词汇、语法之教学建议 ——南京九中 金晶 • 学生为什么觉得英语难学? • 原因1:缺少语境 • 学生学习英语的过程是孤立的,只能在课 堂上有机会接触英语,平时生活中很少有 感知特别是运用英语的机会 • 原因2:学生积极性、主动性未能发挥 • 课堂上大多数时间是教师讲授,学生被动 接受,因为学生的主动性没有得到发挥, 往往课堂活动的形式也比较单一,不能吸 引学生,因而记忆效果不理想 • 词汇和语法教学是英语教学的最基本、最重要 的内容,也是学生常常觉得困难的地方。 • 对于教师而言,如何提高词汇和语法教学的效 率,是目前亟需解决的问题。 • 今天,主要结合一些具体的教学案例,从如何 设置语境、开展活动两方面来谈词汇、语法课 的教学。 Vocabulary • 众所周知,词汇量直接影响到学生的英语学习。 词汇量的多少往往决定了学生英语水平的高低。 本套牛津英语教材将词汇教学专门列出来,作 为单独的一课时进行教学,体现了对词汇教学 的充分重视,对学生英语水平的提高大有裨益。 • 在词汇教学这一块,教材提供的内容并不多, 初教这套教材的时候,觉得编者提供的内容太 少,无法填满一节课。上课时,如果只是将教 材中需要学生掌握的一些单词和词组教给学生, 那么十几分钟足够了,剩下的课堂时间该如何 处理呢?除了最基本的讲授法,教师又该采用 什么教学方法来帮助学生掌握词汇部分的内容 呢? 建议一 • 教材的内容不多,恰恰为教师提供了自我发挥 的空间。教师可以充分运用自己的智慧,自主 创新,大胆地进行教学设计。教师也可以根据 学生的情况和教学需要,对教材适当扩充,让 书本上简单的内容变得丰富、鲜活。 建议二 • 从教材内容设计可见,词汇教学不是一味地追 求词汇量,不是内容越多越好,词汇教学的最 终目标是让学生能够真正掌握所学词汇,会在 恰当的语境中正确运用。因此,在使用教材时, 教师教学的着眼点应在于“练”,教师可以设 计各种形式的活动,让学生在不同活动中反复、 不断地使用生词,直至真正掌握,而不是一味 地要求学生背单词。 8A Unit 1 Vocabulary Describing people’ s appearance Vocabulary • 本课主要介绍描述人外貌的词汇,特别需要学 生注意的是,有的词汇只能描述男性,而有的 只能描述女性,只有少数是两者都适用的。 • 为了让学生更好地掌握所学词汇,可以设计一 些有趣的活动。例如,可以组织学生用所学的 词描述自己的同学、老师或熟悉的明星,让其 他学生猜他说的是谁,这样既可以使学生得到 练习的机会,也可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生 的兴趣。 • 本课的生词不多,难度不大,所以教师可以适 当补充,扩大学生的词汇量。 Period 4 Vocabulary • 教学目标: 1掌握描述人外貌的形容词 2能够用不同的形容词分别描述男、女 的 外貌 • 教学重难点: 描述人外貌的形容词 Question: What does Betty/ Max/ May look like? 在语境中导入 通过提问Reading课文中三个朋友的外貌, 导入新课。 • 以简笔画的形式呈现A部分的新单词 • 学生完成A部分的练习,及时反馈 • 由于本课内容较简单,教师可以以图片形 式适度扩充词汇 muscular skinny wavy hair curly hair chubby 圆胖的 The face is round, like a baby’s. pointed nose moustache beard 活动一:比赛 • 组织四人小组讨论,找出更多描述 人外貌的词汇。找得最多的小组获 胜。 Talk about your friends Useful words Build Nose Height slim, thin, fat, strong, skinny, well-built, muscular flat, pointed, long, short short, tall, medium-sized Face round, fat, thin, square, chubby Eyes big, small, black, brown, blue Hair long, short, shoulder-length, straight, wavy, curly • B部分介绍分别描述男、女的形容词。 在呈现时采用图片,一目了然。 handsome Question: 活动二:两人对话 A: Who is the boy/girl? B: He/She is … A: He/She looks … B: Yes. He/She has…(face,nose,height,eyes,hair) A: What’s he/she like? B: He/She is…(good-looking, pretty, smart) 活动三:游戏 • 组织学生用已学词汇描述自己班上 的一个同学,在描述中不能提到该同 学的名字和性别, 其他学生根据描述 猜测该同学是谁。 活动四:讨论/辩论 • Which do you think is more important, appearance or quality? • 本课内容虽然少,但可以补充词汇,扩大 学生的词汇量,也可以通过设计活动帮助 学生巩固,这样一节词汇课上下来,学生 就不仅仅是知道了几个单词,而是学会在 语境中使用词汇,这才是词汇教学的目标。 • 再以8A第三单元词汇课things to do为例,课本介绍 的是北京的几处名胜和交通工具。内容非常少,如果 只是简单介绍一下,十分钟足够了,可这显然违背教 材的初衷。 • 在上这节课时,教师可以对教材内容进行扩充或调整, 毕竟我们的学生不在北京生活,不了解当地的情况, 可能在上课时无话可说,那么我们可以根据学生所在 地的情况组织学生活动,让他们谈论自己家乡的事情, 这样能够和学生生活相联系,学生也会愿意参与课堂 活动。 • 书上用的是单句的练习形式,较为单一,不容易吸引 学生,教师可以增加对话、小组讨论、写短文等形式 的练习,既填充了课堂内容,又使学生得到了多重锻 炼,巩固的效果增强了。 • “授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。”教材中很多 Vocabulary的内容介绍的是词汇学习的方法。以 8B为例,六个单元中就有4个单元与构词法有关, 分别是反义前缀、形容词后缀、名词后缀和复合 词。 • 在教授这些课时,要注重方法的传授,而不是简 单的知识传输。同时适当拓展,特别是在教授即 将升入初三的学生时,对词汇学习法要及时进行 归纳总结,让学生的学习有系统性。 • 在教学时,也应注意趣味性,多设计游戏等活动, 调动学生的积极性。 • 以本课为例, • 从内容上说,在介绍复合词的同时,补充 了前缀和后缀,复习了旧知识,使得学生 的知识融会贯通,有助于提高能力; • 从形式上说,采用了多种活动: • 全班集体活动、两人小组活动、四人小组 活动、大组活动 • 口头、笔头 • 单词-句子-语篇,为学生提供了语境 • 游戏、竞赛 单词教学 • 本套牛津初中英语教材单词量非常大,而单词 的学习本就枯燥,加之,学生缺少理解单词的 生活环境,掌握起来较为吃力。在教学中,如 果能将单词教学和学生的生活实际联系起来, 那么教学难度一定会降低,对于学生而言,记 单词也不再是件痛苦的事了。 呈现: 语境化、生活化 • 在教授hero这个单词时,我联想到了学生非常热衷 的“快乐女声”比赛。我叫起一名喜欢唱歌的女生, 问她:在众多“快女” 中,谁是她的hero。她十 分激动地告诉了我是曾轶可。这时班上的其他学生 也非常兴奋,争着告诉我她们的偶像是谁,课堂气 氛顿时活跃起来。这堂课后,没有一个学生记错这 个单词。可见,主动挖掘教材中的生活元素,将课 本内容与学生生活巧妙联系,能够激发学生兴趣, 使课堂活起来。并且在呈现时尽量提供语境,而不 是单一的讲解,这样就会给学生留下深刻的第一印 象,学生记忆会特别牢固。 操练: “做中学”(录像) 积极开展活动 • 竞赛:有时以小组为单位进行默写比赛,将小 组各成员成绩累加,成绩最好的小组可以免默 写一次。 • 每学期以年级为单位举行单词或动词过去式等 竞赛,对于获奖学生,将名单张贴到学校橱窗 并发奖品鼓励。 • 如开火车背单词,教师说中文,学生拼读单词, 背的过程中限制时间,每组背得最慢的学生再 进行抢答。 • 有时,也会组织一些游戏活动,比如,模 仿电视节目中的“猜一猜”游戏,学生两 人搭档上台,一个学生根据所提供的单词 做动作或给出解释,另一个学生根据描述 猜测是什么词。在游戏过程中,学生加深 了单词的理解和记忆。 • 这些活动符合中学生年龄特点,极大地提 高了学生的学习兴趣和课堂参与度,使原 本枯燥的学习内容也变得生动有趣了,学 生的积极性提高了,成绩自然也就进步了。 语法教学 • 语法本身就枯燥难懂,加之中国学生缺少相应的 语境,学起来尤为吃力,所以教师需要通过创设 一定的语境,帮助学生在语境中理解、运用。 • 语法教学着眼点在于 “练”, 学生练透了,才能 掌握。“练”不是一味地做题,教师可以组织一 些活动,为学生提供相应的语境,使学生在“用 中学”。 • 简而言之,语法教学就是让学生在语境中感知, 在语境中使用。 • 在呈现时,一般教师先给出例句,使学生感知 语言现象,自己发现规律,教师再进行总结归 纳,这样教学就容易开展得多。 • 在操练方面,千万不能让学生陷入题海中,适 当的练习是必要的,但更重要的是开展一些趣 味性的游戏、活动等,为学生提供相应的语境 和练习的机会,使学生在“用中学”、“玩中 学”,这样才符合初中学生的特点和认知规律。 • 方位介词是学生小学就学习过的内容, 再次学习时兴致不高,于是我在上课时 就组织了这样一个活动:预先在教室里 放置一些东西,让学生根据我的描述来 找东西。 • 学生对于老师藏的东西充满好奇,急于 想知道是什么,于是积极地投入到活动 中。通过参加这样的活动,学生巩固了 方位介词的用法,而且也对语法课感兴 趣了。 • 教授原因状语从句时,我将写有原因和 结果的从句分别写在不同的纸条上,打 乱发给学生,由学生自己寻找另一半从 句,找到后将完整的句子拼凑出来。 • 为了防止学生离开座位带来混乱,我要 求学生一个个按顺序读自己的句子,其 他学生从逻辑和语法角度考虑自己的句 子能否与之匹配,如果能,则站起来读 出自己的句子。每个学生站起来读的时 候,其他孩子都纷纷忙着看自己的句子, 注意力高度集中。 • 学习现在完成时, 按组发卡片,第一大组 的卡片上写的是主语,第二组的写动词, 第三组的写宾语或状语,第四组的卡上写 时间状语。 • 或者让学生自己分组分别写主语、动词、 宾状语和时间状语,然后将纸条、卡片打 乱,从四组中任意抽取再组合,有时组合 出的句子完全符合语法规则,但意思上则 逻辑不通甚至闹出很多笑话。学生非常喜 欢这样的活动,课堂很活跃。 • 教授can, could时,正巧是开设公开课, 于是我鼓励学生下位采访前来听课的老师, 了解他们过去、现在会做和不会做的事情。 面对前来听课的众多老师,学生充满好奇, 积极性得以调动。另外,也可以组织学生 课后去采访自己的任课教师,做一个 survey, 同样也给语法课增加了趣味性, 提高学生的参与热情。 • 在对 “过去进行时”这一语法现象进行操 练时,我设置了如下活动,组织四人小组编 对话:假设某富翁的大量财产被盗,警方正 在调查,为了排除嫌疑,请你们配合警方, 说清楚案发当时自己正在做什么。由于这活 动与学生的生活联系了起来,加之孩子们对 警察破案的事情非常感兴趣,所以这一活动 极大地迎合了他们的口味,每一个学生都兴 致勃勃地参与讨论,大胆想象,锻炼了口语, 使一向枯燥的语法课充满了勃勃生机。 期中语法复习 Revision of grammar (8A Unit 1-Unit 2) ---by Jin Jing from Nanjing No.9 Middle School Task 1: adjectives • describe people/things with adjectives • 1. before a noun 名词前 • 2. after a linking verb 系动词后 (be, look, feel, get, become...) Task 2: comparatives and superlatives 规 则 变 化 taller, hardest harder tallest, 原级largest, larger, 比较 wider最高 widest 级 级 单音节词在词尾加-er(比较级)或est(最高级)以字母e接尾的词加r 或st tall,biggest, hard hottest bigger, hotter large,wide 以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有 一个辅音字母应双写辅音字母再 加er或est big, hot fat, happiest, wet happier, drier 多音节词和多数双音节词在其前 面加more和most difficult popular interesting fattest, wettest fatter, wetter driest, earliest more difficult earlier most difficult more popular drypopular 以辅音字母+y结尾的词变为i再加 happy, most more interesting interesting earlymost er或est 不规则变化 原级 bad good 比较级 worse 最高级 worst better best Fill in blanks. 