Political-Strategic AAL and Cluster Conference 11/12 November - Budapest EU actions in support of clusters PETER KELLER On behalf of SMEs: Clusters and Emerging Industries unit DG GROWTH Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs Why clusters? SMEs are more innovative! Cluster firms: - …are more innovative than non-cluster firms - …register more trademarks and apply for more patents - …cooperate more Source: European Commission 2006 Innobarometer on clusters‘ role in facilitating innovation in Europe and 2008 Staff Working Document on the concept of clusters and cluster policies and their role for competitiveness and innovation: Main statistical results and lessons learned. See http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/innovation/policy/clusters 2 Clusters in COSME 2014-2020 Invest on cluster excellence Intensify cluster cooperation Cluster Analysis Cluster Excellence Programme (EUR 8,25 million) Cluster Internationalisation Programme for SMEs (EUR 19 million) European Cluster Observatory Achievements so far: On Cluster Excellence: European Cluster Excellence Initiative Benchmarking and trainings; 613 cluster organisations (bronze), 45 (gold); 50 instructors and 80 cluster managers trained (through 4 projects under CIP) On Cluster Cooperation: European Cluster Collaboration Platform 8 international MoUs signed; 6 "sectoral" CIP projects are supported and 13 ESCPs launched Opening up to 4 MEDA countries. 920 cluster organisation registered On Cluster Analysis: European Cluster Observatory EU cluster mapping; framework conditions for emerging industries, 7 emerging industries Clusters in COSME Cluster Excellence Programme Invest on cluster excellence Assist managers of cluster organisations and business networks to provide high quality services to SMEs • Calls for proposals addressed to cluster organisations engaged into strategic collaboration on a joint industrial project to: • Just closed – 60 applications received. Evaluation will start next week and will be concluded in December • http://ec.europa.eu/easme/files/cep/call-for-proposalscluster-exellence-programme.pdf • Yearly calls are foreseen. Content of the call will however be defined building on the input received at the Cluster conference held in Brussels in October + feedback from the public consultation on cluster policy that is being prepared. Clusters in COSME Cluster Internationalisation Programme for SMEs Intensify cluster cooperation Aim - help SMEs to contribute to the emergence of new value chains and take a leading position globally • Create new and further promote existing European Strategic Cluster Partnerships (ESCP) to lead international cluster cooperation in new areas • Will be implemented through call for proposals. Budget 2014/2015 - EUR 2,25 million, will be open in Dec 2014/Jan 2015 • Further develop the European Cluster Collaboration Platform • Call for tender will be published in December 2014/Jan 2015 EUR 1,25 million); • Further implement the Memorandum of Understanding (and get more), mainly through cluster matchmaking events for SMEs http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/initiatives/cosme/index_en.htm Clusters in COSME (CIP) European Cluster Observatory • European Cluster Panorama (analyse cluster strengths) • European Cluster Trends reports (analyse cross-sectoral linkages) • Regional eco-system scoreboard (analyse framework conditions for clusters) • European stress test for cluster policies (analyse cluster policies) • Model regions for new cluster strategies (provide advisory services to model regions) Cluster Analysis ? • Cross-sectoral collaboration, cross-border, cluster facilitated, new industrial value chains, innovation in SMEs, emerging industries, systemic approach, business support, … Horizon2020: Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains Challenges Objectives Measures Reindustrialise EU's industrial base Create new industrial value chains Support crosssectoral and crossregional cooperation Develop long-term internationally competititive goods and services Support development of emerging industries in Europe Support innovation activities Contribute to regional smart specialisation strategies Improve business environment through open collaboration spaces 9 Clusters in Horizon 2020 Customised SME support Regional and International Strategy Cross-sectoral Collaboration VALUE CHAIN INNOVATION Role of cluster organsations 11 Near-market cluster-led demonstrators Real-life OPPORTUNITIES FOR SMES Near-market SOCIETAL CHALLENGES User-driven Cross-sectoral collaboration… ...offers opportunities for new knowledge combinations and innovation ... shapes new products, value chains and industries ... diversifies specialisation patterns that are more likely to boost economic prosperity New industrial value chains … bring different competences together to address specific challenges and boost economic growth … are no longer based only within individual firms, sectors or regions, but are cross-cutting … evolve from cross-sectoral collaboration and innovation that may give rise to emerging industries Source: European Cluster Observatory (2012) Emerging industries report Nurturing emerging industries Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains (I) • Launch in 2015 with €24,9 million, (indicative; expected overall budget €140 million for 2014-2020) • Support for Innovation Actions with max 70% cofunding except for non-profit entities (100%). • Appropriate EU contributions: €2,5 - 5 million (i.e. 5-10 projects expected to be supported in 2015) • At least 75% of budget shall be allocated to support innovation in SMEs (that can be either consortium partners or third parties). • http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2 16 350-innosup-1-2015.html Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains (II) • Examples of targeted innovation support measures for demonstration projects: mentoring, coaching, innovation and technical asistance vouchers etc. • Standard eligibility criteria (i.e. min. of 3 legal entities from 3 different MS/Associated Countries) • Two-stage submission procedure (first stage a concept note of max. 10 pages by 30/04/2015) • Expected significant impact on SME innovation, business growth and capacity to leverage other support sources (e.g. ESIF/RIS3 & private investm.) 17 Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains: INNOSUP-1-2015 Overall Budget 2015-2020: EUR 140 Million Two-stage submission Call open since procedure 25/07/2014 Standard eligibility criteria Budget 2015: EUR 24.9 Million First stage concept note of 10 pages Funding rate 70% except for non-profit entities 100% Support for 5-10 Deadline 1: projects per year Deadline 1: 30/04/2015 Deadline 2: 09/09/2015 At least 75% to support innovation in SMEs 18 Summary • Supporting cross-sectoral and cross-regional collaboration to unlock innovation and growth • Using cluster organisations (& regional policies) to support innovation in SMEs and facilitate structural change • Near-market demonstrators to test new value chains and give rise to emerging industries 19 SMEs: Clusters and Emerging Industries Unit (D5) SMEs and Entrepreneurship Directorate European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General Entr-SMEs-Clusters-and-Emerging-Ind@ec.europa.eu •Cluster Portal: •http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/initiatives/cluster/index_en.htm •European Cluster Observatory: Extension work on "Emerging Industries" http://www.clusterobservatory.eu/index.html#!view=aboutobservatory;url=/aboutobservatory/emerging-industries/ •COSME: •http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/initiatives/cosme/index_en.htm •Horizon 2020 Work Programme: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2014_2015/main/h2020-wp1415sme_en.pdf •Expert Panel on Service Innovation in the EU (2011) final report http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/initiatives/esic/materials/expert_panel_report.pdf •EVENTS • Workshop on Cluster Excellence: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=7728&lang=en • European Cluster Conference 2014: http://clusterconference2014.eu/ • RINASCIMENTO: Emerging Industries - A New Engine for Growth: http://www.emiconference2014.regione.lombardia.it