the ‘central collection and processing’ of transactions acquired in more than 2 European countries (or Globally), by one Member organization on behalf of an International merchant. What is Central Acquisition ? Central Acquisition represents a ‘shift’ of transaction processing from domestic to International processing environments. Processing modules that are impacted includes: Transaction processing, network switching, multicurrency, risk detection, multi-lingual & integrated cash management. What is Central Acquisition ? Europay Member ’s Processing Centre Merchant Merchant ’s Central Merchant Processing Centre Merchant Merchant Major rules changes to CA program Any merchant can be acquired by a registered CA in any of the below named EPI country. Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, Cyprus , Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Iceland, Rep of Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK & Vatican City. Major rules changes to CA program Each merchant must still be declared to EPI via the CA application. For all other EPI markets not above-named, only merchants that are present in more than 2 countries and have a central network will be eligible for the EPI CA program. Which merchants categories & regions qualify for Central Acquisition? Merchant categories Permitted regions as of Jan 1, 2000 International Airlines All Europay & masterCard regions All International Merchants All Europay regions CA Rules applied to Non-Physical merchants Rules applicable to any merchants that is organized in a manner that warrants CA is subject to CA rules. Acquirers can acquirer e-comm trxs from all merchants located in the Area of Use mentioned in their product license . CA Rules applied to Non-Physical merchants A Merchant’s location is determined by the address stated in the merchant agreement which it has signed with the acquirer (PBS). Acquirers also have the right to acquirer ecomm trxs. that reflect sales to cardholders residing in their area-of-use. CENTRAL ACQUISITION Generic Network Topology Specific to Airlines other brand TRAVEL AGENCIES AIRLINE other brand Switching CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM Member Acquirer BSP-BANK SETTELMENT PLAN Airline Transactions Registration Your Country Regional office MasterCard traffic Bi-lateral Agreements Europay International Regional office other brand National European Acquirers for Authorization Waterloo - Belgium Regional office Specific to Car Rental, Hotel , Ferry & International Retail (oil, MO/TO) companies Global accessibility via INET What are some of the advantages? Single agreement & contract with one Member. Opportunity to negotiate bilateral interchange and preferential merchant fees. Standardization in POS and in procedures regionally and globally. Advantages. Centralization of expertise at one centre (Centres of Excellence). Opportunity to optimize economies-of-scale. Opportunity to upgrade and automate processes. Advantages. Interface with merchants pan-Europe or global reservation system. Opportunity to build a State-of-Art Management Information System. Central Acquiring reduces float and currency exposure in transaction processing. Advantages. Clearing cycles are speedier. Multi-currency processing in tandem with treasury management functionality. One system interface lessens possibility of Fraud. Over time-horizon, clear cost reduction ! The Central Acquisition Product Mix Value-added spin-off services Multi-Lingual call center facilities. Integrated & advisory cash management facilities. Management Information system [detailed]. Central network administration. These USP’s command higher Merchant Discount Fees. E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l What are the [current] Requirements? Central Acquisition license. Operational procedures. Merchant criteria: Must be a compatible international merchant. Operational in more than 2 countries. Central processing & accounting system. For additional information please refer to the Product Guide. Likely Changes to CA program rules Qualifying Merchant Criteria will go. Merchant must have established presence in more than 3 markets. Merchant must have central network system. New application procedures (simplified) & new geographic areas for consideration. Likely Changes to CA program rules Will be similar to Visa’s X-Border program. Member Licensing & merchant application fees will not