1. Which coat is cheaper ______ (cheap), the black one or the red one? bigger 2. Simon's bag is ______(big) than Kitty's. more popular (popular) than any 3. Jay Chou is ___________ other singer, I think. 4. Sandy is much heavier ______(heavy) than Millie. 5. My mother was ill yesterday. Unluckily she is even _____ worse (bad) today. Work out the rule! • 1. 当句意中含有比较时 • 2. 两者比较时:句中常有than 或 …or… • 3. 可用much, even等来修饰比较级, 表示程度 Fill in blanks. the best(good) student in 1. My mother was _______ her class when she was at school. the prettiest 2. The hair clip is one of __________ (pretty) ones in the shop. nicest 3. Which do you think is the second _____ (nice) garden in Beijing? the most hard-working 4. Guo Jingjing is __________________ (hardworking) of all the swimmers in China. the slimmest 5. Who is __________ (slim) girl, Lily, Mary or Linda? Work out the rule! 1. 当三者或三者以上比较时,句中 常有in或of或 …,…or… 2. 可用“one of+the最高级形式+名词复 数” 表示: 是最......之一者 3. ”the second/third/fourth…+最高 级” 表示: 第几...... 注意:形容词最高级前一定要加the Fill in blanks. the thinnest 1. Mr Li's book is ___________(thin) of all the books . larger 2. Our hometown Nanjing is much _____ (large) than many cities. the easiest 3. This math problem is _________ (easy) in this exam. the greatest 4. China is one of __________ (great) countries in the world. more popular 5. Whose songs are ___________ (popular), Jay Chou's or Liu Huan's? fat, tall, clever, funny, careful, big, long, slim, humorous, thin, small, short, useful, important, beautiful, nice, lazy, happy, easy, difficult, interesting, popular, hardworking, excited, good, bad, popular, strong Task 3: comparison of amounts Amy Kitty Simon A: Who has fewer apples, Kitty or Amy? B: Amy. She has fewer apples than Kitty. A: Who has the least juice of all? B: Simon. He has the least juice of all. 改错 • The truck is carrying the least oranges of all. fewest • Who has fewer homework to do,the students in Class One or the students in Class Two? less • Kitty has very more pocket money than her (much) sister. • I'm a supporter of Jordan. He is great and always scores the most points than others in basketball competitions. more • My deskmate eats the fewest food in our class, because she wants to keep slim. least est friend. Now she's in Yin Xiaohan is our b___ Singapore. It's s_____ maller than China. It's one of the most b______ eautiful countries in the world. In Singapore, there are _____ fewer (few) people than in China. English is the most important (important) language there. ______________ hard (hard) for her, At first, English was too ____ so she spent more ____ (much) time on it than before. She had the _______ least (little) free time in most careful (careful) her class. She was the ____________ of all. Now she gets better _____ (good) results than others in English exams. After living there for 3 months, she busier (busyer, busier, busy) and becomes _____ thinner (thin, thiner, thinner) than she was in ______ China. Wish her good luck in Singapore! Homework: • Review the grammar of Unit 1 and Unit 2. • Do some exercises. 