Strategies For Launching Strong March 14-15 1. Focus On The Top And Bottom Of The Disciple Making Funnel Why Use The Top and Bottom Strategy? 1. Can be traced back to Jesus 2. Maximizes evangelism 3. Not get stuck in the mushy middle Why Use The Top and Bottom Strategy? 4.Gives you many to choose from 5.Men will like it 6.Results in reproduction How To Apply The Top and Bottom Strategy? 1. Market wisely and widely 2. Prioritize your front door meetings 3. Systematize and delegate 4. Concentrate on your top leaders Poll #1 Where do you think most top church leaders spend the majority of their time? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The top of the funnel The bottom of the funnel Middle of the funnel The top and middle Middle and bottom Top and bottom of the funnel 2. Understand The Dynamics Of The Launch Stage Why call it a stage? FIVE STAGES OF CHURCH PLANTING RELATED TO LAUNCHING STRONG PREPARATION STAGE PRE-LAUNCH STAGE LAUNCH STAGE What Is The Launch Stage? 1. Outreach events with staying power 2. Public launching 3. A crowd creating strategy CROWD TO COMMISSIONED STAGE REPRODUCTIVE STAGE 3. Purpose To Launch Strong What is considered a strong launch? Why Launch Strong 1. This is what Jesus and Paul did 2. Breaks growth barriers 3. Provides a fishing pool 4. Creates excitement 5. Facilitates self support Many Have It Backwards They say “small groups are for evangelism and large groups are for discipleship.” 1. What did Jesus do? Paul? 2. What does human nature tell us? 3. Where can you disciple best? 4. How are major decisions processed? Generally Unreached people prefer ___________ oriented large groups to check out Christianity. 18 Exceptions to the Rule 1. Small groups can be closer by 2. Family and friends may feel safer at your house than the church 3. Small groups can be very targeted 4. Easier to get “right ratios” in small groups 19 Project 3 Is a strong, big bang launch your goal? Why or why not? What will you use as you evangelistic front door to your church? 20 Poll #2: Which way of planting are you most familiar with? 1. Relationship evangelism 2. Expository preaching & word of mouth 3. Servant evangelism, first earn the right to share the gospel 4. Justice issues and social media 5. Great worship music and social media 6. Mass marketing to the unreached in order to find the ripe 7. Other 4. Narrow Your Target Market For Greater Impact “Defining our evangelistic target has been the second most important factor behind Saddleback’s growth.” Rick Warren, p. 157 PLC He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matt. 15:24 23 1st Slice- Reached or Unreached 24 2nd Slice- Economic and Educational 25 3rd Slice- Ethnic Background 26 4th Slice- Men or Women 27 Poll #3 1. I agree with narrowing the target 2. I disagree with target marketing 3. I am still undecided Project #5 Make a check mark beside the words in Set A or Set B that you think best describes the way most people view Christianity and the church today. 29 30 5. Focus on Reaching Unreached Men How To Reach Unreached Men 1. Start with men 2. Major on Biblical truth 3. Speak their language 4. Keep their attention 5. Challenge them with a cause 6. Less music 7. Choose songs men can sing to a How To Reach Unreached Men 8. More signs 9. More shoulder room, seat in back 10. Do more stuff, movement 11. Celebrate progress 12. Honor those worthy of it, Rom. 12:10 13. Clear path to greatness Jesus The Apostle Jesus The Builder What will heaven be like? 36 6. Mass Market To Your Target Why Use Mass Marketing 1. Finds the ripe 2. It works 3. Opens new networks 4. Creates a big day Why Use Mass Marketing 5. Starts a new first grade class 6. Builds curiosity and credibility 7. Overwhelms the Christian core 8. Is a wise investment Why Is Direct Mail Getting a Bad Rap 1. It is getting harder 2. Websites are killing it 3. Mega churches don’t feel the impact 4. Some didn’t need to use it 5. Most mail is not done wisely 42 What helps direct mail work better? 1. Being done new churches 2. Appealing to a felt need 3. When it goes to those close by 4. When you send out enough pieces 5. When it is reinforced Launch Tips 1. Offer at least three previews 2. Invite large numbers of people 3. Invest heavily into marketing 4.Offer a fun children’s ministry during the adult service 5.Go to a second service quickly Project 7 How will you maximize the possibility of effective marketing? What forms of marketing do you plan to use? 45 7. Use Previews and a Grand Opening Why Use PREVIEWS 1. They extend the newness factor 2. Mini-step 3. Work load 4. Test marketing 5. Anticipation 6. Novelty 48 TIPS FOR PREVIEWS 1. Prepare as if it were your Grand Opening 2. Seek to build growth momentum 3. Set dates far enough in advance 4. Plan comeback events Project 8 Will you use previews? How many? Why? 50 8. Match Assimilation with Launch Strategies A Marketed Launch Needs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name tags Connection cards Refreshments Follow up Easy ways to start serving Easy ways to begin friendships 52 Project 9 How will you make sure your assimilation strategy matches you launch strategy? 53 9. Select the best place to launch 1.Right size 2.In the middle of target area 3.Good image for target 55 Poll #4 How many chairs will you set up for your first preview? 1. 2. 3. 4. 30-50 50-100 100-200 200-500 Our recommendations 1. Recreation centers 2. Theaters 3. Schools • Colleges; High schools; Middle; • Elementary 4. Restaurants and bars 5. Hotels 6. Other churches Should you bother with land and buildings? Poll #5 Which places do you think are best for launching? 1. Recreation centers 2. Theaters 3. Schools • Colleges; High schools; Middle; • Elementary 4. Restaurants and bars 5. Hotels 6. Other churches 10. Select the best time to launch The wise heart will know the proper time and the just way. Eccl. 8:5 ESV When is too soon to launch? 1. Before your life is ready 2. Before your team is ready 3. Before you have enough resources for mass marketing When do you know you waiting too long to launch? 1. When fear is freezing you up 2. When you start losing movers and shakers What day and time should you launch? How long should your services be? Poll # 6 When is the best time to launch for most plants? 1. Anytime Sunday you can use a real church building 2. Sunday AM 3. Sunday PM 11. Mobilize Your Work Crews Apostles Build for Prophets Jesus Worshippers Build platforms for preaching Fishing crew 67 Master Building Crew 68 Building Crews Types of Building Crews 1. Transformation Crew 2. Visitor Flow Crew 3. Children’s Ministry Crew 4. Presentation Crew 5. Hospitality Crew 6. Data Crew 12. Apply The Practices of Jesus to Launching Strong 1. Jesus Took Up His Cross 2. Jesus Typeset The Example And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19 3. Jesus Tethered To The Father 4. Jesus Trekked To The Lost 5. Jesus Tore Down Strongholds 6. Jesus Touched Individual Lives Poll #7 Which practices are most important for launching strong? 1. Take up your cross 2. Typeset the example 3. Tether to the father 4. Trek to the lost 5. Tear down strongholds 78 7. Jesus Taught The Many 8. Jesus Trained A Few Apostles And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach and have authority to cast out demons. Mk 3:15 ESV 9. Jesus Tied Systems Together MULTI-CAMPUS REGIONAL CHURCH Greenhouse Services Discovery Courses Equipping Communities Apprentices A P E PT 10. Jesus Transitioned To New Territory Poll #8 Which practices are most important for launching strong? 6. Touch individual lives 7. Teach the many 8. Train a few 9. Tie together systems 10. Transition to new territory 84 Rap Up