我院光信息专业与美国罗切斯特大学光学专业 建设方面的对比与建议 调研人:曹文华 罗切斯特大学光学研究所暨光学专业简介 光学专业设在该校工程和应用科学学院下属的光学研究所, 光学研究所的创始人包括:Kodak、Bausch 、Lomb,成立于 1929年,是美国第一个在光学领域同时开展教学和科研的研究所。 该所的主要任务是培养下一代Optical Physics, Applied Optics and Optical Engineering等领域的带头人,授予光学专业本科、 硕士和博士学位,至今已授予的学位数占全美光学专业学位数的 近一半。 罗切斯特大学光学研究所暨光学专业简介 教师队伍:全职教授22人,校内共享教授10人(professors with Optics joint appointments) ,共享系包括: Imaging Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Dermatology皮肤病(学) , Electrical Engineering, Laboratory for Laser Energetics热力学,动能学,力能学 , The Simon School of Business, and Chemistry. 兼职教授( adjunct professors,专门上课 )5人,15名左右的 research scientists and post-doctoral scientists ,10名教辅人员。 大约80名本科生,100名研究生,研究生中博士生占90%,硕士 生占10%,外籍(非美国籍)研究生占38%。 教学科研场所包括整个一栋Wilmot Building, 同时还与生物医学 工程系共享the new Goergen Hall(大厅)。 Research Research Areas Key Areas (每个领域2-14人不等) Biomedical Optics Raman spectroscopy, cerebral hemodynamics, biosensors, nonlinear optical microscopes, detection and characterization of single viruses, study of transmembrane proteins using single molecule spectroscopy, photodynamic therapy, light scattering spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, fluorescence imaging of gene expression, in-vivo imaging, real-time pathology, image restoration, super-resolution of retinal images Fibers & Fibers, lasers, fiber-optic amplifiers, silicon photonics, lightwave Optical system design, photonic crystal fibers, slow-light techniques, Communication simulated light scattering, soliton propagation Image Science & Systems Quantum imaging, image reconstruction and restoration, wavefront sensing, lensless coherent imaging, phase retrieval, phase-error correction, sparse-aperture and segmented-aperture optical systems, Fourier transform spectroscopy Nano Optics Light-matter interactions on the subwavelength scale, near-field optical spectroscopy, single molecule studies, nanostructured materials for sensing applications Research Research Areas Key Areas (每个领域2-14人不等) Nonlinear Optics Nonlinear optics of metals, extreme nonlinear optics in intense fields, ultrafast material processing, BEC, single photon detection, entanglement, slow light and fast-light, quantum imaging, composite photonic materials Optical Fabrication & Testing Mechanics and chemistry of polishing, magnetorheological finishing, interferometry Optical Engineering & Design Liquid crystal optics, opto-mechanics, tolerancing, optical system analysis, optical metrology and system alignment by phase retrieval Optical Materials Plasmonic materials for light localization and guiding, carbon nanotubes, semiconductors, quantum wells and quantum dots, nanocomposite materials Research Research Areas Key Areas (每个领域2-14人不等) Optoelectronics & Semiconductor epitaxial structures for lasers, Lasers optical detectors, and high-power semiconductor lasers Physical Optics Optical system diffractive modelling, phase retrieval, wavefront measurement Quantum Optics Quantum coherence, quantum noise, dark states, entanglement, quantum control, wave packets, multiphoton processes, cavity QED, nonlinear pulse propagation, quantum information, BEC, laser cooling and trapping, photon detection, quantum imaging Ultrafast Optics & Supercontinuum generation, mode-locked lasers, solitons, High-Field ultrafast dynamics in solids, atoms and molecules in Sciences strong fields, high-energy-density matter, laser plasmas, femtosecond laser abiation, ultrafast lasers 本科培养计划 (一)四年期培养计划 Typical Four-year Program in Optics, 130个学分,可授 予光学或光学工程学位,对于两种学位的学生,前三年学习内 容基本相同。 (二)本-硕培养计划(B.S.-M.S. Program in Optics) 又称3年加2年培养计划,可拿到光学专业或光学工程专业的 本科学位以及光学专业硕士学位。要求学生在前4年达到学士学位 所要求的所有条件,同时还需满足作为硕士研究生的一些条件。 第5年专攻硕士研究生课程。 几点说明: (1)前2年成绩优秀又想做研究或想获得光学专业硕士学位的 学生必须明确考虑3-2培养计划。 (2)选择3-2培养计划的学生必须在3年级前获得老师提供的 advice,以便于后续选课。 本科培养计划 关于本-硕培养计划(又称3-2计划)几点说明: (1)前2年成绩优秀又想做研究或想获得光学专业硕士学位的 学生必须明确考虑3-2培养计划。 (2)选择3-2培养计划的学生必须在3年级前获得老师提供的 advice,以便于后续选课。 (3)有志于3-2计划的学生在申请前需找一个MS advisor 。 MS advisor 负责对学生提供有关研究生课程的建议。3-2申 请须包括一个经MS advisor同意的硕士论文计划或方案 (proposal)。MS advisor须帮助学生设计硕士论文方案并明 确规定下一步的学习计划。 本科培养计划 (三)5年培养计划(“Take Five” Program) 设计5年培养计划的目的是为了让学生获得前两个计划得不 到的本学科以外的宽口径的通才教育(broader liberal-arts education ),是为了加强学生的综合知识和技能,并不是针对 具体就业的职业教育。学生必须在三年级下学期提出申请参加该 计划,在第四年和第五年选修本学科以外的课程,不能集中在某 一个学期选,也不能在完成本学位课程以后再选,而应该分散在 后两年的计划之中。第9学期或第5年学校不收学生在本学科以外 选课的额外学费。在本学科外选修的课程必须有关联,而不是在 毫不相关的专业中随机选择。其中至少要有一半以上课的深度是 处于入门程度以上(beyond the introductory level)。所有额外 的选修课都应该是本专业以外的,四分之一的额外选修课还不能 属于本专业相近的专业。在校外选修额外的选修课必须得到学校 认可。 The M.S. Program(不讲) The master of science degree program in optics is designed to provide the student who has a strong undergraduate preparation in physics or engineering with the knowledge and skills to contribute to state-of-the-art optics research and development. A number of options are available within the general degree requirements to satisfy the needs of students with a variety of goals in mind. Students wishing to get a basic training in optics to enter an industrial or governmental laboratory can obtain that training in as little as nine months by taking 30 hours of course work and the master's comprehensive examination. This option is an attractive one for the engineer working in industry who desires to get advanced training in optics. It is also possible to obtain this degree on a part-time basis. The student who would like to combine formal education with practical industrial experience may enter the master's co-op program. These students begin with one semester of coursework, and then spend one full year working in industry, following which they return to complete the second semester of coursework. During the year in industry the students are paid the normal salary for employees with similar levels of experience. Finally, the student who wishes to get advanced training in research in some particular area of optics may wish to take the thesis option. This option generally requires 12 to 18 months and it allows the student to develop a high level of expertise in a specialized field. Master's students may be awarded tuition assistance and stipends to help support their studies. For additional information on applying for the M.S. Program and course requirements, please go to M.S. Program Outline. The Ph.D. Program(不讲) The doctoral program is designed to prepare its graduates to carry out independent creative research in an industrial, academic, or government setting. To achieve this goal efficiently The Institute normally offers full fellowship support to all entering Ph.D. students. This policy allows the students to spend full time during the first year taking a broad range of courses exploring all of the various areas of optics. With this preparation the student is then able to make a knowledgeable choice of specialization for thesis research. During the second term the student talks to various faculty members and joins one of the research groups beginning work in the summer. At the beginning of the second year students take a written preliminary examination covering the first-year coursework plus the undergraduate prerequisites for those courses. Then, the remainder of the second year is spent in taking advanced specialized coursework, fulfilling the oneyear teaching assistant requirement, and doing research. The range of possible research topics is quite wide as can be seen from the table above, or by reading through the faculty sketches section of our website.The average time required to complete the degree is five and one-half years. The Institute is a particularly stimulating environment to carry out research. There are regular research seminars and visits the internationally known optics researchers. Also, the sheer concentration of optics at The Institute of Optics, elsewhere at the University of Rochester, and throughout the Rochester community means that there is a resident expert consultant for almost any conceivable question in optics. For additional information on the Ph.D. Program, please go to Ph.D. Program Outline. 