Our Family of Faith Campaign….

Parable poses puzzle for God’s people
“’The last will be first and the first last’.
These words of Jesus, with which today’s reading from Matthew concludes,
occur in different contexts in all three
synoptic gospels – God’s ways constantly overturn our human expectations. And that is the lesson of the parable in today’s gospel. Of all the parables of Jesus, the story of the labourers in the vineyard is probably the most puzzling for Christians of successive generations. That means that it is a great success, that it achieves
what Jesus intended. A plausible story, reflecting the common experience of his hearers begins to unfold. It was normal for day labourers
seeking employment to gather in public places. One denarius would
have been a normal day’s wage. We are given a hint where the story is
leading however; Israel, the Lord’s vineyard, was a familiar theme of the
scriptures. An element of suspense holds the attention of the listeners –
what is the unusual behaviour of the landowner leading to? Then the
conclusion of the story comes as a shock, leaving us unsettled, as our
reasonable expectations are not fulfilled.”
Our Family of Faith Campaign….is on
the way…….
“So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the
good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith. Galatians 6:10
For information, please look at the Archdiocesan website at archtoronto.org./pastoral or ourFamilyofFaith.ca
St.Vincent de Paul Society Membership
The men and women of the St. Vincent de Paul Society donate two to
four hours of their time per month in support of disadvantaged families
and individuals in our community of Malton. Right now we need two
new male members to round out the gender balance of our team. Use of
a car is necessary for going on home visits and prospective members
would be able to obtain police security clearance. Typical times for such
visits are Mondays to Saturdays between 9am and 11:30am. On rare
occasions we might make an evening call. If the Holy Spirit is leading
you to find out more about SVDP in our parish, please contact our president Nitu Hukil at 905-956-2904.
“Please Remember The Poor Box”
With GRATITUDE to GOD for Many Blessings!
Fr. Lorenzo was given a permission by the Archdiocesan
Chancellor to go the Philippines to celebrate his 15th years
as a priest and his 50th birthday with his family. He will be
away from October 10-November 3rd. Please include him in
your prayers.
September 22nd - 28th 2014
Monday: September 22nd
8:00am– +Luigia +Giuseppe Michelin
7:00pm – +Vittorio Fragola
Tuesday: September 23rd
8:00am- +Teresa Politi
7:00pm – St. Padre Pio
Wednesday: September 24th
8:00am –+Benjamin +Florentina Flores
7:00 pm –+deceased members of Fernando Family
Thursday: September 25th
8:00am – +Faustino Laurio
7:00pm- +Donato +Sabatino +John
Friday: September 26th
8:00am –Good Health Keith Balthazaar
7:00pm- Thanksgiving – OLA Prayer
Saturday: September 27th
8:30am – +Vincent Fernandes
5:00pm-+Paul & Mildred Antony +Roy
Sunday: September 28th
9:00am – +Albina +Giorgio Buosi
10:30am – For the community of OLA
12:00pm - +Maria Fernandes Marques
Collection for the Needs of the
Church in Canada
Since its foundation in 1943, the Canadian
Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has
played an important role in helping the
Church be present and involved, nationally
and internationally. The CCCB is the country's national assembly of Catholic Bishops,
including the Bishops of the Eastern Catholic
Churches. It supports the Bishops in their
pastoral ministry, in the fields of catechesis,
ecumenism, interfaith relations, social justice,
liturgy, doctrine, relations with Indigenous
peoples, international aid and family life.
The Collection for the Needs of the
Church in Canada will be held on September
27/28, 2014. Through your contribution to the
Collection, you too can collaborate with the
Bishops in their ministry to teach, sanctify and
The CCCB offices are located at
2500 Don Reid Drive, in Ottawa, where a staff
of approximately 30 provides various services
to help support the pastoral work of the Bishops of Canada.
SEPTEMBER 21st, 2014
“Seek the Lord while he may be found…” While
searching, listen; could it be that you are being
called to serve as a priest, deacon, sister or brother?
If God is calling you, contact Fr. Chris Lemieux,
Vocation Director, Archdiocese of Toronto 416968-0997
NEEDED: Canned Tuna
& Salmon, Canned
Meats, Canned Fruit,
Canned Soups & stews,
Peanut Butter, Ground/
Instant Coffee, Tea, Breafast cereals, Pasta & sauces, Cookies and Crackers, Jams, Sugar, Rice.
Choir Members Needed!
Please approach any
Music Director for
each Mass.
Final Report of Roof Renovation
Morrison Hersfield Limited Provincial Roofing Industrial Golder Associates Total Investment to the RCEC -
$ 38,533.00
$ 405,589.77
$ 6,672.31
$ 450,795.08
$ 147,951.45
Total Loan to be paid $ $ 302,843.63
Please pray for those who are sick
members of our parish
and those who love and minister to them:
Sunday Collection $ 5,961.00
Next week second collection—for the Needs of the
Canadian Church
Thank you so much for your support!
Children Liturgy of the Word – will resume on Sunday,
September 28, at the 12:00 noon Mass. Please come with your
children, and if enjoy working with children and are interested in
becoming a Volunteer, please contact the office.
Support for Recently Separated
or Divorced Catholics
Catholic Family Services of Toronto is offering a 10 week group program for adult men and women coping with the many struggles involved in the process of separation and divorce. Group participants
will receive support and guidance as they move through this difficult
period of transition. The group will run on Thursday evenings from
6:30 to 8:30pm beginning October 2nd to December 4th at our Central
Office, 1155 Yonge Street. For further information, please contact Ian
Singer at 416-921-1163.
Our Lady of the Airways Charismatic Prayer
Group will be resuming the Prayer Meetings on the 12h Sept 2014
after our summer break. All are invited to join us as we Praise & Worship our God and reflect on His Word. Come experience our God in a
deeper more tangible way.
Our Lady of the Airways Parish Hall
(Basement – entrance from the Rear left side)
Time: 7:45 pm – 9:00 pm.
Gesù ci svela quanto la sua logica sia diversa
dalla nostra e la superi. Nella sua vigna c’è
spazio per tutti e ogni ora può essere quella
giusta. Così come ogni nostra situazione di vita
deve essere la vigna che ci è affidata per curarla e metterla in grado di portare molto frutto
e questo non per rinchiuderci egoisticamente in
un ambito ristretto ma per riconoscerci, a partire dal concreto dell’esistenza, “lanciati sulle
frontiere della storia”, per essere cioè veri
evangelizzatori e missionari. Siamo tutti pronti
a riconoscerci tra gli operai che hanno accettato l’invito della prima ora, ma quale potrà essere la chiamata che il
Signore ci riserva per l’ultima ora, per la sera della nostra vita?
Riconoscersi tra i chiamati alla salvezza deve significare renderci disponibili ad accogliere ogni chiamata, anche la meno gratificante, la più
difficile e dolorosa.
questo mese, la messa in onore di San
Padre Pio verrá celebrata Martedi, 23 Settembre, il
giorno della ricorrenza della sua morte. Il Rosario
incomincia alle 6:30 la Santa Messa viene celebrate
alle 7:00 pm. Dopo la Messa siete tutti invitati nella
cappella per un piccolo rinfresco. Non mancate!
Venite e portate altre persone con voi.