WE MAKE REPORTING SIMPLE GEBS Reporting Arena Introduction 1999 – Founded – Software Solutions 2004 – Started with Telelogic - DocExpress 2007 – Design and implemention of Telelogic Publishing Engine/ Rational Publishing Engine 2010 – Continued working in reporting area with services and products as IBM Business Partner GEBS Services and Products Services Products RPE Implementation Web client for RPE – Reporting Arena Web Publisher (RAWP) Template design and optimization Migrating legacy solutions to RPE New output formats for RPE RPE Training – MS Excel: RAEC Custom reporting solutions – MS PowerPoint: RAPC Lifecylce Reporting Connector – RTC Plugin Using Rational Publishing Engine to Generate Documents Across System Development Life Cycle ABSTRACT This talk discusses how to use RPE to generate large-scale reports across the System Development Life Cycle. The goal is to create a cross product report that will document all the system requirements (Rational DOORS) tracing all the work items (Rational Team Concert) that implement each requirement and all the test cases (Rational Quality Manager) that validate that requirement. Polling Question 1 • What products would you like to use RPE for: – A) DOORS – B) RTC – C) Rhapsody – D) RQM – E) other Polling Question 2 • How do you currently automatically generating your organizations documents? – A) We prepare documents manually – B) RPE – C) DocExpress/SoDA, – D) Company created tool – E) other Rational Document Generation Rational Publishing Engine This tool automates the generation of documents for ad hoc use, formal reviews, contractual obligations, or regulatory compliance. This can help improve productivity and reduce risk and cost. It uses predefined templates for rapid adoption, and all of these are available through an easy-to-use graphical template-editing environment. Rational Publishing Engine Supported Rational Tools: Asset Manager, ClearCase, ClearQuest DOORS, RequisitePro, Requirements Composer Focal Point, System Architect Quality Manager, Team Concert Rhapsody and Software Architect (through the Design Manager) Supported Non-Rational Tools: It also provides access to data from other companies' software through Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Representational State Transfer (REST) interfaces. Rational Solution for Systems Engineering 1. Rational DOORS + DOORS WEB Access 2. Rational Rhapsody + Design Manager 3. Rational Team Concert 4. Rational Quality Manager Rational Solution for Systems Emgineering Tools Overview Rational DOORS + DOORS Web Access Manage system requirements and full traceability across the lifecycle. Rational Rhapsody + Design Manager Use modeling to validate requirements, architecture and design throughout the development process. Rational Team Concert Integrates task tracking, source control, and agile planning with continuous builds and a configurable process to adapt to the way you work Rational Quality Manager Achieve 'Quality by Design' with an integrated, automated testing progress. RPE + RAWP WEB Reporting Solution for System Engineering 1. Document Studio Design document templates 2. Reporting Arena Web Publisher (RAWP) Design document specifications Share resources, schedule execution, generate documents Prerequisites 1. Rational Publishing Engine 1.1.2 2. Reporting Arena Web Publisher 2.1 (Ready for Rational) 3. Rational DOORS 9.3 + Rational Web Access 4. Rational Team Concert 4.0 5. Rational Quality Manager 4.0 Rational Live document generation 2012 RTC OSLC Links Design storage app XML Document templates Share OSLC Links RQM storage RAWP Server app XML OSLC Links DOORS storage app XML storage RPE engine RPE Studio RPE – Document Studio Intuitive drag and drop template building capability Integrated preview capability avoids wasted time in validating template changes Powerful scripting language support (Javascript) with expression editor Create single templates to generate all different types of output format Reporting Arena Web Publisher Reporting Arena Web Publisher (RAWP) provides an online interface for generating documents using RPE. Overcomes RPE limitations as a desktop application Installation and updates on each user machine With RAWP deployment is done fast and easy, with no installation required on client machine, just a web browser is needed Isolated environment With RAWP all RPE assets can be shared to be used by other users RAWP – Main Features