Workflows of the Process



Submitted To:Submitted By:-

Anshu Parashar Shalini(1706202)

Sonakshi(1706205 )







What is a workflow?

 A workflow is a depiction of a sequence of operations, declared as work of a person, a group of persons, an organization of staff, or one or more simple or complex mechanisms.

 The flow being described often refers to a document that is being transferred from one step to another.

Types of workflow

 Workflow is divided according to level of complexity, flexibility, purpose, and structure. Most industry analysts maintain that there are three types:

 Production Workflow

 Administrative Workflow

 Ad Hoc Workflow

Workflow Lifecycle

 The Workflow Lifecycle (WFLC) defines both the way

in which the different activities involved in the development and use of WF.

 It comprises three main processes:

 Construction and stabilization

 Debugging

 Business process reengineering

Software process workflow

 S/w process workflow is used to mean a thread of cohesive and mostly sequential activities.

 S/w process workflow are mapped to the product artifacts and to project teams.

 Different for different software Economics model

 Seven top level workflows

Management Workflow

Controlling the process and ensuring win conditions for all stakeholders

Artifacts :-

Business case

S/w development plan

Status assessment


Work breakdown Structure

Environment Workflow

 Automating the process and evolving the maintenance environment

 Artifacts:-

 Environment

 S/w change order database

Requirement Workflow

 Analyzing the problem space and evolving the requirements artifacts

 Artifacts :-

 Release Specifications

 Requirement set

 Vision

Design Workflow

 Modeling the solution and evolving the architecture and design artifacts

 Artifacts:-

 Design

 Architecture Description

Implementation Workflow

 Programming the components and evolving the implementation and deployment artifacts

 Artifacts:-

 Implementation set

 Deployment set

Assessment Workflow

 Assessing the trends in the process and product quality.

 Artifacts:-

 Release specifications

 Release description

 User manual

 Deployment set

Deployment Workflow

 Transitioning the end product to the user

 Artifacts:-

 Deployment set


 Iteration is valuable because it keeps

 contact between projects and objective but

 raises issues like:

 How many iterations should be planned?

 How long should each iteration last?

 What are the aims, objectives and

 deliverables of each iteration?

 How should an iteration be monitored


Iteration plans usually include:- the current plan that is being used to manage the current iteration.

 - Each iteration includes: Requirements,analysis and design, implementation, deployment, test, and evaluation. so milestones for each activity should be established and decomposition of larger tasks into sub-tasks

 -In addition, there should be at least a plan under development for the next iteration and possibly some scheduling of particular tasks into later iterations.


Iteration Strategies – How to decide what to examine first

 There are 2 strategies :

 #1 Wide and Shallow –

Analyze entire problem domain at a high level.

Define all requirements and flesh out most.

Define key services and mechanisms provided by the architecture

Define interfaces but detail only if risky

 Little implemented until Construction

Wide and Shallow Strategy

 Use wide and shallow when:

 The team is inexperienced in problem domain or technology

 Architecture is new and future capabilities will depend on it

 Pitfalls:

 Analysis paralysis

 Real architectural risks not identified

 Postponing executable releases may impact team confidence

#2 Narrow and Deep Strategy

 Narrow and Deep – Analyze a slice of the problem thoroughly

 Define use cases in great detail

 Define the supporting architecture

 Design and implement this slice of the system

 Subsequent iterations address designing and implementing other vertical slices

Narrow and Deep Strategy

Use narrow and deep when:

Early results are needed to overcome a dominant risk or gather support

Requirements are continuously evolving

A deadline is mandatory requiring an early start on development

A high degree of re-use is possible which helps enable incremental delivery


Stovepipe development difficult to integrate horizontally

Not applicable for totally new development which needs a broad perspective to achieve a balanced architecture

Project Planning Is a Project

Management Responsibility

Benefits of Iterative


 Do the project in chunks (iterations) to:

 Mitigate risk

 Accommodate change

 Learn along the way

 Improve quality

 Increase reuse


