
Delovni program 2013
mag. Milena Černilogar Radež, MZIP, Direktorat za energijo
nacionalna kontaktna oseba za 7OP, področje „energija“
Informativni dnevi, GZS, 2. in 3. julij 2012
Pregled razpisov
Razpisi po področjih
Posebnosti v DP za leto 2013
Podpora evropskim industrijskim pobudam za implementacijo SET-načrta
Poleg podpore EII DP 2013 vključuje še področja:
•Geotermalna energija
•Energija oceanov
•Optimizacija delovanja in priključevanja na omrežja na področju
Pregled razpisov
1. del: FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
– objava: 10. 7. 2012, odprt do 28. 11. 2012
– okvirna sredstva: 107,5 mioEUR (Energija & Hrana in prehrana,
kmetijstvo, ribištvo in biotehnologija)
2. del: FP7-ENERGY-2013-2
– objava: 10. 7. 2012, odprt do 24. 1. 2013
– okvirna sredstva: 83,0 mioEUR (Energija)
3. del: FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013
– objava: 10. 7. 2012, odprt do 4. 12. 2012
– okvirna sredstva: 209,0 mioEUR (Energija & Informacijska in
komunikacijska tehnologija)
4. del: FP7-ENERGY-2013-IRP (Energy Call for
supporting integrated research programmes)
– objava: 10. 7. 2012, odprt do 8. 1. 2013
– okvirna sredstva: 37,5 mioEUR (Energija)
Razpisi po področjih
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells – ni v DP 2013
Renewable Electricity Generation
Renewable Fuel Production
Renewables for Heating and Cooling
CO2 Capture and Storage Technologies for Zero
Emission Power Generation
6. Clean Coal Technologies
7. Smart Energy Networks
8. Energy Efficiency and Savings
9. Knowledge for Energy Policy Making
10. Horizontal Programme Actions (ERA, EERA)
2. Renewable Electricity Generation
Photovoltaics (2.1)
Biomass (2.2) – ni razpisa
Wind (2.3)
Geothermal (2.4)
Concentrated Solar Power (2.5) – ni razpisa
Ocean (2.6)
Hydro (2.7)
Innovative Integration of Renewable Energy Supply
and Energy Efficiency in Large Buildings and/or
Concerto Communities (2.8) – ni razpisa
• Cross-Cutting Issues (2.9)
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• Photovoltaics
• Topic ENERGY.2013.2.1.1: High efficiency c-Si photovoltaics
modules - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
• Topic ENERGY.2013.2.1.2: Support to key activities of the
European Photovoltaics Technology Platform (TP PV) - FP7ENERGY-2013-IRP
• Wind
• Topic ENERGY.2013.2.3.1: Advanced aerodynamic
modelling, design and testing for large rotor blades - FP7ENERGY-2013-1
• Topic ENERGY 2013.2.3.2: Small to medium size wind
turbines - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
• Geothermal
• Topic ENERGY.2013.2.4.1: Exploration and assessment of
geothermal reservoirs - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• Ocean
• Topic ENERGY.2013.2.6.1: Design tools, enabling technologies
and underpinning research to facilitate ocean energy converter
arrays - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
• Hydro
• Topic ENERGY.2013.2.7.1: Optimisation of water turbines for
integration of renewables into the grid - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
• Cross-Cutting Issues
• Topic ENERGY.2013.2.9.1: Research cooperation and
knowledge creation in the area of renewable energy with
Mediterranean partner countries - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
• Topic ENERGY.2013.2.9.2: Methods for the estimation of the
Direct Normal Irradiation - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
3. Renewable Fuel Production
• First Generation Biofuel from Biomass (3.1) – ni
• Second Generation Fuel from Biomass (3.2)
• Biorefinery (3.3) – ni razpisa
• Biofuels from Energy Crops (3.4) – ni razpisa
• Alternative Routes to Renewable Fuel Production
(3.5) – ni razpisa
• Biofuel Use in Transport (3.6) – ni razpisa
• Cross-Cutting Issues (3.7)
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• Second Generation Fuel from Biomass
• Topic ENERGY.2013.3.2.1: Pre-commercial industrial
scale demonstration plant on paraffinic biofuels for use
in aviation - FP7-ENERGY-2013-2
• Cross-Cutting Issues
• Topic ENERGY.2013.3.7.1: Support to the sustainable
delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local,
regional and pan-EU level - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
• Topic ENERGY.2013.3.7.2: Support to key activities of
the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) FP7-ENERGY-2013-IRP
4. Renewables for Heating and Cooling
• Low/Medium Temperature Solar Thermal Energy
• Biomass (4.2) – ni razpisa
• Geothermal Energy (4.3) – ni razpisa
• Innovative Integration of Renewable Energy
Supply and Energy Efficiency in Large Buildings
and/or Concerto Communities (4.4) – ni razpisa
• Cross-Cutting Issues - ni razpisa
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• Low/Medium Temperature Solar Thermal Energy
• Topic ENERGY.2013.4.1.1: Research and development
of innovative solar thermal facades - FP7-ENERGY2013-1
5. Carbon Capture and Storage
• CO2 Capture (5.1)
• CO2 Storage (5.2)
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• CO2 Capture
• Topic ENERGY.2013.5.1.1: Scale-up of advanced highefficiency capture processes - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
• Topic ENERGY.2013.5.1.2: New generation highefficiency capture processes - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
• CO2 Storage
• Topic ENERGY.2013.5.2.1: Mitigation and remediation
of leakage from geological storage - FP7-ENERGY2013-1
6. Clean Coal Technologies
• Conversion Technologies for Zero Emission
Power Generation (6.1)
• Coal-Based Poly-Generation (6.2) – ni razpisa
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• Conversion Technologies for Zero Emission
Power Generation
• Topic ENERGY.2013.6.1.1: Combined Underground
Coal Gasification and CO2 Capture and Storage - FP7ENERGY-2013-1
7. Smart Energy Networks