Introduces new features Resource Manager Templates Styles Specifications Support for MS Excel and MS PowerPoint Scheduler Document history and administration Role-based interface for template management, document publishing and administration RAWP – Document Generation Process 1. Analize requirements 2. Create document templates and stylesheets 3. Authorize and share document templates and stylesheets 4. Create and configure document specifications 5. Authorize and share document specifications 6. Publish documents or schedule executions www.reportingarena.com Capture the report requirements 1. Extract system requirements from Rational DOORS 2. Document implementation WI from Rational Team Concert 3. Document validation test cases from Rational Quality Manager 4. Create requirements and testing coverage report. Template Development– Workflow 1. Design the document 2. Specify the layout 3. Implement the template 4. Test the template 5. Review report 6. Deploy the template and document specification Define report layout 1. Define static/dynamic sections (first page, TOC, TOF) 2. Define sections layout - masterpages 1. Header section 2. Footer section 3. Define new style elements / Import existing company predefined styles 4. Configure global properties (metadata) Document requirements System Requirements - Formal DOORS Module Link requirements to WI Rational DOORS – Rational Team Concert OSLC Links Process Implementation Links Rational DOORS DOORS – RTC connection attributes Filter object links based on link type “Implemented by” Process link content and extract the WI ID (ex. 97) Store WI’s ID in an internal array RPE Template - Section 0 (Introduction) 1. Import title, aprovals, change history pages from a standard company RPE template 2. Import predefined company styles from an existing template or use external stylesheets 3. Define new styles 4. Insert TOC, TOF 5. Define necessary variables RPE Template – Section 1 (DOORS) Iterate System Requirements 1. Import a DOORS Schema 2. Iterate through all the objects 3. Use ”InformationType” attribute to decide if an object is: 4. 1. Heading 2. Context info 3. Requirements Create Req – Wi’s traceability table Document WI’s Project Development Items RPE Template – Section 2 (RTC) Trace WI’s that implement Requirements 1. Discover schema for WI 2. Iterate through all the project WI 3. Use conditions to filter only the Wis that implement system requirements. 4. Display WI details 5. Create Wis – Test Cases traceability table Document Test Cases Test Items that validate Requirements RPE Template – Section 3 (RQM) Trace WI’s that implement Requirements 1. Discover RQM - Schemas 2. Iterate through all test cases 3. For each test case, iterate through all execution results 4. Display execution results history table. Embedded Charts – Section 4 Vizualize the requirements coverage using charts In some cases numeric data is much easier to understand when presented as a chart. Limitation: Rational Publishing Engine does not have a special module for chart generation like BIRT. Alternative: RPE can embed charts in generated documents using javascript language and some charting engines Using GOOGLE Charts engine Using javascript to create chart URI inside RPE template. http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvg&chs=320x130&chco=307 2F3,ff0000,ffff00,808040,ff00ff&chxr=0,0,1e%2B02&chxt=y&chd=t:10| 50|60|20|70&chdl=Agreed|Proposed|Not%20Applicable|Unconfirme d|Stake_Assess Deploy and Share Template Test, Authorize and Share Configure and Generate Report Create and configure document specification Polling Question 3 • Besides the web client do you think that a tablet client (RPE app) for RPE will be also of interest? – A) Yes – B) No Publish document Introduction section Title page Change history Approvals Table of Contents & Table of figures Document Content Automatically generated information (DOORS + RTC + RQM) References: 1. Reporting Arena Web Publisher – Product Home Page 2. Generating compliance documentation using IBM Rational Publishing Engine - Dr. Einar W. Karlsen (einar.karlsen@de.ibm.com), Solution Architect, North-East Europe, IBM 3. Change Management REST API - RTC REST interface 4. Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration - Quality Management Specification Version 2.0 5. RPE Help - Online Manual 6. Rational Solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management 2012 www.reportingarena.com