Event - District Srinagar

 Computerized tracking of the election process with the aim of being
able to take timely action in real time.
 It is an ‘Event Based Management System’ – reporting from the time
of dispatch till the time of deposition of election material after return
of poll parties.
 Polling parties are distributed in remote locations, so the challenge is
to get the timely information.
 Events can be of predictable nature ( e.g. Polling party dispatched,
arrived etc.) or of exceptional nature (e.g. Incidents of violence).
 Both types of events need to trigger action on getting recorded into
the system.
Why SMS ?
 SMS is a very easy and convenient technology that can be
used for a wide range of applications. It has the widest
reach of all the mobile technologies today.
 Incorporates Time Delay option, i.e. the recipients phone
being busy does not matter to the sender of SMS.
SMS format
SMS is designed in such a format that the message
received by the system (SMS gateway) through the
sender (RO/ARO/SO/PO) could be automatically
interpreted and updated into the database .
Information from the polling stations
Pre poll
Safe arrival of polling party at polling
Mock poll conducted.
Information from the polling stations
During pollPoll Started.
 10 am Report (Male,Female,Others) count.
 12 pm Report (Male,Female,Others) count.
 2 pm Report (Male,Female,Others) count.
 4 pm Report (Male,Female,Others) count.
 Voters in queue at the closure of poll.
Exception reports Poll Interrupted due to EVM Non-Functioning.
 Poll interruption due to Law & Order problem.
 Poll interruption due to any other issue.
 Problem Resolved
Information from the polling stations
After poll
Final voter turnout.
Safe arrival of polling party at Record
SMS Gateway Services from NIC makes it easy to stay connected with all mobile service
operators. We have a wide range of mobile communication solutions including Web
SMS and SMS API Interfaces. The SMS Gateway should be reliable, fast, cost effective
and covers almost all operators in the India.
Message to be sent on
This is the virtual destination
number (on NIC Gateway) to
receive and manage messages
Process of SMS based monitoring system
 Step 1:- Mobile Registration (Authentication from
 RO (Returning officer)
 ARO (Assistant Returning officer)
 SO (Sector officer)
 PO (Presiding officer)/ Polling Officer (P1)
 Step 2:- Send Events & Time based reports.
 Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
 Reports by RO/ARO/SO
(if PO does not carry mobile phone or Mobile
Phone of PO, for some reason, fails to send
 Chief Electoral Officer
 Can monitor the whole SMS poll monitoring system online.
 Can edit details of any polling station online on the web page if
PO is getting any problem in sending SMS.
 District Election Officer
 The DEO can do the same for his/ her district.
 Returning Officer
 If PO is having any problem with sending SMS, RO can do it
online on behalf of PO.
 Assistant Returning Officer
 Backup for RO.
 Sector Officer
 Backup for RO.
 Presiding Officer/ Polling Officer – 1
 Primarily responsible for sending SMS to the system
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Safe Arrival of Polling Party at Polling Station
SAP- Polling Party Safely Arrived at the Polling station
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Mock Poll and attendance of polling agents
P-2/P-1 Day
Immediately after reaching Polling Station
•Example: JNKERM SAP
Immediately after conduct of mock poll and before
commencement of actual voting
•SMS syntax
•Example: JNKERM MP 04
MP-Mock Poll Conducted, Last 2 digits stand for no. of
Polling agents present. As per the example polling agents
of 4 contesting candidates are present.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Poll Started (8 AM)
Latest by 8.15 am
•Example: JNKERM PLS
•SMS syntax
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Report on 2 hourly status (10 AM)
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 10AM 65,50,3
10 am
•Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Report on 2 hourly status (12 Noon)
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 12PM 103,98,7
12 Noon
•Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Report on 2 hourly status (2 PM)
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 2PM 187,189,11
2 pm
•Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Report on 2 hourly status (4 PM)
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 4PM 268,265,26
4 pm
•Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Voters in queue at the closure of poll
•SMS syntax
The figure after Q – Stands for Total Voters in queue at the
P day
Closure of poll
schedule time for end of poll. The 3 digits stand(s) for total number of voters in queue.
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Final Voter Turnout
After end of Poll
JNKERM VT 454,381,2
Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Safe arrival of Polling Party at RC after end of Poll
P day
Immediately after reaching RC
•SMS syntax
SARC – Stands for Safe arrival of Polling party at RC
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Poll Interrupted due to EVM Non-Functioning or
apprehension of such problem
Immediately after such type of situation
•SMS syntax
Remarks: PROB- Problem, EVM- Electronic Voting Machine.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Poll interrupted or apprehension of poll interruption
due to Law & Order problem
P day
Immediately after such type of situation arises
•SMS syntax
PROB- Problem, LW - Law & Order Problem.
