Advanced Machines and Energy Systems (AMES) Group ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS AT UCT Department of Electrical Engineering RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 1 Overview Vision Key Group Members Collaboration Research Outputs & HR Development Laboratory Facility Research Areas Details of Current Research RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 2 Vision To provide feasible technical solutions to relevant industrial problems, whilst maintaining a high scholarly research content This is achieved by engaging highly skilled personnel and by applying a methodical approach to problem solving To disseminate research findings through technical reports and peerreviewed publications To develop human resource capacity in electrical machines, drives and energy systems, which will eventually contribute towards innovation and poverty alleviation RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 3 Key Group Members Prof. Pragasen Pillay PhD, CEng, FIEEE, FIET Professor UCT, Clarkson Electrical Machines, Drives and Renewable Energy Dr. Paul Barendse PhD, MIEEE Lecturer, UCT Electric Drives, Fault Diagnosis Dr. Azeem Khan PhD, MIEEE Senior Lecturer, UCT PM Machines & Drives, Wind Energy Mr. Marubini Manyage MSc, MIEEE Research Officer, UCT Machine Design, Energy Efficiency Dr. Ben Sebitosi PhD, CEng, MIEEE Snr Research Officer, UCT Rural Electrification, Renewables, Energy Policy Mr. Chris Wozniak BSc Technical Officer, UCT Electrical Machines & Energy Systems Post Graduate Students PhD Students: (5) • MSc Students: (8) • Mr F. Endrejat, Mr M. Manyage , Mr R. Naidoo, Mr D. Singh, Mr R. Okou Miss P. Ijumba, Miss K. Masemola, Mr R. Solomon, Mr G. Mwaba, Mr T. Madangombe, Mr H. Mzungu, Mr S. Sager, Mr P. Kiryowa BSc(Eng) Final-year Thesis Students: (15) • RMWG Meeting About 15 students supervised per year for final-year thesis project 20 Feb 2008 4 Collaboration – South Africa Academic Institutions: • DUT - Deepak Singh, Senior Lecturer – Physics • DUT - Dr. Poobie Govender, Prof Krishnan Kanny • University of Pretoria – Mr Raj Naidoo, Senior Lecturer – EE • University of Stellenbosch – Prof W. van Niekerk, Prof M.J. Kamper, Dr D. Johnson Government / Parastatals: • NRF • THRIP • DST – Mr L. Simpsom, Ms T. Mailula, Dr Boni Mehlomakulu • SANERI – Mr K. Nassiep, Dr M. Bipath, Dr T. Mali Industry: • ESKOM – Mr L. Pillay, Mr S. Bisnath, Mr J. Gosling, Dr S. Higgins, Mr R. Koch, Mr Y. Brijmohan, Dr T.L. Mthombeni, • SASOL – Mr F. Endrejat, Mr T. Perumal, Mr D. Willemse • LHM – Mr R. Melaia RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 5 Collaboration – International Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA • SMMA - The Motor and Motion Association • EMERF Consortium - Electrical Motors Educational and Research Foundation • NYSERDA - New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Aalborg University, Denmark (wind energy) University of Picardie, France (condition monitoring) Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy (motor lamination losses) Graduate school of Telecom. and IT, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Cellphone Keyboard Customization for Rural Applications) GTZ, German Aid Agency (environment and rural electrification) Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation of Makerere University, Uganda (white LEDs dissemination) RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 6 Research Outputs & HR Development 2007 2006 2005 2004 Human Resource Development 3xPhD 1xMSc 12xBSc 2xPhD 0xMSc 6xBSc 1xPhD 1xMSc 5XBSc 1xPhD 0xMSc 6XBSc Journals papers (Peer-reviewed, international) 6 5 6 11 Conference papers (Refereed international mainly and some local) 16 12 14 7 Contract Research - Eskom 3 3 1 1 Contract Research - Other Industries 1 1 1 0 RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 7 Laboratory Facility Flexible distribution system with the capability of various DC and AC supplies Two, 250kW DC machines and 4-quadrant drives • Fed directly from the UCT 11kV ring mains through 11kV/500V transformers 6.6kV, 520kW Alternator (driven by afore-mentioned DC machines) 75kW induction motor with a 75kW drive Several small and medium DC, AC machines and drives including test benches and testing equipment These unique capabilities, allows lab testing of machines that is not capable at some international institutions RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 8 Current Research Areas Energy Efficiency - Machines • Core loss study • Electric motors for demand side management • MV petrochemical drives Machine Design Projects • Small wind generator design • Low voltage High Current Traction motor design Rural Electrification and Alternate Energy Sources • Applications of white LEDs • Optimization of solar water pumping systems • Solar water heaters • Flywheels for energy storage • Biomass Power Systems Applications • Power quality • Dip classification using wavelets • Impacts of renewable energy sources on power systems Condition Monitoring • Fault studies and condition monitoring of