Institutional Repository (IR) of Babaria Institute of Pharmacy (BIP) Library using DSpace software By Dr. (Mrs.) Ranjita N. Dash Librarian Babaria Institute of Pharmacy, BITS edu Campus, NH# 8, Varnama - 391240, Vadodara – Gujarat. 4/13/2015 1 Overview of Presentation 1. Introduction: 2. The Concept of Institutional Repository (IR)and Definitions: 3. DSpace ( 4. Why to use DSpace? 5. Installing DSpace 1.8.2 on Window Xp/7/Vista & Prerequisite Software : 6. Institutional Repository (IR) of BIP Library: 7. DSpace Workflow Steps Description: 8. Conclusion: 4/13/2015 2 Introduction: A growing number of academic institutions in today’s ever-changing world of technology and information, seek to store documents in an online and easily accessible digitized format. The institutional repositories are powerful systems that allow institutions to store and maintain their digital documents for interaction and collaboration among users. 4/13/2015 3 The Pharmacy Library has been completely automated using i-tek management suite software and has implemented RFID system for charging and discharging available documents. The present author has taken the initiative of developing Institutional Repository of M. Pharm. theses of two streams i.e. Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology, out of the six streams offered by the Institute, using DSpace to support the long term preservation of the digital materials. 4/13/2015 4 The Concept of Institutional Repository (IR) Institutional Repository is a digital archive of the intellectual output of an academic institution. It makes the quality and breath of scholarship produced at an institution accessible to others world wide over the internet. It is a set of services that an institution offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital material created by the institution and its community members. It is most essentially an organizational commitment to the stewardship of the digital materials including long term preservation. 4/13/2015 5 Definitions An Institutional Repository (IR) is “a digital collection capturing and preserving the intellectual output of a single or multi-university community.” It consists of formally organized and managed collections of digital content generated by faculty, staff and students at an institution. The content can be made available for integration with on-campus library and course management systems and also to colleagues and students at other institutions, as well as to the general public. 4/13/2015 6 Contd… Another definition of IR is that, “it is a web-based database (repository) of scholarly material, which is institutionally defined as opposed to a subject-based repository, cumulative and perpetual (a collection of record), open and interoperable and thus collects, stores and disseminates.” 4/13/2015 7 DSpace ( – What is it? Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) awarded $1.8 million to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Libraries in March 2000, for an 18-month collaboration to build DSpace, a dynamic repository for the intellectual output in digital format of multi-disciplinary research organizations. HP Labs and MIT Libraries released the system worldwide on November 4, 2002, under the terms of the Berkeley Standard Distribution (BSD) open source license . As an open source system, DSpace is now freely available to other institutions to run as-is, or to modify and extend as they require meeting local needs. 4/13/2015 8 Why to use DSpace? The reasons why to choose DSpace are; 1. DSpace is an open source technology platform which can be customized or extend its capabilities. 2. DSpace is a service model for open access and/or digital archiving for perpetual access. 3. DSpace is a platform to build an Institutional Repository and the collections are searchable and retrievable by the Web. 4. To make available institution-based scholarly material in digital formats. The collections will be open and interoperable . 4/13/2015 9 DSpace 1.8.2 – What can it do for us? 4/13/2015 10 Prerequisite Software Installing DSpace 1.8.2 on Window Xp/7/Vista: Java JDK 6 or later Apache-maven-3.0.4 or later (Java build tool) Apache-ant-1.8.3 or later (Java build tool) Relational Database-PostgreSQL or Oracle) Servlet Engine: (Apache Tomcat 6.0.7 or Jetty ) 4/13/2015 11 Installation Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Installing Java on Window Platform Setting up Environment Variable for Java Installation check for Java, Maven and Ant Installing Postgresql-9.1.3-1 Creating a Database with Postgresql 9.1 Installing Dspace-1.8.2 Update the Config File Create the Directory for the DSpace Installation (e.g. C:\DSpace) Create an Administer Account Installing Apache Tomcat 1.7 4/13/2015 12 The main page of the repository (JSPUI) 4/13/2015 13 The main page of the repository (XMLUI) 4/13/2015 14 After Installation of Prerequisite Software …check the C:/ drive 4/13/2015 15 To make changes(cutomization) in DSpace home Page : i.e. layout, images etc etc... 4/13/2015 16 DSpace Home Page http://localhost:8080/jspui http://localhost:8080/xmlui 4/13/2015 17 Institutional Repository (IR) of BIP Library Our institution is a center of learning where various research activities are going on by the faculty members, which needs proper archival storage for future access. The outcome of research, proceedings of seminars, conferences, theses, dissertations, project reports etcetera will be kept in institutional repositories in digital form and these information resources have to be uploaded to DSpace collection on Intranet. Now the author uploaded theses of two branches and a few Ebooks. 4/13/2015 18 Contd… Above mentioned figures are the very first pages of DSpace that appear after the completion of installation. Important locations are being pointed out in this figure such as, header, location bar, navigation bar and footer. From here actual work starts to publish the digitized documents. Before uploading the documents one should create communities and collections. BIP library has created some communities and have uploaded the relevant documents. 