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Poll Interrupted or there is a chance of poll interruption
due to other Problem
Immediately after such type of situation arises
•SMS syntax
PROB- Problem, OTH – Other category of Problem
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Problem resolved
P day
Immediately after problem is solved and poll is resumed
in case
•SMS syntax
PRES means Problem resolved and poll resumed in case there is
If PO failed to send SMS?
Then, one of the following can send SMS on
behalf of that PO
Returning Officer
Assistant Returning Officer
Sector Officer
Polling Officer – I (Same Syntax)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Safe Arrival of Polling Party at Polling Station
SAP- Polling Party Safely Arrived at the Polling station 23
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Mock Poll and attendance of polling agents
P-2/P-1 Day
Immediately after reaching Polling Station
•Example: JNKERM 23 SAP
Immediately after conduct of mock poll and before
commencement of actual voting
•SMS syntax
•Example: JNKERM 23 MP 04
MP-Mock Poll Conducted, Last 2 digits stand for no. of
Polling agents present. As per the example polling agents
of 4 contesting candidates are present at PS 23.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Poll Started (8 AM)
Latest by 8.15 am
•Example: JNKERM 23 PLS
•SMS syntax
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Report on 2 hourly status (10 AM)
10 am
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 23 10AM 65,50,3
•Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Report on 2 hourly status (12 Noon)
12 Noon
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 23 12PM 103,98,7
•Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Report on 2 hourly status (2 PM)
2 pm
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 23 2PM 187,189,11
•Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Report on 2 hourly status (4 PM)
4 pm
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 23 4PM 268,265,26
•Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Voters in queue at the closure of poll
•SMS syntax
JNKERM 23 Q 102
The figure after Q – Stands for Total Voters in queue at the
P day
Closure of poll
schedule time for end of poll. The 3 digits stand(s) for total number of voters in queue.
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Final Voter Turnout
After end of Poll
JNKERM 23 VT 454,381,2
Note” There should be no spaces between values for M, F and T; only commas.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Safe arrival of Polling Party at RC after end of Poll
P day
Immediately after reaching RC
•Example: JNKERM 23 SARC
•SMS syntax
SARC – Stands for Safe arrival of Polling party at RC
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Poll Interrupted due to EVM Non-Functioning or
apprehension of such problem
Immediately after such type of situation
•Example: JNKERM 23 PROB EVM
Remarks: PROB- Problem, EVM- Electronic Voting Machine.
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Poll interrupted or apprehension of poll interruption
due to Law & Order problem
P day
Immediately after such type of situation arises
•Example: JNKERM 23 PROB LW
PROB- Problem, LW - Law & Order Problem.
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Poll Interrupted or there is a chance of poll interruption
due to other Problem
Immediately after such type of situation arises
•Example: JNKERM 23 PROB OTH
PROB- Problem, OTH – Other category of Problem
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Problem resolved
P day
Immediately after problem is solved and poll is resumed
in case
•Example: JNKERM 23 PRES
•SMS syntax
PRES means Problem resolved and poll resumed in case there is
The data collected through the SMS
would be reflected on a website
being monitored by the
Election Commission and
the Chief Electoral Officer, J&K
Monitoring Site
Graphical Representation
 RO database should be up to date in MCC-LOR
(Centrally by NIC JKSU)
 ARO database should be up to date in MCC-LOR
(Centrally by NIC JKSU)
 Statistics of PS wise Total Voters should be updated
(Centrally by NIC JKSU)
 SO database should be up to date in MCC-LOR
 PO database should be up to date in JKEDIS
(System will pick it up after 3rd Randomization)
 All Mobile Numbers (RO/ARO/SO/PO/P1) should be
captured in the relevant databases (MCC-LOR/ JKEDIS
 The Virtual Mobile Number should be saved in
Contacts List with a short name, e.g. ‘VMN’.
 Disable the Predictive Text settings in your phone. For
example, in Android based Samsung Phones the
method is
Settings > Language and Input > Samsung Keyboard
> Predictive Text. Disable it by dragging it to the
Some Important Points
 Establishment of DEO level control room where data
entry in case of non receipt of SMS and general
monitoring would be done.
