THE NEPAD PLANNING AND COORDINATING AGENCY MIDRAND – SOUTH AFRICA 20 APRIL 2012 AN OVERVIEW OF NEPAD AGENCY OPERATIONS Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Objectives Stimulate and support building and strengthening of systems and capacity for Africa to achieve increased agriculture productivity (at least 6% Annually) thereby contributing to: Food and Nutritional Security Job creation, incomes and Poverty alleviation Sustainable socio-economic growth Stimulate and guide implementation and achieving results and impact of CAADP by facilitating expert knowledge-info support to member states and Regional economic communities Outputs/ Results Country CAADP implementation process: (30 country compacts; 23 Investment Plans; 20 Business Meeting; Regional compact ECOWAS) Investment Financing: GAFSP financing - Togo, Sierra Leone, Rwanda; Ethiopia, Liberia & Niger; increased bilateral commitment to agriculture; Private sector financing – Grow Africa, Public Private Partnerships; Multi-Donor Trust Fund to support CAADP process; Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Technical –Knowledge support: (i) Expert pools (over 60 African specialists) so far supported about 30 countries; (ii) (ii) Country M&E Nodes and accountability systems in 7 countries in 2011, expand to 11 in 2012 Outputs/ Results South-South Cooperation China – research & technology development; Joint work with African Centers Brazil – Agric-climate change; Sustainable Land-Water Management Programmes Agric-climate change – initial set of 6 countries in 2012; Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Relations with AUC AUC 1. Political Leadership and alignment to continental vision 2. Advocacy /lobbying – rally buyin & commitment to Africa’s development agenda 3. Facilitating decisions on Policy Frameworks and inform the AU structures (e.g. Convening policy fora including Ministerial & AU Summits Nepad 1. Translation of Policy Frameworks (i.e. CAADP) for Implementation 2. Expert support (knowledge, Information; analytical skills) to facilitate reform in policies and institutions 3. Broker technical & financing partnerships for Implementation 4. Knowledge generation to inform strategic thinking, planning and technology development International Partnership for African Fisheries Governance & Trade (PAF) Objectives Support an emerging political cadre in defining processes that will strengthen Africa’s capacity to consider, determine and implement responsive reforms in fisheries governance and trade, and to ensure that African fisheries resources contribute sustainably to inclusive growth. A Comprehensive African Fisheries Reform Strategy (CAFRS) developed to guide National, regional & international fishery policy reform Outputs/ Results Potential benefits of African fisheries in pro-poor economic and social growth better understood and shared. Knowledge and experience of tools, systems and policy requirements to tackle illegal fisheries production and trade developed Innovative and equitable approaches to investment and trade in African fishery products explored and exchanged International Partnership for African Fisheries Governance & Trade (PAF) Relations with AUC AUC 1. Harmonise fisheries and aquaculture policies at continental level 2. Convene Conference of African Ministers of Fisheries & Aquaculture (CAMFA) every 2 years 3. Fisheries policy support to African Member states on International trade negotiations International Partnership for African Fisheries Governance & Trade (PAF) Relations with AUC Nepad 1. Provide technical support to Member States (MS), Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional Fisheries Bodies (RFBs) in the development and implementation of fisheries policy and governance reforms 2. Generate knowledge and technical evidence for policy and governance reform pathways 3. Conduct Think Tank Events to generate multi-stakeholder inputs into the policy pathways to be considered at CAMFA 4. Provide technical support to AUC during the conduct of the CAMFA 5. Support Member States in the post-compact development of National Fisheries Investment Plans with the framework of CAADP Presidential Infrastructure Champion Initiative (PICI) Objectives Use of Political Championing to accelerate the Implementation of Prioritized Regional & Continental Infrastructure Projects in Africa Outputs/ Results Seven Projects and Six Champions Selected. Projects at various stages of implementation. Pre-feasibility studies completed for all projects and some are ready for implementation in 2013. Relations with AUC AUC Member of the Technical Task Team for the PICI Nepad Executing Agency, Coordinator and Secretariat for PICI Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) Accelerate regional and continental integration, and lead toward the creation of an African Economic Community by 2028 by : Objectives Ensuring Energy and Water security for the continent Enhancing free movement of persons & goods Increasing access to reliable and affordable ICT networks & services PIDA priority action plan (PAP) Outputs/ Results o US$68 bn ( to be implemented over 8-9 years) o 51 priority projects/programs (approved by the AU Assembly (Jan. 2012) oPIDA Implementation road map – already approved by PIDA Steering Committee (Feb. 2012) oFunding for operationalization of PIDA road map – to be finalized soon with partners -GiZ, AfDB, etc Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) Relations with AUC AUC responsibility Chairs PIDA steering committee Policy formulation and advocacy Political brokering Resource mobilization Nepad responsibility Member of PIDA steering committee Executing agency for the PIDA PAP PIDA M&E, and reporting function Facilitate implementation of PAP by RECs and their member states Advocacy for the AU infrastructure programs African Science Technology and Innovation Indicators Initiative (ASTII) Relations with AUC AUC (Human Resources, Science & Technology) Political championing through the African Ministerial Conference on Science & Technology (AMCOST) Linkages with the African Observatory for Science Technology and Innovation (AOSTI) NEPAD Reporting on implementation through AMCOST in line with the Africa’s Science & Technology Consolidated Plan of Action (CPA) Recommendations on policy requirements NEPAD Agency African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) Build regulatory capacity in biotechnology for enhancing food and nutritional security