Spatial Analysis in Government Lecture 2- Data & Information By Guy Thigpen, M.Phil., MUSA Purpose of Lecture Review the Data and Information contained in GEODB2 Explore an example (ULRS) of the information available in the data warehouse Examine the data structure of a parcel layer Frameworks of Understanding Systems Thinking Cartography Geography Spatial Analysis Philadelphia’s Data Warehouse Data and Information 282 feature files (tables, points, etc) 20 departments provide information 26 geodata folders with additional feature files GEODATABASE A database that is in some way referenced to location on the earth. VECTOR DATA ATTRIBUTE DATA spatial data represented. as points, lines and polygons additional information about each spatial feature housed in tabular format. METADATA Documentation of GIS datasets. Contains information such as, •the coordinate system, •when the data was created, •contact of who created it •definitions for any of the code attribute data. RASTER DATA cell-based data such as aerial imagery and digital elevation models ArcGIS Services ESRI Arc GIS Server 10.1 Some of the services that we provide include, City Aerial Photography, City Hybrid Map, Parcel Layer, Building Footprint Layer, Septa Lines etc. All these services can be overlaid upon each other according to the user's choice in any web application or desktop around the city. • Caching One of the main characteristics that makes the server very capable of publishing maps over web is Caching. Additionally, we have more control over how the cache gets built and updated. Caching particular areas on the map and On Demand caching are the other main features. • Security Management of services with ArcGIS Server's role based security has been a major advantage. Also, the product supports token based security for web services and applications. • Imagery ArcGIS Server 10.1's Imagery capabilities enable us to handle large amount of GIS data and provides access to it enterprise wide. It also allows processing and analysis of images on the client side. Pictometry Pictometry is the leading provider in digital, geo-referenced, oblique aerial imagery and innovative geospatial technologies. ORTHO OBLIQUE Shot straight down and oriented North-up. shot at a 40~45 degree angle. Individual image is available from North, South, East or West. SPECIFICATION: RESOLUTION: Pictometry offers two levels of resolution, “community” level and “neighborhood” level. The average resolution of oblique imagery at community level (shot from around 4,500 ft) is 1-foot per pixel, and at neighborhood level (shot from around 3,500 ft) is 4-inch per pixel. DATE/ TIME STAMP : Each image is date and time stamped with the time of capture as reported by the time information transmitted from the Global Positioning System. CAPTURE AREA: The oblique imagery is captured for the City of Philadelphia, including • center city area, • the entire Philadelphia International Airport, which is located in Delaware County, and • the Wyndmoor portion of Montgomery County. With Pictometry Electronic Field Study (EFS) software, licensed users are allowed to view and work with the aerial images contained in the Pictometry Image Library How to make a connection to GEODB2? 1) In ArcCatalog: The easiest way to create a connection to the central data warehouse, is by using ArcCatalog and connect to the ArcSDE application server (aka. Geodb2). Geodb2 will broker all your operations to the database. 2) Connecting with Oracle Client: The central warehouse is in essence an Oracle database, and for power users out there who perform more complex operations and queries, you can connect to the warehouse directly using any Oracle Client . GIS Spatial Data Sharing and Distribution • In general the staff and departments who have been in the forefront of the development of the City’s spatial data support the sharing of this data within the City and to the public where appropriate and where the City’s costs to provide this data access can be reimbursed. • The interns at the Philadelphia redevelopment Authority are also provided access to the database. Publically Available Data from GEODB2 @ Philly GIS Forum • • • Bring together the GIS users in all the departments of City of Philadelphia. The topics discussed here are expected to get attention from the concerned users who may make posts pertaining to the discussion. Threads can serve as future reference for various issues should the need arise. Group structure with restrictions: • Threads in the forum pertaining to certain specific topics will be having