Location Oral, Poster contribution Original contributions on thermal spraying are accepted. We mainly expect contributions devoted to the analysis of spray processes, sprayed coatings characterizations (microstructural, optical, mechanical, physical, chemical…) and on recent methods such as suspension spray and cold spray. The papers related to post spray treatments are welcome. Environmental and energetic aspects of thermal spraying will be particularly of interest during this 5th edition. Additionally, the contributions related to the coatings applications and their functional properties are kindly invited. Formation During the first day of the conference, the formation on thermal spraying will be held. The lectures of local and international scientists (ETSA) are foreseen Industrial exhibitions Thermal Spraying (process, diagnostics…) Materials for Spray (powders, precursor…) Characterization of the deposits (mechanical tests, porosity…) For more information ask Lech PAWLOWSKI SPCTS, Université de Limoges 12, rue Atlantis 87068 LIMOGES CEDEX Tel. (+33) 587 50 24 12 lech.pawlowski@unilim.fr Partners ENSIL Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Limoges,16 rue Atlantis, Parc ESTER Technopole BP 6804, 87068 Limoges Third Announcement Costs 1 day (with the choice) or 3 days: Students : 60 € / 130 € Academics : 180 € / 350 € Industrialists : 210 € / 400 € Exhibitors : 500 € Formation 1 day: 750 €/500 € (students) Accounts: 1. Participation in 5RIPT: IBAN: FR76 1007 1870 0000 0010 0008 842 Bank: Tresor Public Account’s address: M l’Agent Comptable Universite de Limoges 33 Rue Fr Mitterand BP 23204 87032 Limoges Cedex France Please note on bank transfer Participation in 5RIPT 5th RIPT Les Rencontres Internationales sur la Projection Thermique www.unilim.fr/spcts/-5RIPT-.html 2. Participation in Formation on Thermal Spraying: IBAN: FR76 3000 4016 4200 0100 3250 110 Bank: BNP PARIBAS Agence VILLEN ASCQ ANNA Account’s address: European Thermal Spray Association ENSCL 8 Rue Mendeleiev 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq France Please note on bank transfer Formation at 5RIPT To be registered complete and return the reply form below. The payment can have a form of: • Bank transfer to the a account given in the internet site • “Bon de commande” for the French Public Laboratories and Institutes and send to Prof. Pawlowski hands • Cheque labelled “Agent Comptable University of Limoges “ and send to Prof. Pawlowski hands LIMOGES 2011 7th to 9th December Scientific Committee: BERGER L.M., BIANCHI L., Dr., Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany Prof., Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Australia Dr., CEA, Le Ripault, France CANNILLO V., Prof., University of Modena, Italy BERNDT C., COUDERT J.F., Prof., University of Limoges, France DENOIRJEAN A., Dr., University of Limoges, France FAUCHAIS P., Prof., University of Limoges, France GADOW R., Prof., University of Stuttgart, Germany GUILEMANY J.M., Prof., University of Barcelona, Spain HEIMANN, R.B., Prof., Oceangate, Görlitz, Germany ILAVSKY J., Dr., Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, USA MATEJICEK J., Dr., Institute of Plasma Physics, Prag, Czech Republic KOZERSKI S., Dr., University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland LAMPKE T., Prof.,University of Chemnitz, Germany LESAGE J., Prof.,University of Lille 1, France MONTAVON G., Prof., University of Belfort-Montebeliard, France NYLEN P., Prof., University West, Trollhättan, Sweden PAWLOWSKI, L., Prof., University of Limoges, France PUCHI-CABRERA E., Prof., University of Caracas, Venezuela. SMUROV I., Prof., ENISE, Saint Etienne, France STAIA M.H., Prof., University of Caracas, Venezuela STÖVER D., Prof., Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany Dr., Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Rome, Italy. Prof., University of Limoges, France TULUI M., VARDELLE A., VASSEN, R. VUORISTO P., Prof., Forschungszentrum, Jülich, Germany Prof., Tampere University of Technology, Finland Invited papers: Don’t forget… the key dates Registration and payment of the conference fee : October 31, 2011 BERTRAND, Ghislaine, Dr., University of Belfort – Montbéliard, France CANNILLO, Valéria, Professor, University of Modena, Italy FAUCHAIS, Pierre, Professor, University of Limoges, France PAPERS: The presented papers will be published in Surface and Coatings Technology (Elsevier). The format and full details of the manuscripts will be sent after receiving enclosed filled form indicating presentation of a contribution. GITZHOFER, François, Professor, University of Sherbrooke, Canada GUILEMANY, José Maria, Professor, University of Barcelona, Spain JORDAN, Eric, Professor, University of Connecticut, USA. LIAO, Hanlin , Professor, University of Belfort Montbéliard, France Oral, Poster contribution MEILLOT, Erick, Dr., CEA Le Ripault, Tours, France Original contributions in the field of thermal spraying and, in particular, recent developments on suspension for thermal spraying have been accepted. 103 presentations will be given: • 3 plenary lectures, • 15 invited papers initiating each session, • 61 oral presentations, • 26 posters. NYLEN, Per, Professor, University West in Trollhättan, Sweden PAWLOWSKI, Lech, Professor, University of Limoges, France PUCHI-CABRERA, Eli, Professor, University of Caracas, Venezuela SANCHEZ, Enrique, Professor, University of Castellon, Spain SIEGMANN, Stefan, Dr., Nova, Effretikon, Switzerland SMUROV, Igor, Professor, ENISE, St. Etienne, France VARDELLE, Armelle, Professor, University of Limoges, ETSA European AGEORGES, Hélène, Dr., University of Limoges, France France Thermal Spray VASSEN, Robert, Professor, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany Association meeting will have VUORISTO, Petri, Professor, place on 7 December during WIELAGE, Bernahard, Professor, Technical University of the first day of 5RIPT Tampere University of Technology, Finland Chemnitz, Germany 5th RIPT LIMOGES - 2011 Formation on thermal spraying Formation during a first day of 5RIPT on 7 December 2011 Responsibles: Lech Pawlowski, Helene Ageorges Program Salle CIADT Morning Session: Introduction to thermal spraying Start/end Lecturer(s) Organizing Committee: PAWLOWSKI Lech (Co-Chairman) VASSEN Robert (Co-Chairman) AGEORGES Hélène BERTRAND Ghislaine CALVE Nicolas (webmaster) CHICOT Didier DENOIRJEAN Alain KROWKA Joanna LECOMPTE Jean-Pierre PATEYRON Bernard VARDELLE Michel First day: 7th December Title 8H00 8H15 8H15 9H00 9H00 9H45 Pierre Fauchais, Lech Pawlowski Welcome words Helene Ageorges Introduction to thermal spraying, materials for spraying and substrate preparation J.-F. Coudert D.c. plasma torches and their characteristics 9H45 10H05 Coffee break 10h05 10H50 10h50 11H35 Igor Smurov Pierre Fauchais, Erick Meillot Combustion and cold gas spray torches Injection of powder and interaction of powders with high energy jets or hot gas at spraying 11H35 12H20 David Damiani Optical diagnostics of high energy jets and particles 12H20 14H00 Lunch time Afternoon Session: Properties and applications of coatings ENTRY HALL 14h00-18h30 Registration and installation industrial exposition. Installation of posters. 