 There is no Mobile Registration to be done before hand
(unlike in PGR or e-Filing of ERMS).
 The CEO/DEO level interface would run on NICNET
 The URL is
 The syntax of SMS is “case insensitive”. Thus ‘JNKERM’
and ‘jnkerm’ would be treated as same.
 Normal SMS rates would apply.
Some Important Points
 The PS_NO in SMS sent by RO/ARO does not have a
definite length, e.g. 1 can be entered as 1 or 01 or 001.
 If some parameter value (e.g. Third Gender Voters) is
zero, it should be written as 0 and not omitted.
 A special SMS for RO to affect last minute changes in
PO for any PS would be shortly provided.
 SMS delay on account of Mobile network problems
must be compensated by action (data entry) at the DEO
control room.
 No post facto data updation is required by the system.
Training to Presiding Officer
 Importance of sending SMS accurately and in time.
 Phone Predictive Text Disable Option
 How to send SMS.
 About the different types of SMS formats.
 When to send SMS (each SMS has to be sent on certain
event or time).
 Where to send SMS (each SMS has to be sent on the
number 7738-299-899)
 What to do if facing problem in sending SMS.
‘Q’ Information System
Message to be sent on
This is the virtual destination
number (on NIC Gateway) to
receive and manage messages
 A tool for voters to know about rush at the polling booth on poll day.
 BLO would report about the number of persons standing in queue at
any given time at their polling booth.
 BLO would send this information by SMS several times during poll
 Voter would send SMS for querying current position of queue.
 On receiving this query SMS from the voter, the system would send
detailed information to the voter.
 The BLO SMS would have a pre-defined syntax
SMS Syntax
SMS by BLO (for Updating Data on Server)
 JNKERM<space>VOT<space>NNN
 Where NNN indicates the number of voters in queue at
the time of sending SMS.
 For example: JNKERM VOT 114
 114 indicates the number of persons in queue at that time
SMS Syntax
 SMS by Voter (for Querying)
 JNKERM<space>Q<space>ACNO,PSNO
 Where ACNO indicates the AC Number and PSNO
indicates the Polling Station Number
 For example: JNKERM Q 71,25
 It will give the number of persons in queue in polling
station number 25 of AC 71-Gandhi Nagar
SMS Syntax
 Reply to SMS by Voter (from Server)
 AC-ACNO<space>PS-PSNO<space>No. of Voters in Q-
<NNN> On-<Date><space><Time>
 Where ACNO indicates the AC Number and PSNO
indicates the Polling Station Number
 NNN is the number of voters in queue
 Date is Poll Date and Time is that of last updation by the
 For example: AC-71 PS-25 No. of Voters in Q-88 OnDecember 20, 2014 at 2.30 pm
 BLO database should be up to date.
 The link for updation is
 This is an option which is already being used.
 All Mobile Numbers for BLOs should be captured in the
relevant database.
 The Virtual Mobile Number should be saved in
Contacts List with a short name, e.g. ‘VMN’.
 Disable the Predictive Text settings in your phone. For
example, in Android based Samsung Phones the
method is
Settings > Language and Input > Samsung Keyboard
> Predictive Text. Disable it by dragging it to the
Some Important Points
 There is no Mobile Registration to be done before hand
(unlike in PGR or e-Filing of ERMS).
 The syntax of SMS is “case insensitive”. Thus ‘JNKERM’
and ‘jnkerm’ would be treated as same.
 Normal SMS rates would apply.
Training to Booth Level Officer
 Importance of sending SMS accurately and in time.
 Phone Predictive Text Disable Option
 How to send SMS.
 About the SMS formats.
 SMS must be sent at regular intervals (but not
necessarily at a fixed hour)
 Where to send SMS (each SMS has to be sent on the
number 7738299899)
 Bulk Print the summary of SMS formats & circulate
 Publicize the ‘Q’ application in the print and electronic
After this VC Session
We will share this PPT and a summary of SMS formats with you
A “Dry Run” would be conducted for each phase of election (dates would be
communicated subsequently)
DEO level login to be provided for poll day monitoring (by e-Mail)
Please explain the system to the concerned as soon as possible.
Training sessions for RO/ ARO/ PO (for SMS based PDMS)
Training / briefing sessions for BLO (for “Q” application)
Bulk Print the summary of SMS formats & circulate
Publicize the ‘Q’ application in the print and electronic media.
Query Redress
Mr. Baiju Ubbott, Scientist ‘B’
Mr. Saleem Khan, Scientist ‘E’