induction motors, PM motors and wind generators RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 9 Core Losses Motor Lamination Core Losses Background: • Motorized applications are major electricity consumers, in SA and USA, 64 % and 60 % of total electricity, respectively • Core losses can be 25 % ~ 30 % of the total losses, even higher with newer designs, such as SRMs and BDCMs • Variable speed drives produce harmonics that increase core losses Research Focus: • Develop a scientific understanding of lamination core losses • Develop core loss design equations suitable for motor designs applications especially in software design packages Goals: • Improving motor efficiency by reducing core losses • Aid motor designers with better models • Realize energy and dollar savings • Reducing peak demand levels and delaying the need for new stations Environmental benefits: • Reduce C02 emissions by efficient use of electricity RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 10 Core Losses Core Loss Predictions Classical core loss predictions use: Steinmetz formulae for predicting area under BH-Loop Several improvements suggested over the years P Ph Pe However current disagreements in literature on: • Computing coefficients for formulae • Structure of coefficients • Dependence on the operational parameters, such as frequency and flux density Current work in this areas has led to reliable analytical expressions for predicting core losses in lamination strips Formulae validated on Epstein test bench Plan to integrate formulae into Finite Element Analysis software - Magsoft RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 P kh fBp1.6 ke ( fBp )2 P kh fBp abB ke ( fBp )2 P kh fBp ke ( fBp )2 kex ( fBp )1.5 P kh f Bp ke ( fBp )2 kex ( fBp )1.5 P kh fBp a bBp cBp2 P kh1 B p ke ( fBp )2 kex ( fBp )1.5 f ke ( fBp )2 k k h 2 h3 Bp Bp 11 Core Losses New Commercial Test Bench System Fully customized • Streamlined for high f tests • The only unit in the US! Uses a 352-turn frame Up to 4.0 kHz Fully automated • Can run tests faster Temperature monitoring RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 12 Machine Design Traction Motor Design Pallet truck Mr. Marbini Manyage Funding: ESKOM Senior Fellowship, US DOE and NYSERDA Traction motor Description and Use • Design a high efficiency Low Voltage High Current Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for traction applications • Motor will be used in a 24V battery-operated pallet truck • Compete with DC and AC induction motors • Benefits: Long battery lifespan and extended operating cycles Design Challenges • Low voltage inverter limit (14.5 VLL AC) • Cogging and Ripple torque • No cooling, Maximum temperature (180degC) • Stator outer diameter < 120mm Efficiency improvement • Better core loss prediction using improved core loss formula and new test bench • Choice of laminations • Reduce winding resistance RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 13 Machine Design Traction Motor Prototyping RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 14 Machine Design SMC Axial-flux PM Generator Dr. Azeem Khan Funding: 2004 – present NRF Thuthuka; April 2005 – December 2006 ESKOM, US DOE, NYSERDA, Warner Energy Background: • Axial-flux PM generator design has highest torque density • However, slotting of AFPM stator core is problematic: Difficult to machine tape-wound stator core Magnetic properties of core affect by machining process SMC Axial-flux PM generator with single rotor, double stator: • Uses Soft Magnetic Composite (SMC) material • Easy to manufacture - Slotted cores are pressed • Shorter flux paths, high torque density, high efficiency Previous work showed need for composite (SMC + steel) stator core structure: • Steel in magnetic circuit increases effective permeance of circuit, thus reducing effect of lower SMC permeability • Steel in circuit also reduces SMC required, thus reducing effect of higher SMC core loss RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 15 Machine Design Construction of the prototype SMC teeth:- Machining of SMC cores by end-mill: • Cost effective, easily accessible process • Avoids high cost of pressing SMC parts for prototyping • Good dimensional tolerances Pre-machined SMC core: • Core in pressed and heat-treated state • Good insulation between iron regions through bulk of material • Microscopic image of SMC surface shows this clearly: Machined SMC core: • Machining action results in elongation / smear of iron regions on machined surfaces • Degradation of insulation between iron regions • Increased conductivity and hence eddy current losses on / near machined surfaces Acid treatment process introduced to eliminate smeared iron on machined surfaces • Phosphoric acid solution used to etch smeared iron • Acid reacts with iron only and not with insulation epoxy • Etched parts ultrasonically cleaned in methanol to prevent corrosion • Lower surface conductivity Pre-machined RMWG Meeting Machined 20 Feb 2008 Acid treated 16 Machine Design Stator cores tested Two identical machined SMC cores prototyped: • 1st case : machined SMC core with untreated teeth • 2nd case: machined SMC core with acid treated teeth Untreated core RMWG Meeting Acid treated core 20 Feb 2008 17 Motor Efficiency Effect of Armature Rewinding on Induction Motor Efficiency Mr. Heskin Mzungu Funding: 2007 – ESKOM Background • Motorized loads such as induction motors account for 60% the load in industry. • With more than 5 billion Rands spent on over 2 years on motor repair, the impact of motor repair on efficiency in South Africa is unknown. Research Focus • The comparison of the different procedures followed in international standards such as the IEEE 112, IEC 60034, JEC 37 and others • The impact of the process of armature rewind on induction motor efficiency Objectives • Construction of state of the art test rigs to produce very accurate efficiency values for the different motors • Rigorous testing of motors before and after rewinding RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 18 Motor Efficiency Test Rigs Two test rigs commissioned in Electric Machines lab at UCT Range of motors to be tested and rewound: 3kW, 7.5kW, 11kW, 15kW, 22 kW, 37.5kW, 45kW, 55kW Inline Torque Transducer 2:3 Pulley System Dynanometer 250kW Dynamometer Tested AC Motor 15kW tested motor Inline Torque Transducer Torque transducer amplifier 15kW test rig to test from 3-15kW RMWG Meeting 55kW test rig to test from 22-55kW 20 Feb 2008 19 Motor Efficiency Test Rigs Speed vs Load Accuracy and repeatability of tests are very important. A 15kW motor is used to validate this. 1500.00 1490.00 Speed (rpm) 1480.00 Efficiency vs Load for 15kW motor 94 1470.00 1460.00 1450.00 1440.00 1430.00 92 1420.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Loading (%) Losses vs Torque^2 88 800 700 86 Stray Load Losses (W) Efficiencies 90 84 82 600 500 400 300 200 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Loading (%) 160 100 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 Torque Squared (N.m ^2) RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 20 Motor Efficiency Comparison of Efficiency Standards Efficiency tests performed as per SANS IEC 34-2, JEC 2137, IEEE 112 and CSA 390 standards and compared with Pout/Pin and catalogue IEEE IEC 61972 IEEE 112 SANS IEC 34-2 CSA-390 Catalogue JEC SANS IEC 34-2 Pout/Pin 89 Discrepancy between the efficiencies are due to the treatment of stray losses, temperature (Pout/Pin) and manufacturers quoting calculated catalogue efficiencies rather than tested values CSA-390 IEC 61972 90 Efficiency (%) 88 87 86 85 84 JEC 83 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 Loading (%) 90 Standard motor 88 Efficiency (%) 86 84 82 80 78 76 High Eff motor Two 3kW motors tested (standard and high efficiency motors) 74 72 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Loading (%) RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 21 Motor Efficiency Comparison of Efficiency Standards Standard Method of SLL IEEE 112 Indirect Method* SANS IEC 60034-2 Assumed Values JEC 2137 Ignore SLL CSA 390 Indirect Method Stray Load losses are losses that are the most difficult to measure. This is due to there non-linearity and numerous causes. The different standards employ different ways of calculating them. This is where the biggest difference is in the standards * Pstray (Pelec Pmech ) (PFr ,W PFe Protor Pstator ) RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 22 Motor Efficiency Investigation on the effects of temperature on efficiency during testing Losses increase with an increase in temperature. Efficiency therefore is affected 100% 115.00 Thermocouple 1 Thermocouple 2 Stray Load Loss (W) Effects of Temperature 490 440 390 340 290 240 105.00 0 75% 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 Torque Sqaured Temperature (C) 95.00 SLL variation of up to 1% 85.00 50 % 75.00 25% 65.00 55.00 0.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 5000.00 6000.00 7000.00 8000.00 Time (sec) RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 23 Motor Efficiency Effects of Temperature Efficiency maximum variation of up to 0.5% This is significant when trying to investigate the effects of rewinding It has been reported in literature that motor can loss or gain up a 1% in efficiency 91 Efficiency (%) 90 89 Series1 88 Series2 87 86 85 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Loading (%) RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 24 Motor Efficiency Armature rewinding Impact on motor efficiency (and/or losses) can occur at any point during the rewind process South African Rewind and Refurbishment standards such SANS 1804 and 10242 have a standard procedure Motor loss Winding Reducing conductor cross-sectional area Changing number of turns Using wrong winding configuration Machining rotor Oven Burn Out or Mechanical Stripping RMWG Meeting Winding data and Winding Stripping All parts are cleaned Electrical tests are done on Rotor Core Testing Paint and Insulate Core Varnishing by impregnating and baking Rotor is balanced Bearings are replaced if needed Stator rewound and insulated All