Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative
Artwork by Tanya Young
Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative
Inaugural Meeting
April 15-17, 2013
Mexico City
Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI)
Experts Planning Workshop
April 15-17, 2013
Leads: L. Levin (SIO, USA), E. Escobar (UNAM, Mexico),
M. Baker (University of Southampton, UK), K. Gjerde (IUCN, Poland)
Steering Committee:
Jeff Ardron (IASS, Potsdam, GERMANY), Tony Koslow (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA),
Kathryn Mengerink (Environmental Law Institute, USA), Lenaick Menot (IFREMER, FRANCE),
Christian Neumann (GRID- ARENDAL, NORWAY), Linwood Pendleton (Duke University, USA),
Eva Ramirez Llodra (Institut de Ciències del Mar,CSIC, SPAIN), Craig Smith (University of Hawaii, USA),
Tracey Sutton (Nova Oceanographic Center, USA), Andrew Sweetman (IRI, Stavanger, NORWAY), Verena
Tunnicliffe (Univ. Victoria, CANADA), Cindy Van Dover (Duke University, USA), A. Rowden (New Zealand)
Ursula Witte (University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK), Hiroyuki Yamamoto (JAMSTEC, JAPAN)
DOSI is envisioned as gathering expertise across disciplines, jurisdictions and
industrial sectors to foster discussion, provide guidance and facilitate communication.
Mission Statement
DOSI seeks to integrate science, technology, policy, law and economics to advise on
ecosystem-based management of resource use in the deep ocean
and strategies to maintain the integrity of deep-ocean ecosystems
within and beyond national jurisdictions
Working Groups
• WG 1- Identify and develop comprehensive, ecosystem-based management
practices for deep-ocean environments subject to human extraction, harvest,
disposal and contamination. (Lead C. Smith)
• WG 2- Define and address knowledge gaps relevant to effective deep-sea
stewardship. Insure representation of the deep sea in global ocean assessments
and environmental governance and management. (Koslow, Baker)
• WG 3- Develop criteria for deep-sea institutional and corporate social
responsibility: Transparency, compliance and industry engagement (Ardron,
• WG 4- Strengthen capacity, provide training, and raise public awareness of
current opportunities and impacts associated with human activities in the deep
sea. (Neumann)
• WG 5- Provide guidance on access, benefit sharing and conservation of genetic
resources in ABNJ. (Escobar, Gjerde)
• WG 6- Communication and networking: Provide a centralized location for
information about ongoing deep-sea stewardship activities across multiple
sectors, jurisdictions and disciplines. (Baker, Levin)
• WG 7- Promote responsible and sustainable deep-sea fisheries (Watling,
Nouvian, Gianni)
Provide Guidance
• US National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan
• Global Ocean Commission Brief
• Deep Ocean Observing System (DOOS in GOOS)
• Contribute to Survey on Marine Genetic Resources
• Contribute to ISA Stakeholder Survey
• Defining “Significance” in Environmental Impact
Assessment for Deep-sea Mining. SIO March 26-28, 2014
• DOSI Statement to ISA regarding research needs
• NSF National Priorities/ Programmatic recommendations
Activities to raise awareness
Oceans 2013 – Panel Discussion on Research and Technology Needs for Stewardship of the
Deep Sea (San Diego, USA, 25 Sept 2013)
UN African Union Delegation for PEW on High Seas Biodiversity (New York, 18 Nov 2013)
Duke University/NOAA Briefing (Washington DC, 12 Dec 2013)
AAAS Deep-Ocean Industrialization - Press Briefing and Symposium (Chicago, USA 16 Feb
Ocean Sciences Meeting –Deep Oceans Under Pressure – A Stewardship Opportunity
Hawaii, 23-28 Feb 2014)
The Economist meeting (California, USA, 24 Feb 2014)
MIDAS Impact Assessment - London March 2014
3rd International Marine Conservation Congress – Panel on high-seas governance and
science/policy interface (Glasgow, Scotland, 14-18 August)
World Conference on Marine Biodiversity: Anthropogenic Impacts Session (Qingdao, China,
12-16 Oct 2014)
3d International Symposium on "Effects of climate change on the world's oceans"
(Santos, Brazil, 2015)
Proposed Workshops
• Towards a Strategic Environmental Assessment of
mineral mining along the mid-Atlantic ridge (massive
sulfides and cobalt crusts) (L. Menot, A. Colacao)
• Multi-disciplinary workshop to develop an
environmental management strategy for The Area.