change. Date for the above TBD (subject to EPI Board approval). Application procedure Application form (per merchant). Duly completed. Copy of latest annual report. Bilateral agreements can be made with an issuing organization. Contact your regional office for more assistance. E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l The Central Acquiring & X-Border Formulae What is the CA / X-Border Formulae ? A Centrally Acquired transaction can follow 4 identified pathways. These transactions pathways have direct impact on transaction processing and in the application of the correct interchange fee (either domestic, intra or inter-regional interchange fees). The fees and other rules (including rules per card type), must be implemented within Europay’s / MasterCard’s system. CA Formulae 1.CENTRAL ACQUIRED (INTRA-EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS) Example of CA Trxs pathway Member EKS Merchant location Spanish merchant Issuer Card issued by UK bank The central acquirer must pay the issuer all declared (and implemented) domestic or inter / intra-European interchange fees CA Formulae 2.CENTRAL ACQUIRED (DOMESTIC TRANSACTIONS) Example of CA Trxs pathway CA EKS Merchant location Spanish merchant = Issuer Card issued by Spanish bank The central acquirer must pay the issuer domestic tariffs As these transactions are flagged domestic ‘centrally acquired transactions’, no assessment fee will be levied on volume shifted Central Acquisition activity provides a truly (100%) incremental revenue opportunity to EPI as these transactions are now being shifted via EPSNet. CA Formulae 3.CENTRAL ACQUIRED (DOMESTIC TRANSACTIONS) Where EPI are under contract to processes domestic transactions for local acquirers & issuers. Example of CA Trxs pathway CA EKS Merchant location Italian merchant Hungarian merchant Polish merchant Russian merchant = Issuer Card issued by Italian bank Card issued by Hungarian bank Card issued by Polish bank Card issued by Russian bank CA trxs are re-routed via ECCSS. There is a clear shift in processing fees & tariffs as EPI already are contracted to process domestic acquired traffic for the respective issuers. CA’s must pay intra-European tariff, while local issuers will pay the negotiated EPI ‘domestic tariff’. For domestic centrally acquired ’trxs, must ensure that assessment fee is not levied on volume shifted. CA Formulae 4.CENTRAL ACQUIRED (INTER-REGIONAL TRANSACTIONS) Where either the merchant or Issuer is non-European based (i.e. central acquisition in MCI territories). Example of CA Trxs pathway CA EKS Merchant location Mexican merchant Issuer Card issued by Mexican bank To ensure that the correct intra-regional / domestic rules are respected, the central acquirer should pay domestic fees. CA Formulae Central Acquiring transactions pathway 1. Central acquired (intra-European transactions) Projected percentage of transaction volume into ECCSS August 1999 By 2002 By 2005 10% 10% 10% No incremental revenue to EPI 2. Central acquired (domestic transactions) where EPI isnot contracted to undertake processing. 66% 3. Central acquired (domestic transaction) where EPI, under contract, processes domestic transactions for local issuers and acquirers. 20% 4. Central acquired (inter-regional transactions) where either the acquirer or the issuer is nonEuropean based. 4% TOTAL VOLUME 100% 62% 58% Incremental revenue to EPI from issuers & acquirers 24% 28% Incremental revenue from Central Acquirers only. Transparent for the issuers that will continue to pay the agreed domestic tarif 4% 4% This area is currently being discussed with MCI. Hence, revenue projection is yet to be forecast 100% 100% E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l Multi - Currency Concept Multi - Currency Multi to Single Currency transaction acquiring & processing Euro € US $ HK $ YEN ¥ F francs Peseta Aus $ Can $ AUTHORISATION ALWAYS IN THE CARD ISSUER / TRANSACTION CURRENCY CLEARING IN SINGLE-CURRENCY FORMAT MULTI-CURRENCY & CONVERSION FACILITIES PRIMARY, SECONDARY & FORCED CURRENCY TO BANKS NZ $ Multi - Currency Single to Multi-Currency Transaction Acquiring & Processing US $ AUTHORISATION ALWAYS IN THE CARD ISSUER / TRANSACTION CURRENCY Euro € Rand HK $ YEN ¥ Can $ F francs Peseta Aus $ NZ $ CLEARING IN MULTI-CURRENCY FORMAT MULTI-CURRENCY & CONVERSION FACILITIES PRIMARY, SECONDARY AND FORCED CURRENCY TO BANKS Multi - Currency Truly Multi-Currency