4/13/2015 19 Log In / My DSpace Majority of DSpace administrative tasks must be performed centrally, using the administration user interface, part of the Web UI. 4/13/2015 20 The BIP Digital Library 4/13/2015 21 Creating Communities and Sub-Communities Click on the Create Top Level Community button Fill out the form as needed. Name of the community is required; rest of the fields are optional. 4/13/2015 22 Creation of Community and Sub communities: 4/13/2015 23 Creation of Community and Sub communities: 4/13/2015 24 Creation of Community and Sub communities: 4/13/2015 25 Creating Collections and Populating with Digital Items Click on the Create Collection button next to the community name that you want the collection to appear in. Fill out the fields you wish to use. Many of the fields are identical to the community fields described above. 4/13/2015 26 Administer Authorization Policies 4/13/2015 27 Administer Authorization Policies Now you can add‘epersons’ to the group by clicking on the Add EPerson to Group button. Note that all group members‘ usernames must already have been entered in DSpace through the E-People tool. 4/13/2015 28 4/13/2015 29 4/13/2015 30 4/13/2015 31 Start a New Submission Click on the Submit to This Collection button next to the collection name that you want the item to appear in. Fill out the form as needed. 4/13/2015 32 DSpace Workflow Steps Description The DSpace submission workflow system is a critical part of the DSpace architecture that allows submission, processing and final addition of content to the live repository. DSpace’s underlying model which includes E-People, users who have registered with the system and have certain authorizations, roles, rights, and privileges that translate abilities to complete certain tasks within the DSpace system. A typical submission begins with the system asking the user a couple of questions about digital document to be added in the repository and number of files involved in the submission. Then the system guides the user through the different steps, which are outlined in the following. 4/13/2015 33 Submission Procedures are as below: 4/13/2015 34 First Step: Describe: User enters metadata about the document (s) he/she is submitting 4/13/2015 35 4/13/2015 36 4/13/2015 37 4/13/2015 38 4/13/2015 39 Second Step: Upload: The user selects and uploads the files on the local machine that he/she likes to upload as part of the submission. 4/13/2015 40 4/13/2015 41 Third Step: Verify: An overview of all details of the submission is given including a summary of the entered metadata and the files involved in the submission 4/13/2015 42 Fourth Step: License: The user must agree to the license the system. Administrator has assigned to submit content for this collection. 4/13/2015 43 4/13/2015 44 Fifth Step: Complete: The user’s actions in the submission process are complete. Based on the workflow steps set for the collection, the item may immediately be added to the collection or have to be reviewed by system administrators before its addition to the collection 4/13/2015 45 Last step: Disseminate: The items submitted and archived into the DSpace digital library repository can be disseminated and accessed by the users through search and browse. 4/13/2015 46 4/13/2015 47 Search result of the Thesis submitted 4/13/2015 48 Search result of the Thesis submitted 4/13/2015 49 4/13/2015 50 New User Registration Click on “New User" and follow the instructions Enter your email address and password in the login form 4/13/2015 51 4/13/2015 52 Email sent: 4/13/2015 53 User Registration Token Mail After Submission, you will get an e-mail containing a special URL or token Visit that URL and fill out some simple information You will be now ready to log-in to DSpace 4/13/2015 54 4/13/2015 55 Administering EPeople Registers username and other information about people you wish to authorize – Submitters, Reviewers, Editors, Coordinators or Subscribers Users can also get onto this list by selfregistering To register, click on the ‘Add E Person’ button 4/13/2015 56 4/13/2015 57 4/13/2015 58 4/13/2015 59 4/13/2015 60 Groups Create, Edit and Delete groups of e-persons who can be authorized for specific functions in the system. 'Anonymous' group is a 'special’ group that represents every person using the system This group exists so that authorization policies can be specified for anonymous access ('everyone in the world can read this item'). Members of the 'Administrator' group are allowed to perform any action in the system 4/13/2015 61 4/13/2015 62 Conclusion: Institutional repositories are the face index of any institute which reflects the status of its strength in the form of research productivity. Therefore, importance should be given for the development of Institutional repositories, for which librarians need to take positive initiative to develop the scientific temper of the institution. The DSpace is fairly powerful software. Institutions and users are getting benefited by IR, which is a successful digital preservation tool. The work of the IR at the BIP Library is still in the primary phase. Efforts are being made to add more materials and made it accessible all over the world ,so that the users of BITS edu campus, Babaria Institute of Pharmacy will get benefited by the research output. 4/13/2015 63 Open Source Library Application Software Integrated Library Management System 1. KOHA 2. Evergreen Digital Library and Repositories 1. 2. 3. 4. 4/13/2015 Dspace Eprints Fedora Greenston 64 Open Source Software in Indian Library Greenstone (Digital Library) Dspace (Institutional Repository) Eprints (Institutional Repository) Koha (Library Automation and Management) Joomla (Content Management) Drupal (Content Management) These are the few software which are playing a great rule in library automation and management NewGenLib First Indian open source library automation and management software 65 4/13/2015 for Your Patient Hearing. Questions/Suggestions if any or email me at 4/13/2015 66