NRCan/GSC 2011
update for CCCESD
November 17, 2011
NRCan’s Mandate, Vision, and
Strategic Outcomes …
• Mandate
Enhance the responsible development and use of Canada’s natural resources and
the competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource products
• Vision
Improve the quality of life of Canadians by creating a sustainable resource
• Strategic Outcomes
… to respond to economic and environmental imperatives driving the natural
resource sectors
Policy and Science & Technology
Improving the
Performance of the
Regulatory System
for Project Reviews
Resource Sectors
Clean Energy
Nuclear Issues
Development in
the North
Integrated Management Excellence
Modernizing Infrastructure and Systems
NRCan’s priorities continue to support
Government’s agenda
SFT Commitments
New measures that Canada needs
to succeed in a modern economy
NRCan Priorities
Improve the performance of the
regulatory system for project
Build the jobs and industries of the
Competitive resource sectors
Secure Canada’s place as a clean
energy superpower and leader
in green jobs
Clean energy
Nuclear issues
Realize the vast potential of
Canada’s North
Sustainable resource
development in the North
“We must combine the best of our intellectual and natural resources
to create jobs, growth and opportunity” Speech from the Throne, March 2010
Helping build the nation’s foundation …
The Earth Sciences Sector’s (ESS) responsibilities can be traced back to
before Confederation and are deeply rooted in Canada’s history – from
opening the frontier to defining the nation’s territory:
 Geological Survey of Canada – founded in 1842
 Surveyor General for Canada – established in 1871
 National Atlas of Canada – first published in 1906
Today ESS builds on that legacy, developing and using S&T to support
competitiveness and stewardship:
 Attracting investment in energy and minerals through resource
 Mitigating impacts and risks to ecosystems
 Informing land-use decisions, regulatory effectiveness
 Supporting public safety and sovereignty
 Enabling innovation and competitiveness through the provision of
sophisticated tools, technologies, data and analysis
The Minister is responsible for the scientific examination and survey of the geological structure and mineralogy
of Canada and to prepare and publish maps, data, etc. to illustrate the reports of investigations and surveys -Resources and Technical Surveys Act.
Canada at Confederation 1867
Observing Canada from Space
Governing requires knowing
your territory …
For today’s borders…
 The Surveyor General for Canada under the International Boundary
Commission Act works with the U.S. to jointly maintain the international
boundary line and vista
 under the Canada Lands Surveys Act provides legal surveys on Canada
Lands to support property transactions and land development, devolution
of the territories and implementation of Aboriginal land claim agreements
…and tomorrow’s boundaries
 Canada is collecting scientific data to define the outer limits of its
continental shelf under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea (UNCLOS), an area equivalent in size to Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta combined
For observing landmass and environment in real time, and over time
 The Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing uses satellite imagery,
remote sensing and other innovative and sophisticated tools and
technologies to advance our understanding and knowledge of the
Canadian landmass, including the offshore
 The Mapping Information Branch leads in the development and
application of tools and technologies to advance our knowledge and use
of digital spatial data and information
A View Along the 49th Parallel in
the Kootenay Range
Property Boundaries
Satellite Receiving Station
… and the geology of its
landmass …
The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) undertakes the scientific
examination and survey of the geological structure and mineralogy of
Canada to support the sustainable development of the nation’s natural
resources …
Geological Map of Canada
… and understand and mitigate the risks of resource development on
the environment to build social license and inform regulatory decisions.
