1 Web Adapters To EM Constellation Web Services EM Constellation Local EM Software Internet Richard Butgereit richard.butgereit@em.myflorida.com Information Management Section Head Florida Division of Emergency Management 850-413-9907 Jeff Alexander Director of Preparedness Programs Northeast Florida Regional Council jalexander@nefrc.org or 904-279-0885 x 134 Charles Chris Operations and Planning Coordinator Brevard County Emergency Management Chris.charles@brevardcounty.us or 321-637-4087 Matthew Cronin Administration Manager Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management MCronin@pbcgov.org or 561-712-6320 EM Constellation • EM Constellation is a web-based platform adopted by the State of Florida as an information management solution for emergency management. • The platform allows county, state, federal and mutual aid entities to use the same operating environment when responding to and recovering from an emergency. • Requests for assistance may be made through the platform, these requests approved and tasked as missions, and tracked throughout their life cycle. • Information messages like situation reports, press releases, and incident action plans may also be shared through the platform. C-O-T-S Systems • Commercial Off-the-Shelf emergency management solutions are also used by numerous partners, namely by several counties… The Challenge • Partners are having to duplicate efforts, entering information into both their local systems as well as the state’s system. Statewide EM EM Constellation Local EM Software Internet Local EM The Solution • Build a web services interface to the EM Constellation. • Enhance local systems with the ability to interact with EM Constellation through web services. Statewide EM Web Services EM Constellation Local EM Software Internet Local EM History • Beginning in the spring of 2009, a project was undertaken to create web services for EM Constellation. • Concurrent with that project, a separate project was undertaken with the Northeast Florida Council and ESI, the makers of WebEOC, to develop an adapter for their product to interface directly with these web services, moving information from one system to the other, ensuring updated information across the platforms. • Later, in winter of 2010, a project was kicked off with Brevard County and NC4, the makers of E-Team, to develop similar capabilities for their platform. What are “web services” • “Web services” are application programming interfaces, or API’s, that are accessed via the web. • A “web service” is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Web Services EM Constellation Local EM Software Internet EMC Web Services EMC Web Services The Solution • “Web services” are application programming interfaces, or API’s, that are accessed via the web. • A “web service” is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Web Services EM Constellation Local EM Software Internet The Solution • Local emergency management software platforms must also develop capabilities to interact with the EMC web services, using the inter to connect from your local system, both retrieving and posting information to EM Constellation. Web Services EM Constellation Local EM Software Internet WebEOC • As previously mentioned, concurrent with the project to develop the EMC Web Services, a project was also undertaken with the Northeast Regional Council and ESI to create adapters for WebEOC. • This project wrapped up in the spring of 2010, and since then, ESI has been working with several counties to implement the adapter along with their local installations of WebEOC. Web EOC ETeam • As previously mentioned, a project was undertaken in spring 2010 with Brevard County and NC4 to create adapters for ETeam. • This project is currently ongoing, and is a few weeks away from beta testing. • Users will be able to: • Create and view their county’s Info Messages • Generate Mission Requests from the ETEAM Resource Request • Create a County Sitrep attachment by extracting data from the ETEAM Jurisdiction Sitrep and include it in an EMC Info Message An EMC Info Message is created by ETeam if the “OK to Update” box on the EMC Sitrep Tab is checked. Information from the ETeam Report populates matching fields on the Info Message and adds additional information as an attachment. Other Eteam/EMC Tabs • The Info Message and Mission Request Tabs will function in a similar fashion but their formats are still in work. • Info Messages will be associated to an ETeam Emergency Event Report and the TAB will include an option to create a new message or to select an existing message from a pick-list of the agency’s Info Messages listed under the corresponding EMC Incident • Mission Requests will be associated to a corresponding ETeam Resource Request by a TAB on the ETeam Report and data will update and flow automatically between the ETeam Report and the Mission Request. • Formats have been installed on the Brevard County Eteam Training system and are being tweaked right now and we expect to start Beta Testing interactively with EMC by the end of the month ETeam Conclusion • EMC Web Services are an example of a cutting-edge technology projects of the Florida Division of Emergency Management and the Florida State Emergency Response Team to streamline the work flows of our local partners, and improve emergency management. • Regional collaborations are also building capacities, sharing costs, and improving communication… Southeast FL REMCS Committees • Executive Committee Bill Johnson, Palm Beach Chuck Lanza, Broward Curt Sommerhoff, Miami-Dade Irene Toner, Monroe • Steering Committee Matt Cronin, Regional Coordinator Billy Weinshank, PBC - Soheila Ajabshir, Miami-Dade Bob Humple, Broward - Jose Tezanos, Monroe • Technical - IT technical specialists from each County 22 Regional Emergency Management Collaboration System (REMCS) Palm Beach Co. Municipality Broward Co. Regional (Esi Hosted) WebFusion Municipality Miami-Dade Co. Municipality Phase I Monroe Co. Phase III Phase II 23 Timeline • • • • • System Administrator Training Oct 08 Regional System Fully Operational Dec 08 County Systems Fully Operational May 09 WebFusion ™ Implementation Feb 10 UAWG Unanimously Votes – Feb 10 “WebEOC as Repository for Region” • REMCS Committee Sets Regional Feb 10 Board Requirements • Regional Board Development Mar-Sept 10 • Customizations & Enhancements Ongoing 24 Regional Boards • Regional Asset Management System (RAMS) • Regional Significant Events • Regional Status EOC Activation Gov Office Status School Status Municipal Status Evacuations County Disaster Declaration Status 25 Regional Boards (cont.) • Shelters • Hospitals • Road and Bridge Closures • Press Releases • Situation Reports • Incident Action Plans