Aid co-ordination in Moldova Tudor Mancaş, Policies, strategic planning and foreign aid department State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova Yerevan, ARMENIA DADCommunity of Practice aid co-ordination in Moldova ODA delivery Aid co-ordination mechanism in Moldova. M&E Aid Information Management System Next steps Your precious feed-back ODA - Official Development Assistance an excellent method for transferring resources from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries (Peter Bauer and Milton Friedman) or aid given to a country (directly or through international organisations) to support its economic, environmental, social and political development, to overcome critical situations. aid delivery Republic of Moldova Development partners bi-/multilateral Official Development Assistance aid co-ordination entails the exchange of information an attempt to agree on aid objectives and priorities an agreement on projects to be undertaken concurrently or jointly a mechanism that assures the more effective delivery of development assistance aid co-ordination – international & country level while international fora are key to improving overarching principles for aid coordination, the country-level mechanisms are the ones that determine to what extent impact is actually achieved. aid co-ordination in Moldova the Regulation regarding the institutional framework and mechanism of co- ordination of the external assistance given to Moldova by international organizations and donor countries approved by GD nr.12 from January 19, 2010 aid co-ordination mechanism in Moldova – national level National Co-ordinator (Prime-minister) civil society representatives ministers Inter-ministerial Committee for Strategic Planning Joint Partnership Committee State Chancellery Co-chairing development partners State Chancellery other institutions, private sector aid co-ordination mechanism in Moldova – national level Inter-ministerial Committee for Strategic Planning (ICSP) -ensures an integrated strategic planning process in which the national priorities, laid out in the national strategic documents, are co-related with the policies developed by the central public administrations specialized bodies and the international commitments. aid co-ordination mechanism in Moldova – national level Inter-ministerial Committee for Strategic Planning (ICSP) 15 members Chaired - Prime-minister Secretariat - State Chancellery aid co-ordination mechanism in Moldova – national level the Joint Partnership Council (JPC) an advisory body, meant to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the foreign assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova by international organizations and donor countries. aid co-ordination mechanism in Moldova – national level State Chancellery / assists the Government in ensuring that aid coordination, occurs within the country’s action programmes and strategies, leading to the sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova. aid co-ordination mechanism in Moldova – sectoral level Sectoral Sectoral Sectoral Sectoral Sectoral Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Co-ordinator (minister) (minister) (minister) (minister) (minister) civil society representatives Heads of Divisions Sectoral Council Sectoral Council Sectoral Council (21 SC created) Sectoral (21 SC created) SectorialCouncil Council (21 SC created) (21 SC created) (21 SC created) Secretariat development partners State Chancellery other institutions, private sector aid co-ordination mechanism in Moldova – sectoral level Sectoral Councils -21 CS created -chaired by the minister and one of the most active development partners in the sector -trimestrial + ad-hock meetings projects Vs priorities national priorities alignment (NDS, etc) development partners project proposals sectoral priorities (sectoral strategies) *DAMEP s created in each ministry alignment development partners reporting – innitial phase 3 progress report 3 reporting – final phase 3 Aid Information Management System IDEA – Integrated Database on External Assistance - designed in the late 1990’s, with support from the European Union’s Tacis programme as a pure internal management tool for aid programme management and co-ordination. - current version (4.5) was re-built and upgraded in 2010, with the support from EU Delegation. Aid Information Management System IDEA – Integrated Database on External Assistance a software application, that: - pulls data together from multiple sources; - enables better management and coordination of ODA; - helps to manage development resources according to national priorities. 1.167 projects registereg 200 - ongoing 3 IDEA = > IDEA was implemented to promote transparency and accountability of funds, result-driven decision-making and aid effectiveness. linked to 3 IDEA - project search M&E 3 IDEA - project search M&E 3 IDEA – Report generation M&E 3 improvement of IDEA 3 aid co-ordination in Moldova - next steps …continue improving… 3 aid co-ordination in Moldova Q&A feedback session 3 Thank you Shnorhagallem Tudor Mancaş, Policies, strategic planning and foreign aid department State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova Cabinet of Ministers Press Service Deputy Prime Minister Economic Sector Valeriu Lazar BUREAU FOR EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Target divisions Prime-Minister Vladimir Filat Deputy Prime-Minister External Affairs Iurie Leanca Deputy Minister of State CAZAN Roman DIVISION FOR POLICIES, STRATEGIC PLANNING AND EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE Head of the division CODREANU Ruslan Department for Policy Coordination Gumene Ion Department of External Assistance Coordination Ciurea Lucretia Central Public Administration Reform Department State Chancellery Minister of State Victor Bodiu Deputy Minister of State ONCEANU Anatolie DIVISION FOR ECONOMY, INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVORONMENT Deputy Head of the division UNGUREANU Nicolae Department for Infrastructure and Regional Development Ungureanu Vladimir Department for Economics and Finance Cucos Diana Department for agriculture and environment Dontu Sevastian Deputy Prime-Minister Social Sector Ion Negrei Deputy Minister of State BANARUC Eduard DIVISION FOR PERSONNEL STRATEG Y Head of the division GHEORGHITA Tamara DIVISION FOR DECENTRALIZATION POLICIES Head of the division СUJBA Victoria DOCUMENTATION DIVISION Head of the Division SORBALA Victoria DIVISION FOR SPECIAL ISSUES Head of the division GIRBU Oleg JURIDICAL DIVISION Head of the division STIRBU Tudor Departments/Units Human Resources, Control, Petitions, External Relations and Protocol Territorial Offices Balti, Cahul, Causeni, Chisinau, Comrat, Edinet, Hincesti, Orhei, Soroca, Ungheni Senior State Advisor of the Рrime minister Eugen STURZA Cabinet of the Prime Minister DIVISION FOR LOCAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Head of the division MOCANU George Deputy Prime-Minister Reintegration Victor Osipov Cabinet of the Minister of State Senior State Advisor, Spokesperson of the Рrime minister Igor VOLNITCHI Advisor Pascal Tatiana Department for relations with public authorities Groza Ana Department of Administrative Control Sirbu Vladislav Advisor Serghei Diaconu Advisor Neaga Constantin BUREAU FOR REINTEGRATION Head of the Bureau STAVILA Ion DIVISION FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Head of the division BUCINSCHI Iurii Administrative Department State Advisor External Policy Nicu Popescu Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister Advisor Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister Advisor DIVISION for Internal Administration and Management Senior State Advisor of the Рrime minister Stela MOCAN Financial Planning Management and Control Department IT Department Department for legal expertise Erezanu Gheorghe Department of Relations with LPA Tatiana Balan Division for Reintegration Policies Coca Raisa Division of Analysis and Planning Balan Gheorghe