U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville Overview COL Robert J. Ruch Commander August 2013 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG® USACE Vision USACE Mission Engineering solutions for the Nation’s Toughest Challenges. Deliver vital engineering solutions in collaboration with our partners, to secure our Nation, energize our economy, and reduce risk from disaster. Huntsville Center Mission The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center serves the U.S. Forces, their Families and the Nation by providing specialized technical expertise, global engineering solutions, and cutting edge innovations through centrally managed programs in support of national interests. 2 BUILDING STRONG® Our Charter ER 10-1-22 Huntsville Center has programmatic and functional boundaries in lieu of geographical boundaries. We execute programs and projects that: Are national or broad in scope Require integrated facilities or systems that cross geographical division boundaries Require commonality, standardization, multiple site adaption, or technology transfer Require a centralized management structure for effective control of program development, coordination and execution Require functions to be performed that are not normally accomplished by a HQUSACE organizational element 3 BUILDING STRONG® Huntsville Center Footprint FY12 Obligations ~ $1.8 B Installation Support ~ $1.2M Engineering ~ $75M (includes Medical CX of ~ $5M) Chemical Demil ~ $120M Ordnance Explosives ~ $250M Environmental and Munitions CX ~ $40M Personnel: ~900 Huntsville, AL Alexandria, VA Omaha, NE Pueblo, CO Richmond, KY Afghanistan Various PMs forward and liaisons Customers: Very diverse customer base which includes DOD and many Federal government agencies. 4 BUILDING STRONG® Huntsville Center Total Deployed 32: OCO = 15 OE = 11 CEW = 6 Sharon Howard, OCO Jerry W. Rowell, OCO Camp Spann Frances Reilly, OE Charles E. Felts, OE Monty Spicer, OE Keith Angles, OE Kirk Baumann, OE John Cominotto, OE Velma Besteda, CEW Aaron Scott, OCO Juan R. Pace, OCO Camp Shorabak Brian McComas, OE Molisa Glass, CEW Chase Hamley, OE Camp Leatherneck Jeff Murrell, – CEW Peggy (Peg) Holder, OCO Edward Lawrence, OCO Kim Gregory Moore, OE William Porter, OE Jeremiah Haley, OE Alonzo Andrews, OCO Sophia Crumpton, OCO Suzanne Wear, OCO Katrina Porter, OCO Carla McNeal, OCO James Nichols, OCO Allen Shelvin, OCO Bonnie Smith, OCO Diana Rodenas, OCO Christopher Shepherd, CEW Maria Sandoval, CEW Kimberly Robinson, CEW Camp Phoenix BUILDING STRONG® Actions $1,800.00 5500 $1,500.00 4500 $1,200.00 3500 $900.00 2500 $600.00 1500 $300.00 500 Millions 6500 FY13 Projection Obligations Awards History $2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Actions 2012 2013 Obligations 6 BUILDING STRONG® Huntsville Center FY13 Funds Received in Millions ($) $2,000 $1,600 $1,444.1 $1,247.4 $1,200 $734.1 $800 $833.9 $1,335.0 $921.1 $536.9 $408.4 $400 $350.9 $0 OCT NOV FY09 DEC JAN FEB MAR FY10 APR FY11 MAY JUN FY12 JUL AUG SEP FY13 FY13 Carry-In Funds $121.6M ($66.6M S&A Carryover) FY13 Apr Funds Rec’d: $326.3M 7 BUILDING STRONG® Small Business Goal Achievement FY 2012 SB 33% EXCEEDED! 37.5% SDB 12% EXCEEDED! 12.94% Achieved 4.01% HUBZone 4% Shortage EXCEEDED! 4.78% WOSB 4% EXCEEDED! 2.32% SDVOSB 3% 0% 20% 40% 60% 8 80% 100% BUILDING STRONG® USACE Centers of Expertise Mandatory Centers of Expertise Medical Facilities Army Ranges and Training Lands Electronic Security Systems Environmental and Munitions Utility Monitoring and Control Systems Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, VA Technical Centers of Expertise Energy Savings and Performance Contracting Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning DD Forms 1391/3086 Preparation/Validation Installation Support ► ► ► Facilities Reduction Facilities Repair and Renewal Centralized Furnishings 9 BUILDING STRONG® Centers of Standardization Child and Family Services ► Child Development Centers (Infants- 5 years) ► Child Development Centers (School Age 6-10) ► Youth