Company Company Established in 1992. Started by visionary Engineers & Entrepreneurs with Proven Power Electronics background. Committed to energy conservation. Made a humble beginning with florescent light chokes that conserve energy. Committed to environmental protection. Conscious of social responsibility. Objective Objective To be a pioneer in the development & manufacture of products & technologies aimed at energy conservation and help the society towards sustainable development Focus Focus To develop technology intensive, high MTBF low MTTR, custom-built & user-friendly products Products Products Servo Stabilizers APFC panels Power Savers UPS Accreditations/ Approvals Accreditations/Approval s Power Savers Power Savers Effect of Voltage variation on lamps* Effect of Voltage variation on lamps* Lamp 10% Lower Voltage 10% Higher Voltage Fluorescent Tube lights Light output Decreases by 9% Increases by 8% Power Input Decreases by 15% Increases by 18% Light output Decreases by 20% Increases by 20% Power Input Decreases by 16% Increases by 16% Light output Decreases by 30% Increases by 30% Power Input Decreases by 24% Increases by 26% HPMV Lamps HPSV Lamps *Source: Bureau of Energy Efficiency Hence Voltage reduction is not the real solution, we need optimum voltage Operation Principle Operation Principle * Applied for Patent MS-27 Power Savers introduce low-loss impedance path between the source and the load, which causes maximum power transfer in the circuit that results in substantial saving in power consumption. Operation Principle Operation Principle Maximum power transfer through impedance matching & Optimum Voltage Rv: Motor IV Curve Variable Impedance Ri Load Internal Impedance Current Vo + _ Voltage Operation Principle Operation Principle Voltage Vs Current Waveforms for different loads 90 Degrees 45 Degrees + + Voltage Voltage Current Current 0 0 - - Purely Inductive Circuit Circuit with equal values of Resistance and Inductances For Pure resistive loads current is in phase with voltage. For Capacitive loads current leads the voltage. Operation Principle Operation Principle KW (Active Power) KVA (Total Power) PF = KW ___ = Cos KVA KW, KVAR & KVA Vector KVAR (Reactive Power) Power Saver Block Diagram Power Saver Block Diagram CIRCUIT BREAKER Y CHANGE OVER SWITCH R R Y B HARMONIC FILTERS R Y Y APFC LOAD POINT B B R Y B IMPEDANCE MICRO CONTROLLER Power Saver in Electrical Distribution Power Saver in Electrical Distribution A.P.S.E.B METER H.T 11KV/33KV RED C.T.COILS L.T. PANEL YELLOW BLUE R Y B POWER SAVER R Y B LOAD POINT Types Types Energy Savers Coil Based Servo Motor Based For limited supply fluctuations For high supply fluctuations Single Phase: 1to 45 KVA and multiples Three Phase: 5 to 150 KVA and multiples Single Phase: 1to 45 KVA and multiples Three Phase: 5 to 150 KVA and multiples Features Features Micro Controller based technology Efficiency > 99% On load manual by pass switch Custom-built MTBF > 1,00,000 Hr. Low MTTR Features Features Rugged construction meeting industrial standards Good thermal management Ultra-low maintenance. Life of over 15 years Available in indoor and outdoor models Input & Output protection by SFU/ MCB/MCCB Features Features Optional Tap changing switches in coil based systems Automatic low voltage bypass Automatic high voltage cut-off Automatic over load by pass & auto walk-in Data logging with RS 232 remote monitoring Power Analyzer software Data Logging Data Logging Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Power Analyser Benefits Benefits Reduction in power consumption (KWH) Immediate Cash savings Improvement in power factor Incentives from the Electricity board Reduction in maximum demand More Power Available – Lower capital costs Increase in the life of the equipments (Loads) Lower maintenance & replacement costs Reduced Power generation Low Green House gas emission – Clean environment 100% value depreciable in the first year itself under Income Tax Rules in vogue in India. Tax savings Savings Savings Slash your electricity bills with Entek MS-27 Savings : Lighting Loads 20 to 30% Motor Loads 10 to 15% Mixed Loads 15 to 20% Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Case