STICHTING VRIJE PEUTERSPEELZAAL ALMERE Financial Regulations 2015 • • • • • • • The registration fee is € 15. This fee is paid only once. So if you apply for the ‘dreumesgroep’ as well as for the ‘peutergroep’ the single fee will do. As soon as this fee is paid into our bank account, your child is registered and placed on the waiting list. If your child is old enough to start right away, a place can usually be offered in a short space of time. We cannot guarantee an immediate place but the wait is seldom long. The registration fee is non-refundable. Please make the payment to account NL33INGB 0004616820 in the name of the ‘Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal’, Almere If you have also registered your child at other ‘peuterspeelzalen’, please inform us if your child is placed there. Your child can remain on our waiting list should you wish to switch to the ‘Vrije Peuterspeelzaal’ later on. Please inform us if you do not wish your child to remain on the waiting list. Our foundation relies on an obligatory parental contribution. The rates are fixed annually in accordance with Almere City Council regulations. Commencing January 1st 2015, the fees below are due monthly. The City of Almere requires income-dependent contributions to maintain fair access to regular ‘speelzaalwerk’ to supplement the subsidy by the Council. The Council supplement is for two mornings a week only. By this arrangement it is possible for most of the children to attend our ‘speelzaal’. Extra mornings a week must be paid in full. Please contact our teacher. If a VVE-indication from the consultation bureau is available, 2 extra day parts a week are for free. The table below shows the obligatory parental contributions arranged by income for the period starting January 1st 2015. Year income per household when not entitled to child care benefit Parental payment per month 2 day parts of 3 hours a week (or 4 day parts VVE of 3 hours a week - with indication for VVE from the consultation bureau) 40 weeks to play 12 months payment < € 17.918 € 23 € 17.919 - € 27.549 € 29 € 27.550 - € 37.909 € 38 € 37.910 - € 51.562 € 48 € 51.563 - € 74.117 € 68 € 74.118 - € 102.705 € 101 > € 102.706 € 122 Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal Almere / Ossendrechtstraat 14, 1324 ZW, Almere / CoC number: 41023472 Tel. : +31(0)613153489 E-mail: Website: http// IBAN: NL33INGB 0004616820 (ING) IBAN: NL34TRIO 0254722881 (TRIODOSBANK) STICHTING VRIJE PEUTERSPEELZAAL ALMERE • • • • • • • • • • Each monthly payment, due before the first of the month for which the contribution is made, is debited to the bank account you gave in the Consent Form. Please ensure there are sufficient funds in this account. You will be notified if the treasurer cannot execute the payment. At first you will be given a verbal reminder. If there is no reaction to this, you will receive a written reminder. If this is not followed up you will receive a proposal for the payment in terms. If no action follows this proposal, a collection agency will be summoned to deal with the payments. All at your cost. The parental contribution is also made during the school holidays If your child is placed before the 16th of the month, you pay for the whole month. If your child is placed after the 15th of the month, you pay for half that month. If your child leaves the ‘speelzaal’ before the 16th of the month, you pay for half that month. If your child leaves the ‘speelzaal’ after the 15th of the month, you pay for the whole month. We require one month’s notice if your child leaves before his or her 4th birthday. When the child turns four the arrangement is automatically terminated. We do not require additional notification. If you want your child to stay with us for a longer period, this can be arranged with the teacher. Our foundation, ‘Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal’, receives an annual subsidy from the City Council. Financially our existence is made possible by the monthly parental contributions along with practical, hands-on help from all of the parents. This means you are expected to help with cleaning the ‘speelzaal’ (according to a roster), lending a hand in the organization of festivities such as markets and P.R. and for other jobs such as repairing toys. To be entitled to the subsidised arrangement the parent who does not work has to fill in the declaration as attached to these forms. You also need to add proof of one income only by delivering so called IB60 forms of both parents. If you need additional care, there are some possibilities; ask the teacher. Extra costs will be charged at € 7,35 per hour If you no longer conform to these regulations your child may be excluded from the ‘speelzaal’. You will receive a written explanation. We trust that this rule will not need to be applied. Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal Almere / Ossendrechtstraat 14, 1324 ZW, Almere / CoC number: 41023472 Tel. : +31(0)613153489 E-mail: Website: http// IBAN: NL33INGB 0004616820 (ING) IBAN: NL34TRIO 0254722881 (TRIODOSBANK) STICHTING VRIJE PEUTERSPEELZAAL ALMERE Statement of income for subsidized ‘peuterspeelzaalwerk’ Name child : ____________________________________________________ Name of parent/guardian : ____________________________________________________ Address : ____________________________________________________ Postcode / City : ____________________________________________________ Telephone number : ____________________________________________________ O THE TAXIBLE INCOME PER HOUSEHOLD PER YEAR EXCEEDS € 102.706 You do not need tot complete this form. O THE TAXIBLE INCOME PER HOUSEHOLD PER YEAR IS LESS THAN € 102.706 Income parent/guardian 1 : €_____________________ Income parent/guardian 2 : €_____________________ + Total income per household : €_____________________ Enclosed are the following recent documents proving that the total net monthly income is less than € 102.706 O Copy of payslip (s) O Copy of a benefit agreement O Copy of a statement of debt settlement O Information on a scholarship, student grant or student loan O Information on income from alimony Upon receipt of the completed form with necessary proof of income, we will send you an authorization form for direct debit for completion and signature. I hereby declare that all details in this form are correct and true. Included are all the necessary documents. If the net income changes by 10% or more (either up or down) I understand that recalculation of the parental contribution may be needed. I will report any changes in this regard to the foundation as soon as they occur. Signed, Date: Signature parent/guardian 1: Signature parent/guardian 2: Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal Almere / Ossendrechtstraat 14, 1324 ZW, Almere / CoC number: 41023472 Tel. : +31(0)613153489 E-mail: Website: http// IBAN: NL33INGB 0004616820 (ING) IBAN: NL34TRIO 0254722881 (TRIODOSBANK) STICHTING VRIJE PEUTERSPEELZAAL ALMERE Consent form for direct debit ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SEPA% % Name% % % :%Stichting%Vrije%Peuterspeelzaal%%% % Address% % :%Ossendrechtstraat%14% % Postal%code% % :%1324%ZW% % % City% % :%Almere% % Country%% % :%The%Netherlands% % Creditor%ID%% :%NL03ZZZ410234720000!! ! Reference% % :%<to%be%filled%in%by%our%adm.>% % Reason%for%payment% :%ouderbijdrage%<name%child>:_______________________________% % By#signing#this#consent##form,#you#authorize#Stichting(Vrije(Peuterspeelzaal(Almere(to#send#recurrent# collection#instructions#to#your#bank#to#debit#your#account#and#your#bank#to#debit#your#account#on#a#recurrent# basis#in#accordance#with#the#instruction#from#Stichting(Vrije(Peuterspeelzaal(Almere.( As#part#of#your#rights,#you#are#entitled#to#a#refund#from#your#bank##under#the#terms#and#conditions#of#your# agreement#with#your#bank.#A#refund#most#be#claimed#within#8#weeks#starting#from#the#date#on#which#your# account#was#debited.#Ask#your#bank#for#the#conditions.####### # Name%accountholder% % :% % % Address% % % :% % % Postal%code% % % :% % % % City% :%% % % Country% % % :% % % IBAN% % % % :% % % Bank%identification%code(BIC)*% :% % % Place%and%date% :% % % % % % Signature:% % % % % *Not%a%mandatory%field%for%Dutch%IBAN.% Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal Almere / Ossendrechtstraat 14, 1324 ZW, Almere / CoC number: 41023472 Tel. : +31(0)613153489 E-mail: Website: http// IBAN: NL33INGB 0004616820 (ING) IBAN: NL34TRIO 0254722881 (TRIODOSBANK) STICHTING VRIJE PEUTERSPEELZAAL ALMERE Declaration ‘is not entitled to child care benefit’ The information in this application is in the name of the parent / carer who has no income Initials and surname : _______________________________________________ Citizen Service Number : _______________________________________________ Address : _______________________________________________ Postcode / City : _______________________________________________ Data child participating in the playgroup Child's name : _______________________________________________ Date of Birth : _______________________________________________ I hereby declare to have no right on the child care benefit referred to in Article 1.1 entitled the ‘Wet kinderopvang