Activity Centers ► Army Community Service Centers ► Soldier Family Support Centers Emergency Facilities ► Fire Stations ► Consolidated Fire, Safety and Security Facilities Fort Benning, Ga. Fitness Center Sports and Fitness Facilities ► Physical Fitness Facilities ► Outdoor Sports Facilities Medical Facilities CDC in BIM Training Ranges ► Automated Record Fire Ranges ► Combat Pistol/MP Qualification Courses ► Modified Record Fire Ranges ► Urban Assault Courses ► Live Fire Shoothouses ► Battle Command Training Centers ► Training Support Centers BUILDING STRONG® Environmental and Munitions Programs Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise (EM CX) provides: ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Expert technical consultation for environmental, radioactive and military munitions cleanups nationwide Independent technical review Quality assurance reviews Technology transfer/lessons learned Guidance document development Participation on panels and advisory committees Training development Environmental compliance support Green sustainability remediation support USACE Civil Works sustainability reporting A specially equipped helicopter searches for anomalies at Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Workers preparing railcar for offsite shipments of radium contaminated soils and debris for the Shattuck Superfund Site, Denver, CO 11 BUILDING STRONG® Ordnance and Explosives Programs Military Munitions Design Center and Remedial Action Team ► Investigation, design, and remediation of FUDS, ranges, and construction sites. Chemical Warfare Design Center ► Support to DA, DOD, State Department, and DTRA worldwide Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) near Washington D.C. OCO Support ► Mine clearance in Afghanistan • • 9 Afghan mobile mine clearance teams supporting base expansion countrywide Bagram AF – Clearing Soviet-era mine fields for MILCON and base expansion $2 billion Worldwide Remediation Services Contract Mine clearance in Afghanistan 12 BUILDING STRONG® Medical Programs Medical Facilities CX is responsible for design acquisition strategy, design development and technical oversight during design and construction medical aspects projects Design concept of Weed ACH, Fort Irwin, Calif. Medical Support Team provides Army MEDCOM support Medical Repair and Renewal (MRR) Program: Design, repair, replacement, renovation, sustainment, restoration and modernization Integrated Medical Furniture (IMF): Provides systems furniture worldwide for Army MEDCOM Operations and Maintenance Engineering Enhancement (OMEE): Contract services to operate facility infrastructure and maintain building systems Initial Outfitting and Transition (IO&T): takes facility from construction complete to functional Soldier ready. 13 BUILDING STRONG® Installation Support Programs USACE Installation Support CX: Huntsville Center executes assigned ACSIM and IMCOM programs in partnership with Districts, DPWs and IMCOM. ► Facilities Reduction Program: Eliminates excess facilities ► Facilities Repair and Renewal: Fast track, efficient method for design/build renovations for all federal agencies ► Access Control Points: Upgrade installation gates security equipment and facilities to meet new standards and assure consistency Army-wide. 14 IB barrier being tested at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. BUILDING STRONG® Installation Support Programs ► Information Technology Services: Provides project management and acquisition support to the Army and other federal agencies in the procurement of Information Technology Technical Services, hardware and software commodities. ► Army Centralized Furnishings Program: Provides program management for ACSIM/IMCOM MILCON, and SRM administrative and barracks furniture 15 BUILDING STRONG® Installation Support Programs Electronic Security Systems (ESS) CX: Responsible for reviewing all design and test submittals for Army ESS. Also provides technical, engineering, acquisition, and fielding support to all federal agencies. Security upgrades at the Kennedy Center Range and Training Land Programs (RTLP) CX: Responsible for reviewing designs, conducting construction inspections and ensuring Army standards are met. Provides planning, MILCON programming and development of standard designs for Army automated ranges, and DD1391 preparation and validation. 