Presidential Awards For Excellence In Science, Mathematics And Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) ************** JULY 2014 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WEBINARS NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN FOR THE 2015 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) $10,000 Honorary Presidential Award Nomination materials due NOMINATONS DUE OCTOBER 3, 2014 President Barack Obama with the 2010 PAESMEM recipients in the Oval Office, Dec. 12, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza, retrieved from WH blog) Visit for instructions. Send questions to: Mentoring in STEM and PAESMEM • Welcome and Introductions • Recognizing STEM Mentoring • PAESMEM Overview • PAESMEM Eligibility • PAESMEM Nomination Process & Materials • Questions and answers Recognizing STEM Mentors “…we celebrate the contributions of all those who cultivate a supportive environment for the next generation, and we recommit to expanding mentorship opportunities across our country.” – President Barack Obama, • Established by the White House in 1995 to recognize mentoring in STEM. • Nearly 240 individuals and organizations have been recognized since start of program. Presidential Proclamation of National Mentoring Month, 2012 • The purpose of the PAESMEM award is to recognize U.S. citizens and permanent residents and U.S. organizations that have demonstrated excellence in mentoring underrepresented students, trainees, and early career scientists and engineers. President Barack Obama with the 2011 PAESMEM recipients in the Oval Office, Dec. 12, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza, retrieved from WH blog) • Each awardee receives a $10,000 honorary award and are invited to participate in an awards ceremony and meetings with STEM policy leaders in Washington, DC. PAESMEM Nomination Preparation Eligibility Nomination Process FastLane Requirements Review Process and Criteria Selection and Recognition Additional Information and Resources PAESMEM Team Members FAQs Question and Answer (Operator-Assisted) PAESMEM Nomination Submission *ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS* PAESMEM Eligibility • Individuals and organizations in all public and private sectors are eligible: • • • • • • Industry Academia Primary and secondary education Military and government Non-profit organizations Foundations • Individual nominees must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Federal employees are eligible for nomination/self-nomination. Some conditions apply. • Past individual PAESMEM awardees are not eligible for re-nomination • Organizational nominees must be affiliated with a U.S. corporation, educational institution or agency, military or government agency, non-profit organization, or foundation • Past organizational PAESMEM awardees may re-nominated after 10 years • At least 5 years of demonstrated exceptional mentoring of underrepresented students, trainees, and/or early career scientists and engineers PAESMEM Eligibility (Nomination Limits) • Only one nomination may be submitted per individual or program for both the Individual and Organizational categories. • Multiple programs or individuals from the same institution may be nominated. However each program or individual may be nominated only once in a competition. • Individuals or organizations may self-nominate. PAESMEM Nomination *THE PROCESS* *ALL NOMINATIONS DUE* ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014 PAESMEM Nomination Process Nominations, including self-nominations, are invited: • Nominators: • Work with the nominee to develop the content of the materials • Volunteer to write one of the letters of support for your nominee • Alternatively - you can send contact information for your nominee to before August 1, 2014 and NSF will invite them to submit nomination materials • Self-nominators: • Submit all the materials by the deadline • No need to notify NSF before submission (unless you have questions!) PAESMEM Nominations *NOMINATION PROCESS* ALL NOMINATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN THE NSF FASTLANE SYSTEM OR VIA GRANTS.GOV (Registration Process Required) PAESMEM Nomination Materials - IND Individual nominations – Submitted in FastLane Must include NSF cover page, certification form and the sections below: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Project Summary; Project description (Up to 8 pages) Reference Cited; Biographical Sketches; Budget and Budget Justification Current and Pending Support Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources Supplementary Documentation Letters of Support PAESMEM Nomination Materials - Org Organizational nominations – Submitted in FastLane Must include NSF cover page, certification form and the sections below: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Project Summary; Project description (Up to 9 nine pages) Reference Cited; Biographical Sketches; Budget and Budget Justification Current and Pending Support Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources Supplementary Documentation Letters of Support *REVIEW PROCESS* ALL NOMINATIONS ARE PANEL REVIEWED BY NSF PAESMEM REVIEW Review Criteria --Impact --Significance --Quality PAESMEM Review Criteria (Ind & Org) • Impact: • Are the impacts and outcomes of the mentoring outstanding? • Significance: • Are the mentoring accomplishments above and beyond what would be expected for other individuals in similar positions? • Quality: • How well has the nominee designed, tailored, and implemented the mentoring activities and strategies for the targeted mentees? • For organizational nominees only: How well has the organization assessed the impacts of the mentoring activities? PAESMEM REVIEW *Selection and Recognition Process for 2015 Awardees* PAESMEM AWARDEE SELECTION/RECOGNITION • Nominations received in October 2014 will be reviewed in January 2015 • NSF recommendations will be made to OSTP in Spring 2015 • Up to 16 awardees are recommended to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) • Announcement/Recognition of Awardees dependent on White House PAESMEM Information And Resources • Call for nominations and complete instructions found in NSF 14-567 (Program Solicitation) • Frequently Asked Questions – NSF 14-092 • • • • • Information on past PAESMEM awardees Links to resources on mentoring in STEM On-line mentoring communities 2014 Google Hang-out Session 2014 Webinar Schedule (July, August, September) PAESMEM FAQs – NSF 14-092 *FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS* 1. What are the groups underrepresented in STEM? 2. How will I know if my nomination has been received? 3. Is there a preferred format for letters of support? 4. To Whom should the letters of support be addressed? 5. How will I be notified that I am selected for the award? 6. Will organizational representatives be invited to attend the ceremony? 7. Can I withdraw my nomination? PAESMEM TEAM/FASTLANE ASSISTANCE Nafeesa Owens, Martha James Jim Colby, Shanelle Clay Yevonda McIlwaine, Al Wilson NSF FastLane: Joye Bradsher Bruce McKinnon PAESMEM FastLane HelpDesk: 1-800-673-6188, Option 5 NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN FOR THE 2015 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) $10,000 Honorary Presidential Award Nomination materials due NOMINATONS DUE OCTOBER 3, 2014 President Barack Obama with the 2010 PAESMEM recipients in the Oval Office, Dec. 12, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza, retrieved from WH blog) Visit for instructions. Send questions to: PAESMEM 2015 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS *QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD IS NOW OPEN* The operator will provide instruction.