18H30-21h00 Welcome cocktail given municipality of Limoges of by AMPHI 1 10h00 Open lecture of Prof. François Gitzhofer from Sherbrooke University in Canada about Biomaterials 14H00 14H45 Lech Pawlowski, Raed Arab Build up and growth of thermally sprayed coatings 14H45 15H30 15H30 16H15 Didier Chicot Luca Lusvarghi Mechanical characterization of coatings Corrosion resistance of coatings in aqueous and physiological liquids 16H15 16H30 Coffee break 16H30 17H15 Claude Thomas Industrial application of thermal spray SALLE DU CONSEIL 17H15 18H00 18H00 18H45 Pierre Fauchais Vincent Debout Economical aspects of thermal spray coatings Applications of thermal spray coatings in aerospace industry 9h00-12h00 Meeting of Directors ETSA Board of Program of 5th RIPT - Thursday 8 December 8h00: Opening ceremony, Chairman Lech Pawlowski Welcome words: Municipality, University, Faculty, ENSIL, SPCTS 8h30: Plenary lecture: Stephan Siegmann, 100 years of thermal spraying. About the inventor Max Ulrich Schoop Amphitheatre A Salle CIADT Salle du Conseil Session 1 – Nanotechnologies Session 1 – Cold spray Session 1 – Applications of coatings Chairman: Robert Vassen 9h00 Consideration Precursor Chemistry/Properties and Use of Added Suspensions for Solution Precursor Plasma Spray. E.H. Jordan - University of Connecticut (USA) 9h30 Radiative and optical properties of suspension plasma sprayed YSZ films : a porosity estimation technique. L. del Campo 9h50 Microstructure and Photocatalytic Activity of Plasma-Sprayed TiO2 Coatings. APS or SPS feedstock? E. Sánchez - University of Castellon (Spain) 10h20 Influence of feeds of water and ethanol on the flames used in thermal projection of suspension plasma. B. Pateyron 10h40 Understanding liquid injection into atmospheric plasma jets of 500 A plasma with 4 bar injection. D. Soysal Chairman: Jose Maria Guilemany Chairman: Bernhard Wielage 9h00 Cold gas spray a new technology for nanostructured coatings. J. M. Guilemany - University of Barcelona, (Spain) 9h30 Localization of Deformation and Particle Consolidation at Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying. O. Bielousova 9h50 Structural and properties characterization of Stellite coatings obtained by Cold Gas Spraying. N. Cinca 10h10 Experimental study of Ti-6Al-4V coatings on light alloys obtained by cold gas dynamic spray. S. Dosta 10h30 Influence of deposition conditions and heat treatment on the adhesion strength and microstructure of cold sprayed aluminium on Al2O3 and AlN substrates. T. Lampke 10h50 – 11h20 Next Generation Thermal Barrier Coatings – Modelling and Experiments. P. Nylén - University West in Trollhättan (Sweden) 9h30 Influence of the CMAS on the ageing of titanium alloy β21s. T. Ait Younes 9h50 Cold Sprayed MCrAlY+X Coating for Gas Turbines Blades and Vanes. A. Bonadei 10h10 Wettability of various substrates to liquid alumina. S. Goutier 10h30 Elaboration of TiO2 coatings by plasma spraying for water treatment by solar photocatalysis. I. Hidouri 9h00 Coffee break Session 2 – Nanotechnologies Session 2 – Cold spray Session 2 – Applications of coatings Chairman: Eric Jordan Chairman: Michel Vardelle Chairwoman: Armelle Vardelle 11h20 Understanding the generation of thermal-sprayed nanostructure coatings. P. Fauchais - University of Limoges (France) 11h50 Enhancement of Amorphous Phase Formation in Alumina-YSZ Coatings Deposited by Suspension Plasma Spray. F. Tarasi 12h10 Oxidation and hot corrosion resistance of atmospheric plasma sprayed conventional and nanostructured YSZ coatings. A. Keyvani 12h30 Ceramic suspension/solution plasma sprayed coatings: what else? G. Bertrand - University of Belfort – Montbéliard (France) 11h20 Experimental and Numerical Studies on Cold Gas Dynamic Spray Process. B. Selvan 11h40 Acceleration of nanodispersed powder in cold spray sonic micronozzle using helium. A. Sova 12h00 Numerical study of the effect of nozzle design on particle footprint distribution in cold spraying. X. Suo 12h20 Effects of gas temperature and ceramic particle content on microstructure and properties of cold sprayed Al5056/SiCp composite coatings. M. Yu 11h20 Iron-based coatings