
2014, November. Edition 18
A month ago was the day when my dream of traveling to the other side of the world became reality. After wanting to go to the
other side of the world for a few years, this finally came true.
My international internship would be at a lunchroom owned by Nurlina Nuratika, a woman from Indonesia. I came in contact
with her, after asking a colleague of my grandfather for a place to have my internship. He suggested that I could go to Nurlina's
lunchroom "Cassava". This sounded like an amazing idea, as I also work in a lunchroom.
After having planned my internship for a good 2 months, it was finally time to go there! I flew from Amsterdam to Singapore,
and went from there with a boat to the island Batam. The whole journey took me about 15 hours, which was much longer than
I had expected.
Finally being on the island, I was dead tired, but it was only 3 in the afternoon...
The two weeks that followed were extremely hectic. In the first week of my internship, I found out that Nurlina's lunchroom
was being renovated and that there was no work for me to do. Arno (my companion) and I decided that I could help serving at a
water ski resort owned by Nurlina's cousin. This was an amazing experience, as it was very popular in the area, and also with
Singaporean people. There was a lot of work for me to do, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
During the first week, there was a huge surprise for me: my grandfather flew over from Goudswaard to surprise me in
Indonesia. This was something I didn't expect at all, but I was so glad to see him! He stayed in Indonesia with me and my
companion for eight nights before flying back to Holland.
The last week of my internship, I worked at the lunchroom which was just opened. Because it was just opened, there weren't a
lot of costumers yet, but I still enjoyed it. The employees were really friendly towards me, and I laughed a lot with them.
Edition Internship
• for students from students
• for students from TTO-group
• for parents
• for teachers
I learned a lot from this experience, but I mostly learned
that every culture has special characteristics, but if you
compare them, they all look like each other. This helped
me a lot with making friends during my internship, and it
made me enjoy my internship a lot more!
Fleur Boogaard
Op school is de stage in het kader van de internationalisering al langer een bekend fenomeen, maar werd tot nu toe
alleen ingevuld door de TTO-VWO leerlingen.
Om bij het begin te beginnen: toen de stage voor het eerst in beeld kwam voor het VWO (schooljaar 2008-2009) is
eveneens het stagebureau opgericht. Hierin nemen ouders en de conrector van het TTO zitting (Carolien Manukiley voor
het VWO en inmiddels ook Jan Koolstra voor de Havo). Binnen het stagebureau is veel informatie en ervaring en blijven
we alert op aanpassingen waar nodig. Want met iedere stage komt er soms een nieuwe vraag of ervaring. Als eerste lid
van het stagebureau durf ik te stellen dat het bespreken en beoordelen van de stageplannen met veel aandacht voor de
individuele leerling plaatsvindt en er al heel wat mooie stageplannen zijn langs gekomen! Alle plannen en verslagen
worden in eerste instantie met elkaar besproken, maar vervolgens behandelt ieder lid van het stagebureau zijn of haar
“eigen” stageplan en belt de leerling voor een terugkoppeling en beoordeelt het stageverslag. Een persoonlijke
benadering dus.
Gebleken is in de loop der jaren dat het voor de leerlingen stuk voor stuk unieke (en positieve) ervaringen zijn geweest en
onder andere met die gedachte in het achterhoofd is binnen school besloten om de stage ook in te voeren voor de
In mei 2014 heeft de eerste voorlichtingsavond plaats gevonden. Natuurlijk blijft het voor de leerlingen en hun ouders
spannend en zullen de eisen en de manier waarop de stage vorm gegeven wordt, daar waar nodig, aangepast worden. Zo
zijn de leerlingen bijv. een jaar jonger wat een andere invulling van de stage vraagt. Maar ook nu vertrouwt het
stagebureau op de samenwerking, ervaring en het enthousiasme van de leerlingen en hun ouders.
Binnen het stagebureau hebben inmiddels naast de beide conrectoren van het TTO en ouders van VWO-leerlingen een
tweetal ouders van HAVO-leerlingen zitting, zodat er optimaal gekeken kan worden naar de mogelijkheden en er gebruik
gemaakt kan worden van elkaars ervaringen. De opzet en voorwaarden voor de stage wordt zoveel mogelijk gelijk
gehouden voor alle TTO-leerlingen.
Op de website van school staan inmiddels de benodigde informatie en documenten, maar opmerkingen, suggesties en
vragen zijn altijd welkom! (
In de vergadering van het stagebureau van 10 november jl. hebben we zelfs het eerste stageplan van een HAVO-leerling
besproken. Geweldig om te zien! We kijken uit naar nog meer plannen…..
Naar de Verenigde Staten op stage?