Brief sent to the International Seabed Authority Legal
and Technical Commission/ Ocean Foundation
requesting support for a ( C. Van Dover et al.)
• Deep-sea Economic tools and cost-benefit analysis with
a focus on fisheries and mining (D. Squires)
Deep-Ocean Compilations
• Deep-sea videos online searchable listing
(please contact Maria Baker with any future additions)
• Deep-sea Stewardship – Contact Organizations (188)
• Webinars
– Deep-Ocean Biodiversity Challenges in the 21st Century:
Archived at http://oceanmysteries.readytalk.com/?p=r;
– Deep-Sea Governance, Science and
– Interactive discussions to coordinate deep-ocean
stewardship efforts (Moderator – L. Pendleton)
• Online Courses
– Deep-sea Ecology and Stewardship (35 lectures)
Send an email to Majordomo@lists.soton.ac.uk
(leave subject line EMPTY and type “subscribe
dosi-alert” in the main body of the email.
Remove all signatures or any other text from
the email. You will then receive an automated
confirmation email from DOSI.
Toward a
Deep Ocean
Observing Strategy
(DOOS) part of GOOS
Eric Lindstrom
(Co-Chair GOOS Steering Committee)
GOOS Web Series
March 20,2014
Advisory Team
Climate and Physical Observations
Carbon, Biogeochemistry Observations
Gregory C. Johnson
Toste Tanhua
Patrick Heimbach
Rik Wanninkhof
Bernadette Sloyan
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Observations
Antje Boetius
Lisa Levin
Myriam Sibuet
DOOS Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Developing a Scientific Strategy for the Societal
Challenge of
Deep Ocean Observation
• Deep ocean observation is a science and technology challenge
addressing the grand societal issues of climate change adaptation,
ecosystem conservation and sustainable resource management
• We must communicate the need for deep ocean observation and
infrastructure to stakeholders (science communities, funding agencies,
industry, NGOs)
– Highlight the need for disciplinary breadth – physics/climate,
biogeochemistry, biodiversity/ecosystem, geophysics – and interdisciplinary
tasks (Earth sciences meet economics and sociology)
– Use innovative observation technologies, and take maximum advantage of existing observing
– Formulate a global strategy for deep ocean from component elements
(SOOS, OceanSites, Euro, USA, Japan, etc)
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Objective and Approach
– Develop a common statement of requirements and an
initial strategy for sustained global deep ocean
observations; considering all Essential Ocean
Variables, regions, and technologies so as to extract
high priority and feasible actions for the next 5-10
– Catalyze coordination among existing efforts and use
the Framework for Ocean Observing as our strategic
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Capability for Sustained
Observing (Examples)
• Existing:
– Ship-based repeat hydrography and other
deep hydrography
• platform for many variables
– Moored arrays (timeseries)
– Cabled Observatories
• Potential:
Deep Argo
Deep gliders
Moored water sampling
Argon-39 as tracer
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Developing DOOS
via the Framework
for Ocean Observing
• Framework Structure: Used to coordinate the
writing team activities
• Readiness Levels: Are used to assess the
fitness-for-purpose as related to the EOVs and
associated observations and data products
• Community Organization: Oversight Panels,
Expert Panels, and Implementation Teams will
be used to facilitate conversation related to
requirements, observations, and data products
needs going forward
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Societal Conventions
and Science Challenges
Societal Conventions
•UNFCCC: Climate Variability and Change
•CBD: Marine and Coastal Biodiversity
Climate and Physical Community
• Understanding Heat & Freshwater Transports •UNCLOS/Law of the Sea: Common Heritage
of Mankind
• Understanding Mass Transports
Science Challenges:
• Closure of the Earth’s Energy Budget
• Understand the Global Fresh Water Balance