8B Unit Six A charity walk Grammar (A) Grammar A It is+adjective +that … We can use this pattern to express what we feel about something an elderly person a disabled person a homeless person How do you feel about these actions? Some doctors and nurses volunteer to work for ORBIS . Some people look down on deaf people wrong meaningful It is necessary Governments help the homeless go back to their hometowns important polite Students often give seats to the elderly on the bus Oxfam Hong Kong organizes Trailwalker to raise money for poor people every year To express what we feel about something meaningful Some doctors and nurses volunteer to work for ORBIS → It’s meaningful that some doctors and nurses volunteer to work for ORBIS. wrong Some people look down on deaf people. → It’s wrong that some people look down on deaf people. necessary Governments help the homeless go back to their hometown → It’s necessary that governments help the homeless go back to their hometowns. polite Students give seats to the elderly on the bus → It’s polite that students give seats to the elderly on the bus important Oxfam Hong Kong organizes Trailwalker to raise money for poor people every year → It’s important that Oxfam Hong Kong organizes Trailwalker to raise money for poor people every year 合并句子 1.A: They will raise lots of money for the charity. B: Oh, it is great. → It’s great that they will raise lots of money for the charity. 2.A: Young people should understand the elderly. B: Yes, it’s important. → It’s important that young people should understand the elderly. 3.A: Some children in poor areas cannot go to school. B: It’s sad. → It’s sad that some children in poor areas cannot go to. . 合并句子 4.A: We used to spend all our pocket money on clothes and snacks B: It’s unnecessary →It’s unnecessary that we used to spend all our pocket money on clothes and snacks. 5.A: We save some money to give to charities. B: Oh, it’s meaningful. →It’s meaningful that we save some money to give to charities 了解Jack的中学生活,谈谈你的的看法 Get up late in the morning Buy sweet snacks for lunch Play games with classmates after lunch. Watch too much TV after school. Doesn’t finish his homework on time. Spend much money on comic books. Please talk about your school lives . It is …that … important lucky possible interesting nice wrong hard… Conclusion It+ is + adj. + that … sad, necessary, important, wrong, lucky, hard, difficult, easy, … Translations: 1.每天学生睡眠八小时是有必要的. that students _______ sleep for 8 hours It is necessary _________ ______ every day. 2.他不愿加入阅读俱乐部是真的. It’s _____ true _____ that he ______ won’t _____ join the Reading Club. ____ 3.