Als je op stage gaat naar de Verenigde Staten dan moet je een ESTA-reistoestemming
aanvragen. Doe dit minimaal 14 dagen voor je vertrekt. De ESTA-reistoestemming vervangt
het groene I-94-formulier dat u voorheen aan boord van uw vlucht naar de Verenigde Staten
moest invullen. Het aanvragen van een ESTA-reistoestemming kost USD 14, ongeveer EUR
10,50. U hoeft dit bedrag alleen voor uw ESTA-aanvraag te betalen als u een nieuw paspoort
heeft, of als uw vorige ESTA-reistoestemming verlopen is.
Ga naar
On the 10th of October at 6 am, while all my friends were still asleep and had to go to school later, I was driving to
Schiphol airport. I was heading to England for my internship! I was nervous, since I was all on my own, but fortunately
everything was organised very well. After a short flight of 1 hour, and the train for 30 minutes I arrived in Cambridge. At
the exit of the station, the head of the junior school, Mr Christopher Hald, was waiting for me. We first headed to the
junior school, where he showed me around. Then later he brought me to the senior school, where there was a boarding
school. This was where I stayed during the evenings and weekends for the coming two weeks.
After a quite boring weekend, since I was all on my own and had no one to do anything with, I walked to the junior school
on Monday morning. I didn’t know what to do, since I didn’t get any schedule yet, but all teachers were really nice, and I
ended up reading with year 1’s. These girls were about 5 to 6 years old, and they were all so cute! The next day I got a
schedule, which said when I would be in which class. I taught all different ages, from 4 to 11, which was really nice.
The most fun thing of all was when year 4, had STEM (science, technology,
engineering, maths) and they were going to make a volcano out of paper mache. I
could help them, and in the afternoon they let the volcano explode. In the 2nd week
on Tuesday, the year 4’s had a Roman day, in which they dressed up like Romans, and
learned all kinds of roman things, like making fresco’s, perfume etc. I helped during
this day, and actually I had to dress like a Roman too, but I didn’t have any clothes
that looked Roman. In the afternoon, they had a Roman feast, at which there was
entertainment performed by the girls and some (Roman) food.
The two weeks of my internship seemed to go really slow, as I was really bored
sometimes, but when I got home time actually flew by. The girls in the school were
really nice, and the teachers involved in their lessons really well. Still there was some
time that I could just sit there and watch what they were doing, but in some classes,
like the year 4’s, I could really help out in the classes. I got to see every class, and I
especially liked reception, since they were so cute. At the end of the week I got a
drawing from them, which was so sweet! I was a bit disappointed in being so bored,
but my internship itself was a great experience!!
Nicole Dam
Even voorstellen…
Mijn naam is Mariëlle Schouteren, 44 jaar, woonachtig in Oud-Beijerland en al 17 jaar getrouwd met Gerben. Wij hebben 2 dochters
(Laurèn en Luna) en doen allebei TTO. Laurèn zit in H4F en Luna zit in B1B. Zelf heb ik een grijs
verleden de HAVO gedaan op de WvO (Dhr. Koolstra was toendertijd mijn natuurkunde-leraar).
Gelukkig herkende hij me niet……
Mijn grootste hobby is zingen en dat doe ik het leukste koor van Nederland ‘Pop-Up’ en ik heb
daarnaast ook nog regelmatig zanglessen. Een andere (noodzakelijke) hobby is hardlopen. Het is
heerlijk om te rennen langs het Spui.
Mijn buurvrouw (Lia van Gilst), die ook in de stage-commissie zit, heeft mij enthousiast gemaakt om
hierin plaats te nemen. Ik kijk ernaar uit om mijn steentje bij te kunnen dragen bij de activiteiten die
de stage-commissie uitvoert.
Mariëlle Schouteren-de Bruin
School can be helpful by finding an internship, talk to your mentor!
My internship - USA 2014
Since the first year of TTO it was generally known that bilingual students had to go on an English-speaking, international
internship when they were in their 5th year. The internship was meant to discover the world of international companies
and being in an English-speaking work environment.
On October 11th my internship was about to begin. By plane I
would go to a town called Aurora, situated in Colorado USA,
nearby ‘ Mile High City’ Denver. The reason for choosing
Aurora for my internship is because my Uncle and Aunt live
there. My aunt Trish works at a preschool named ‘ Holy Love
Preschool’, so that is why I chose to have my social internship
at a preschool. My aunt used to work at another preschool,
‘Trails West Elementary’ , so that is why I was able to go to 2
different schools.