en kwaliteitseisen peuterspeelzaalwerk’. I declare that via the attached IB -60 form. (This form can be requested via our administration. Therefor we need de Citizen Service Number (BSN) of both parents. Please hand these to us.) I also hereby declare (make your choice by checking the appropriate box): ! in the case of two parents / guardians that there is one parent / carer income and the other parent / guardian has no income and is not eligible for child care benefit under the definitions in the notes ! with a single parent / caregiver that there is no income , and I do not qualify for childcare benefit under the definitions in the notes ! to show that I am not entitled to the childcare benefit I hereby certify that this form is truthfully filled in so that the municipality can determine if I / we are entitled to a subsidized rate for the preschool program. I know when filling in this form wrongly it is a criminal offense. I declare that I am aware other individuals and entities by the municipality will verify my data. Any changes that may affect the right to a grant contribution should be given to the institution where the toddler care is followed immediately by submitting evidence. Signature: Place and date: Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal Almere / Ossendrechtstraat 14, 1324 ZW, Almere / CoC number: 41023472 Tel. : +31(0)613153489 E-mail: Website: http// IBAN: NL33INGB 0004616820 (ING) IBAN: NL34TRIO 0254722881 (TRIODOSBANK) STICHTING VRIJE PEUTERSPEELZAAL ALMERE Notes to Statement Child care benefit A parent who is not entitled to the childcare benefit referred to in Article 1.1 of the Childcare Act and quality playgroup can when using the playgroup qualify for the ‘local arrangement’. The parent should note through the ‘declaration is not entitled to childcare benefit’ and IB -60 form to the “Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal” and municipality to declare that she is not entitled to child care benefit. What is child care benefit? Will your children be going to day care after you move to the Netherlands? Then you are most likely eligible for a childcare benefit. This is a subsidy to help cover the costs of childcare. In order to receive a childcare benefit, both you and your benefit partner must be employed or studying. You can also receive the benefit if you are not employed, but your chances of finding work are increased if you follow, for example, a re-integration program via UWV or the municipality. Furthermore, your child must go to a registered childcare organization. Do you want to apply for a childcare benefit? You can do this at the Dutch Tax Administration via You can also create a test calculation. The website is in Dutch only. Benefit for parent (s) / guardian (s) with private enterprise Self-employed are also eligible for childcare benefit under the Childcare Act and quality playgroup. The parent, without any compensation work carried out in the company's partner in the sense of Art. 3.78 of the Income Tax Act 2001. This article is about the co deduction, which applies if the partner cooperates more than 525 hours per year. If the man so a company and the wife (or vice versa) at least 525 hours per year to cooperate, they both meet the criteria for the Childcare Act, so they are entitled to compensation from the tax authorities and can therefore not use the 'local arrangement'. How do I qualify for the 'local arrangement’? A parent / guardian must show that there is no entitlement to the childcare benefit. Of these, for example if you both have an income or not . You can demonstrate this in a number of ways. The simplest is to ask the Tax Office an Income Statement IB-60. The prerequisite for this is that you have filed a tax return. What is an Income Statement IB60? An income statement IB60 is basically meant to inform (government) agencies, which do not have access to the income data of citizens. Think of a housing association that wants to know how much income a person has to be able to determine whether a person for a particular rental is eligible. If a taxpayer relies on such income-dependent regulation of a (government) service then they want an overview of the data on which the income is taxable. He can, in this case, contact the Tax Office with a request to receive an Income Statement IB60 The parent who has no income must fill in the declaration. Stichting Vrije Peuterspeelzaal Almere / Ossendrechtstraat 14, 1324 ZW, Almere / CoC number: 41023472 Tel. : +31(0)613153489 E-mail: Website: http// IBAN: NL33INGB 0004616820 (ING) IBAN: NL34TRIO 0254722881 (TRIODOSBANK)