对于任何人来说歧视别人都是不对的. It’s _____ wrong _____ that anyone looks down on others. _____ 4.对于学生来说学英语容易,但学好英语很难. easy that students learn English It is __________________________________, but it is difficult _____________________________________. that students learn English well. 5.我们有必要天天打扫教室吗? Is it necessary that we clean the classroom every day? 6. 学生认真完成作业事非常重要的。 It is important that students finish their homework carefully 7. 你们瞧不起无家可归的人是不对的。 It is wrong that you look down on the homeless people. 8. 我已经找到了丢掉的钥匙,真是太幸运了。 It is lucky that I have found the lost keys. 9. 他们拖着疲惫的身体工作是非常辛苦的。 It is hard that they work with tired bodies. 10.你们戴上地图会很有用的。 It is useful that you take a map with you. Homework 1.Make 10 sentences with “It’s+ adj. that… ” 2.《评价手册》Period 5 Unit 6 A charity walk Grammar B&C Make sentences like this: It is easy that I say “______________”. class room up stairs world wide wild life grand child rain coat trail walker It is easy to say “_________________”. class 1.basket stairs 2.down thing 4.gentle coat 3.some ball 5.over room man •It is easy to read words loudly. 大声地读出单词是很容易的。 •It is important to listen carefully in class. 上课认真听讲是重要的。 It is +adj. + to do sth (做…事情adj.) (It 是形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth) Exercise one: Six ways to help people on P100 It’s meaningful to join the Tree-planting Club. It is important to keep parks clean. It is polite to give seats to the elderly. It is good to help blind people cross the road. It is helpful to donate money to charities. It is fun to do voluntary work. 1.It’s meaningful to join the Tree-planting Club. 2. It is important to keep parks clean. 3. It is polite to give seats to the elderly. 4. It is good to help blind people cross the road. 5. It is helpful to donate money to charities. 6. It is fun to do voluntary work. Eg: It is meaningful to join the Tree-planting Club. To join the Tree-planting Club is meaningful. Joining the Tree-planting Club is meaningful. Notes It is + adj. + to do sth. = To do sth. is adj. To do sth不定式做主语 = Doing sth. is adj. Doing sth动名词做主语 1. To keep parks clean is important. parks clean is 2.Keeping It is important toimportant. keep parks 2. To give seats to the elderly is polite. 3.Giving It is seats polite to elderly give seats to to the is polite. clean. the elderly. 3. To help blind people cross the road is good. 4.Helping It is good to help blind people cross blind people cross the road is good. 4. money to helpful. 5.ToItdonate is helpful tocharities donateis money Donating money to charities is helpful. the road. to charities. Say something about school life: What is it interesting to do at school? It is interesting to play basketball at school. boring impossible/ possible difficult/ easy necessary/ unnecessary right/ wrong polite/ impolite cheerful/ sad …. It is sad for poor children to work instead of going to school. It is difficult for poor children to go to school. 