Transaction Acquiring & Processing Euro € US $ HK $ YEN ¥ F francs Peseta Aus $ NZ $ Can $ AUTHORISATION ALWAYS IN THE CARD ISSUER / TRANSACTION CURRENCY Euro € US $ HK $ YEN ¥ F francs Peseta Aus $ Can $ NZ $ CLEARING IN MULTI-CURRENCY FORMAT MULTI-CURRENCY & CONVERSION FACILITIES PRIMARY, SECONDARY & FORCED CURRENCY TO BANKS E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l Interchange Categorization of transactions As an important element of central acquisition, please note the following. Domestic transactions Cardholder using a German - issued card Merchant's Central Processing Centre Merchant GERMANY Intra-regional transactions Cardholder using an Italian - issued card Merchant's Central Processing Centre Merchant GERMANY Inter-regional transactions Cardholder using a Non - European issued card Merchant's Central Processing Centre Merchant GERMANY Product Development activity Project (Phase 1 ended with release 99.1). Phase 2 began Sept 2000. (To encompass international Maestro & Ecommerce). MO/TO vs. X-border vs. Central Acquisition. Product Differentiation. End of exclusivity. New Rules (domestic rules, penalties & fines). MIS. Activities Central Acquisition Unit 2000 - 2001 Central Acquisition. CA Projects. (Phase 2 / Debit & MCI Project, e-Comm.). MO/TO. Acceptance in Corporate Card. 3rd party Processing / Acceptance. Maestro Acceptance Development. Member Relationship. E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l Currencies used in ECCSS Clearing & Settlement Definition of Currencies Transaction Currency Authorization Currency Issuer Currency Reconciliation Currency Cardholder Billing Currency Payment Currencies (Settlement Currencies) Primary Secondary Forced Authorization Currency Currency in which the transaction is Authorized 100 110 Cardholder Billing Currency Authorization: Conversion from Transaction Currency to Cardholder Billing Currency (Issuer Currency) 100 110 Reconciliation Currency The currency in which batches are transferred from the Clearing to the settlement Reconciliation Currency Clearing Settlement Payment Currency Member’s account currency. Currency used to calculate Buy & Sell Orders. Members choose their own Payment Currency. Payment Currencies Primary Currency default payment currency of member. Settlement Currency Payment Currencies Secondary Currencies. To prevent currency conversion from reconciliation currency to payment currency. Payment Currencies Forced Currencies. Specific relationship between a function type (issuer or acquirer), a batch type, a reconciliation currency and a payment currency. Currencies in ECCSS (intra) Presentment ACQUIRER Presentment ISSUER Clearing Trxs CCY = Rec. CCY Trans. CCY = Rec. CCY Rec. CCY Settlement Payment Currency Payment Currency E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l Strategic Options STRATEGIC OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Do nothing. Full outsourcing all non-domestic trxs. to 3rd party processor. Partial outsourcing of related activities. Form strategic alliance with other capable issuers & acquirers. Undertake full multi-currency implementation within the Front & Back office systems of BNP. OPTION 1 DO NOTHING International transaction acquiring is not the core business. Profit margins in the international acquiring business is too slim to justify entering this area. None or little support from senior management & Board, to undertake the re-engineering of business (vertically & horizontally). International trxs. acquiring & processing costs versus Danish domestic processing cost are too expensive. No international staff to run this business (multi-lingual facilities and chargeback units). Permanent staff too expensive. OPTION 2 FULL OUTSOURCING TO 3RD PARTY Contract the services of a neutral 3rd party processor to acquirer and process all non-domestic Danish trxs. Additional auxiliary services will be also out-sourced (call center, merchant helpdesk, voice authorization etc). Outsourcing costs will be prohibitive for making clear profits. Option can be used to justify the retention of the key corporate accounts for PBS. Corporate relationship can be jeopardized and lost directly to the contracted 3rd party. Transactions will be acquired and processed by capable transaction processing (neutral) players. OPTION 3 PARTIAL OUTSOURCING TO 3RD PARTY PBS will retain some of the additional auxiliary services (Frontoffice activity). Core