The reason I chose to go to 2 different preschools was to get a
better view of the school system of the USA, what I chose as
my research question. From October 13th till October 17th I
would be a stagier at ‘ Holy Love Preschool’ and from October
20th till October 24th I would be staying at ‘Trails West Elementary’. Beyond my internship I discovered a lot more of the
USA. During my stay, I went to the Rocky Mountains, to an ice hockey match from the Colorado Avalanche and to a
thousand different shopping centres. I want to thank my family for letting me stay in de USA with them and giving me
such a great experience.
Renate van Oort
Reflectieverslag na je stage
Van je stage maak je een reflectieverslag. Daarin beschrijf je je ervaringen met betrekking tot je leervraag.
What should be in your report?
Start with an introduction in which you explain why you
chose this traineeship, and you thank the people you
worked with.
Introduce the reader to the company you stayed with
(what kind of company)
Write down what you had expected from your
traineeship and mention whether these expectations
came true.
Describe what you did and how successful you were in
your work. Provide evidence of your work if possible. Say
what you learned about the company and the type of
work you did.
Say to what extent you have benefited from the
Take notice of:
This report will also be forwarded to the people you
worked with.
The report must be in English. It must be between two
and four pages long.
Your report must be handed in six weeks at the latest
after having ended your traineeship and should be
assessed as sufficient. In case the assessment is
insufficient the school may provide you with an
alternative or complimentary assignment. This will
happen after consultation between your mentor, the
team leader and the coordinator TTO upper school.
In the summer holiday, I went to the United states of
America for my International internship. I had been
preparing for this trip since the beginning of the new
year. I was visiting a distant relative in Santa Cruz,
which is approximately a one-hour drive from San
Francisco. After having flown for 15 hours the plane landed in the San francisco airport. I immediately got the west coast
feeling with a beaming hot sun right above me.
The purpose of this international internship was to enhance our English communication
skills and to throw us into a different culture. I would be having two separately jobs. One
was helping in the local soup kitchen. As you may know, the USA has a huge homeless
problem, so all over the country institutes have been set up to help these less fortunate. I
was working in the St Francis soup kitchen, my tasks were cutting the vegetables,
preparing the desserts and handing out the beverages and food to the guests. This was an
unique and thought provoking experience which will stick with me for the rest of my life.
The other traineeship was with the company of my host family. The name of the business
is Bayer Crop science (or Nunhem). It was specialised in selling seeds for spinach, lettuce
and other crops. Here I went along to the ranches to see how they were growing, went on
business meetings and helped out in the office. It was great to see how different the
agriculture sector is in California. Especially the farms were huge and we had to use maps
to find our way. There were a lot of Mexican immigrants working on the fields in the
burning sun. Here you could really see a class difference.
In my free time, I visited San Francisco which was marvellous. The Golden Gate bridge was truly gigantious. The City is a
wonderful cosmopolitan. There was in Santa Cruz also an amusement park right next to the beach which was awesome.
The waves were not that great which was a shame, Although I gave surfed there once which still was a amazing
experience. In the End the West coast is a great place to have your International internship and I have made friends and
memories I will never forgot.
Pim de Vree
Do’s and Don’ts
Begin op tijd met het zoeken naar
een stage!
Praat veel met familie, kennissen
en vrienden over je stage. De
ervaring leert dat er iemand
binnen je kennissenkring wel
weer iemand kent die wellicht
belangrijk voor het vinden van
een stage adres kan zijn.
Aandachtspunten tijdens de reis
Tijdens de stage kom je in
contact met bedrijven en
instellingen. Wees je er van
bewust dat je op dat moment
het visitekaartje van de school
bent. School en leerlingen
hebben alle belang bij een
positief beeld naar buiten toe in
Gedraag je op het vliegveld en
bij de douane. Sinds de
aanslagen van 11 september
2001 zijn de veiligheidsmaatregelingen verscherpt en
verzwaard. Het zou zeer
vervelend zijn als jouw gevoel
voor humor jou en je
medereizigers in vervelende
situaties zou brengen.
Vaak hebben personen die
connecties met een bepaald
bedrijf hebben, een stageplaats
voor je gezocht. Ook naar deze
personen toe, heb je een zekere
verantwoordelijkheid. Zij blijven
in de toekomst zaken doen met
deze bedrijven.
Let altijd goed op je bagage als
je reist, verlies het niet uit het
Vanzelfsprekend drink je geen
alcohol en rook je niet.
Vergeet je paspoort en je
verzekeringspapieren niet!
Belangrijke data
voor inleveren
Maak een kopie van je
paspoort en
verzekeringspapieren en
noteer pasnummers
(handig bij verlies).
Zorg dat je belangrijke
telefoonnummers altijd bij
de hand hebt.
Verder is het belangrijk dat
het paspoort (of ID) nog
geldig is!