16 Fort Bliss Digital Multi-purpose Range Complex BUILDING STRONG® Energy Programs Energy Engineering Analysis Program (EEAP) Commercial Utility Program (CUP) Support to Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF) Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) Utility Energy Service Contracting (UESC) Utility Monitoring and Control Systems (UMCS) Facilities Reduction Program (FRP) Army Central Metering Program (AMP) Meter Data Management System (MDMS) Demonstration Supports Campaign Plan Objectives 1c, 2c, and 4a. 17 BUILDING STRONG® Energy Portfolio Management Execution/Acquisition Executive 3rd Party Financed Project Goals Investigation & Planning UESC Energy Master Plans Net Zero Rd Maps EEAP ECIP UMCS FRP PPA ESPC Renewable Energy – Energy, Security Metering Sustainment MDMS CUP Energy, Water & Waste Reduction Goals 18 BUILDING STRONG® Energy Engineering Analysis Program (EEAP) Overview Driver/Basis Energy audits performed by HNC with Scope: Per AR 420-1, Program Manger for contracted Subject Matter Experts identify meeting requirement to annually survey 25% energy reduction plan for garrisons of an Army installation a year using multidisciplined, multi-agency team approach. Identify best execution vehicle (ECIP, ESPC, UMCS, SRM, PPA, FRP) Proponent: ASA – IEE Primary customers: ACSIM, IMCOM, AMC, Develop 5-30 year capital investment DAAR-IMD, DLA, individual garrisons, Corps strategies Districts Develop 1391s for ECIP execution Significant Achievements On-Going Activities Completed audits/surveys on all 9 Army Net Zero for Energy installations 23 Civil Works sites audited in FY13 to date 26 USAR sites audited in FY13 to date Selected locations for USAR: 63rd RSC, 81st RSC, 88th RSC FEMP Designated Corps of Engineers Civil Works covered facilities EEAPs for 68% of covered Civil Works sites under contract or completed by end of FY13; remainder completed by others Preparing ECIP DD1391s for Net Zero Energy Installations 19 BUILDING STRONG® Commercial Utility Program (CUP) Overview Driver/Basis A proven dollar saver Ensures that the Army pays the lowest possible rates for reliable utility services. HNC provides field support to Army Garrison through: ► Rate interventions ► Utility rate surveys ► Optimization energy procurement studies USACE is the ARSTAF element responsible for utility purchases and resale to Army tenants Chief of Engineers is the Army Power Procurement Officer Primary customers are landholding commands, ACSIM and EITF Significant Achievements On-Going Activities Annual savings/cost avoidances exceed program cost when adequately funded 6:1 savings to cost ratio validated by Cost Benefit Analysis Review Board Supporting EITF with utility rate analyses and regulatory support to assist in the development of large-scale renewable energy projects Re-wrote regulation for utility purchases Supporting EITF at Redstone Arsenal, Forts Leonard Wood, Bliss and Huachuca Completing utility cost studies awarded in FY12 Preparing SAF projects for FY13 year-end award Issued RFP for new CUP MATOC 20 BUILDING STRONG® Support to Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF) Overview Driver/Basis Congress mandated that by the year 2025, the Department of Defense (DoD) produce or procure at least 25% of its total facility energy needs from renewable resources. EITF was established in Sept 15, 2011 as the Army’s central management office for largescale renewable energy projects intended to achieve the Army’s 1GW Renewable Energy goal. Significant Achievements On-Going Activities Managing 17 technical/service support contracts Managing EITF funding Providing Commercial Utility support for EITF project portfolio Award Replacement