Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Highlights from the DRM survey and
Kirnn Kaur, kirnn.kaur@bl.uk
British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and
Digital Rights Management
10th March 2014
Co-ordinated by
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Purpose of the survey
Approach undertaken
Respondents to the survey
Survey highlights
Further information
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
• The purpose of the survey was to find out how the
participants handle:
DRM-protected material
the associated rights
• The primary aim was to discover how archiving of such
objects is dealt with and what is being done to protect the
rights information
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
• The approach was to focus on memory institutions as well
as research facilities and data centres
To obtain new ideas on the approaches to handling DRM
Web-based survey
Carried out over Sept and Oct 2013
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Survey respondents
• 18 respondents, responses asked to be treated confidentially
except for four organisations
national libraries (n=9)
scientific research organisations (n=3)
archives (n=2)
universities (n=2)
one publisher
one project
• Geographically, 16 of the respondents were from Europe (Austria,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands,
Switzerland and UK) with two were from the USA
• ..
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Survey overview
• Survey was divided into following sections:
Legislative framework
The data stock
Approach of dealing with DRM protected material
Approach of dealing with digital rights
Digital rights and access
Dealing with DRM protected material as data holders
Dealing with DRM protected material as data creators
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Survey highlights – legislative framework
• Legal deposit legislation in various countries determines the format
and delivery of digital publications
• Organisations apply rights in accordance with copyright law
• In the case of publishers, copyright law is applied based on authors'
rights and contracts are in place to deal with rights issues
• In other cases, there are limited legislative requirements in place
• Where data is produced which may not be subject to legal controls such
as copyright, due to the growing interest in the availability and re-use of
this data access issues need to be considered
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Survey highlights – the data stock
• The preservation of digital material varies depending on the
Some have dealt with digital materials since their inception, others have
inherited, or have grown as the amount of digital material being produced
Where material has been held is historic or has been inherited, preservation
may not have been undertaken
• Data that has been archived varies enormously (publications,
research datasets, website archives, audio etc.), wide range of file
Of the 18 respondents, 61% have dealt with DRM protected
material, whilst 39% do not consider DRM to be an issue for their
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Survey highlights:
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Approaches of dealing with DRM protected material 1 of 2
open access
DRM provider allows access under specific usage scenarios
using deposit licences in combination with conditions of use
requiring potential data users to justify their use
closed during an embargo period
data creators asked to provide material free of DRM
• Recommendation: data related to DRM should be
collected automatically during business processes along
the lifecycle of the digital object
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Survey highlights:
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Approaches of dealing with DRM protected material 2 of 2
Of the ten respondents more than half (60%) stated that they had
no plans for a DRM mechanism for existing digital objects,
however 40% stated plans were in place
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Survey highlights:
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Approach of dealing with digital rights (n=13)
62% stated that they processed
and preserved rights information at
object level
53% stated that metadata
standards, like PREMIS and
METSrights were in place
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Survey highlights: Digital rights and access
• Software tools used for access (from most popular)
Developed in-house
Open source
• Access categories:
Access is limited
Open access (as well as remotely)
No public access
• Where access is allowed this is mainly remotely with user
authentication, in some cases access only in-house
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Survey highlights – approach of dealing with DRM
protected material as data holders
• 79% of the organisations
(n=18) are data holders
• 60% of respondents (n=10)
stated that the detection of
DRM and digital rights
information is a part of their
ingest process
• Rights information may be
included within deposit
• Automatic detection of DRM
and digital rights can be
undertaken using open-source
60% of respondents (n=10)
do not accept DRM protected
• Although some material
cannot be provided without
DRM, other material is
ingested in bulk with no
means of assessing the DRM
status (i.e. bulk web
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Survey highlights - approach of dealing with DRM
protected material as data creators
• Where data creators are also data holders, the same DRM
mechanism would apply to the material held as well as
Examples of approaches include:
simple embargo where data is released after a defined timescale
rights metadata is used to allow access via applicable services which apply
relevant DRM. A publishing tool is used that automatically acts on the
metadata and streaming allows viewing only but not downloading
access to web pages are also designed using the underlying rights metadata
controls are at item level which involves human interaction in order to
determine the requirements for certain items and allows for the relevant
actions as required
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Recommendations – general
• Recommendations will facilitate the long term preservation
of DRM protected materials and the protection of associated
Keep the technical design simple
Less variations make rights, process and roles more
manageable and affordable
Use standard tools
Usage of standard tools for a specific format is more
robust against error and has only impact on the specific
file format
DRM and Rights Policy
Transparency in dealing with DRM and digital rights
and Make the content creators and publishers aware of the
risk that DRM carries related to long-term preservation so
that they are more inclined to deposit digital objects free of
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Recommendations on the handling of DRM
protected materials
DRM detection
Is an object protected with DRM measures?
Precondition for further measures.
Format Policy
The specification of preferred file formats facilitates the
handling of utilized tools.
Measures when DRM is detected
Adequate measures like further examinations, request
of DRM free versions of rejection, dependent of the
employed DRM mechanism
Documentation and Archiving of DRM
documentation of utilized measures in Data
Management. The purpose is to facilitate activities that
are targeted towards DRM protection measures like
normalization into a DRM free format or copying onto a
generic data carrier.
DRM Removal
If the legal conditions allow for it, the removal of DRM
protection measures in order to derive an object
without DRM.
Analysing the existing data stock
Detect potential risks related to DRM in time. The
longer the risk remains undetected, the greater the risk
that the content is lost.
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Recommendations on the protection of digital rights
Detection of Rights
Which rights are associated with the archival content?
Are the rights information supplied by the content
provider or do they have to be determined?
Documentation and Application of Rights
The structured storage, management and preservation
of rights information in a Rights Management System
that is connected to the access function. Access and
use are managed in accordance with the rights
information in the Rights Management System.
Information about digital Rights
Raise awareness of the user about the handling of
digital materials.
Storage in the Archival Package
The additional storage of rights information with help of
metadata standards like REL in the Archival Package.
It allows the re-creation of rights information in case the
Data Management or another Rights Management
Systems is damaged or destroyed.
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT-2009-6
Further information
• Project website
• Report
D31.1 Report on DRM preservation
• Virtual Centre of Excellence - training material
Highlights from the DRM survey and recommendations
K Kaur, The British Library
APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and DRM, 10th March 2014
Network of Excellence