Project ESA BIC Sud France April 29th, 2013 1 Observations on firms creation ■ Situation for Southern France • Numerous plans of actions and structures for supporting generalist firms creation, but no specific animation for the Space sector • The largest research potential for research in the field of space applications in Europe • The first industrial area in Europe for space infrastructures • Presence of CNES in Toulouse • Presence of 2 aerospace clusters: Aerospace Valley (worldwide cluster) & Pegase • Less than 4 firms created each year in Midi-Pyrénées and Aquitaine • Poor number of creation from PhD or masters 2 Observations on firms creation ■ Assessment for firms creation in the field of space applications • Less than 4 firms created each year in Midi-Pyrénées and Aquitaine • Poor number of creation from PhD or Engineer • No real dedicated mechanism for new space companies 3 A particular context for Space ■ New paradigms for space • Galileo/EGNOS operational deployment • Copernicus data available for free • Coupling of satellite data and open date • Wishes for technological transfer from space to non space • Many Phd and engineer in these fields 4 The ESA BIC Plan of Actions ■ Program objectives • BIC: Business Incubation Centre • Support to the creation of start up companies • Support to the development of young companies (up to 5 years old maximum) • Development of downstream applications of space systems • Transfer of space technologies to other sectors ■ Program implementation status • 9 ESA BIC already exist (cf. 5 ESA BIC 6 Interest for the sector ■ To allow swarming French firms reinforcing their financial assets • Through a grant of 50K€ (25K€ from ESA) combined with a loan or personal assets of 50 k€ • Through in kind support from CNES, ESA, supporting structures and other partners • Through a “selected project” label delivered by the ESA BIC, permitting the access to other types of funding (eg. Open Sky Technology Fund) 7 Interest for the sector ■ To coordinate the different structures dealing with the support to firms creation ■ To stimulate firms creation using space technologies, applications and services in « non space » markets ■ Objective: creation of 15 firms/year 8 Interest for the sector Predictions of activity generated by the ESA BIC Sud France (based on statistics of the Business incubation programme of ESA, Alumni Report 2010) 400 350 300 250 200 150 Number of employments induced by firms benefiting or having benefited from the ESA BIC program 100 50 0 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 ■ Induced jobs have to be added to direct ones ■ Thanks to its structure, the ESA BIC Sud France will be in a position to promote gatherings of start-ups according to the detection of potential larger companies 9 The markets ■ Oceanography ■ Agriculture ■ E-health ■ Consumer markets ■ ICT Services ■ Automotive and land transports 10 Actors of the ESA BIC Sud France Supporting Structures CNES Funding Bodies ESA BIC Sud France ESA AEROSPACE VALLEY Cluster PEGASE Cluster 15 FIRMS/YEAR To favor the emergence of firms using technologies stemming from the space sector 11 Operating diagram Technical support CNES, ESA… Local governments In kind support to firms Living labs, Platforms, Organization of competitions Headquarters: Toulouse Montaudran Aerospace Funding bodies donation of 25 k€ + loan of 50 k€ per firm Aerospace Valley and Pegase ExternalExternal Ecosystem animation and Support communication support Aerospace Valley Administration of the ESA BIC Sud France Selected projects Proposed projects Standards Standards Standards Standards Standards Standards Standards New structure MP Incubator Théogone Technowest ESTIA PACA–EST Sophia/Nice PACA–EST Cannes/Toulon Existing structures Projects Existing devices Others 12 Open data Platform Sponsors Swarming Training Research Competition Co-working Actions for animation Partners Founder Members Financial Partners Technical Partners Industrial Support 13 ESA BIC Sud France offer Managed by the ESA BIC Sud France’s Project Manager Managed by the ESA BIC Sud France’s Project Manager Shared services’ offer (partner incubators) − Privileged access to funding − Coaching − Equipped office accommodations − Training − Networking − Shared events − Literature − Computing Centre (Théo.) − SVP services (Théo.) − CATIA V5 (BTW) − CESA (BTW) − Patent Portfolio (BTW, CNES) − Access to laboratories of ESTIA − Simulation software business management (ESTIA) 14 Soft Landing − Office − Network Technical Support CNES −80 hours / project Clusters’ support − Reduced membership − International support − Project set-up − Look for partners − Financial engineering − Networking Contacts Philippe Lattes, Deputy Director Space sector, Research & European projects, Aerospace Valley Tel. : +33 5 61 14 58 30, Mobile : +33 6 38 81 37 17, Mail : Danielle Poujol, Financial Engineering manager, Aerospace Valley Tel. : +33 5 61 14 80 32, Mobile : +33 6 81 63 99 78, Mail : Didier Lapierre, Valuation and technology transfer manager, CNES Mobile : +33 6 82 40 26 15, Mail : Véronique De la Casa, subsidiaries and participations manager, CNES Tel. : +33 5 61 28 34 63, Mobile : +33 6 75 38 60 93, Mail : Jean-Claude Bénech, regional space programmes manager, CNES Tel. : +33 5 61 27 41 07, Mobile : +33 6 72 80 99 72, Mail : Loïc Chanvillard, Paca-Est Area manager, Pôle Pégase Tel. : + 33 4 93 67 89 22, Mobile : +33 6 47 81 02 78, Mail : François Baffou, Bordeaux Technowest CEO Tel. : +33 5 56 34 35 44, Mobile : +33 6 80 01 94 20, Mail : Patxi Elissalde , ESTIA Entreprendre CEO Tel. : +33 5 59 43 85 00, Mail : Frédéric Daumas, CEEI Théogone CEO Mail : Anne-Laure Charbonnier, Midi-Pyrénées Business Incubator CEO Tel. : +33 5 34 31 67 47, Mail : André Labat, Paca-Est Business Incubator CEO Tel. : + 33 4 89 86 69 11, Mobile : +33 6 15 34 49 90, Mail : 15