service support contract by Nov 2013 Project development and management support for stand alone projects Integration of USACE support for project execution 21 BUILDING STRONG® Power Procurement Agreements (PPA) Overview Driver/Basis Army only buys the energy and does not own, operate or maintain generating assets. Developer provides third party financing. PPA MATOC developed in support of the Army’s Congressionally mandated 1GW Renewable and Alternative Energy goal. Presidential Executive Order 13514 Army Congressionally mandated to use 25% of renewable energy by 2025 DASA (IE&E) is the proponent for the Army’s Energy Program EITF is the program’s primary customer Significant Achievements On-Going Activities Released PPA MATOC RFP for four renewable and alternative energy technologies (geothermal, wind, solar and biomass) Awarded geothermal technology pool 3 May Tech 2 award scheduled for 3Q FY13 Tech 3 & 4 awards scheduled for 1QFY14 Actively working as the EITF acquisition partner on the following standalone projects ► Fort Bliss 20MW Solar PV • Award scheduled for December 1QFY15 ► Redstone • Initial Acquisition Strategy: Full and Open ► Fort • 22 Arsenal 25MW WTE Huachuca 20MW Solar PV Initial Acquisition Strategy: Full and Open BUILDING STRONG® Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) Overview Driver/Basis Leverages industry expertise and private sector financing to make infrastructure upgrades to federal facilities to reduce energy, water consumption and reduce waste stream Financed for up to 25 years and paid from consumption savings Savings ensured by measurement & verification (M&V) HNC is CX for ESPCs Energy Independence & Security Act 2007 Executive Order OSD MEMO, Energy Savings Performance Contracts and Utility Energy Services Contracts (24 Jan 2008) Proponent ASA-IEE Primary customer(s) (ACSIM, IMCOM, AMC, USAR, ANGR, individual garrisons, etc.) Significant Achievements On-Going Activities HNC awards 2/3 of Army ESPCs Army seen as ESPC leader across DoD Council of Environmental Quality looks for others to follow our processes Robust FY13 pipeline Developing new $1.5B ESPC MATOC Using ESPC to support USACE CW 23 BUILDING STRONG® Utility Monitoring and Control Systems (UMCS) Overview Driver/Basis UMCS provides energy-efficient facility operations by monitoring, controlling and trending energy consumption As the USACE UMCS MCX, HNC provides technical expertise services to others HNC provides Procure and Install services of these systems for the Army and other Federal customers USACE MCX Customers are typically the DPW Facility Manager or Installation Energy Manager Current customers include Army, Air Force, Navy, GSA, Pentagon, VA, DLA, DIA, Marines and National Guard Significant Achievements On-Going Saves both energy and O&M dollars for the customers Provides the “brains” (i.e., head-end control monitors and servers) that can accept data and control operations of various downstream components (HVAC, Fire Alarm, lighting, alternative energy sources, meters, SCADA, etc) Actively working 4th generation replacement MATOC with $2.5B capacity Upgrading UMCS systems and program requirements to achieve higher levels of network Information Assurance (IA) 24 BUILDING STRONG® Facilities Reduction Program (FRP) Overview Driver/Basis Utilize the expertise in the commercial demolition industry to reduce the excess inventory in the Federal Government Utilize “best practices” that reduce cost, waste, and improve schedule Reduce facility removal cost through competition Maximize landfill diversion and recycling credits Significant Achievements 2004 USACE was tasked by the Army to manage the Facilities Reduction Program (FRP) Identify the proponent: ASA-IE&E SICE Board briefs – FRP critical to AFS 2020 Primary customers: ACSIM, IMCOM, USAR, NASA, AF, DLA, individual garrisons, Districts On-Going Activities Army – Cumulative sf removed - 14.7M sf Average Simple Payback is < 2 years for SRM and Energy costs Reduced demolition cost from $16.0/sf in FY04 to $8.70 in FY12. Avg 