multi-currency transaction processing will be also outsourced (call center, merchant helpdesk, cash management etc. All domestic (I.e. Danish) traffic will be processed by PBS Quality issues. Risk of introducing various service levels in the overall product. Difficult to manage centrally, all related activities. Center of Excellence will be difficult to to create. OPTION 4 FORM STRATEGIC ALLIANCE Formation of strategic alliance with other Banks. Create synergies & optimize economic scales. Formation of strategic alliance with other European acquiring bank. Create synergies & optimize economic scales. Benefit from the shared investment spend. Risk is created in losing Corporate clients to strategic partner. Dependency is created on other partner banks to service accounts. Shared investment spend. Argument in justifying this activity. OPTION 5 DO MULTI-CURRENCY PROCESSING Commitment from the Board is critical. Commitment is a long-term strategic decision. Pay-back time - 5 years. Investment is required to implement system and set-up business. International oriented staff required to run business. Opportunity to create economies of scale and to do MO/TO acquiring, e-comm & 3rd party processing. Retention of key corporate accounts are assured. Opportunity to be a competitive, vertical integrated financial institution and defend market-share. E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l Costing & Business Models Multi-Currency Acquiring The Dynamics - Income Drivers. Merchant Turnover. Merchant Service Charge. Fees. – Minimum Monthly, Set-up, exception item handling. Treasury Revenues. – e-commerce etc. Multi-Currency Acquiring The Dynamics - Cost Drivers. Interchange Pay-away. – Domestic, Intra & Inter-regional. Currency Conversion. – Non-Settlement currencies. IT Support. Operational Infrastructure. Multi-Currency Acquiring The Dynamics - Key Profitability Indicators. Turnover by Merchant Category. Gross MSC by Merchant Category. Interchange Pay-away by Merchant Category and by card type. Operational Support Costs. N.B. More Difficult to adapt Portfolio Approach. Multi-Currency Acquiring Decision process using the Economic Model Economic Model What If's Business Impact Investment Business Plan Strategic Options Business Decision Total CSS Business Impact Multi-Currency Acquiring Building the Model What If’s Market growth by segment : Low / medium / high. – Card Present environments. – MO/TO. – e-commerce. MSC & Interchange rate by segment. Cost Dynamics. Investment Required. Multi-Currency Acquiring Building the Model Segment Current ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 Card Present 16% 15% 13% 9% 8% MO/TO 60% 54% 44% 32% 26% E-comm 24% 31% 43% 58% 66% Multi-Currency Acquiring Merchant Discount & Interchange - Margin Effect Market Growth in physical acquiring Growth in Card Not Present segment Downward Pressure on Merchant Rates Upward Pressure on Interchange Rates = MARGIN EROSION E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l Central Issuance Central Issuance Domestic license required. Respecting domestic rules & principles in each market. Not necessary for bank to have established local presence. Issuing bank must use designated BIN and/or ICA to ensure correct multi-currency processing. Central Issuing : the Principles Passive central issuance and marketing by financial institution. Active marketing and sales by issuer, to selected niche or market profile. Corporate cards products - issued only to employees of multi-national organizations. Benefits of Central Issuing Leverage incremental revenue streams. Achieve critical mass. Opportunity to enhance MIS and reduce marketing spend. Implement international marketing programs. Plastic management from one center. Strengthen the Member / merchant relationships. Truly Multi-Currency Euro € US $ HK $ linked to ICA for Acquiring YEN ¥ F francs Peseta Can $ AUTHORISATION CLEARING / INTERCHANGE SETTLEMENTS ACQUIRING MEMBERS Aus $ ICA NZ $ Truly Multi-Currency for Central Issuing Currencies linked to Issuer Card Bin ’s CARD MANAGEMENT PLATFORM YEN ¥ HK $ US $ Peseta Euro € Can $ F francs NZ $ Aus $ Truly Multi-Currency (Acquiring & Issuing) The combined business Case Euro € US $ HK $ YEN ¥ F francs Peseta Aus $ NZ $ Can $ ACQUIRING MEMBER ICA BUSINESS CASE CARD LINKED TO ISSUER BIN ’s HK $ YEN ¥ US $ Can $ Peseta Euro € F francs NZ $ Aus $ E U R O PAY I n t e r n a t i o n a l