ISO 15504 (SPICE)

ISO 15504 (SPICE)
Adam Brakel, Justin Molinyawe, Shawn Morgan,
Veronika Movagharianpour, Justin Peckner,
Maria Velasquez-Rosales
September 4, 2012
Main Goals
• To create a framework for software process
assessment (achieved with the SPICE
Documents version 1 release in 1995)
To manage the emerging standard trials
(undertakes ISO/IEC 15504 empirical trials)
To promote software process assessment
into the software industry
1. Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination website :
The Motivation for SPICE
Spearheaded by ISO and IEC
Due to rising necessity for:
o a standardized software development
process improvement scheme
o allow multiple countries use the same
 (instead of hoarding the good ones for
1. "ISO/IEC 15504." 7 July, 2012. Web. 2. Sept, 2012. <>
2. "ISO Standards." 23 May, 2007. Web. 1 Sept,
Origin of the standard
Standard is currently maintained by ISO
(International Organization for
ISO and IEC convene to discuss concept in
June 1991 1
SPICE project started in 1993 2
First international conference in 2000;
major revision completed in 2004 2
1. "ISO Standards." 23 May, 2007. Web. 1 Sept, 2012 <>
2. “ISO/IEC 15504.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 7 July 2011. Web. August 2012.>
Who uses this approach as a way
to improve quality?
SPICE can be used in two contexts1:
o Capability determination (supplier’s
o Process improvement (organization's
"Technology organizations...use this approach to
internally assess their actual ability to meet
[their] target and improve their process". 2
1. “ISO/IEC 15504.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 7 July 2011. Web. August 2012.>
2. “ISO/IEC TS 15504-9:2011.”International Organization for Standardization. Web. August 2012.
Who uses this approach as a way to improve
quality? (Cont'd)
For example, an organization competing for a contract
may use SPICE to determine its current capability and
the level required by the contractor1.
The assessment of processes is not limited only to
software development. ISO 15504 has expanded to
cover processes in the following areas1: Organizational,
Management, Engineering, Acquisition/Supply, Support,
and Operations.
1. “ISO/IEC 15504.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 7 July 2011. Web. August 2012.>
Main/Unique Features
• Model for process management
• Creates set of requirements and
guidelines to assess a company's software
development process, and improve that
What is SPICE:
Main/Unique Features (cont'd)
• Processes can be divided into five
o Customer-Provider
o Engineering
o Support
o Management
o Organization
Main/Unique Features (cont'd)
• Six maturity levels for each of the
o 0 : Incomplete
o 1 : Initial
o 2 : Managed
o 3 : Defined
o 4 : Quantitatively managed
o 5 : Optimizing
Main/Unique Features (cont'd)
Rating scale for assessment of attribute:
Not achieved
Partially achieved
Largely achieved
Fully Achieved
ISO/IEC 15504 Part 3
7. Relationships, Similarities or Differences ISO 15504
has with the rest of the standards
Relationships: ISO 15504 (SPICE) was developed from ISO 12207's process
reference model, Bootstrap's maturity model and Trillium's industry
Similarities: both were originally software development models and
generalized to cover other business processes.
Differences: CMM focuses on the areas of project management and support,
while SPICE covers organization, management, engineering, acquisition
supply, support and operations. CMMI is a process improvement model is
not reflected in SPICE's standards.
ISO 9000
Similarities: Both are sets of standards that deal with software development.
Differences: SPICE focuses on software development standards, while ISO
9000 focuses on quality management and customer satisfaction.
Relationships, Similarities or Differences (Cont'd)
Bootstrap Project
Similarities: Both evaluate software and deal with software maturity.
Differences: Bootstrap focuses on the evaluation of software development
while SPICE has been generalized to business and other processes.
ISO 12207
Similarities: Both use the same software reference model.
Differences: ISO 12207 is focused on the software lifecycle processes, while
SPICE's reference model has two axis of process and capability.
Similarities: Both have a focus on industry practises.
Differences: Trillium focuses on assessment to minimize risk and ensure
timely delivery.
Sigma Six
Similarities: Both deal with software development and business practises.
Differences: SPICE began as a software development standard and was
generalized to business, while Sigma Six began as a business practise
standard and was generalized to software development and other
Everyone's Opinions on SPICE
Justin: SPICE seems to be a very comprehensive approach, in that it
covers all parts of the business, not just software. It's also flexible
enough to create subdomains such as Automotive SPICE.
Maria: I agree with Justin. Another interesting feature of SPICE is that
it offers extensive evaluation and improvement tools for both suppliers
and providers.
Shawn: This initiative offers a global, familiar, and reliable approach
to managing software development practices
Veronika: SPICE ensures software quality improvement by helping
software purchasers to specify the capability level of software
suppliers making suppliers meet international standards to become
Adam: A good approach to managing Software Development. I'd like to
learn more about the push to generalise it into other industries.
Any Questions?