access limitations; consequently, the forum users will be divided into groups according to the topics that are discussed and these groups will be having access those threads. One user can be present in multiple groups depending on the topics he is engaged in. Another one will be the read only restriction for certain threads and for certain users. • • Solutions can be found soon without numerous email tags and phone call exchanges as the problems are viewed by the community. Betterment in speed, resource utilization and problem-solving of city-wide GIS analysis and development. Data and Information Process Challenge Regulation Compliance Standard Resources Committed Sponsor Spatial Analysis Resources Distribution Medium Team Data Processing Primary Data Capture Data and Information The foundation of an analysis include DATA and INFORMATION. The City of Philadelphia has solid foundation of data and information. DATA Information Knowledge Understanding WISDOM W = Wisdom U = Understanding K = Knowledge I = Information (URLS parcel layer and batch geocoder) D = Data (various shapefiles geospatially located) S I P O C Suppliers Inputs Processes Outputs Customers COMPLIANCE STANDARD: DATA: DATA PROCESSING: Data is uploaded, stored and collated to be available as data or information Programs/projects are required or encouraged by federal, state, and local sources to collect data carried out by contractors and city agencies Programs and projects produce data PLATFORM: Public Open Data Philly PASDA Clients City Agencies Data and Information Relates to Analysis Wisdom Understanding Knowledge Basic Analysis Information Data Parcel Polygons ULRS: Information in GEODB2 A simple task – displaying an address spatially What do we know about an address? - What are the sources for that address? - (process of standardization) - What parcel from the Department of Records does this address belongs too? - (process of geocoding) Address standardization Incoming addresses are scrubbed to one or more ADDRESS_IDs An ADDRESS_ID is any unique combination of STREET_NUMBER STREET_NUMBER_SUFFIX STREET_PREFIX STREET_NAME STREET_TYPE STREET_SUFFIX (~ similar to LOC field in REAL_ESTATE table) STREET_CENTERLINE + any other street known by OPA informs the “valid” streets !!! ADDRESS_ID is an artifact of the ULRS !!! Parcel geocoding For each ADDRESS_ID, assigned to active DOR parcel 2 methods - by direct reference to DOR: if the address is in the parcel layer - by estimation: if the address is not in the parcel layer, ULRS will perform “educated guess” !! Not every ADDRESS_ID can be associated with a parcel !! Relations in ULRS Process of geocoding Process of address standardization BRT Tax Accounts 023150808 453137110 PARCEL 145N140168 026S050256 ADDRESSES 883333239 1234 MARKET ST ...etc... 2700 SPRING GARDEN ST 068N220032 070N090134 ...etc... 1206 NAUDAIN ST LNI Hanssen Address Keys ...etc…. 141144 141145 141147 141148 ..etc... PWD WaterRev 757315026001 5614004537001 8088001300002 ...etc... SPATIAL NON-SPATIAL Unified Land Records System Online Zoning Map Crime Map CityMaps RESA Police PHA interface BUILD Address Explorer DHS Facts 2 Streets Workorder 311 PWD Plumming Conveyance Fraud Tracker Map Plugin PWD workorder 311 ParcelExplorer Authentication PhiCAM S Batch Geocoder Service area lookups Legistar Zoning Archive Pothole Reporter BRT Web Streets Snowcategory CRS Online LNI FPC Workorder Treemanag 311 ement OHCD Prop lookup Revenue Online PWD Doc managemernt Generate map thumbs Published Data (~reports~) Geocoding GIS web services Land Record Extraction ULRS system lookups Address standardization & verification Reverse Geocoding BRT LNI Hanssen Water Revenue (Weekly) ULRS Other spatial data DB (e.g. police district boundaries, trash (“address switchboard”) pickup, …) (monthly-ish) MASTER_ADDRESS MASTER_ADDRESS_ALL PARCEL_ULRS BRTREALESTATE_DORPARCEL MASTER_ADDRESS_BRTPICT …. (upon request) …. ULRS access? Exposed through various means » Webservices + their clients » Ready-made applications: AddressExtractor, AddressExplorer » bulk data reports in the “GIS_ULRS_DATA” schema Web Services • = developer technology • Two flavors – CityMaps Webservices • “generic GIS” functionality: • relies on ULRS for only two pieces: the address cleanup logic & parcel-based geocoding – ULRS WebServices • Main window in the ULRS. – Allows you to extract any information that is stored in the ULRS • Provides simple read access to other db systems. Web Services • Who uses the webservices? – – – – Around 25 clients from various departments: lni, police, revenue, dot, brt, ohcd, dhs, water, sherrif’s office,… 2,000,000+ lookups against the web services per month Supports web sites + batch processing Majority of ULRS clients do not rely on “geocoding logic” • mainly to resolve address input • switchboard to retrieve account information based on address (!!! after migration to ArcGIS Server, some functionality was lost!!! ) Existing Applications Address Explorer Replaces the ULRS Explorer – which was discontinued after June 30, 2009. Why the rename? - address is central – not the parcel, not the BRT#,… - also, underline the fact that ULRS does not store any other information other than relationships between addresses & parcels on the one hand, and addresses & accounts on the other hand. (nothing more, nothing less) Mimic three basic ways of retrieving information from the web services - by address - by parcel # - by account # (topic key) ~corresponds to 3 ways of organizing the data Existing Applications Batch Geocoder/Address Extractor -Allows you to process address based data - Standardize; clean up an address(= most basic operation) - Validate: clean up an address & check if imported by ULRS - Geocode: clean up an address + find location - Extract land records (~~~ topic pane from Address Explorer) - Extract DOR parcel info: retrieve parcel identifiers by address Data Reports - bulk delivery of ulrs data under GIS_ULRS_DATA on geodb2 (on monthly basis) - Replaces ulrs publisher: low usage + data not always meaningful GOALS -organize data in meaningful way -secure core applications -flexible schema - data added upon request: make sure that every report actually has a user - not recommended for application use – but not enforced either. -SO FAR: -ALIAS_ADDRESS -MASTER_ADDRESS -MASTER_ADDRESS_ALL -MASTER_ADDRESS_BRT_PICT -PARCEL_ULRS -BRTREALESTATE_DORPARCEL Exploring DATA: how it is generated This Square Legal Description and Survey Plan Consistency - some legal descriptions do not indicate streets and just use bearings where others do indicate the streets with the bearings. Understanding Bearings Example- South 03 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds East S03º42’30”E • 1: First it gives the rotation of the line with respect to the geographical north in degrees, minutes and seconds. It is in the middle part between the directions. • 2: Second it gives the direction of the line from the starting point to the end point in one of the four predefined ways - South to East, South to West or North to East, North to West. These directions are at the start & end. Reading Bearings From a Legal Description Bearing Definition NE NW 15º 55º 60º 20º SW SE How to Define Bearings N LO = N 55º43’59” W OL = S 55º43’59” E bL =? Lb =? b O 55º43’59” 15º21’45” gL =? Lg =? L W g E 20º46’12” 60º10’25” W S How to Check Bearing of Parcel Each Segment should have bearing Angles in Bearings are never greater than 90º Bearings are referenced from North or South Four predefined ways - South to East, South to West North to East, North to West A Parcel Should have Bearings either in a clockwise or Anticlockwise Direction Minutes & Seconds should not be greater than 60º bL = S 15º21’45” W Lb = N 15º21’45” E gL = N 60º10’25” W Lg = S 60º10’25” E Example: Parcel 61B Missing Bearing Either – 74.417’ Or – 74’5” Two Bearing Segments Missing from Legal Description Missing Segments Assumed At Right Angle Bearing To Be Verified 2nd Deed 2nd Shape in identified parcel Final Remainder This Square Remainder Legal Description • ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground Situate in the 6th Ward of the City of Philadelphia and described as follows: • Beginning at a point of intersection of the Southeasterly side of 46th Street ( ) and the Southeasterly side of Fairmount Avenue (60 feet wide); • Thence extending N86°17'30"E, along the Southeasterly side of Fairmount Avenue a distance of 243.417 feet; • Thence extending S03°42'30"E, along a line at right angles to said Fairmount Avenue a distance of 249.000 feet; • Thence extending S86°17'30"W, along a line parallel with said Fairmount Avenue, a distance of 243.417 feet to a point on the Southeasterly side of said 46th Street; • Thence extending N03°42'30"W, along the said Southeasterly side of said 46th Street, a distance of 249.000 feet to the point of beginning. • Containing 60,610.83 square feet or 1.3914 acres, more or less. • BEING KNOWN AS:? The resulting shape in GIS layer This Square Next week’s Topic: The Front Door We will discuss the challenges and analysis that led to the implementation of the ‘Front Door’