72% landfill diversion rate which exceeds the DoD goal of 56% Maximize value of recyclable materials, reduces project cost 25 First CW project awarded in May for SWF 48 active projects totaling $36M 5 funded projects pending award $12M 24 unfunded Army projects preparing for award (SAF) totally $28M BUILDING STRONG® Army Central Metering Program Overview Driver/Basis Install electric meters and connect them into energy monitoring systems to provide effective, accurate reporting for timely energy management and accountability. Integrate all installations and/or regional management systems and meters into an enterprise–wide single Meter Data Management System (MDMS) Comply with Energy Policy Act (EPAct) 2005 Comply with Energy Independence Security Act (EISA) 2007 EXORD assigned USACE as Army Central Metering Program Manager Centrally funded by ACSIM for all Army installations/sites Significant Achievements On-Going AMP has installed 5,532 electric meters across 153 Army installations worldwide 100% of buildings on contract for electric meter EPACT 2005 requirement ► 72% Electric Meters Installed Received 3 System Accreditations for network connectivity Working with ACSIM in development of future metering requirements (EISA 2007) Preparing to award metering site surveys and pilot installs for Civil Works facilities Working lifecycle system sustainment between multiple Army Agencies and Commands ► NETCOM, ACSIM, IMCOM, MEDCOM, ARNG, USAR, AMC 26 BUILDING STRONG® Army Central Metering Program Objectives Comply with Energy Policy Act (EPAct) 2005 ► Meter facilities where practicable • Facilities 29K sq ft or greater; $35K or greater annual energy cost • Electric meters 100% complete by 30 September 2013 Comply with Energy Independence Security Act (EISA) 2007 ► Meter natural gas, steam, and water • Working with ACSIM on development of FRAGO 2 Phase II meter criteria • Natural gas and water meters complete NLT 30 September 2018 • Steam meters deferred until FY2015 when criteria for capturing usage can clearly be defined 27 BUILDING STRONG® Army Central Meter Program EEDRS Security Accreditation Boundary MDMS Security Accreditation Boundary Enterprise Energy Data Reporting System Meter Data Management System 3) Transmit 2) Collect raw meter data Raw meter data Front End Server Gas Meter MDMS Gateway Electric meter 4) Analyze meter data 1) Gas pulse counts Water Meter 5) Report Generation End User Energy manager views data via a secure web portal 28 BUILDING STRONG® Meter Data Management System (MDMS) (An Energy Management System) Total Army Energy Use Command/Region Energy Use Installation/Building Historical Energy Usage Installation Meter Status Report Energy Use by Category Code Tenant Billing Rank Installations/Buildings by Energy Intensity Integrated Energy Project and Energy Use Views 29 BUILDING STRONG® Support to Civil Works Support HQUSACE in meeting ASA(CW) goal of awarding $2.5M in Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) by Dec 2013 ► ► Energy Engineering Analysis Program (EEAP) audits to be completed at seven USACE sites in FY 13 to identify energy savings opportunities Army Central Metering Program ► ► ► ► 2 Pilot Covered Facilities to be awarded by mid June 2013 Remaining 21 Covered Facilities to follow in Qtr FY13 and early FY14 Templates for facility-level advanced metering and energy management configurations Draft Guidance for MSCs based on architecture and templates/specifications Facilities Reduction Program (FRP) ► ► Three ESPCs at SWL, NAD (HECSA/WAD), & SAM Partnering with FEMP/DOE on ESPC ENABLE at NWK Remove 33 structures in flood plain reclamation project for SWF Demolition scheduled to begin July 2013 Facilities Repair and Renewal (FRR) ► ► Partnered with MVS and SWL to execute ARRA stimulus funding Executed 15 projects valued $49M, to include 6 new Visitor Centers 30 BUILDING STRONG® Chemical Demilitarization Program $8.5 billion program assigned in 1981 to destroy chemical weapons stockpile. Pueblo, Colorado Umatilla Aberdeen Deseret, Tooele Utah Design and construction of 9 sites using incineration and chemical neutralization technology. U.S. stockpile = 31,501 tons of chemical agent . 