• Understand Global & Regional Sea Level
• Deep Ocean Mixing & Fluxes in Heat and Salinity
Carbon and Biogeochemistry Community
• Determine the Anthropogenic Carbon Load
• Determine the Strength of Ocean Ventilation
•Assess the sources and sinks for potential
greenhouse gases
Biodiversity and Ecosystems Community
• Exploration and Observation
• Prediction of Future Biological Responses
• Understand the Functioning of Deep Sea
• Understanding the Roles and Relationships
of Ecosystem and Ecosystem Engineers
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Color Coded Readiness Levels
for essential ocean variables (EOVs)
Articulation of EOVs and
Measurement Requirements
Physical and Climate
Science EOVs:
Sea Level
Transient Tracers: CFC, SF, C14
Velocity/Ocean Currents
Transient Tracer: Argon-39
Ocean Bottom Pressure
Geothermal flux
Carbon and Biogeochemistry
Science EOVs:
C of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
(Alkalinity, PCO2, pH)
Inorganic Nutrients
Dissolved Oxygen
Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Science EOVs:
Chlorophyll/Surface Productivity
Element fluxes
Remineralization Rates
Secondary Productivity
Abundance and diversity of organisms
Trophic Interactions
Physiological Adaptation
Functional Diversity
Community Turnover
Habitat Dimension
Evolutionary Context
Community Structure
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Implementation of Observations
Deployment and Maintenance
Physical, Climate EOVs
Temperature, Salinity, Velocity, Tracers (CFC, SF6, C-14, AR-39)
Temperature, Salinity, Velocity, Ocean Bottom Pressure (OBP)
Tide gauges, Oxygen
Deep Argo
Temperature, Salinity, V (Lagrangian),
Deep Gliders
Temperature, Salinity, V (Lagrangian),
Temperature, Salinity, V (Lagrangian),
Cabled Observatories
Temperature, Salinity, Velocity, OBP,
Habitat Laboratories
Periodical Biological
Altimetry, Gravimetry
Models/ Data
Temperature, Salinity, OBP, SSH, Passive tracers
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Implementation of Observations
Deployment and Maintenance
Carbon, Biogeochemistry EOVs
DIC: Alkalinity, pCO2, pH, DOM
DIC: Alkalinity, pCO2, pH, Oxygen
Deep Argo
DIC: Alkalinity, pCO2, pH, Oxygen
Deep Gliders
DIC: Alkalinity, pCO2, pH, Oxygen
DIC, pCO2, pH, Oxygen
Cabled Observatories
Tracers /Isotopes, Oxygen
Habitat Laboratories
Periodical Biological
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Implementation of Observations
Deployment and Maintenance
Ecosystem, Biodiversity EOVs
Chlorophyll/Surface Productivity
Remineralization Rates
Secondary Productivity
Community Turnover
Trophic Interactions
Physiological Adaptation
Functional Diversity
Abundance of Organisms
Evolutionary Context
Habitat Dimension
Chlorophyll/Surface Productivity,
fluorescence, element fluxes, turbidity
Deep Argo
Plankton abundance, Chlorophyll/Surface Productivity
Deep Gliders
Chlorophyll/Surface Productivity
Remineralization Rates
Secondary Productivity
Abundance of Organisms
Trophic Interactions
Physiological Adaptation
Cabled Observatories
Remineralization Rates
Biomass by cameras,
acoustic measurements, bioluminescence,
particle flux, respiration and remineralization
Habitat Laboratories
Periodical Biological Sampling
Models/Data Assimilation
Habitat suitability models, Energetic/metabolic models
Remineralization Rates
Biodiversity, habitat mapping, ecosystem functions
Functional Diversity
Community Turnover
Habitat Dimension
Evolutionary Context
Community turnover
Functional Diversity
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Creation of Data and
Information Products
Physical and
Climate EOVs
Carbon and
Biodiversity and
Biogeochemistry EOVs Ecosystem EOVs
Data Policy
(Near Real-time)
•Quality (QA/QC
Deep Argo
Deep Gliders
Cabled Observatories
Habitat Laboratories
Periodical Biological Sampling
Models/ Data Assimilation
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean
Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Consultative Draft: www.ioc-goos.org/deepocean