• Development of Inter-Active Distribution Energy
Networks (7.1)
• Pan-European Energy Networks (7.2)
• Cross Cutting Issues and Technologies (7.3)
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
Development of Inter-Active Distribution Energy Networks
Pan-European Energy Networks
Topic ENERGY.2013.7.1.1: Development and validation of methods and tools for network
integration of distributed renewable resources - FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013
Topic ENERGY.2013.7.2.1: Advanced concepts for reliability assessment of the panEuropean transmission network - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
Topic ENERGY.2013.7.2.2: Advanced tools and mechanisms for capacity calculation and
congestion management - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
Topic ENERGY.2013.7.2.3: Large-scale demonstration of innovative transmission system
integration and operation solutions for (inter)connecting renewable electricity productionFP7-ENERGY-2013-2
Topic ENERGY.2013.7.2.4: Ensuring stakeholder support for future grid infrastructures FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
Cross Cutting Issues and Technologies
Topic ENERGY.2013.7.3.1: Planning rules for linking electric vehicles (EV) to distributed
energy resources - FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013
Topic ENERGY.2013.7.3.2: Enhanced interoperability and conformance testing methods and
tools for interaction between grid infrastructure and electric vehicles - FP7-SMARTCITIES2013
Topic ENERGY.2013.7.3.3: Understanding interfaces in rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors through in situ methods - FP7-ENERGY-2013-1
8. Energy Efficiency and Savings
• Efficient Energy Use in the Manufacturing Industry and
Building Sector (8.1) – ni razpisa
• High Efficiency Poly-Generation (8.2) – ni razpisa
• Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energy Supply and
Energy Efficiency in Buildings: ECO-BUILDINGS (8.3) – ni
• Innovative Integration of Renewable Energy Supply and
Energy Efficiency in Large Communities: CONCERTO
(8.4) – ni razpisa
• Innovative Strategies for Clean Urban Transport: CIVITASPLUS (8.5) – ni razpisa
• Socio-Economic Research and Innovation (8.6) – ni
• Thematic Promotion and Dissemination (8.7) – ni razpisa
• Smart Cities and Communities (8.8)
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• Smart Cities and Communities
• Topic ENERGY.2013.8.8.1: Demonstration of optimised
energy systems for high performance-energy districts FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013
9. Knowledge for Energy Policy Making
• Knowledge Tools for Energy-Related
Policy Making (9.1) – ni razpisa
• Scientific and Socio-Economic
Support to Policy (9.2)
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• Scientific and Socio-Economic
Support to Policy
• Topic ENERGY.2013.9.2.1: European
scientific multidisciplinary "think-tank"
to support energy policy and to assess
the potential impacts of its measures FP7-ENERGY-2013-2
10. Horizontal Programme Actions
• Integration of the European Energy
Research Area (10.1)
• Other Horizontal Actions (10.2)
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
Integration of the European Energy Research Area
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.1: ERA-NET Plus – Bioenergy: Demonstrations of the European
Industrial Bioenergy Initiative - FP7-ERANET-2013-RTD
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.2: ERA-NET Plus – European wind resources assessment - FP7ERANET-2013-RTD
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.3: Supporting the coordination of national research activities of
Member States and Associated States in the field of OCEAN energy (ERA-NET) - FP7ERANET-2013-RTD
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.4: Mobilising the research, innovation and educational capacities
of Europe’s universities - FP7-ENERGY-2013-IRP
Support to integrated research programmes between research performers on innovative
research in support of the SET Plan Research and Innovation Agenda - FP7-ENERGY-2013IRP
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.5: Integrated research programme in the field of photovoltaics
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.6: Integrated research programme in the field of wind energy
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.7: Integrated research programme in the field of bioenergy
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.8: Integrated research programme on smart grids
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.9: Integrated research programme on electrochemical storage
Topic ENERGY.2013.10.1.10: Integrated Research Programme in the field of Concentrated
Solar Power (CSP)
Pregled po področjih in razpisih
• Other Horizontal Actions
– The Ocean of Tomorrow 2013:
Joining research forces to meet
challenges in ocean management
– OCEAN 2013.4 Innovative
transport and deployment systems
for the offshore wind energy sector
- FP7-OCEAN-2013
Posebnosti v DP 2013
• Zadnji razpis s področja „energije“ v 7 OP za leto
• Podlage za njegovo pripravo:
– podpora EII za implementacijo SET načrta
• Podpora integriranim raziskovalnim
programom in razvoju „univerzitetne
• Zaključek 7 OP in prehod na Horizon 2020
iskanje partnerjev - Idealist sistem
spletna stran za podporo (nasveti, informacije, dokumenti)
informacije na spletni strani RS:
ideal-ist@ijs.si, http://www.ideal-ist.net/
vse informacije o razpisih na spletni strani EK:
mag. Milena Černilogar Radež, sekretarka
Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor, DIREKTORAT ZA ENERGIJO
Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1 400 33 30
Nacionalna kontaktna točka (NCP) za 7OP - energija
Članica programskega odbora za 7OP – energija
Koordinatorica DE za NER 300