5th ELECTRONIC CUSTOMS COORDINATION GROUP MEETING JOINT WITH THE TRADE CONTACT GROUP Brussels, 03.12.2014 Item 13 – PoUS Business Case document - changes impacting IT scope TAXUD, Unit A5 Customs IT Unit New elements in the scope eManifest The follow-up of the proof (use of MRN) The more distributed way of possible development: • National domain for the request for proofs • Endorsment of proofs and allocation of MRN in the central system • The use of MRNs through national systems (presentation) • The follow-up of MRN from the central system 2 Assumptions Prefered solution: central development with integration of national management systems eManifest is supported only for maritime Management process of eManifest is the same as the T2L/T2LF The use of the proofs from the system is harmonised 3 PoUS Conceptual Architecture External Domain Common Domain A Shared services National Domain A Trader A Endorsement/Registration Request for endorsement and/or registration T2L/T2LF/eManifest Endorsement/Registration 1 National 4 Traders interface 2 (Endorsment is only for nonauthorised issuers) Trader B 1 Common 4 Trade Interface 3 Gateway Request for endorsement and/or registration T2L/T2LF/eManifest T2L/T2LF/eManifest validated MRN allocated 2 3 PoUS registered/ endorsed Reporting& monitoring National Domain B Trader A or B PoUS MRN (referenced in PN) Presentation CO 5 8 National Traders interface …if discrepencies 6 7 PoUS usage registration Impact IT Scope has changed Impact on planning Vision document to be redrafted Can be started in parallel with the Business Case approval process Vision document to be finalised earliest by end Q1 2015 GO/NO-GO by June 2015 (start of elaboration) Need for more information about volumetric (survey sent) 5 Thank You! 6