International Conference for Spent Fuel Management from Nuclear Power Reactor Session 7 “Technological Innovations for Spent Fuel Storage” Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage by using intensive Innovation Justo GARCIA 31 May – 4 June 2010 Vienna, Austria TN INTERNATIONAL This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. Interim Storage technologies 2 technologies Wet Interim Storage Spent fuel storage pool Spent fuel stored inside racks AREVA Solutions: Racks and Pools Dry Interim Storage Metallic casks: AREVA Solutions: TN®24 family Canister systems: TN INTERNATIONAL Dual-purpose casks Passive system, and independent to the plant Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Japan, USA The fuel is stored in a metallic canister, stored inside an overpack To transport the fuel, the canister is inserted in a transport cask Passive system, and independent to the plant USA, Spain, Republic of Armenia AREVA Solutions: NUHOMS® System Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -3- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. Innovation within AREVA Logistics BU Innovation – a key driver within the Logistics Business Unit An increasing market for fuel management solutions worldwide Nuclear Renaissance Tough Competition Be ready for higher enrichment, burn-up… Need to anticipate regulatory evolutions Dry Storage innovative Solutions New Rack Designs TN INTERNATIONAL Adaptation to the dry storage market internationalization Offer competitive casks with larger capacity Recent increase of Design casks compatible massive forged pieces with decommissioning demand in the industry strategies To meet all these challenges, the Logistics BU engaged a step of innovation to develop competitive, efficient and relevant transport and storage solutions & underwater storage racks Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -4- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. TN®DUO, The new line of dual purpose casks TN®DUO concept The massive shell is composed by several forged pieces neutron shielding surrounding the forged shell Aluminum heat exchanger basket mainly based on aluminum with boron Robust to aircraft crash Retrievability of stored components Passive system Same or similar operating procedures as TN24 family TN®DUO in Transport configuration & in Storage configuration TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -5- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. TN®DUO Basic Concept Shielding of radiation Vessel in forged steel providing the main gamma shielding An external layer of neutron shielding resin covered by an outer steel shell Safe enclosure of radio-active material: the forged steel body and the lids equipped with metallic gaskets make the containment Leak tightness Permanent monitoring system demonstrates the high efficiency of the containment barrier Subcriticality of the package Basket made of boronated aluminium and/or stainless steel Removal of decay heat Aluminium heat exhanger between the cask body and the cask external surface Mechanical strength The shock absorbing covers provide the protection required for transport licensing. Anti-aircraft crash cover provides the protection against an airplane crash on the storage facility (if required by storage regulation) TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -6- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. TN®DUO content BWR version PWR version Cask availability 2015 Cask availability 2015 Capacity: Capacity: 52 to 68 BWR Intact 24 to 37 PWR Intact Fuel Assemblies Fuel Assemblies Fuel: Fuel: Max Burnup: 70 Max Burnup: 65 GWd/MTU GWd/MTU Max Initial Max Initial Enrichment: 5 wt % U235 Enrichment: 5 wt % U235 TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -7- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. TN®DUO Advantages The result of an intensive innovation process Cost effectiveness TN®DUO Simplification of the cask assembly New and innovative formed aluminum heat exchangers Shock absorbing covers are constituted of steel sheets Security of supply and manufacture and standard manufacturing process Use of common forged pieces Time of supply and manufacturing is reduced Same operating procedures and tools as TN®24 cask family TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -8- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. TN®NOVA system, The new line of canister system TN®NOVA System Spent fuel stored inside a canister Metallic storage overpack Storage in vertical position Horizontal transfer mode + cask uprighted in a vertical position for storage : no critical lift outdoors. Robust to aircraft crash Retrievability of stored components Passive system Canister Transport cask Storage Overpack TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -9- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. TN®NOVA Basic Concept Storage system The welded canister is transported in a transport/transfer cask to the storage site The canister is then pushed into the TN®NOVA overpack in horizontal position The TN®NOVA overpack is then uprighted in a vertical position for storage. Main technical features Radiation Shielding during storage TN®NOVA overpack surrounds the canister with steel plates and neutron shielding Safe enclosure of radioactive material Canister makes the containment with welded closures Leak tightness By multiple welded barriers of the canister / No monitoring required Subcriticality of the package Basket made of boronated aluminum and stainless steel Removal of decay heat during storage Air circulation by natural convection Operations: the TN®NOVA overpack is equivalent in terms of function and operational sequence of the NUHOMS® storage module. TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -10- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. Dry Shielded Canisters (DSC) 69 BTH DSC 37PTH DSC License availability 2010 (Part71) License availability 2010 (Part71) Available 2013 Capacity: Capacity: 37 PWR Intact Fuel Assemblies w/ Control Components 69 BWR Intact Fuel Assemblies w/ Control Components Fuel: Max Burnup: 65 Fuel: Max Burnup: 70 GWd/MTU Max Initial Enrichment: GWd/MTU Max Initial Enrichment: 5 wt % U235 5 wt % U235 TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -11- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. TN®NOVA Advantages The result of an intensive innovation process Cost effectiveness Separating transport and storage functions: TN®NOVA flexibility to spent fuel strategy Simple and proven loading procedure No thermal constraints on the TN®NOVA storage overpack High loading flexibility Security of supply and manufacture with common raw goods and standard manufacturing process TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -12- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. Underwater Fuel storage Racks The fuel racks design enables to store fuel assemblies in a spent fuel storage pool The racks are consisted of stainless steel and poison materials The heart of the solution is the poison containing plates situated between the spent fuel elements. TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -13- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. Underwater Fuel storage Rack Design The European design consists in: A stainless steel structure defining adjacent cells (“central structure”), “Individual tubular structures” (called “sleeves”) inserted in these adjacent cells. The sleeves are composed of the main elements: Four angle beams which define the lodgement in which one the fuel assembly is inserted, Borated plates placed behind the corner beams linked to these beams by stainless steel mounting brackets welded onto the angle beams. TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -14- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. Racks for Wet Interim Storage Thanks to a specific technology developed for the dual purpose cask high capacity baskets, AREVA Logistics BU developed in 18 months 3 rack designs: European & Chinese Markets Designs using BSS or boron MMC as poison material US Market Design using boron MMC as poison material (NUSTOR™) AREVA Logistics BU has prepared the most comprehensive rack models in the industry using the state-of-the-art computer codes and analysis techniques. The criticality analysis for the racks is also state-of-the-art and includes: The latest international AREVA fission product experimental data which provides the backup for the burn-up credit analysis for the most versatile and dense racks The use of qualified poison material for criticality protection assurance. The use of the same readily available poison material used with the Dual purpose casks and Dry Storage Systems designed by AREVA BUL TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -15- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. AREVA Logistics BU Racks Advantages Cost effectiveness with the use of high performance neutron absorbing material “boron MMC” Significant reduction of weight of the racks that simplify the operations of transportation and handling Flexibility design: MMC or BSS as poison material Rack manufactured by AREVA Logistics BU & View of MMC plates TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -16- This document and all information contained herein is intellectual proprietary to TN International. They shall not be disclosed, in whole or in part, without its authorisation. Conclusion A step of innovation has been engaged in order to develop new products and services. The AREVA Logistics Business Unit is ready to accompany customers challenges and to respond to the future needs … TN INTERNATIONAL Meet the Challenges of Spent Fuel Interim Storage – J. Garcia – IAEA 31 May – 4 June 2010 – Vienna, Austria -17-