Risk Management and Efficient Contract Structures in the CCS

Risk Management in Energy Infrastructure Projects
Application to CCS-EOR Projects
Anna Agarwal
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
July 30, 2013
 Risks in infrastructure projects are combination of exogenous and endogenous
Exogenous risks: e.g. market risks, geological uncertainty
Endogenous risks: inefficient decision-making by involved entities
 Endogenous risks cited as the dominant reason for under-performance in
infrastructure projects (Flyvbjerg, Miller and Lessard, Merrow, World Bank Report on Infrastructure)
 Challenge in designing contracts to address endogenous risks lies in the
multitude of exogenous risks
Large number of risk factors make to difficult to foresee all future contingencies and
specify them in contracts (Williamson, 1971)
 Traditionally infrastructure contracts tend to be ‘rule-based’ and not
‘performance-based’, thus contractor has no incentive to reduce risks
 Challenge in infrastructure risk management is to change the current
contracting approach (Flyvbjerg, 2003)
Develop a risk management framework that accounts for
both the exogenous and endogenous risks, and
maximizes the aggregate project value.
Application: CCS-EOR Prototype Project
500 MW IGCC Coal-fired Plant
EOR Oil Field
(with 90% CO2 Capture)
(140 million bbl. oil recovery expected)
50-mile Pipeline
Source: Bellona Foundation
Source: IPCC Report on CCS
Risk Management Framework
- Identify risk factors
Stage 1
- Risk Assessment
a) Characterize the uncertainty
Integrated Project Risk Management
b) Evaluate project risk exposure
- Evaluate efficient risk management
Stage 2: Address Endogenous Risks
Entity 1
Entity 2
Entity 3…
Evaluate optimal contracts
that incentivize the efficient
Modeling uncertainty in market risk factors
Random Walk Model (Geometric Brownian motion)
 Shocks to log spot price are normally distributed
Contingent Decision-making
– Adjust CO2 Capture and Injection Rate
• Marginal Benefits of CO2 Capture and Injection
 Revenue from oil production
(depends on oil price)
 Avoided CO2 emission penalty
(depends on CO2 emission penalty)
• Marginal Costs of CO2 Capture and Injection
 Energy penalty of CO2 Capture
(depends on electricity price)
 O&M Costs of CO2 Injection
 Costs involving drilling CO2 injection wells and oil production wells
Evaluate Optimal CO2 Capture Rate
14% probability of optimal CO2 capture rate being less than 90%
Optimal capture rate
decreases with:
 Decreasing oil price
 Decreasing CO2 price
 Increasing electricity price
Financial Gains from Contingent Decision-making
Gains from adjusting CO2 capture rate increase with
 Decreasing oil price
 Decreasing CO2 price
 Increasing electricity price
Financial Gains from Contingent Decision-making
 14% probability of positive gains from
contingent decision-making
 Financial gains can exceed $300 million
(16% of project NPV)
 Expected value of project value gains is
$11 million
(0.6% of project NPV)
Criteria for Design of CO2 Delivery Contracts
1) Minimize the risk of insolvency
Oil Field
Power Plant
2) Incentivize optimal contingent decision-making
Oil Field
Power Plant
Evaluating Incentives for Contingent Decisions
Fixed Price CO2 Contracts ( $ / ton CO2)
82% probability of sub-optimal
contingent decision-making
Evaluating Incentives for Contingent Decisions
Indexed Price CO2 Contracts ( % price of oil / ton CO2)
Sharing oil price risk reduces likelihood of sub-optimal contingent decision-making to 13%
The scenarios with risk of sub-optimal decisions correspond to low electricity price and high
CO2 emission penalty (poor incentive for power plant to lower CO2 capture rate)
In CCS-EOR projects need to index contract to other risk factors – such as electricity price
and CO2 emission penalty
Conclusions from Market Risk Analysis
• Evaluated optimal contingent decisions, and signified the financial
gains involved.
• Analyzed the implications of contract design and risk-sharing on the
decision-making of the entities.
• Quantitatively illustrated that the final risk exposure of the project
depends on both exogenous risks and endogenous risks.
Thank you
Anna Agarwal
MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research