The National Shipbuilding
Procurement Strategy
May 2011
This is the biggest
opportunity for Nova Scotia
since the navy was
established 100 years ago.
What is it?
In 2010, the federal government initiated the
National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy
(NSPS) - a formal process to select two Canadian
shipyards for construction of large vessels.
In addition to Nova Scotia’s Irving Shipbuilding,
three others are competing. The responses are
due July 7, and a decision is expected in fall
What does this mean?
The impact
The project will be the largest
peace-time shipbuilding program in
Canadian history.
The opportunity
Nova Scotia is ideally suited to meet
the federal government’s needs. If
successful, this contract would create
and sustain several thousand jobs, and
make life better for families across the
Pursuing the opportunities
Shipbuilding is What We Do
Shipbuilding is in our blood, and has been for over a century. In September,
1889, The New York Times called the newly constructed Halifax Graving Dock
“the largest on this side of the Atlantic.”
120 Years of Quality Shipbuilding
From the Age of Sail, to the most sophisticated combatant vessels of today,
Nova Scotia has always been a centre of shipbuilding excellence.
Shipbuilding Expertise is in Our DNA
We built the very first all-Canadian destroyers and 12 coastal defence vessels
for the Navy.
Who Benefits?
In Nova Scotia: $7 billion in direct payroll (not including indirect & induced);
$2.7 billion in tax revenue; $6.7 billion in consumer spending; and up to
4000 high value, well paying jobs.
Social Fabric
A thriving economy. A diverse and educated workforce. An entrepreneurial
spirit. The ideal lifestyle for raising a family. Affordable living - set against a
backdrop of the natural environment and the great outdoors.
Centre of Excellence
Since 2006 alone, our shipyard has invested over $90 million in people,
infrastructure and technology, to consistently deliver the best value and
provide world-class ships.
With over $90 million invested in infrastructure since 2006, there is no better
location in Canada than Halifax Shipyard to build, refit and repair ships.
Supply Chain
Irving Shipbulding works with 630 Nova Scotia companies and hundreds more
nation-wide. Shipbuilding in Nova Scotia has great economic impact across
The percentage of Halifax Shipyard employees receiving trades skills upgrading,
process improvement training, safety education and training programs, computer
skills education, and more, has been consistently growing, with over 90% of the
workforce receiving training in 2010.
Young Apprentices/Opportunities
There are over 250 apprentices working in the trades at Halifax Shipyard
preparing for high-value jobs. Halifax Shipyard is currently offering diverse co-op
and apprenticeship opportunities in engineering, planning, scheduling and
Nova Scotia: Built to Build. We’re ideally suited to meet the federal government’s
needs. If successful, this contract would create and sustain more than 4,000 jobs,
and make life better for families across the Maritimes.
The Next 30 Years
In 2009, 120 years of quality shipbuilding was celebrated at Halifax Shipyard and
Irving Shipbuilding experienced unprecedented growth and success.
What can you do?
• Go to and learn more about the NSPS
• Hold a lunch & learn in your office
• Write a newsletter article, blog post, tweet (hashtag #ShipsStartHere)
about the economic benefits of winning the NSPS bid
• Provide a testimonial about what the Next 30 years means to you
• Tell two friends who’ll tell two friends—help spread the word about the
positive benefits of the NSPS bid
• Place stickers or decals in your business front window showing your
support (coming soon)
• Place a digital badge on your homepage showing your support