Naval Medical Logistics Command Detachment, Pirmasens 08 May 2012 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Briefing Topics TLAMM (Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel) • • • • • CJCS designates Theater Lead Agents for Medical Materiel (TLAMM) upon recommendation of CCDR and DLA Director Single HSS point of contact for theater-level medical logistics Class VIIIA supply, plus*: – Medical equipment maintenance – Optical fabrication – Medical materiel fielding – Assembly and reconstitution – *Blood storage and distribution USAMMC-Korea – Customer support & training, contact team support Normally includes clinical support element and Service liaisons SME for supply chain planning ISO OPLANs/CONPLANs Support Joint and designated Coalition forces as well as Humanitarian Assistance missions * Task organized to mission TLAMM Scope The TLAMM serve as a Class VIIIA source of supply in support of expeditionary Health Service Support operations in a given COCOM. • Class VIIIA order processing/fulfillment Support to unit of any Service (A, AF, N, USMC) DMLSS or DCAM /TWELS to DMLSS) Fill from stock or pass to supplier Catalog and order exception management (x-ref NSN to PVON, etc) • Coordinate distribution/transportation • Provide financial support Operate within a Working Capital Fund Receipt confirmation for vendor pay Electronic reimbursement (MILSBILS/EMALL) • Scalable from baseline peacetime’ level to Major Theater conflict Scope baseline to OPLAN Receive augmentation for support beyond baseline • Provide storage/operational space Operational baseline • Identify opportunities for operational efficiency • SME / POC for OPLAN / CONOP Class VIII supply chain planning TLAMM ‘serves as a major theater medical distribution node and provides the face to the customer for medical logistics and supply chain management’. Types of TLAMMs Three types of TLAMMs: Standing, Provisional and Special. Standing: a service-operated theater distribution center with routine mission support to joint institutional (MTF) and operational customers. Provisional: is established as a service-operated organization, mobilized when needed to support a specific mission. It is initially organically staffed, with incremental augmentation, and a follow-on deployment of an attached medical logistics organization. Special: is designated to support specific product lines (e.g. WMD response, burns, neurosurgical) or specific types of customers (SOF), normally CONUS based at Power Projection Platforms and/or key “reachback” sites (e.g. Kelly USA, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Brooke AMC). Common to all: provide routine support; use business processes and distribution channels that do not increase costs or delivery time to forward customers; must be incorporated into the Joint planning processes of the Combatant and Service Component Commands. CRITERIA Capability to receive/process electronic requisitions (line item reqn) from operational customers of all Services w/necessary financial interfaces for inter-fund billing. Immediate access to Working Capital Fund for Class VIIIA supply operations. (SOUTHCOM – KellyUSA, TX & PACOM (TLAMM-P, Okinawa) both use AF fund) while USAMMCE & SWA and USAMMC-K supported via DWCF. Use of standard DoD business processes for Class VIIIA Management within the HSS Allow use comm product ID & direct ordering/delivery from PVs Located w/access to tactical air distribution & strategic air channels from national-level sources of supply Functions Primary distribution node between CONUS commercial base and theater customer – supporting habitual relationships Serves as partner & resource in COCOM supply chain planning Provides full range of medical logistics functions (one stop shop) Supported by Stakeholders, Service Component Commands, Sub-unified Commands . Endorsed by Service Medical Departments Scalable to support habitual and external customers through planned augmentation and expansion Integrated into overall mobilization/expansion plans (TPFDD) Integrated into the overall DoD/MMEA global operational architecture for CLVIIIA supply distribution Attributes Demonstrated capability to surge from steady state to contingency operations Access to a Working Capital Fund (DLA/USAF) Organic Transportation Manager (TMO) Access to Transportation Channels ITV- Shipment tracking Ease of Financial Processes Depth of Logistical expertise/capability Electronic/Web-based Order Entry capability Mission focus for Dedicated TLAMM Access to Class VIII and Assembled sets/customization