对比与建议 建议之一:进一步做好本专业宣传工作,提高生源质量 让入学前的学生了解什么是光信息科学与技术,了解光信息 科学与技术在现代科技中的地位以及在现代人生活中的作用。例 如罗切斯特大学光学专业网站上是这样描述的: Optics is the study of light: its generation, propagation, detection, and interaction with matter. Optics includes basic and applied science as well as engineering. It is a multidisciplinary endeavor with its roots in physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, and materials science. The science of optics has a long history. It has occupied the minds of many of the greatest scientific thinkers: Galileo, Descartes (笛卡尔), Huygens, Newton, Maxwell, Rayleigh, and Einstein. Discoveries in optics strongly influenced the development of modern science. Einstein's explanations of the photoelectric effect and the Planck radiation formula; Zernike's invention of phase-contract microscopy; Lamb's measurement of radiative frequency shifts of light emitted by atoms; and Cherenkov's discovery of light emissions by a charged particle moving faster than the speed of light in a medium all have changed the way we perceive the world. These, and other discoveries in optics were recognized by more than twenty Nobel Prizes during the period 1907-2005. 建议之二:每个学期的学分分布可适当均匀一些 学期 课程数 学分 1 8门必修+6门选3门公共选修 22.5+6 2 10门必修+6门选3门公共选修 28.5+6 3 9门必修+ 3门专业选修 23+6 4 9门必修+ 1门专业选修 26+1 5 1门必修+10门专业选修中选若干门 3+28分之几 6 1门必修+8门专业选修中选若干门 1.5+20分之几 7 1门必修+8门专业选修中选若干门 1.5+13.5分之几 8 无课,只做毕业论文 10 注:(1)上述必修课包括综合必修和专业必修;(2)前2年学分 占总学分73.5%,还不包括实践环节如读书报告和假期见闻所规 定的部分学分;(3)后2年必修课太少,基本上是专业选修课; (3)毕业要求的专业选修课只需要25学分,如果学生在第5学期 就完成专业选修课要求的学分,则第6、7学期基本无课。 罗切斯特大学光学专业4年期培养计划的学分安排: First Year (~33) Fall MTH 161 Calculus I CHM 131 (5 credits) WRT 105 (if placed in this semester or cluster) OPT 101/EAS 105 (available, not required) Spring MTH 162 Calculus II PHY 121 WRT 105 (if placed in this semester or cluster) EAS Computing Course Third Year (~32) Fall OPT 224 Fundamentals of Lasers OPT 242 Aberrations and Testing OPT 199 Instrumentation Lab (1 credit) ME 201/MTH 281 Technical Elective Spring OPT 262 Electromagnetic Theory OPT 287 Math Methods in Optics & Physics Circuits Technical Elective 毕业要求总学分130 Second Year (~35) Fall MTH 164 PHY 122 (or 142) OPT 241 Geometrical Optics OPT 197 Geo-Optics Laboratory (1 credit) Cluster course Spring MTH 163 or MTH 165 PHY 123 (or 143) OPT 261 Interference & Diffraction OPT 198 Physical Opt. Laboratory (1 credit) Cluster course Fourth Year (~30) Fall OPT 223 Quantum Theory of Optics OPT 256 Comprehensive Optics Lab OPT 310 Senior Design I (2 cr.) or OPT 320 Senior Thesis I (2 cr.) Cluster or Elective Spring OPT 226 Optoelectronics I OPT 311 Senior Design II (2 cr.) or OPT 321 Senior Thesis II (2 cr.) Cluster or Tech. Elective Elective 建议之三:为了使得每个学期的学分分布均匀, 或开课时间安排应做适当调整 思路:92%的必修课集中在前2年,同时还有38%的选修课,任 务很重。可以将必修课依次往后调,部分选修课也依次往后调。 这样既减轻前2年的学习负担,又能保证每门修读课程所需的先 修课要求,从而确保教学质量。 例子:关于选修课调整:第1学期的公共选修课《Matlab与数学 实验》可调到三年级或四年级,第1学期的公共选修课《光电子 学导论》及《微电子学概论》可调到第3学期,第2学期的公共 选修课《现代摄影技术》以及《发明与创新方法》可调到三年 级或四年级,第3学期的专业选修课《Matlab语言》可调到三年 级或四年级,第4学期的综合选修课《光学技能实训》可调到三 年级。 关于必修课调整:《中国近代史纲要》(2)(6)或(7); 《文史 哲通论》(2)(6)或(7);《数电》(3)(4) ;《量子力学》(4) (6) ; 《光学》(4)以及《电子技术实验》(4) (5);《信号与 系统》 (5) (6)等等。 建议之四:本科教学与研究生教学、教师科研以及企业生产 相结合,顺应教学、科研、生产一体化的趋势。 既可解决理科课程中理论脱离实际的问题,又为 学生就业或进一步深造做好铺垫。 利用好综合性设计性实验、 专业实习、 毕业设计、 学生 科研立项、 各类设计大赛等环节,可以从二年级开始着手。 教师(或课题小组或企业人员)组织牵头、 学生根据自己 兴趣报名参与。尽可能保障学生在各实践环节所从事的工作具 有连贯性和系统性。 本科生取得的结果可以是研究生能用得着的原料, 研究生的 结果可以是教师科研工作的一个子课题, 而教师的科研项目又可 以是企业所必需的。这样,毕业工作的学生能做到上手快,考上 研究生的学生能很快进入科研角色,教师的研究工作和人才培养 也能提高效率。罗切斯特大学光学专业就是这样做的。 谢谢各位!