Study Case Study CUSTOMER : HOTEL QUALITY INN, HYDERABAD. Load description Units consumed without Power Saver for 1 Hr. Units consumed with Power Saver for 1 Hr. Savings 45 Lighting 12.93 10.81 16 % 30 Lighting 19.15 14.82 22 % 50Tr. New AC 44.82 36.726 18 % 50Tr. Old AC 45.04 37.36 17 % 100Tr. AC 89.54 80.20 11 % Pump 13.42 10.33 23 % Pay-back period calculations Pay-back period calculations 1) Total connected load : 340KVA 2) Running load : 220KVA 3) Working hr per day : 16 Hrs 4) No. of working days/m : 30 Days Power consumption = KVA x No. of working hr/day x No. of days/month = 220 x 16 x 30 = 105600 Units/month Per Unit rate = 4.50 per unit Power bill per month = Units consumed x Rate/Unit = 105600 x 4.50 = Rs.4,75,200 Average power saving by installing Power Saver Units saved/month = 105600 x 18% = 19,000 Units = 19,000 x 4.50 Payback period = 18% = Rs.85,550/- = Investment/ Monthly Savings = 1190000/85,550 = 14 months (apx) Pay-back period calculations Pay-back period calculations Other Benefits: • Reduction in demand charges = 20% Maximum demand = 340KVA Billed demand = 272KVA = 81,600 Reduction in demand charges 2) Power factor incentive 5% on the billed units 1,05,600 x 5% = Rs.5,280/- 3) 100% Income Tax depreciation = 16,320 Welding Machine – Power Saver Welding Machine – Power Saver R Y B Power Saver R Y 1. When welding process is idle for >30 sec the supply to Tx is cut-off 2. When the welding rod is tipped to the earth rod the supply to Tx is restored. B Welding Transformer Welding Electrodes Growth partners Kalanikethan Hotel Aditya Park Inn Raj Breeders (P) Ltd Madhu Beverages Aruna Agencies Mediland Transtech (P) Ltd Manhar Uvma Holiday Inn COMESUM Bhimas Residency Hotels St. Joseph’s Hospital Jyothi Theatre Real Bakers Pvt Ltd Meena Bazaar Sidhi Jewelers R.S.Brothers Ambica Food Plaza Shreyas Multi Special Hospital Mid India Enterprises (P) Ltd Sneha Farms (P) Ltd Global Energy Food Industries Vishal Retail Mega Market R.S.Silks Viswanath 70mm Theatre Metro Recreation (P) Ltd Tirumala Residency Hotel ANR Shopping Mall Karachi Bakery Bharat Cafe Royal Hatcheries (P) Ltd Sanghvi Sales Corporation Bommana Rajkumar Glenn View Rubber Co. Shinewell Engineering P Ltd Priyadarshini Hotels (P) Ltd G V R Children’s Hospital Jyothi Studio FAQ’s FAQ’s Q.Where do you locate the Energy Saver? A.For achieving maximum Savings the Energy saver must be as close as possible to the load point, so that line drops will be lower. Q.Can we have single system for 200 KVA & above A.Energy savers for individual loads are more ideal because impedance matching is more accurate in such cases and line losses can be reduced by locating close to the load. FAQ’s FAQ’s Q.If we already have APFC Panel installed do we still need an Energy Saver? A.Yes! APFC Panel is a mandatory requirement of SEBs, installed near the Trivector meter primarily to reduce the Demand. How ever Energy Saver is installed close to load point and helps reduce the consumption. Q.Why do you need a Data Logger? A.Data Logger helps in monitoring and logging the variation in the load and helps in load analysis and remedial actions. FAQ’s FAQ’s Q.Can we show savings in all cases? A. a) In Low voltage areas Energy saving depends on the load nature and is not assured b) When motors are operating at full load the savers may not be very effective. c) Electro Mechanical (Traditional Moving Coil) Meters: Though savings are high actual readings/utility bills do not substantiate the savings fully. d) Intermittent operations also may not have effective savings FAQ’s FAQ’s Q.What is the difference between Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Savers and Entek Energy Savers? A. VFD is for Motor Applications only, it varies the frequency so as to reduce the consumption. VFD’s introduce harmonics and reduce power factor Q.How does Electronic ballast compare with “Entek” Power Saver ? A. Electronic ballast generates harmonics and induced in the supply which affects the life of sensitive equipment and it also reduces the power factor. Entek Power Saver does not produce any harmonics and improve power factor. Save today Survive tomorrow