University of Gävle

University of Gävle
 Established 1977
 Over 15,000 students
 50 programmes and 500 courses
 700 employees
 The rights to conduct two
research education programmes
 Environmentally certified since
The University of Gävle is human-centred and develops
the understanding of a sustainable living environment.
The University of Gävle has a leading position in education and research
for a sustainable human living environment.
of Gävle
programme at the
Faculty of Engineering
and Sustainable
Magnus Lemoine
Anna Näsman
Work Integrated Learning
• Undergraduate programme
• Project methodology
• Project work in the courses
(project in environmental management, solid
mechanics, logistics, environmental
engineering, structural engineering, etc. ...)
• Thesis
• Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education, Co-op
• Work-integrated education, since 2010
• Close cooperation between student and business
where the student combines theory with paid
periods of work at a company.
• A three-year course becomes a four-years, incl. a
1-year Co-op period
• The combination of study and work provides a
better learning situation
• Founded in the U.S. for more than 100 years ago
Co-op at the University of Gävle
• Study Programme in Automation Engineering, Co-op 180
HE credits (2012)
• Study Programme in Energy Systems Engineering, Co-op
180 HE credits (2010)
• Study Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Co-op 180
HE credits (2011)
• Study Programme in Environmental Engineering, Co-op
180 HE credits (ht 2011)
Companies involved in Co-op
Education without Co-op
Autumn semester
Spring semester
Year 1 Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Year 2 Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Year 3 Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Thesis 15 cr
Education for 3 years, with Co-op for 4 years
Education with Co-op
Autumn semester
Year 1 Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Year 2 Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Year 3 Courses 15 cr
Year 4
Courses 15 cr
Spring semester
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Thesis 15 cr
Education for 3 years, with Co-op for 4 years
Cooperative Education
Autumn semester
Year 1 Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Year 2 Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
January - publishing of job
Preparing for job
Year 3 Courses 15 cr
Year 4
Co-op 4
10 w
Spring semester
Co-op 1
Courses 15 cr
10 w
Co-op 2 March - Companies notify
Courses 15 cr
10 w their employment
Co-op 3
February -Courses
Last day for15 cr
10 w job application
Courses 15 cr
Courses 15 cr
Education for 3 years, with Co-op for 4 years
Courses 15 cr
Thesis 15 cr
Recruitment process
Rec. salary SEK 15 500/month
Employment for 10 weeks
Employment interview
Application for Co-op
Benefits to the Company
• An effective way of recruiting new employees
• Introduction and learning during the working periods
• The student is seen as an employee, not a trainee
• The student can contribute new knowledge
• Participation in the education
• Thesis in the company
• Summer jobs
Benefits to the student
• Provides education + work experiance
• Salary during work periods
• Facilitates theoretical learning
• Colloboration provides a better motivation
• Provides valuable contacts
• Often leads to work
• Provides a natural platform for thesis
Thank you!
• Questions?
• Lunch – further discussions?
Undergraduate programmes
Study Programme in Automation Engineering, Co-op 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Building Engineering 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Computer Engineering 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Electrical Engineering 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Energy Systems Engineering, Co-op 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Computer Science and Geographic Information
Technology 180 HE
Industrial Management - Industrial Management and Logistics 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Land Management/Surveying 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Co-op 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Environmental Engineering, Co-op 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Spatial Planning 180 HE credits
Study Programme in Gardening 120/180 HE credits
Study Programme in Design and Wood Technology 180 HE credits
Master programmes
• Master Programme (one-year) in Decision, Risk and Policy
Analysis, Distance, 60 HE credits
• Master programme in Business Administration
• Master Programme in Energy Engineering, Energy Online 60 HE
• Master Programme in Energy Systems 120 ECTS 120 HE credits
• Master Programme in Energy Systems, 60 ECTS 60 HE credits
• Master Programme in Geomatics 60 HE credits
• Master Programme in Management of Logistics and Innovation 60
HE credits
• Master Programme in Electronics/Telecommunications 120 HE