Medical Logistics Infrastructure Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel (TLAMM) Primary medical distribution center Links to CONUS industry sources Provides materiel & inventory management and customer support operations Primary supply chain integrator Supports theater supply chain planning Normally responsible for full range of medical logistics functions Prime Vendor Other Suppliers Theater TLAMM EMF Theater Hospitals USN Beach Det EMEDS Current TLAMM Designations COCOM TLAMM EUCOM USAMMCE CENTCOM USAMMC-SWA USFK PACOM (less USFK) USAMMC-K 18th CSH USMC MedLog Co US Army MedLog Co Forward Resuscitative Surgery Area Customers Brigade Combat Team MDSS / USNHO NORTHCOM USA MEDCOM SOUTHCOM AFMOA/KellyUSA AFRICOM USAMMCE FST Aid Aid Sta Aid Sta Sta BSMC BMSO First Responder Fleet Support - Today Navy Supply relies upon its line logistics system business process for CLVIIIA, supported by Fleet PV program and partnership with DDC/FISC infrastructure. Peacetime demands support only limited forward inventory and a narrow range of HSS for Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF). Fleet forces has experimented with TLAMM support during HA/DR missions it does not habitually use TLAMMs as a source of supply. Any source of supply for FDNF must be able to ship or redirect materiel to points supporting underway replenishment, which may change. Issues/Considerations “Non-Standard Business Processes” • Navy Hospital Ships and “Grey Hulls” rely on Navy ordering and re-supply processes and legacy systems that do not smoothly integrate with the DoD Medical Logistics Enterprise. Electron flow. *DMLSS was deployed aboard the Hospital Ships w/only the Equipment Management module utilized to date. • Contractual boundaries - FPV vs. Regional PV vs. CRR • Map NSN to Part No. and/or Cat No. • Access to CRIF (Cargo Routing Information File) • Additional Transport costs (from TLAMM to Ship) • Advance notification of ship deployments into AOR • Establishment of Ship Account w/TLAMM and billing process • Advance notification of re-supply requirements • No control substances Recommendation – Way Ahead TLAMM’s can serve as the designated Class VIIIA primary source of resupply for naval ships operating within each respective COCOM AOR. Designated TLAMM’s will accept routine customer orders via electronic transactions using DMLSS/Customer Assistance Module (DCAM), Theater Enterprise-Wide Logistics System (TEWLS) and spreadsheet to fill from onhand stocks when able. The EDI application provides a listing of items stocked within a TLAMM and is a Theater Medical Information Program (TMIP) product developed by the DMLSS Joint Medical Logistics Functional Development Center (FMLFDC). Required items not on-hand will be passed by the ship using normal DAASC trap channels to SMS (DLA TS Medical) into Contingency Automation Application (CAA). This program/process provides a collaborative, web-based workload distribution and management tool that tracks sourcing ownership, source execution, shipping status and alternate executions (including passing actions) for all requirements Recommendation – Way Ahead con’t DMLSS program will also provide items available from PV/Readiness contracts through the web. Requisition passes will be captured and reported as a supply performance metric. Automated requisition flow will be tailored to provide the most reliable and sustainable communications between the customer and the TLAMM. Products will carry normal commercial product identification and “not be re-marked” with NSN or other military-unique identification. Orders filled by TLAMM’s will be shipped to locations designated by the Navy (CRIF) for onward distribution. Shipment will include intransit visibility (ITV) whenever available. Navy will answer Request for Info (RFI) by the TLAMM for supported Navy units on an as needed basis. Lessons learned will be used to develop long term system solutions for more effective and efficient medical supply chain management. Responsibilities Provide supporting TLAMM with information necessary to establish supply accounts for Fleet customers (DODAAC, customer identification, contact information, ship-to, etc). Provide supporting TLAMM’s w/anticipated re-supply items for Flt customers. Coordinate w/TLAMM’s cross-reference NSN reqts to TLAMM comm P/N . Provide POC to coordinate order exceptions, invalid stock numbers and approval for substitutions. (This is not necessary when using DCAM. The items shown are on-hand stocks available within the TLAMM. Provide POC to