Performance Insights: School Attendance Every day counts • research confirms a strong link between attendance and student outcomes. • Every day counts aims to inform parents, school communities and students about the importance of school attendance • brochures, case studies, research and factsheets can be found on the department’s website at 2 Average attendance rates • The overall average attendance rate in Queensland state schools in 2013 was ***% • This is just lower than the average in some of the other eastern Australian states, which is approximately 92%. 3 Our school’s attendance rate • Insert your school’s data here 4 Patterns of attendance across the week Absences by reason by day (Semester 1, 2010) 5 Patterns across the semester Absences by week by reason (Semester 1, 2010) 6 Patterns across schooling years Average attendance rates by year level for all students and Indigenous students (2008 to 2010) 7 Impact of low rates of attendance 8 Reasons for non-attendance 9 What do we know about attendance • attendance has a strong and persisting relationship with student outcomes as measured by NAPLAN scores • each day lost in the early years has a stronger relationship with reading in later years • each day lost in the later years has a stronger relationship with numeracy in the later years • the research literature suggests that several adverse outcomes are related to student attendance levels 10 Categories for school attendance strategies 11 Our school’s approach • Insert your school’s approach to increasing attendance here 12