Access of official microdata in a decentralised statistical system. Spain Second Regional Workshop on “Microdata Access in European Countries: Cooperation between National Statistical Institutes and Data Archives” Athens, Greece, 29-30 September 2014 Statistical organization in Spain The highest-level legal reference in Spain regarding statistical activity is found in the Spanish Constitution of 1978, article 149. The Law 12/1989, of 9 May, on the Public Statistical Services (LFEP) contains the basic legal regulations for carrying out the statistical activity in the General State Administration. According to the LFEP, the public statistical function in the scope of the GSA is developed by the National Statistics Institute (INE); the ministerial department units and those of any other public institutions dependent on them; and the Bank of Spain. The advisory bodies are the High Council on Statistics, the Interministerial Statistics Commission and the Interterritorial Statistics Committee. Given the administrative organization in Spain, there is a statistical system for each Autonomous Community. This system creates statistics for its territorial area, which is entrusted by the respective legal standards (autonomy statutes, statistical laws, statistics plans, etc.) Spanish Constitution Law on the Public Statistical Services (LFEP) - Organization of Official Statistics of the State - State Official Statistics Planning - Coordination of the Official Statistics of the State and coordination with the statistics of Autonomous Communities and local governments - International Relations with the European Community and other international organizations The National Statistics Institute, is an autonomous agency under the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity. The Head office is located in Madrid. There are 52 Provincial delegations of the NSI and the Electoral Census Office. High Council on Statistics, Advisory body of the statistical services of the GSA, the involvement of informants, producers and users of official statistics, where trade union and business organisations and other social, economic and academic groups are represented, together with ministries, the Bank of Spain and the INE. It aims to contribute to harmonising statistics, improving the use of resources. Interministerial Statistics Commission (CIME), affiliated to the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, via the National Statistics Institute, is a participative organ of the statistical services in charge of the compiling of statistics in the scope of the State Administration and constitutes one of the springboards for achieving horizontal coordination among the State Statistical Services. Interterritorial Statistics Committee (CITE), is a permanent official body in charge of overseeing the coordination, cooperation and standardisation of statistical matters between the State and the Autonomous Communities. Statistical Departments in Ministries and Bank of Spain Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation Ministry of Defence Ministry of Economy and Competitivity Insurance Compensation Consortium General Directorate for Macroeconomic Analysis and International Economics Spanish Public Treasury General Secretariat for Insurance and Pension Funds National Stock Exchange Commission State Secretariat for Trade Carlos III Institute of Health Ministry of the Treasury and Public Administration Services General Directorate of Cadastre Institute of Fiscal Studies General Comptroller of the State Administration Tobacco Market Commission State Lotteries and Gaming State Tax Administration Agency - Tax statistics - Department of Customs and Special Taxes Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport General Statistical Information University Coordination Council National Institute for Evaluation and Quality of the Education System Higher Sports Board General Statistical Information (Culture) Ministry of Public Works General Statistical Information Spanish Airports and Air Navegation (AENA) Spanish Port System National Network of the Spanish Railways (RENFE) State Secretariat for Housing. General Statistical Information Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism General Statistical Information Telecommunications Market Commission National Energy Commission Institute for Tourist Studies Ministry of Home Affairs General Directorate of Penal Institutions Spanish Traffic Authority Ministry of Justice Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs Ministry of Presidency Sociological Research Centre. CIS Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality General Statistical Information Government Delegation for the National Drugs Plan Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (IMSERSO) National Consumer Affairs Institute National Health Management Institute (INGESA) National Transplant Organisation Institute of Youth Institute of Women Ministry of Employment and Social Security General Statistical Information Wage Guarantee Fund National Social Security Institute State Secretariat For Immigration And Emigration Public Employment Services (INEM) Bank of Spain General Statistical Information CIME CITE The Spanish open data portal,, was founded in 2011 under the framework of the Project called aporta and born under the leadership of the Ministry of Treasury and Public Administration and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism of the Government of Spain. Its direct management is responsibility of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society (SETSI). The origin is Directive 2003/98 / EC, of 17 November 2003. Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the reuse of public sector information is the norm in Spanish legislation transposing the European Directive 2003/98 / EC. Article 8: Specific conditions for the implementation of certain projects. Projects involving studies using quantitative research in the field of social sciences. a) The principal investigators of these projects shall transfer, within a maximum period of 12 months from completion, the data and metadata of the study to the specific Data Archive for Social Studies. This Archive is in the Sociological Research Centre. In compliance with Articles 37.1 and 37.2 of Law 14/2011 of 1 June, Science, Technology and Innovation, the Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the reuse of public sector information, and Recommendation of the European Commission of 17 July 2012 on access to scientific information and its preservation. b) To this end, prior to the submission of applications for these projects, the principal investigator must submit to the Center for Sociological Research the Initial Plan of Deposit, whose contents consist of a commitment to comply with the obligation to transfer microdata according to paragraph a). c) To comply with the obligations set out in the preceding paragraphs, the standard models available to researchers in the Center for Sociological Research website should be used.