Orlando Tech Early Childhood Education

Welcome To
Orlando Tech
Early Childhood Education
To lead Early Childhood Education
students to success in the field of
early childhood education through
relevant technical and academic
Early Childhood Education
Every child within a child care setting
deserves the best trained teacher possible.
Through your commitment to complete the
Early Childhood Education (ECE) program and
earn the Early Childhood Professional
Certificate (ECPC), you will have the
opportunity to touch the lives of young
children and begin the journey to becoming
the best teacher possible.
ECPC Steps to Admission
Document age: 18
years or older
Document High
School Diploma,
GED or higher
completion of ECE
Program Orientation
ECPC Steps to Admission
Attend Orlando
Tech Schoolwide
Orientation 8:00
a.m. or 5:00 p.m.
Wednesdays Room
TABE scores Gr.
6.0 or higher in
reading, math, and
language or
document exemption
by degree
ECPC Steps to Admission
screening clearance
to enable direct
experience hours
Submit completed
Site Training
Submit current DCF
Training Transcript
ECPC Steps to Admission
Obtain instructor
approval for
registration and
Obtain appropriate
books, parking
decal, and photo ID
Course Structure
The Early Childhood Education program
consists of four courses leading to
progressively more responsible and
skilled positions in a child care center
or other early childhood organization.
Course Titles
Child Care Worker - Preschool
Child Care Teacher Aid
Preschool Teacher
Child Care Development Specialist
ECPC Completion Requirements
Successful completion of:
 Rules
and Regulations
 Health, Safety and Nutrition
 Child Abuse and Neglect
 Child Growth and Development
 Behavioral Observation and Screening
 Preschool Appropriate Practices
 A DCF approved five hour literacy
training – Recommended: Emergent
Literacy for VPK Instructors
ECPC Completion Requirements
Notarized documentation of 480 hours of
direct work with children five years or
Observation by a qualified observer
Completion of a Professional Resource File
Demonstration of your competency in eight
child care content areas
Submit completed ECPC application form to
instructor and complete exit procedures
What Is An ECPC?
The ECPC is the Early Childhood
Professional Certificate.
To earn it students complete 600 hours of
The training consists of 120 hours of related
classroom instruction and 480 hours of
training site experience .
The ECPC is recognized for a Florida Staff
Is This A National CDA Program?
When you have completed your ECPC you can:
Continue to apply for your National CDA
Continue to study for a degree
Simply use your Florida Staff Credential
The Orlando Tech ECPC articulates for nine
college credits toward an early childhood
education degree program in Florida
What Is The ECPC Schedule?
Related Classroom Instruction:
Training Site Experience:
Six hours in class per week
Minimum twenty-four hours per week
Your instructor will review the
specific schedule for your class
Does Class Attendance Matter?
Dependability is part of your grade
Students will be withdrawn for
attendance and punctuality that falls
below school requirements
What Is Training Site Experience?
Training site experience must be
direct experience working with
children in a licensed child care center
Your supervisor must have a minimum
of a Florida Staff Credential.
This must be a center operating in
substantial compliance with licensing
How Do I Find A Training Site?
Your instructor will be glad to
assist you with confirming your
training site.
What Documents My Training?
Site Training Agreement
Time Records and Supervisory
Notarized Practical Experience
Documentation Form
Observations by a qualified observer
What Books Do I Need?
CDA Essentials
Special Needs Appropriate Practices
Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid
How Can I Complete My DCF
Take the training at Orlando Tech as
an evening or summer class
Take the training online
Use a combination of online and classbased training
Document that you
have already met
this requirement
How Do I Check My DCF
Go to the DCF website:
Click on “Training Requirements”
Click on “View My Transcript”
Follow the on-screen directions
What Is A Professional Resource
Your Professional Resource File is a
collection of information for you and
about you.
It includes:
your autobiography and resume,
six statements that show your competence
as a professional teacher of young
and seventeen resources to support your
How Will I Be Graded?
You will be graded on:
Your class attendance and punctuality
Your professional skills based on your site
evaluations and observations
Progress with your Professional Resource
Progress with your exams, First Aid/CPR
training, and class quizzes
Orlando Tech follows the OCPS ten
point grading scale
What Are The “Dos and Don’ts?
Follow Orlando Tech Codes of Conduct
 ID badges & appropriate attire at all
 No food and drink in classroom areas
 No interruptions due to cell phones
 Be 100% a model early childhood teacher
Follow the Confidentiality Policy
Follow the Internet Policy
Decide about your Consent for Photos
What Do I Bring To The
First Class?
Book: CDA Essentials
Large binder for your Professional
Resource File
Completed Site Training Agreement
Student ID
Appropriate professional clothing and
Enthusiasm and a desire to learn!
How Will I Know What’s Next?
You will receive a Syllabus, an
Instructional Sequence, and a “Week
by Week” training site guide in your
first class.
Other Questions?
We Wish You Well!