coordinate TLAMM shipments to appropriate destinations for onward distribution via Fleet replenishment processes. Make use of TLAMM stockage list for requirements anticipated usage items. Coordinate with TLAMM’s to ensure collaborative response to unplanned requirements such as contingency or disaster response. TLAMM’s & DLA (MMEA) TLAMM’s: - Establish supply accounts for designated Fleet customers and provide a POC for customer support operations - Provide Fleet customers with current TLAMM stockage information. - Provide cross reference NSNs for anticipated items to Prime Vendor Order -- Number (PVON) or other commercial identifier. - Coordinate with designated Navy POC for shipment instructions for Fleet customers. (ITV) DLA (MMEA): - Provide value-added network services through the Defense Automated Address System (DAAS) to route and modify (as required) MILSTRIP transactions to the supporting TLAMM. - Work to standardize TLAMM’s so that support is consistent within all COCOM AORs. - Work to identify supply system interfaces that will afford connectivity between TLAMM and customers BOTTOM LINE TLAMM will provide the foundation for real-time logistics situational awareness and helps instill Warfighter confidence by: • Optimizing logistics business processes transitioning to a logistics system open architecture that provides interoperable and actionable logistics information. • Enhancing logistics response to the joint Warfighter. Capability to optimize route allocation (Channel / MilAir) scheduling (Force Flow). • Capability to collaborate across all Services, enabled by common metrics, standards, and processes. • Capability to make more effective use of pre-positioning stocks to reduce lift requirements and increase capabilities and capacity. • Capability for agencies to interoperate, in foreign disaster relief and stability operations. • Capability to exercise real-time, end-to-end control of distribution, and sustainment pipeline—from mobilization, employment, reconstitution, regeneration, redeployment, and demobilization, and across the entire logistics spectrum. • Capability for logisticians and operators to collaborate fully among themselves, their counterparts and w/interagency and coalition partners.Used for training and exercise experience. 16 What is TLAMM/USAMMCE United States Army Medical Materiel Center-Europe (USAMMCE), is subordinate unit of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Serve as the Defense Logistics Agency's Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel (TLAMM) for Europe. Mission Essential Capabilities Life Cycle Management of Class VIII Materiel Clinical Engineering Support Clinical Advise Support Optical Fabrication Assembly, Reconstitution, Disassembly of MESKOS (Kitting) Mission Strategic Relevance / TLAMM Organization – USAMMC-E Augmenting Manpower: USAMMCE COMMANDER Navy: 3 NMLC Air Force: 1 AFMOA Dept of State: 9 DLA-TS: 1 CENTERS GM HHD SAFETY / ENVIRO DEPUTY COMMANDER FOR OPERATIONS DEPUTY COMMANDER FOR SUPPORT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DIV INFORMATION MANAGEMENT DIV LOGISTICS DIV SECURITY BR NAVMEDLOGC OM DET PIRMASENS AFMOA LNO PIRMASENS ARMY: 28 US Civ: 49 Local Natl Civ: 318 SUPPORT OPERATIONS HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE PROGRAM BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICE/ TEWLS WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION DIV ASSEMBLY & CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT DIV MATERIEL MANAGEMENT DIV CUSTOMER SUPPORT DIV OPTICAL ACTIVITIES DIV CLINICAL ENGINEERING DIV CLINICAL ADVISORY DIV 906 Total Joint Service Customers Chievres Shape, Belgium Bitburg Ramstein Illesheim Heidelberg Landstuhl Grafenwoer Baumholder Hohenfels Miseau Kaiserslautern Wiesbaden Katterbach Schweinfurt, DE EUCOM 343 European Based Customers CENTCOM 504 OEF Customers AFRICOM 59 Customers, Shipping to 27 locations Blood shipments to HOA Department of State Saravejo, Bosnia Lakenheath, UK Kiev, Ukraine Budapest, Hungary Kolasin, Montenegro Support to 162 Embassies Al Asad Baghdad Tikrit Tallil Balad Kirkuk Mosul, Iraq Almaty, Kazakhstan Chisinau, Moldova Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Tblisi, Georgia Tashkent, Uzbekistan Constanta, Romania Rota, Spain Sigonella Livorno Aviano Vicenza Naples, Italy Terceira, Azores Sofia, Bulgaria Pristina Ferizay, Kosovo Baku, Azerbaijan Kabul Kandahar Bagram Camp Bastion Gardez Camp Leatherneck Mazar-e Sharif Camp Dwyer Herat, AF Incirlik, Turkey Athens, Greece Akrotiri, Cyprus Islamabad, Pakistan