arc-sprayed with cored wires for applications at elevated temperatures. B. Wielage - Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany) 11h50 New approaches of the forecast of the ageing of plasma jet nozzle in industrial settings of thermal spraying. J. F. Lenain 12h10 The Development and Optimization of Aluminium Alloys for Thermal Spray Coating Application to Steel Substrates. O. Lewis 12h30 Plasma Spraying of Efficient Photoactive TiO2 Coatings. G. Mauer 13h00 – 15h00 LUNCH Program of 5th RIPT - Thursday 8 December 15h00: Plenary lecture: Lech Pawlowski, strategic oxides for thermal spraying Salle CIADT Amphitheatre A Salle du Conseil Session 1 - Mechanical properties Session 1 – Coatings properties Session 3 – Applications of coatings Chairman: Eli Puchi Cabrera Chairman: Petri Vuoristo Chairman: Thomas Lampke 15h30 Plasma spraying coatings for tribology applications. H. Ageorges - University of Limoges (France) 16h00 Study of tribocorrosion performance of selected thermal sprayed polymers. C. R. Camello Lima 16h20 Fretting wear of HVOF WC-Co-Cr alloy deposited on SAE 1045 steel. E. J. Carrasquero 16h40 Tribological performances of YSZ composite coatings manufactured by suspension plasma spraying. G. Darut 17h00 Mechanical property of rough Yttria Stabilized Zirconia coatings. L. Latka 17h20 Effect of the mechanical properties on drilling resistance of Al2O3 - TiO2 coatings. C. C. Palacio 15h30 A review of corrosion properties and corrosion mechanisms in plasma and HVOF sprayed oxide coatings. P. Vuoristo - Tampere University of Technology (Finland) 16h00 Influence of the feedstock characteristics on the microstructure and properties of Al2O3-TiO3 plasma-sprayed coatings. E. Bannier 16h20 Characterisation of HVOF-sprayed WC-FeCrAl cermet coatings. G. Bolelli 16h40 Effect of operating parameters on optical and electrical properties of heterogeneous plasma sprayed coatings. E. Brousse-Pereira 17h00 Optimization of Corrosion Resistance of Plasma Thermal Spray of Molibdenum-Niquel Coatings. L. Gil 17h20 Microstructure and electrochemical behaviour of alumina-titania sprayed by two different plasma spray processes. A. F. Kanta 15h30 Nanopowder Synthesis using the Induction Plasma Technology, with Applications in the energy, biomedical and construction fields. F. Gitzhofer University of Sherbrooke (Canada) 16h00 Fabrication and Characterisation of Nanostructured Cobalt Ferrites by Sol-gel Methods. N. Sanpo 16h20 Effect of using H2 as the atomizing gas on microstructure and thermal cycling lives of TBCs deposited by SPPS process. M. Saremi 16h40 La2Zr2O7 coatings deposited by Plasma Spray to be used as thermal barriers. M. Tului 17h40 – 17h50 Coffee break Session 2 – Mechanical properties Session 2 – Coatings properties Session 1 – Biomaterials Chairman: Didier Chicot Chairman: Alain Denoirjean Chairman: Luca Lusvarghi 17h50 Fatigue behavior of AA7075-T6 aluminium alloy coated with a WC-10 Co-4 Cr cermet by HVOF thermal spaying. E. S. Puchi-Cabrera - University of Caracas (Venezuela) 18h20 Mechanical properties of cold sprayed Aluminium coatings. C. Sunal 18h40 Wear Properties of CrC-37WC-18M Coatings Deposited by HVOF and HVAF Spraying Processes. P. Vuoristo 17h50 Evaluation of the effective mobility of boron in the Fe2B phase in the presence of chemical stresses. M. Keddam 18h10 Reflective and diffuse plasma-sprayed alumina. J. Marthe 18h30 Amorphous Metallic Coatings by HVOF thermal spraying . M. Tului 18h50 Permeation of saline solution in Al2O3-13 wt. % TiO2 coatings elaborate by atmospheric plasma spraying. F. Vargas 17h50 Innovative bioactive glass coatings for biomedical applications. V. Cannillo - University of Modena (Italy) 18h20 Suspension plasma sprayed bioactive glass coatings: effect of processing on