ETSI’s approach to ensuring design-for-all requirements
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1. The need for Design for All
2. Design for all through standards
3. Guidance for including Design for All in
4. The ETSI Procedure to ensure Accessibility
in Standards
5. Summary
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What is “Design for All?
Design for All is the design of products to
be accessible and usable by all people, to
the greatest extent possible, without the
need for specialized adaptation.
The effect of technology (and technical
standards) on individuals is related to the
capabilities of those individuals.
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Design for All and the Capabilities of Users
Some users have certain disabilities that make their
requirements obvious:
• Blind users
• Deaf users
• Users with motor impairments (e.g. due to Parkinson” disease,
wheelchair users)
• Users with cognitive impairments (e.g. dyslexia)
• Users with memory limitations (e.g. due to Alzheimer’s disease)
Elderly users, too, can have a wide range of special
Design for All and the Capabilities of
Older Users
Old age is often accompanied by a combination of mild to
moderate impairments including:
Impaired vision: age-related short-sightedness, far-sightedness,
clouding of the lens (cataract or glaucoma);
Impaired hearing: age-related hearing loss, other cumulative effects
of ageing on the ability to hear sounds in the higher frequency band
and a greater difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments;
Decreased motor skills: this effect is most noticeable in the effective
use of the skeletal muscles for grasping, pressing and other finemotor functions;
Design for All and the Capabilities of
Older Users
Decreased performance of the short-term memory: ability to
remember new things, associated with difficulties is retrieving
previously learned material;
Slowed-down cognitive abilities: to need more time for the
evaluation of a new situation; consequently, elderly people need
more time than young people when dealing with interactive devices
or services to react to a dialogue message.
The demographic shift towards ageing societies raises the
importance of design adapted to the needs of older users.
The percentage of users requiring and
benefiting from Design for All is increasing.
Demographics document a shift towards ageing societies:
In a number of countries including China, Japan, and Germany the
percentage of younger people is decreasing and the percentage of
older people is increasing.
Even traditional immigrant countries such as the United States have
population age structures no longer resembling the age pyramid
known from past centuries.
In an ageing society, consumers are getting older, too. According to a
study of CAR – the Center Automotive Research of the University of
Duisburg-Essen, the average age of buyers of new cars in Germany is
52.4 years.
Age Distribution in Germany
Source: CIA World Fact Book
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Age Distribution in the USA
Source: CIA World Fact Book
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The Need for Design for All
What is the motivation to Design for All?
The business case
i.e. the realisation that money can be made by addressing
the whole target population
Legal and regulatory requirements
e.g. the German BGG (equality law for disabled people)
e.g. EU mandates on public procurement
Social policy e.g. most EU countries have signed up to the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (UNCRPD)
The knowledge on how to achieve Design for All
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Guidance for Including Design for All in
In context of EU Mandate M 473, the European Commission
asked European Standards Organisations (ETSI and
CEN/CENELEC) to design a procedure for ensuring that
Design-for-All requirements be considered when starting a
new standards document.
ETSI published EG 202 952
to provide writers of ETSI deliverables an easy and fast way of
assessing whether there are potential Design-for-All issues related to
a new or revised standard;
to offer guidance on Design-for-All issues.
Guidance for Including Design for All in
Standards writers need to be aware that ICT that is
developed following their standards may have several
potential users:
Direct users
• e.g. those who directly benefit from what the ICT allows them to do;
indirect users
• e.g. someone who has their new laptop computer configured by an
expert (who herself is a direct user);
collateral users
• e.g. someone who is disturbed by another person accessing an
information kiosk with audio output
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The ETSI Design-for-All Assessment Process
The assessment process as described in EG 202 952 is as
The potential relevance of Design for All (DfA) issues in
the context of any ETSI deliverable to be developed or
updated can be assessed by means of a DfA checklist.
Based on the specific checklist results, a set of relevant
user needs can be identified and an indication given on
how these user needs may need to be addressed in the
The EG gives guidance on user interaction aspects relating
to specific user needs, allowing further analysis of options
to address those user needs in the deliverable
The DfA Checklist
The DfA checklist used in the DfA assessment deals with different
options for how users may interact with ICT and services. It contains the
following topics:
Control of devices through a user interface
Control of services
Media presentation to the user
Media entry by the user (media capture)
Media processing including transport, coding, transposition, etc.
User and device profile management and use.
The ETSI DfA Assessment Procedure (I)
1. When defining a New Work Item (NWI) you will be required to identify which of
the DfA assessment topics are applicable to subject of your work item.
2. A basic explanation of each of the assessment topics will be provided, and further
information can be accessed.
3. If any of the DfA assessment topics are applicable the “Accessibility and/or
Usability” checkbox will be automatically ticked.
4. The results of your assessment will be associated with the NWI and this will be
made available to the ETSI secretariat and to TC HF if required.
Note: you can use the toolkit also for the assessment of existing standards documents
or work items. If you want to do this, you will have to fill in the data fields of step 2
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In this presentation, we have shown:
• How to decide if a specific new work item has
DfA requirements;
• How to identify specific DfA requirements for a
standards document;
• How to solve/fullfill specific DfA requirements in
• How to use the DfA toolkit to assess all relevant
DfA issues for a work item.
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Where to Get Support and Advice?
For all enquiries please contact:
Chairman of ETSI TC HF (Matthias Schneider)
TC HF Technical Officer (Sonia Compans)
Thank you!
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