electrical connections done and reassembly of motor Rotor losses Altering rotor bars and end rings (I2R losses) Changing cage design Change in air gap symmetry and air gap unconventional behavior Bent motor shaft or damaged end shields Mechanical Overhang is cut Bearings and cooling fan not replaced to Friction and original conditions Windage Incorrect bearing fits losses Incorrect bearing preload Stray load losses Visual inspection for fault Affected by Overheating core steel during stripping Damaging core insulation during winding Stator core removal losses Excessive abrasion and grinding during core cleaning Stator Winding Losses (I2R losses) Visual inspection for fault Final Testing 20 Feb 2008 25 Motor Efficiency Comparison of 3kW Std and HE Motor Two induction motors were compared: • Standard motor: 3kW, 4-pole • High efficiency: 3kW, 4-pole Objectives: • Efficiency differences between motors assessed • Operating performance differences between motors, when subjected to the same load assessed • To assess effectiveness of retrofitting standard motors with high efficiency motors RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 3kW HE Motor with Dynamometer 26 Motor Efficiency Methodology IEC 60034-2-1 standard used to assess efficiency both motors Equivalent circuit parameters determined for both motors: • No-load test • Locked Rotor test Operating performance differences assessed using equivalent circuits and superimposing pump load curve RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 27 Motor Efficiency IEC60034 Test Results IEC 60034-2-1 standard used to assess efficiency both motors: • 3kW Standard and High Efficiency motors tested • Full temperature compensation for losses as per standard Stator Copper losses vs load 400 350 Stator Cu losses [W] 300 Indirect Method Efficiency vs Load 90 Std-Motor Best-fit 88 H-Eff-Motor 250 200 150 Best-fit 100 86 50 0 20 84 Efficiency [%] Std-Motor Cubic-fit H-Eff-Motor Cubic-fit 40 60 80 100 Load [%] 120 140 160 Rotor Copper losses vs load 82 700 600 80 Rotor Cu losses [W] 500 78 76 400 300 200 74 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Load [%] Efficiency vs Load comparison RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 160 Std-Motor Cubic-fit H-Eff-Motor Cubic-fit 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Load [%] 120 140 160 28 Motor Efficiency Equivalent Circuit Parameters Equivalent circuit parameters determined for both motors: • No-load test • Locked Rotor test • IEEE recommended equivalent circuit used: IEEE recommended equivalent circuit Equivalent circuit parameters: • Standard motor RMWG Meeting High Efficiency motor 20 Feb 2008 29 Motor Efficiency Operating Performance Equivalent circuits used with Matlab program to predict performance of motors Centrifugal pump load curve superimposed on characteristics of both motors Comparison with experimental results RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 30 Motor Efficiency Operating Performance: Torque vs Speed Torque vs speed curves of both motors with centrifugal pump load curve superimposed Experimental results show good correlation IM Torque vs speed characteristic 60 High Eff Calc Std Calc High Eff Exp 50 Std Exp Centrifugal load High Efficiency motor: • Slip=4.85% • Speed=1427.3rpm 40 Torque [Nm] Standard motor: • Slip=6.1% • Speed=1408.5rpm 30 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 n [rpm] RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 31 Motor Efficiency Operating Performance: Current vs Speed Current vs speed curves of both motors Experimental results show good correlationIM per-phase stator current vs speed characteristic 30 Standard motor: • Slip=6.1% • Speed=1408.5rpm • I1_load=6.28A • pf=0.78 lagging High Eff Calc Std Calc High Eff Exp 25 Std Exp High Efficiency motor: • Slip=4.85% • Speed=1427.3rpm • Current=6.1A • pf=0.8 lagging Current [A] 20 15 10 5 0 0 500 1000 1500 n [rpm] RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 32 Motor Efficiency Operating Performance: Efficiency Efficiency vs speed curves of both motors Experimental results show good correlation IM Efficiency vs speed characteristic 100 Standard motor: • Slip=6.1% • Speed=1408.5rpm • Eff_load=83.1% High Efficiency motor: • Slip=1% • Speed=1427.3rpm • Efficiency=87.8% High Eff Calc. 90 Std. Calc. High Eff. Exp Std. Exp 80 70 60 Efficiency [%] 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 n [rpm] RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 33 Motor Efficiency Operating Performance: Energy Energy saving based on reduction in input power drawn by High Eff motor: • Same centrifugal pump load • 3kW Std motor replaced with 3kW High Eff Standard motor input power: • Pin = 3.39kW High Efficiency motor input power: • Pin = 3.38kW Reduction in input power drawn by High Eff motor: • ∆Pin = 10.64W !!! • ∆Pin = 0.3% !!! RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 34 For further enquiries, please contact: Name: Number: E-mail: Dr Azeem Khan Dr Ben Sebitosi Prof Pragasen Pillay 021-650-5956 021-650-5253 RMWG Meeting 20 Feb 2008 35