National Online Consenting The New Paradigm A GeoBuild™ Project An Interoperable Approach Working towards a smarter building system August 2012 The Building and Construction Sector Today 10% 2010 - building and construction contributed ~4% of NZ GDP approximately the same as agriculture 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% NZ AU UK USA Employment Building $1 spent on construction = $3 of economic activity in NZ Build $1 Make $3 Building and Construction Productivity Partnership, Productivity Roadmap March 2012 Sector employs 1 in 12 workers in NZ. Slide 2 Building and Construction Sector Challenges Productivity declining vs. other sectors and internationally Inefficient inconsistent consenting High procurement & construction costs Low skill level Fragmented approach to technology Sector dominated by small businesses 90% < 5 staff 21% sole traders Slide 3 The Programme A national information exchange “framework” that digitises building, geographical and environmental data and information which is available online to users GeoBuildTM is not an IT project, it is a strategy for technology solutions or activities affecting the whole environment to be standards based, open, interoperable and reusable across organisations. Slide 4 Why? Reusable Data Open Data Standard based Data Holistic Interoperable Building and Construction System = Performance & Productivity The GeoBuild™ Programme takes a holistic, strategic and interoperable approach to the building and construction “system” to encourage the improvement in performance and productivity. 1) Building and Construction Productivity Partnership, Productivity Roadmap March 2012 GeoBuild™ – an Interoperable Whole Environment Information Model MCDEM Ministry of Civil Defense & Emergency Management NIWA National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research MBIE Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment LANDCARE Environmental Research MFE Ministry for the Environment NZTA New Zealand Transport Agency GNS Science Earth, geosciences and isotope research PRIVATE SECTOR LINZ LIFELINES & UTILITIES Land Information New Zealand Cadastral and Geospatial information LOCAL COUNCILS REGIONAL COUNCILS Slide 6 There are currently three components to the GeoBuild™ Programme: A National Online Building Consent System – led by Building and Housing Acceleration of the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) – joint Building and Housing / Productivity Partnership An enhanced national and local Geospatial Information Strategy (GIS) – led by LINZ Slide 7 GeoBuildTM – Reusable data “Kernel” Building Information Modelling (BIM) 3D+ Geospatial Information Modelling Systems (GIS) GeoEd National Online Consenting System (OCS) GeoCDEM GeoHealth GeoConsumer Slide 8 Financial Benefits • National Online Consenting sector-wide savings • Building & construction productivity gains from the use of BIM (minimum 5.5% of 2011 non-residential $67m pa 2 $182m pa 3 construction) • Additional economic benefits from access and reuse of existing national location based information $481m pa 4 • Total projected annual benefits Total $730m pa • Productivity Partnership goal to increase sector productivity 20% by 2020 $3B pa GDP 2) DBH Online Consenting Business Case 2009 3) This broadly aligns with the Allen Consulting report (2003) 4) LINZ website Slide 10 Value Proposition Additionality- Generating new opportunities Slide 11 Key Project: National Online Consenting System Slide 12 Key Programme: National Online Consenting System Project Outcomes • ‘End to end’ processing of consents using standard forms and consenting processes • Applicants receive a common experience, regardless of which BCA processes their consent application. • It will enable; - faster project approvals, - more predictable outcomes, and - foster improved collaboration between industry professionals. • Aligns with the BCO national competency assessment framework • Compliment and align with the Building Act review of the consenting system • It also aligns with Multi-proof. Slide 13 National Online Consenting – transformational catalyst Infrastructure Modelling Building Information Modelling Built Environment Information Modelling National Online Consenting System Whole of Environment Geospatial Information Modelling Slide 14 Consent Submission Portal Consent Submission Tracking Consent Communications Consent Workflow Processing Building Information Modelling Councils Regulatory System Final Approval Code Compliance Electronic Onsite Inspections Key Programme: National Online Consenting System Drivers Auckland super city is an opportunity to move the largest BCA to electronic consent processing Earthquake recovery programme in Christchurch requires a new level of consent processing Wellington is evaluating shared services Slide 16 BIM Residential Digital Consent Lodgement Interoperability of data underpins GeoBuildTM optimisation BIM Commercial GeoBuildTM – National Online Consenting 2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years $67m pa1 1) DBH Online Consenting Business Case 2009 Slide 17 Key Programme: National Online Consenting System Projected Direct Benefit Based upon the 2009 Business Case[1] and adjusting for inflation, the revised benefits to applicants and BCAs is a minimum of $52.4 million per annum. Early issue of CCC by one week = $1,600 per week for large builders $1,000 for smaller builders.[2] A saving of just one week for all new houses consented in 2011 would be $14.9 million. No savings have been quantified for time savings for apartments or commercial buildings. Total projected minimum direct benefits arising from a National Online Consent system are $67.3 million per annum. [1] [2] Business Case for Online Building consents Project, Maven International Ltd, March 2009 Study Report SR 259 (2012), Value of Time Savings in New Housing, IC Page, BRANZ 2012 Slide 18 Pilot Programme: National Online Consenting System Plus representatives from: • Provincial TAs • Rural TAs Slide 19 Key Programme: National Online Consenting System Next steps • Develop and confirm GeoBuild™ programme governance structure • In conjunction with LINZ, Develop a GeoBuild™ programme paper for submission to the Cabinet Strategy Committee • Implement sector engagement and communication plan • Undertake sector consultation and finalise Statement of Requirements for National Online Consenting System • Finalise GeoBuild™ Programme Plan • Finalise National Online Consenting Project Plan • Undertake initial Interoperability Standards workshop 28th August • Present GeoBuild™ at Digital Earth Summit 2nd – 4th September • Present GeoBuild™ at LGNZ workshop 9th September [1] [2] Business Case for Online Building consents Project, Maven International Ltd, March 2009 Study Report SR 259 (2012), Value of Time Savings in New Housing, IC Page, BRANZ 2012 Slide 20 The GeoBuild™ Horizon Slide 21