Principals meeting powerpoint Final

iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Warm up
Think about what physical activity looks like in your school.
What animal might best describe your school’s physical activity culture?
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Warm up
Where could physical activity have a positive impact on your school data profile?
•Student health and wellbeing
use of data
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
We are learning to…
Develop a shared understanding about the iAIM project including how to
become an iAIM Action School.
What I am looking for…
Consideration of the positive impact that physical activity can have on
student outcomes and other education priorities at your school.
This is because…
Your school plays a crucial role in providing opportunities for physical
activity; and our core business is to improve student outcomes.
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
What is the iAIM project?
Queensland Health
2014 – 2015
Lead document
Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines
Darling Downs South West DETE
Central Queensland DETE
DDSW Objective
To support DDSW Primary and Secondary schools to develop and share innovative
tailored strategies to regularly incorporate physical activity into the school day
(Australian Curriculum Learning areas; and Whole school timetabling).
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Putting physical activity back on the agenda
Smart Moves 2008 - >
iAIM 2014 - >
Mandated time for physical activity i.e. 30
minutes a day
No mandate. Flexibility for schools to
determine required time for physical activity.
Physical activity was predominantly done
Focus on physical activity inside and outside
the classroom
Focus on tackling childhood obesity and
students’ health and wellbeing
Focus on improving student outcomes i.e.
cognitive, academic, attendance, health and
wellbeing; as well as other priority areas e.g.
PACE, school ethos/culture etc.
Accountability through annual reporting
Expectation from Regional Director that
schools will get involved.
Increased access to professional development
and resources
iAIM toolkit, resources, support,
communications, network, PD in 2015.
Generic approach to implementing physical
activity programs across Queensland schools.
Localised approaches for DDSW schools
including pilots, showcasing of good practice.
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
iAIM action areas – 2014/2015
• Pilot
• Good practice
• iAIM Action School
• iAIM online
• iAIM online
• iAIM project
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Data collection update
Pilot Projects The impact of physical activity on:
Crows Nest State School P – 10 (School Wide Implementation)
Numeracy data improvement focus
Literacy data improvement focus
Student engagement and classroom behaviours
Year 4 class, Dalby SS
• Spelling data and classroom behaviour
Year 4-5 class, St George SS
Number facts data and student behaviour
Improving transitions between classroom and breaks
Taroom P-10 SS
Number facts data and student behaviour
Improving transitions between classroom and breaks
Thallon SS
Numeracy data improvement focus
Student engagement and classroom behaviours
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Data collection update
Good practice
Student participation in AASC programs
Kilometre Club before school, two mornings, 8.30am – 8.50am
10 minute physical activity bursts every day from 8.45am – 8.55am
Active lunchtime options supervised by teacher on duty
Student Council running lunchtime physical activity options
State sporting organisations and local sporting clubs running physical activity programs before,
during and/or after school
Student v Teacher physical activity game days
Whole school physical activity fitness programs
Physical activity Brain Breaks
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Where does/could physical activity take place at your school?
Inside the classroom
Outside the Classroom
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Become an iAIM Action School
1. Register
2. Begin
3. Share
4. Continue and share
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
What can we offer you as an iAIM Action School?
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Next steps
Complete an EOI to register to become an iAIM Action School!
We will follow up with you/key contact regarding registration.
iAIM – Increasing Activity & Intelligent Minds Project
Darling Downs South West Region
Thank you for your time
• Questions
• Contact details