Skopje, Macedonia Ali Al Salem, Kuwait Dimashq, Syria Tel Aviv, Israel Algeria Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Chad Congo Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Kenya Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Morocco Nigeria Rwanda Sierra Leone South Africa Camp Lemonier, Djibouti Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Manama, Bahrain Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Sanaa, Yemen Thumrait, Oman Al Dhafra, UAE Doha, Qatar Medical Supply Chain Multiple Sources of Supply Army, Navy and Air Force fixed Facilities throughout the EUCOM & AFRICOM AOR Prime Vendor (Pharm) Prime Vendor (MedSurg) Military Ground Transportation Electronic Catalog (ECAT) Theater Class VIII Distribution Center DLA Depots Local Purchase IMPAC & Contract Specialty Distributors Web-based vendors Manufacturers CONUS/OCONUS Commercial Transportation Department of State Embassies and Humanitarian Asst Ops MTOE units US Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe (USAMMCE) Pirmasens, Germany Servicing 906 Joint Service Customers 8,561 Stocked Lines Valued at $27.1 M Commercial Transportation Joint, Inter-Service, and Multi-national organizations in support of OEF/OIF Establishing an Account Establishing an Account To establish an account with USAMMCE go to: Deployed customers must provide the following information to establish a customer account Unit name, designation, and DODAAC/UIC Name, Rank, Contact info for authorized ordering personnel Funding document Shipping addresses…(Commercial) Any special shipping instructions Establishing an Account Primary ordering methods (preferred) Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support System (DMLSS) Web-based TLAMM Online Ordering DMLSS Customer Assistance Module (DCAM) Alternate ordering methods (least preferred) Email order to USAMMCE Customer Support 25 Account Establishment To establish an Online Ordering account with USAMMCE go to: Fill out the new customer registration form. Once completed simply click on submit and USAMMCE will complete the process. Ordering Process USAMMCE CATALOG Contains all product we have in our system click on ONLINE WEB ORDERING Ordering Process Click here If you’re a registered user Fill in the blanks for new customer registration After verification email is sent to you with your login credentials Ordering Process Once selected click onto the Basket icon Enter NSN or material number or use search functions Wildcard search via % Material will be added to your list Ordering Process Fill in all required fields -- Ordering DODAAC -- Signal Code -- Fund code or APC Failure to do so might prevent order from being processed - Click on “?” to get selection criteria To continue shopping return to Search by Stock number or Nomenclature Done ? Click on submit order Remember: You have to click on submit for each ordered line item – a collective transfer is not possible Ordering Process Placed Order Since there’s no paper printout possible you might highlight all orders, copy and paste to a word document and save it. Procurement Methods USAMMCE utilizes 6 methods to procure medical supplies Prime Vendor (Pharm and Med/surg) ECAT DLA-TS BPA GPC Contract 32 Shipping Procedures Distribution Methods (Non-Germany Customers) USPS (Sechudal II items) DHL UPS AMC National Air Cargo (NAC) FedEx Schenker UTI Jazz Distribution Methods (Local Customers) UPS Express Above Carriers Military Trucks Customer pick-up AMC Customer Turn-Ins Customers should redistribute or dispose of excess materiel locally When not possible, TLAMM-USAMMCE may accept customer returns Procedures and requirements can be found on the USAMMCE webpage. The credit is applied to a general account for the major DODACC Contact the USAMMCE Pharmacy Consultant or the Pharmacy Technician for questions regarding status of returns: Phone: DSN 495-7230/6265 or Com 06331-86-7230/6265, E-mail: 34 Delivery USAMMCE processes order request daily and ships per the posted schedule found on the USAMMCE website Non-emergency orders will be shipped weekly Provisions for more frequent orders can be coordinated as mission requirements dictate Emergency orders will be shipped immediately if stock is on-hand or once stock arrives 35 Points of Contact OIC LCDR Rebecca V Gels NIPR: SIPR: COMM: 011.49.6331.86.7427 DSN: 314.495.7427 Fleet Liaison Ashore Liaison HM2 (FMF) Michael Price HM2 Nana Bonsu Navy Pharmacy Technician NIPR: SIPR: COMM: 011-49-6331-86-7170 DSN: 314.495.7170 NIPR: COMM: 011-49-6331-86-6675 DSN: 314.495.6675 QUESTIONS?