对贫困孩子而言,上学是困难的。 It is necessary for them to go to school. 对他们而言,上学是必须的。 It is +adj. + for sb +to do sth. (对某人而言,做…事情adj.) (It 是形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth) About poor children It • _____(This/ There/ It) is hard for them to work on the farm • It is good for _______(I/ my/ me) to donate money to them me • It is necessary for ______(we/ us/ our) to help them. us • It is difficult for them _________(study/ to study/ to study studying) in bright, clean classroom. • It is meaningful for people who join Oxfamfor Trailwalker ___________( raising/ raise/ to raise) money them. to raise Oxfam Trailwalker is a tough charity walk. 1. necessary/ people/ finish walking 100 kilometres within 48 hours It is necessary for people to finish walking 100 kilometres within 48 hours. 2. important/ we/ support Oxfam It is important for us to support Oxfam. 3. possible/ Ben/ raise at least $6,500 It is possible for Ben to raise at least $6,500. 4. good/ he/ exercise to keep fit before walking It is good for him to exercise to keep fit before walking. Exercise about Oxfam Trailwalker Lucy: What is Oxfam Trailwalker? Lily: Oxfam Trailwalker is a tough charity walk. It’s necessary for people to finish it within 48 hours. __________________ Lucy: What’s a charity walk? for us to support Ben. Lily: It’s a fund-raising event. It’s important ______________ His team needs to raise at least HK$6,500. Lucy: Can I join it too? Lily: No, you can’t. You’re not 18 years old yet. It’s ________________ impossible for you to join Oxfam Trailwalker. Lucy: What are you going to do for Ben? Lily: I am going to donate my pocket money to support Ben. It’s ________________ meaningful for me to help him. Lucy: I want to help Ben too. I can buy him some milk. Lily: What for? Lucy: It’s important ________________ for Ben to drink milk to keep fit. Lily: Thank you, Lucy, but I think Ben can exercise to keep fit. Notes It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. =It is + adj. + that + sb do sth Eg: It’s necessary that people finish it within 48 hours. It’s necessary for people to finish it within 48 hours. 1. It’s important that we support Ben. It’s impossible for us to support Ben. 2. It’s impossible that you join Oxfam Trailwalker. It’s impossible for you to join Oxfam Trailwalker. 3. It’s meaningful that I help him. It’s meaningful for me to help him. 4. It’s important that Ben drinks milk to keep fit. It’s important for Ben to drink milk to keep fit. Exercise:改为同义句 1. To help blind people is very meaningful and important. It __ is ____ very ___________ meaningful and important to help __ blind people. 2. It is important that we study hard. important ___ for ___ us ___ to study It is _________ _____ hard. 3. To help the elderly is necessary. It’s __________ necessary ____ to help the elderly. ____ Exercise:改为同义句 4. Warm clothes are necessary to take when you travel. necessary to Itis ______________take warm clothes when you travel. 