RSDC: Rubber Skill Development Council - DDU-GKY

Rubber Skill Development Council
Rubber Sector in India
Rubber Skill Development Council
Rubber Sector Structure
According to the Economic Survey of 2010-11 India is the world’s 4th largest
producer and 2nd largest consumer of rubber.
Natural Rubber
Synthetic Rubber
Tyre Segment
Rubber Skill Development Council
Non-Tyre Segment
Rubber Sector Key Facts
 Kerala and Tamil Nadu are considered to be the traditional rubber growing
regions and non-traditional growing regions witnessed are Arunachal Pradesh,
Assam, Manipur, and lower reaches of hills of Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland
and Tripura in the country.
Kerala is the single largest rubber producing state in India accounting for 91
percent of total NR production.
The area under rubber plantations in India is ranked sixth globally .
India is the top ranked nation globally in terms of productivity
Rubber Skill Development Council
Rubber Sector Specifics
 The rubber industry comprise of tyre and non-tyre industries with a turnover
of Rs.60,000 crore in 2012-13 with a CAGR of 10% for last 3 years.
With around 5000 unit comprising 50 large scale, 450 medium scale and
around 4500 SSI/tiny sector units, manufacturing 35000 rubber products with
export turnover of Rs. 12,000 crore in 2012-13.
The Indian Rubber Industry plays a core sector role in the Indian national
economy by paying Rs.13,500 crore to the National Exchequer.
Current Employment Scenario in Rubber Sector
• Rubber Product Manufacturing Sub-sector: Approx 5 Lac employed
• Natural Rubber (Plantation) : More than 10 Lac employed
• Synthetic Rubber & Chemicals : Estimated 2 Lac employed
Rubber Skill Development Council
About RSDC
 Rubber Skill Development Council (RSDC) is a Sector Skill
Council set up by AIRIA & ATMA in Collaboration with NSDC is
focusing on skill development & training needs of the sector.
 RSDC is managed by a Governing Council of 12 members
representing ATMA, AIRIA, Rubber Board, IRI, ICRTMA,
 RSDC’s key objectives are conducting research, quality
assurance and improving delivery mechanism for skilling and
up-skilling professionals in the rubber sector.
Rubber Skill Development Council
Latest Updates
 Development of National Occupational Standards
• NOS Phase I of the project covered 30 critical job roles
across India for Tyre and Non Tyre Companies.
• Survey and research has been conducted in both Tyre &
Non Tyre sector and draft NOS are validated by RSDC’s
NOS subcommittee members and Industry.
• Qualification packs (QP) for 30 job roles has been
declared as National Standards by QRC (Qualification
Review Committee) of NSDC.
Rubber Skill Development Council
Latest Updates
 Skill Gap Study (Phase I) initiated in four states namely Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Punjab to identify skills available vs. skills
required skill gaps.
 Rubber Board & RSDC signed an MoU on skill development for NR
 RSDC signed an MoU with ASAP (Additional Skills Acquisition
Programme) wing of the state Govt. of Kerala for the introduction of
Rubber Technology Programmes in schools and colleges across Kerala.
 RSDC proposed the establishment of Centre of Excellence for Rubber
Technology Programes in Kerala in collaboration with KASE (Kerala
Academy for Skills Excellence) set up under the department of Labour
and Rehabilitation of Government of Kerala.
Rubber Skill Development Council
Latest Updates
GOI Monetary Reward Scheme
• RSDC, have been shortlisted by NSDC for the ‘National Skill Certification
and Monetary Reward Scheme’ based on the declaration of maximum
number of Qualification Packs (QP’) as National Standards for the rubber
• RSDC intends to cover 21 critical job roles under the scheme, relevant for
shop floor requirement in the rubber industry.
• RSDC successfully completed first training batches by their affiliated training
partners under the scheme.
o Hari Shankar Singhania Elastomer and Tyre Research Institute
o LabourNet
Training on shop
floor at HASETRI
Rubber Skill Development Council
Latest Updates
GOI Monetary Reward Scheme cont…
• Next batches have been started by the following Training
Providers in association with various rubber companies for
multiple job roles.
• RVS Rise Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
• Basix Academy for Building Lifelong Employability (B-Able)
• LabourNet
• Many other training providers are also applying for affiliation
with RSDC.
• Rubber companies, interested in training of the employees,
are connecting with RSDC.
Rubber Skill Development Council
Rubber Skill Development Council