… and working with all levels
of government
Federal Responsibility
Management of Canada Lands and issues of national interest:
Sovereignty and Governance:
• Maintain the Canada-U.S. border
• Legal surveys on Canada Lands
Support Natural Resource Development:
• Geoscience of Canada’s landmass and offshore of a national and
regional nature
Informed decision-making (e.g. land use; regulations;
environmental stewardship, etc.):
• National geospatial databases, standards, policies and networks to
link to provincial and territorial data systems
Federal Leadership:
• National leadership on geoscience/geomatics issues
• Coordination with international geoscience/geomatics agencies
Provincial Responsibility
Management of natural resources and issues of
provincial interest:
• Legal surveys on provincial lands
• Geoscience within provincial boundaries to
manage natural resource development
• Provincial geospatial databases and networks
• Provincial leadership and coordination with local
Shared Responsibility
Management of common data and information and issues of interprovincial or regional interest:
• Common jurisdictional boundaries (e.g. Interprovincial Boundary Commissions)
• Intergovernmental Geoscience and Geomatics Accords; governments have agreed to share available data
Geological Survey of Canada:
Canada’s National Geoscience Agency
since 1842
 Total of 490 staff, in
seven locations
across Canada
• Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office
• GSC-Québec
• GSC-Atlantic
• GSC-Central
• GSC-Northern
• Hazard Info Service
• GSC-Calgary
• GSC-Pacific
GSC: What We Do
Map the geology of the North to modern standards (GEM)
Complete mapping of the continental shelf to provide
sound scientific support for Canada’s UNCLOS submission
Develop new exploration methodologies for finding deep,
hidden mineral deposits near existing mining infrastructure (TGI-4)
Advancing Sustainable
Resource Development
in the North
Enabling Competitive
Resource Sectors
Complete mapping of 30 key regional aquifers
Provide geoscience knowledge to:
 identify and explore feasibility of new energy sources
 understand and sustainably develop the offshore
 minimize environmental impacts of resource development
 assess resource potential to inform land-use decisions
 understand climate change impacts, and promote adaptation
Support emergency response to natural hazards with emergency
information services
Economic Affairs: A
Clean and Healthy
Social Affairs: A Safe
and Secure Canada
Geomapping for Energy and Minerals
 GEM is a major initiative of the Government of Canada’s Northern
 $100 million over 5 years to lay the knowledge foundation for
economic development in the North (2008-2013).
 Filling prioritized knowledge gaps in the public geoscience knowledge
base that is required by the private sector to make strategic
exploration investment decisions in new energy and mineral resources
in the North.
 Projects focused in the North, however up to 25% can be spent in the
northern parts of the Provinces on a cost-shared basis.
 Helps enable Northerners to make informed decisions about their
future economy and society, delivers fundamental public geoscience
knowledge that supports evidenced-based land use decision-making.
GEM Accomplishments to date
To date, the GEM program has completed:
 4 successful field seasons with 20 projects in three
territories and the northern parts of six provinces;
 24 regional geophysical surveys have been completed;
 424 open file releases of new geoscience maps have
been published;
 more than 377 presentations have been delivered at
venues frequented by industry, government, and NGOs;
 GEM results have influenced private-sector investment
decisions across the north for gold and other precious
metals, diamonds, nickel, rare earths, iron, uranium, and
petroleum resources.
Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4
Geoscience for enhanced effectiveness of deep exploration
A collaborative federal geoscience program which will
provide industry with the next generation of
geoscience knowledge and innovative techniques
allowing more effective targeting of buried mineral
TGI-4 Framework
 Develop more robust exploration vectors that can
more effectively identify fertile mineral systems
 Develop new knowledge and techniques to better
model and detect Canada’s
major mineral systems;
 Train students to increase
the number of highly qualified
personnel available to
the mineral industry.
Increasing depth of cover
Source: Hronsky March 2007
Ore system approach to project
Targeted Ore Systems:
•Intrusion-related (Cu-Mo, Cu-Au, Mo-W, Sn-In)
•Polymetallic VMS
•Lode Gold
•Specialty Metals
Method Development
Proposed Research Sites
Preparing highly qualified personnel…
Through its bursary program and
associations with universities, GSC
is contributing to the preparation
of the next generation of highly
qualified personnel (HQP).
GEM:38 students on their way to
complete their graduate degrees
with northern experience.
GEM:50 undergraduate students
have also been trained.
Early evidence suggests industry
is welcoming these young
scientists. collaborating with universities
GEM Grants and Contributions
 Total available Grants and Contributions funds under GEM (5
years): 2,45 million$, 80% approx. currently committed.
 New series of G&Cs, focused on developing knowledge transfer
tools to actively communicate GEM knowledge and GEM data
to Northern communities.
 Call for Letter of Intents currently posted on-line, submission
deadline of November 22, 2011 for G&Cs.
 Open to non-profit organizations and educational institutions.
 Website:
TGI-4 Grants and Contributions
 Grant and Contributions Program- total envelope of $1.8M;
eligibility: University/College research staff
 Contributions
 Core activities focussed on ore systems
 Duration: multi-year, leveraged
 Solicited and unsolicited proposals received; preparing to award
first contribution agreements
 Grants
 Aligned with TGI4 framework
 Duration: up to 4 years (FY 2011-12 to FY 2014-15)
Annual Funding Limit: not to exceed $40K
Deadlines: Letter of Intent – October 15th, 2011; next round early
 website:
 CCCESD the forum for cultivating our
 Areas of mutual interest and collaboration
 Mechanisms for collaboration
 Current
 Future opportunities
 We interact at different levels…