90 percent destroyed as of Jan 2012 Newport, Indiana Blue Grass, Kentucky Pine Bluff, Arkansas Hawaii Anniston, Alabama Legend Johnston Atoll Operations Complete Under Construction Oversaw construction of Russian chemical demilitarization site. Blue Grass, Ky. 31 BUILDING STRONG® Proposed IDIQ Contracts Program Contract Type Value RFP Release Date Energy Energy Savings Performance Contract $1.5 B Q3 FY14 Meter Data Management System (SATOC) $40 M Q3 FY13 Ft. Bliss 20 Mw Project (Stand alone) $193 M Q3 FY13 EITF Support Services (Stand alone) $ 45 M Q3 FY 13 Utility Monitoring and Control Systems $2.5 B Q3 FY14 Electronic Technology Military Integration Technical & Programmatic Support Services $150 M Q4 FY13 A-E Ranges Q4 FY13 $50M This information updated 15 May 2013, and is subject to change. Distribution A, Approved for Public Release For the most up-to-date information visit the Federal Business Opportunities Web site at www.fbo.gov. For more information contact Contracting (256-895-1110) or the Small Business Office (256-895-1385). 32 BUILDING STRONG® Proposed IDIQ Contracts Program Contract Type Value RFP Release Date Ordnance and Explosives Worldwide Environmental Remediation Services $850 M Q2 FY14 Task Force Power $80M TBD Initial Outfitting and Transition Services Unrestricted $495 M Q4 FY13 Medical Facilities Service Support $220 M Q3 FY13 Operations and Maintenance Engineering Enhancement Unrestricted $990M Q4 FY13 Initial Outfitting and Transition – Yongsan Relocation Program– Standalone $102M Q3 FY13 Initial Outfitting and Transition – Ft. Irwin $46M Q3 FY13 Medical This information updated 15 May 2013 and is subject to change. Distribution A, Approved for Public Release For the most up-to-date information visit the Federal Business Opportunities Web site at www.fbo.gov. For more information contact Contracting (256-895-1110) or the Small Business Office (256-895-1385). 33 BUILDING STRONG® Proposed IDIQ Contracts Program Contract Type Value RFP Release Date Facilities Design- Build Facilities Repair and Renewal $490 M Q3 FY13 High Performance Computing Integrated Support Services $85M Q3 FY13 High Performance Computing Modernization $100M Program Q4 FY13 High Performance Computing Technical Insertion Q4 FY13 $34.8M This information updated 15 May 2013 and is subject to change. Distribution A, Approved for Public Release For the most up-to-date information visit the Federal Business Opportunities Web site at www.fbo.gov. For more information contact Contracting (256-895-1110) or the Small Business Office (256-895-1385). 34 BUILDING STRONG® Solicitations Pending Award Parametric Support Contract $8.2M Medical Facilities A-E Services $249M Energy-ECIP D-B Unrestricted $600M Power Purchase Agreement $7B Ft. Bliss 20 Mw Project Standalone $193M Resilient Power and Mechanical Systems BOA $240M FRR D-B MATOC $490M FRR A-E MATOC $9M ACP CONUS Unrestricted D-B MATOC $230M ACP CONUS Restricted D-B MATOC $200M High Performance Computing Technical Insertion BOA $330M IO&T for Korea Hospital Replacement $102M SATOC MRR A-E Services Unrestricted $25M MRR A-E Services Restricted $5M Medical Facilities Service Support MATOC $220M BUILDING STRONG® Doing Business with the Huntsville Center, Corps of Engineers Helpful Websites 1. Huntsville Center, Corps of Engineers www.hnc.usace.army.mil 2. Is your business “small”? www.naics.com 3. Market research to locate opportunities www.fbo.gov 4. Procurement Technical Assistance Centers www.dla.mil/db/procurem.htm 5. Market research and registration www.ccr.gov 6. Opportunities as a subcontractor http://web.sba.gov/subnet 7. Army resources www.sellingtoarmy.info 8. A guide to winning federal contracts www.sba.gov/training 9. Opening doors to federal contracting opportunities www.sba.gov/openingdoors 10. Assistance in obtaining federal contracts http://www.osdbu.gov.offices.html 36 BUILDING STRONG®