and socio-economic development of the continent by: Objectives Establishing biosafety service network in Africa Providing biosafety information resources Building regulatory capacity Creating awareness and understanding on biosafety Building government support for effective regulatory systems Building an African platform for knowledge creation, networking, partnerships & resource mobilization NEPAD Agency African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) Host country agreement for Node 1 signed with the govt. of Burkina Faso- 2010 . Node 2 in Uganda initiated. Dedicated ABNE website in place, documentation unit digitized, and news letter, news bulletin published Outputs/ Results: 800 regulators, policy and decision makers from 16 countries empowered through training workshops, short courses, internships and study tours 4 policy briefs published & distributed annually to 500 regulators, policy and decision makers Forum for regulators and scientists held biennially Coordination meeting for biosafety service providers held annually NEPAD Agency African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) Relations with AUC NEPAD AUC • Biosafety policy issues 1. Mainstreaming biosafety issues 2. The African Strategy and Model Law on biosafety 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Environmental Biosafety Food Safety Socioeconomic Issues Policy and Regulation Biosafety Communication Agric biotechnology Eval-Health (EU FP7 Consortium Project) Objectives To develop and test a sound methodological approach to evaluate and monitor implementation and performance of EU funded interventions in developing countries in the health sector M&E methodology for EU-funded health research projects in developing countries Outputs/ Results Case studies to test, refine and validate methodology Methodology adapted to other sectors and funding partners/schemes in future Environnent Action Plan Contribute to sustainable environment management Improve environmental conditions in Africa and contribute to economic growth and poverty eradication; Promote the sustainable use of Africa’s natural resources and strengthen public and political support to sub-regional and regional environmental initiatives; Objectives Enhance the effective participation of major African groups and their important contribution to informed intergovernmental decision-making; Provide a framework for the establishment of a solid partnership between African countries and with their bilateral and multilateral partners. Environnent Action Plan Creation of 5 Sub-Regional Environmental Action Plans (SREAP) for ECCAS, IGAD, AMU, SADC, ECOWAS National action plans for 5 countries Policy Briefs (i.e: Climate Finance) Platforms for Consultation and Dialogue Outputs/ Results: •Current Projects Congo Basin Convergence Plan on Forests Genetic Resources (GR) and Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Africa Wide Human and Resource Capacity Building Program for Adaptation and Mitigation Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDevAfrica) Green Wall for the Sahara Initiative Disaster Risk Reduction Programme Environnent Action Plan Relations with AUC AUC 1. Harmonise policies at continental level 2. Convene Conference of African Ministers of Environment 3. Coordination of Policy support to African Member states on International negotiations International Partnership for African Fisheries Governance & Trade (PAF) Relations with AUC Nepad 1. Provide technical support to Member States (MS), Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in the development and implementation of sustainable environment policies and governance reforms 2. Generate knowledge and technical evidence for policies and political messages 3. Support multi-stakeholder platforms inputs into the policy pathways 4. Harmonise egional environmental policies and programmes Gender Programme 1- The NRPAD/Spanish Fund for the Empowerment of African Women aims to support actions on gender equality and women’s empowerment, specifically linked to improving women’s economic, political and social empowerment and full use of their rights, within the framework of the MDG 3 in sub-Saharan African countries. Objectives 2- NPCA effectively delivers on mandate on gender mainstreaming Output 1 Conduct proper and effective management of the NEPAD/Spanish Fund for the Empowerment of African Women Outputs/ output Results Output 2 Financial resources and programmatic support to African institutions during the first and second call for applications Results of 1st call (ref attached out[put report) Output 3: Alignment of the NEPAD/Spanish Fund to themes of the African Women’s Decade Output 4: Gender mainstreaming strategy of NPCA priority progranmes, policies and processes aligned with AU gender policy The African Woman’s Decade Relations with AUC AUC Nepad The Commission to lead in the Implementation of African Women’s Decade NEPAD/Spanish Fund aligned with 8 out of 10 themes of the African Women Decade and contribute in advancing GEWE within the agreed framework. Fund for African women Relations with AUC Nepad AUC - Leads the African Women’s Decade and the Fund for African women - - - Align NEPAD/Spanish fund with the F und for African women Provision of financial and technical assistance to government and non government institutions : 46 projects in 26 countries during the fist call for plication and 31 projects in 30 countries during the 2nd call for applications Ensure effective participation of AUC as member of the Steering Committee of the NEPAD/Spanish Fund Allocating an agreed sum for the AU Women, Gender and Development Directorate to implement activities on Theme 3 - Women’s Health, Maternal Mortality and HIV/AIDS considering the fact that the 2nd call for proposals does not cover the issues. Share lessons learned on the appraisal process and small grant management system of the NEPAD/Spanish fund Gender mainstreaming Relations with AUC AUC Nepad - Strengthen institutional capacity The AU Gender Policy provides overall leadership and guidance on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment AUC responsibility and accountability for gender mainstreaming -- NPCA gender programmes aligned with the AU Gender Policy - NPCA Gender management system - Advisory services in priority programmes: agriculture, infrastructure, environment, Capacity Development Strategic Framework programmes - Capacity building of stand senior management