Aandachtspunten tijdens het
Pas je aan bij de regels die
binnen het stagebedrijf gelden
en maak goede afspraken over
bijvoorbeeld werktijden en
Probeer van tevoren aan de
weet te komen wat er van je
verwacht wordt met betrekking
tot de kleding die je draagt.
Let op je taalgebruik. De directe
manier waarop in Nederland
vaak dingen gezegd worden,
wordt in het buitenland niet
altijd gewaardeerd.
buitenlanders als grof wordt
Breng nooit vertrouwelijke
informatie naar buiten van het
bedrijf waar je stage loopt.
Stel je positief op en bedenk dat
zelfverzekerdheid een goede
eigenschap is; eigenwijsheid
Je stageplan dient uiterlijk 6 weken voordat de vakantie begint, waarin je stage wilt gaan
lopen, ingeleverd te zijn bij het stagebureau. Je mag het natuurlijk ook veel eerder inleveren!
Raadpleeg voor de vakanties van dit schooljaar onderstaande vakantietabel
Eerste dag
Laatste dag
Zaterdag 21-02-2015
Zondag 01-03-2015
Zaterdag 25-04-2015
Zondag 10-05-2015
Zaterdag 11-07-2015
Zondag 23-08-2015
Zaterdag 17-10-2015
Zondag 25-10-2015
Zaterdag 19-12-2015
Zondag 03-01-2016
TTO NEWS is een uitgave
van het stagebureau van De Willem.
Stagebureau De Willem
Randweg 2
3263 RA Oud-Beijerland
Wim Merjenburgh
Bezoek onze website
Edition 17 – October 2014
Valencia. A city with lovely people, great opportunities and an everlasting summer.
On the 17th of October my internship became reality. When my dad first told me I
could have a chance to travel there for my two-week internship, I wasn’t very
enthusiastic about it. In my head I was already travelling to Australia, or Miami. But
when my father explained what kind of huge opportunity this was for me, I became
more and more excited every day. Because my dad has some good business
relationships, he came in contact with a man named Willem Blijdorp. This man was a
great example to my dad, and he could be a perfect tutor for me. Mister Blijdorp was
a man who started from scratch, but now is on place 311 of the 500 most prosperous
men of the Netherlands. Willem owns companies all over the world, and recently
bought a new starting trading business in Valencia, Spain. Willem has four kids, and 2
of his boys always dreamed of their own company, so Willem told both his sons,
Leendert (26) and Florian (22) to move to Valencia and start running that new
business, named Alcodis. Alcodis is a Wholesale company in Alcoholic beverages,
located in the centre of Valencia and trades with other Wholesalers or small shops,
restaurants and bars. It trades both nationally and internationally and is a very new
upcoming business, which is why it was a great opportunity for me to have my
internship here.
I arrived on Friday the 17th of October at around 8 o’clock. My flight had been just fine and luckily there were no delays.
Both of the boys picked me up at the airport in Valencia, and we immediately drove off towards Altea. Willem and his
wife, Annie Blijdorp have a house over there, and because that Sunday, the19th of October, it would be Willem’s birthday
so we were going to stay the weekend over there. As soon as I stepped out of the airport a whelm of hot air came over
me. When I looked on my phone, I saw that it was 25 Degrees, which I was told, was perfectly normal for that time of the
year. Fortunately there was air-conditioning in the car, because I was sweating
already. The drive to Altea would be for about 1 hour, so in the car I got to
know the boys pretty good. They both seemed very nice and decent, and also
were very interested in me and where I was from. By 10 we arrived in Altea,
and I got to meet Annie and Willem, and they were both very kind and open to
me. We had dinner, which of course is very normal at that time in Spain, but I
wasn’t so hungry yet, because I still had to get used to the different time
schedule over there. I also was pretty tired, so after we all got to know each
other a little bit, Annie showed me my room and I went to bed. The whole
weekend was lovely, the weather was perfect, we did some relaxing and I got to see a lot of Altea.
Monday we turned back to Valencia, and I finally got to see the apartment and the city where I would be staying for the
upcoming two weeks. It was all very beautiful and I was very excited for my first day at work the next morning. Tuesday
my first working-day started. The people were all very kind and interested in me, so I immediately wasn’t so nervous
anymore. The first week I got to see a lot of things in the office, how the whole process from purchases to sales went,
both national and international, but I only got to see the “office” side of the job. The second week I actually was allowed
to go with some employees to the warehouses where they stored their products and I also got to see how everything
went practically. In the second weekend I was there, I also got to see the city a bit and of course explored the beach quite
a lot.
All in all, it was a great experience. I got to learn and see how national and international trading all goes in process, and I
met some very interesting people who I would love to meet again someday. Also, I definitely recommend everyone to see
Valencia someday, since it’s beautiful!
Thirza Belder