5. I feel terrible when I go out alone at night. terrible ____ for me ____ to ______ go out alone at night. It’s _______ 6. It’s dangerous. The girl plays with fire. (合并成一句) the girl to play with fire. It’s dangerous for ________________________________. It’s dangerous________________________________. that the girl plays with fire. Test: 按要求改写句子 1. It’s important that all students should keep the classroom clean.(同义句) It’s important ______ for all students _______ to _______ keep the classroom clean. 2. To help people in need is meaningful.(同义句) to _______ help people in need. ______ It ______ is meaningful _______ 3. To do exercise every day is important for the teenagers.(同义句) important ______ for the teenagers _______ It’s _____________ to _______ do exercise every day. 4. The math problem is easy. Millie can work it out. (合并为一句) It’s ________ ______ the math problem _______. easy _______ for Millie _____ to work out 5. It’s dangerous. The boy crosses the road when the traffic lights are red. It’s dangerous for _____________________________________________. the boy to cross the road when the traffic lights are red. It’s dangerous ________________________________________________. that the boy crosses the road when the traffic lights are red. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1、看<<哈利波特>>有趣吗? Is _____ it fun _____ to _______ watch Harry Potter? ____ 2、每天坚持跑步不是一件容易的事。 It’s not easy ______ to _______ keep running ______ ________ every day. 3、乘船旅行很刺激。 exciting to ________ travel by ship. It’s _________ 4、对青少年来讲早起早睡有好处。 It’s good______ for teenagers_____ to ______ get _____ up _______ early and go to bed early. ______ 5、驾驶员在市中心谨慎驾驶很重要。 It is important for ________ drivers _____ to ________ drive __________ carefully in the centre of the city. It is important ______ __________in that _________ drivers __________ drive carefully the centre of the city Dragon Boat Festival is coming, how can we spend a meaningful holiday ? 参考词汇:useful/ necessary/ important/ unnecessary unimportant/ possible/ impossible/ difficult comfortable/ uncomfortable/ interesting… 1.It is necessary for us to _______________. 2.It is important that__________________. 3.It is useful to ______________________. 4.It is _____________________________. Summary Sentence one: It is adj to do sth. = To do sth is adj. = Doing sth is adj. Sentence two: It is adj for sb to do sth. = It is adj that clause. Homework: •Talk to your families about the coming holiday with three sentences. •《Exercise Book》 P100 (Ⅱ) Thank you! • 事实上,没有哪一种教学方法是放之四海而皆准的, 适合的才是最好的。 • 创设恰当语境,优化课堂教学活动,提高教学有效 性是每一位英语教师永无止境的探究课题。要使我 们的英语课堂有趣有效,需要教师运用自己的智慧 与激情,爱心与细心,精心设计英语课堂教学活动, 激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,使每个学生都有不同 程度的收获,使每个学生都能体验成功的喜悦。愿 我们共同努力,让学生爱上英语,让英语课活起来!