microstructure, mechanical properties and in-vitro behavior A. Cattini 18h40 Development of new analysis tools for thermally sprayed hydroxyapatite. K. A. Gross 19h00 Bioactivity and Mechanical Properties of Coatings Elaborated by Plasma Spraying from 31SiO211P2O5-(58-x)CaO-xMgO Powders. M. Monsalve 19h10 Poster session / 20h00 Diner gala (Le Poudrier) Program of 5th RIPT - Friday 9 December 8h30: Plenary lecture: Vaßen Robert, Thermal spray coatings for energy applications Salle CIADT Amphitheatre A Salle du Conseil Session 1 - Modelling Session 1 – Spray processes Session 1 – Pre- and post spray processes Chairman: Igor Smurov 9h00 Analysis by modelling of the plasma flow interactions with surrounding atmosphere and liquid injection E. Meillot - CEA Le Ripault, Tours (France) 9h30 3D reconstruction of coating of porous materials from 2D image and forecast of their permeability, thermal conductivity, etc.. R. Arab 9h50 A Lattice Boltzmann Based Investigation of Powder In-flight Characteristics during APS Process, Part I: Modelling and Validation. R. Djebali 10h10 CFD Simulation of Droplet Break-up from High Velocity Liquid Spraying. S. Gu 10h30 Comparison of the Impingement Behaviour of Dense and Hollow MetalDroplets onto a Substrate during Thermal Spray Coating. A. Kumar Chairman: Per Nylen Chairman: Luc Bianchi 9h00 Vapor deposition from solid precursors in thermal plasma processes. A. Vardelle - University of Limoges (France) 9h30 Optical monitoring of the thermal spraying. Y. Chivel 9h50 Thermal Spray and the development of Filter systems. J. Ferraz 10h10 Effect of Processing Variables on Titanium Nitride Coating by Gas Tunnel Type Plasma Reactive Spraying. A. Kobayashi 10h30 Three dimensional simulation of liquid metal atomization in gas flow. K. Koutsakis 10h50 – 11h20 9h00 9h30 9h50 Improvement in the properties of plasma-sprayed metallic, alloy and ceramic coatings using dry-ice blasting, H. Liao - University of Belfort – Montbéliard (France) Characterization of sealing treatments on the behavior of aluminium phosphate sealed plasma – sprayed alumina coatings operating in extreme environment. A. Joly Effect of dry-ice blasting on splat formation during plasma spraying. S. Dong Coffee break Session 2 – Modelling Session 2 – Spray processes Session 1 – Laser Process Chairman: Mario Tului 11h20 Numerical simulation of coaxial round jets. N. B. Safer 11h40 A Numerical Investigation of HVOF Thermal Spraying with a Liquid Feedstock. H. Tabbara 12h00 Influence of substrate and particles preheating on deformation behavior in cold spraying by Eulerian method. M . Yu Chairwoman: Valeria Cannillo Chairman: Stefan Siegmann 11h20 Cr2C3-NiCr VPS thermal spray coatings as candidate for chromium replacement. M . H. Staia 11h40 New generation Advanced HVOF Torch using Ethanol. M. Zwetsloot 11h20 Comprehensive analysis of laser cladding. I. Smurov - ENISE, St. Etienne, France 11h50 Laser cladding of metal/ceramic composites for wear applications. D. Deschuyteneer 12h10 Optimisation of microstructure and mechanical characteristics of laser textured substrate using an experimental design approach. A. Lamraoui FURTHER INFORMATION 5th RIPT Limoges 2011 To receive further information about the meeting and to register for abstract submission or intention to take part, complete and return the reply form below. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Title (Prof, Dr, Mr, Ms) Family Name First Name Job Title Organization Address Post Code Country Tel. Fax. Email Please, tick one of the following box: • Oral contribution • Poster presentation • Exhibition • Intention to take part Post or send and E-mail to: Lech Pawlowski University of Limoges SPCTS 12, rue Atlantis 87068 LIMOGES Cedex - FRANCE Tel. (+33) 587 50 24 12 Email : lech.pawlowski@unilim.fr