Lt. col. Rafal Wozniak Ankara, 22nd May 2012 ASSET RECOVERY OFFICES POLISH ASSET RECOVERY OFFICE ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 2 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENT The 5th December 2008: the Commander-in-Chief of Police appoints the Asset Recovery Department which serves as ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 3 Polish Police Structure and Organisation National Police Headquarters Higher Police School in Szczytno Police Schools (4) Province Headquarters (16) Metropolitan Headquarters (1) Police Training Centres Anti-terrorist Subunits Specialized Police Stations (railway, water, airport) Riot Police Units Circuit, Municipal and District Police HQs Police Stations ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT Police Outposts 4 Polish POLICE UNITS Słupsk Gdańsk Olsztyn Szczytno Szczecin Piła Gorzów Wlkp. Białystok Bydgoszcz Legionowo Poznań Warszawa Łódź Radom Wrocław Lublin Kielce Opole National Police Headquarters Province/Metropolitan Police HQs Katowice Rzeszów Katowice Kraków Police Training Centres ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 5 Polish Police Structure and Organisation COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE POLICE Commander in Chief’s Cabinet Office Personel and Training Bureau FIRST DEPUTY DEPUTY DEPUTY Legal Bureau International Police Co-operation Bureau Inspection Bureau Internal Affairs Bureau National Centre For Criminal Information Classified Information Protection Bureau Central Bureau of Investigation Criminal Investigation Bureau Criminal Inteligence Bureau Central Forensic Laboratory Prevention Bureau Command and Crisis Management Bureau Police Logistics Bureau IT Bureau Antiterroristic Operations Bureau Road Traffic Bureau Bureau of Finances Internal Audit Team ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 6 Polish Police Structure and Organisation DIRECTOR OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION BUREAU DEPUTY DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR Criminal Department Economic Crime Department Corruption Crime Department Human Search and Identification Department Operative Techniques Department Special Techniques Department Coordination and Analysis Department Operational Techiques Systems Department Investigation Department Cyber Crime Department Asset Recovery Department ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 7 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE NATIONAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION BUREAU ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT Head of the Department police officers civil staff members secretary ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 8 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT SCOPE OF ACTIVITY ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 9 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY ensuring international information exchange elaborating suggestions for legislative changes cooperation with national units ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT conducting international cooperation ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT managing the set of best practice 10 POLAND SYSTEM OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 11 POLISH SYSTEM of CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS tracing and identification of crime-related assets seizure of the suspects’ assets to cover in advance the fine penalty and money claim of the aggrieved fine penalty and damage compensation to be imposed on the accused provisional seizure of the movables requesting the prosecutors for assets seizure requesting the court to convict the accused for fine penalty or compensation for damages ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT fulfill the sentence by deciding on the fine penalty and compensation for damages 12 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT CO-OPERATION AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 13 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENT Minister of Finance General Prosecutor Minister of Interior and Administration signed: The Declaration of Cooperation – 18th of December 2008 and Agreement ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT – 15th of September 2009 14 STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 15 NEW LEGISLATION Act of 16th September 2011 on exchanging information with EU law enforcement authorities came into force on 1st January 2012 Implements: Swedish Initiative (2006/960/JHA) and Decision on ARO (2007/845/JHA) Legitimates Polish Asset Recovery Office within the National Police Headquarters structures Assigns authorities entitled to exchange information on tracing crime-related assets – international exchange possible through ARO Determines principles of information exchange ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 16 POLISH ASSET RECOVERY SYSTEM national level contact points Polish ARO National Police Headquarters Internal Security Agency Ministry of Finance Military Police General Public Prosecutor’s Office 3 contact points and FIU Tax Audit Offices Customs Offices ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT Border Guard Province Police HQs and Directorates of the Central Bureau of Investigation Appeal and Circuit Prosecution Service local level coordinators Tax and Revenue Offices 1 contact point Central Anticorruption Bureau 17 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 18 REQUESTS to/from POLAND request answer Polish border Police Prosecutor’s Office Customs Border Guard Tax authorities ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT REGISTERS and DATABASES: √ accessible directly √ not directly accessible 19 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT DATABASE ACCESS ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 22 DATABASE ACCESSS Directly accessible databases: Police databases (KSIP) Central Population Register – CEL Central Vehicle Registry – CEPiK National Court Register – KRS National Official Business Register – REGON New Mortgage Register – NKW Data accessible upon the hardcopy requests: Boat registers Aeroplane Register SARs/STRs – limited access to data from reports on suspicious activities and suspicious transactions collected and analysed by Polish FIU Other registers equin registers, farm real estates, etc. ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT DATABASE ACCESS Data accessible upon the hardcopy requests: POLAND has NO Centralised Bank Account Register Polish ARO has no access to bank and tax secrecy when acting for the purpose of international police information exchange on the basis of Council Decisions2007/845/JHA and 2006/960/JHA but… ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 24 DATABASE ACCESS Data accessible upon the hardcopy requests: According to the article 20 of the Act of 6th April 1990 on the Police, Polish police officers have power to obtain bank secrecy information (also insurance secrecy) after the court of law acceptance in intelligence phase According to the article 36e of the Treasury Control Act, Police during the intelligence phase, may obtain from Treasury Intelligence Service, information classified as tax secrecy, concerning a person, company or financial occurrence, but only when both services conduct investigation in similar case ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 25 ASSET RECOVERY OFFICES LEGISLATIVE CHANGES ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 26 LEGISLATIVE CHANGES simplified access to basic information covered by bank, tax, insurance, brokerage secrecy on the HIT / NO HIT basis access to this information for Police officers during intelligence phase establishment of Central Bank Register ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 27 ASSET RECOVERY OFFICES INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 28 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative Centres of Excellence in Asset Recovery and Training Financial Investigation and Assets Confiscation ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT Camden Asset Recovery InterAgency Network European Union to Deliver Excellence in Financial Investigations 29 ARO CONFERENCE 110 delegates from 37 countries participating: - all 27 EU Member States, - Non-EU countries: Croatia, FYROM, Guernsey, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland - 4 countries of the Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, - European Commission, - Council of the European Union, - Europol - Academic experts ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 30 ASSET RECOVERY OFFICES MANAGING THE SET OF BEST PRACTICE ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 31 BEST PRACTICE – TRAININGS ▼ Trainings and workshops on asset recovery elaborating the common asset recovery programme of police training carried out by all Police Schools assisting Police educational units in preparing teaching staff to conduct specialised classes participating – as lecturers – in regional police units’ trainings – about 1800 people trained each year training within the projects co-financed by the European Commission ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 32 BEST PRACTICE – TRAININGS Guidebook on asset recovery; International cooperation; Criminal proceedings; Intelligence activities; Model request form; Access to information covered by different types of secrecy; Means of transport; Money and other values; Real property; Monuments. Assets’ Hunter Decalogue ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 33 BEST PRACTICE – TRAININGS Polish ARO has developed "A Practical Guide to the records" including: NATIONAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS BUREAU Asset Recovery Department 1. Tabel with a list of records and registers, 2. The aforementioned registers characteristics, Practical Guide to registers and records containing information on assets issues 3. Contact details of particular institutions and offices, 4. model requests and authorizations, 5. selected legislation Firts edition - March 2010 Second edition - September 2011 Third edition - April 2012 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 34 ASSET RECOVERY IN2009-2012 500,000,000 450,000,000 400,000,000 350,000,000 300,000,000 250,000,000 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 270 307 482 144 50,000,000 0 2009 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 2010 2011 2012 35 ASSET RECOVERY OFFICES SOME ADVICE FROM POLISH EXPERIENCE ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 36 SOME ADVICE FROM POLISH EXPERIENCE - I COOPERATION AT NATIONAL LEVEL • Improve your national system of financial investigation and asset recovery • ARO location – access to different kinds of information, databases and registers as well as the possibility of direct cooperation • Multidisciplinarity – real – not fictitious • Persons appointed to cooperate with ARO – decision-makers, real influence on the institutions’ that they represent • Central and local structures – even informal ones ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 37 SOME ADVICE FROM POLISH EXPERIENCE - II INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE • Direct access to different secure information exchange channels • Functioning & adequate technical equipment • Practical knowledge of the English language and others by ARO staff • Participation in international training projects and other undertakings - priceless experience and a great motivation for employees • Good cooperation with foreign partners ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 38 SOME ADVICE FROM POLISH EXPERIENCE - III LEGISLATIVE CHANGES • Use the existing law - instead of creating new one • Lack of legal barriers – obtaining information at the national level and their international exchange, • Group of experts from different authorities • Political support – inconvenient but indispensable • Good relations with media – creating public opinion • AMO - Asset Management Office establishment ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 39 SOME ADVICE FROM POLISH EXPERIENCE - IV MANAGING THE SET OF BEST PRACTISE • Permanent training – changing the mentality and acquiring new skills is the key to success • Creation of national training system – from basic to advanced one and also for management staff • System of accreditation for financial investigators • Development and distribution of the training materials • Statistical reports and permanent evaluation system ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 40 SOME ADVICE FROM POLISH EXPERIENCE - V HUMAN FACTOR – ARO CREW • Multidisciplinarity – if it`s really possible • Committed personnel – they are going to create something new on a national scale • Balance - between experience and reflection & energy and creativity • Involvement of criminal analysts • Head of ARO – full of energy to overcome obstacles • Support of Commander in Chief and other high level VIPs • Patience and persistence - any changes need time ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 41 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT CONTACT DETAILS NATIONAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION BUREAU ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 148/150 Pulawska St. 02-624 Warsaw POLAND tel.: +48 (22) 60 153 06 +48 (22) 60 153 37 fax: +48 (22) 60 153 86 ASSET RECOVERY DEPARTMENT 43