Natura 2000 Funding Opportunities under EMFF Regulation for 2014-2020 Damien Clarke Managing Authority – EFF / EMFF Who am I? Responsible within DAFM for – Grant aid to Seafood sector Inshore Fisheries Management (including Natura 2000) Topics 1. Investment EFF 2007 – 2013 2. EMFF programme development 3. Funding opportunities for Natura 2000 Role of DAFM Policy responsibility for development of the seafood sector – fisheries, aquaculture, processing, FLAGs etc Managing Authority for – EFF - Seafood Development Programme 2007-2013 EMFF – development of new investment programme for 2014-2020 Context - EFF investment EFF – Seafood Development Programme 2007-2013 Runs until 2015 Total EFF funds €42 million, together with Exchequer and private funds. Covers investment in Fishing fleet, Aquaculture, Processing, Marketing and Promotion, FLAGs, etc. Exchequer only investment Additional investments in – Fleet Safety measures Processing – Value Adding Scheme Aquaculture – pilot projects, innovation Ports and harbours Natura 2000 Exchequer funding Natura 2000 Natura 2000 not EFF co-funded at present Exchequer funding on marine Natura 2000 by DAFM and NPWS. DAFM spend 2013 - €250,000 Covers • Baseline data collection • Impact etc studies • Bird counts • Appropriate assessments • Risk assessments EMFF Regulation New EU Regulation covering investment in seafood sector Not yet adopted Council and Parliament positions Trilogue process ongoing - Adoption Q2 2014? Covers fisheries, aquaculture, processing & marketing, FLAGs, Data Collection, Control, IMP. EMFF OP Development Development of EMFF OP commenced Target for completion June 2014 SWOT analysis complete Initial Needs Assessment complete See sprogrammesdivision/futureseafooddevelopmentinirel and2014-2020/ Our EMFF OP Partners RSM Clure Watters and Poseidon Their role – Ex-ante evaluation Strategic Environmental Assessment EMFF OP - Next Steps Minister selects investment priorities Publication of draft OP document Feb 2014 SEA scoping consultation Feb 2014 Consider submissions / Finalise OP Submission to Commission July 2014 of – Final OP document Ex-ante Evaluation report Environmental report Stakeholder involvement SWOT / Needs Assessment consultation Aug/Sept 2013 Stakeholder workshop 27 Nov 2013 Consultation Feb 2014 Draft Op and SEA Stakeholder workshop date April 2014 Approval of Monitoring Committee July 2014 EMFF SWOT and Natura 2000 Fisheries Restrictions on fishing arising from Natura 2000 (threat) Loss of biodiversity (threat) EMFF SWOT and Natura 2000 Aquaculture Delays in licensing process (weakness) Off-shore aquaculture sites less environmentally sensitive (opportunity) Restrictions on development arising from Natura 2000 (threat) Climate change (threat) Stakeholder opposition to industry (threat) EMFF OP - Natura 2000 Funding opportunities Articles 35 to 38 of EMFF Regulation most relevant to Natura 2000 Also article 54 EMFF Article 35 Allows funding of 1. Design, Development and Monitoring of implementing measures to comply with MSFD, Habitats and Birds Directives and CFP landing obligation. DAFM, Marine Institute, BIM, NPWS, SFPA, Navy 2. Stakeholder participation in (1) POs, eNGOs, fishermen EMFF Article 36 Relates to scientific or technical studies / trials to – Improve technical knowledge Improve fishing techniques Enhance Gear selectivity Reduce impacts of fishing on environment Must be carried out by in in collaboration with scientific or technical body recognised by MS Study must be published EMFF Article 36 cont. Most relevant to Marine Institute, BIM and NPWS Funding of others possible in collaboration with State agencies Possible uses of fundingImpact Studies etc Trialling of new gear to reduce by-catch Trialling of alternative dredging gear that reduce impacts on the seabed EMFF Article 37 Funds fishermen only May fund gear replacement that – Improves size or species selectivity Reduces by-catch Limits impacts of fishing on ecosystem or seabed Protects gear and catch from species protected by Habitats and Birds Directives, without damaging species EMFF Article 38 Purpose – to protect and restore marine biodiversity and ecosystems Broad ranging article that may fund many marine environmental measures Funding available to – State agencies Scientific or technical bodies Fishermen or POs NGOs in partnership with POs or FLAGs EMFF Article 38 cont. Covers the following Collection of marine litter by fishermen Construction of facilities to protect marine fauna and flora Better management or conservation of marine biological resources Management plans for fishing in Natura 2000, including related studies and monitoring EMFF Article 38 cont. Cont. Management, restoration and monitoring of Natura 2000 sites and MPAs Other activities to maintain and enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services Environmental awareness involving fishermen on protection and restoration of marine biodiversity EMFF Article 38 cont Possible uses of funding under art 38 Fisheries Natura Plans (preparation / implementation) Fishing activity reporting systems within Natura sites Monitoring of biodiversity changes associated with any planned change in fishing pattern Monitoring closed areas within Natura sites Education and outreach EMFF Article 54 Funds Aquaculture operators only Funding by way of annual compensation Funding may be used for – Implementing aquaculture methods required because of Natura 2000 designation Costs associated with conservation and biodiversity restoration programmes Implementing extensive aquaculture (biodiversity, management of landscape, conservation) EMFF Prioritisation EMFF is a menu! A la carte – not all you can eat buffet! Ireland must prioritise and make choices! EMFF Prioritisation cont. Finite funds for EMFF OP Only measures included in EMFF OP will attract EU co-funding National budgets will be prioritised for OP implementation Competition for funding Fishing Fleet – Safety, capacity balance Aquaculture – jobs / growing production Processing & Marketing – jobs / growing exports FLAGs – jobs, economic development Control – regulatory requirement Data Collection – regulatory requirement Thank you Questions?