gifted education program in PEI small ideas Marie-Jacquard Handy, CSLF 1 topics 1. introduction 2. norms and standards 1. school based model 2 1 A New-York Gifted program 3 Visual/Performing Arts Outstanding in sense of spatial relationships 1 Unusual ability for expressing self feelings, moods, etc. through art, dance drama, music Good motor coordination Exhibits creative expression Desire for producing “own product” (not content with mere copying) Observant Leadership Assumes responsibility High expectation for self and others Fluent, concise selfexpression Foresees consequences and implications of decisions Good judgement in decision making Likes structure Well liked by peers Self-confident Organized Example: Susan Savolainen, Gifted and Talented Coordinator Eau Claire Area School District, New Richmond Public Schools Creative Thinking Independent thinker Exhibits original thinking in oral and written expression Comes up with several solutions to a given problem Possesses a sense o humor Creates and invents Challenged by creative tasks Improvises often Does not mind being different form the crowd General Intellectu al Ability Formulates abstractions Processes information in complex ways Observant Excited about new ideas Enjoys hypothesizing Learns rapidly Specific Academic Ability Good memorization ability Advanced comprehension Uses a large vocabulary Inquisitive Self-starter Acquires basic-skills knowledge quickly Widely read in special-interest area High academic success in special-interest area Pursues special interests with enthusiasm and vigor 4 bright versus gifted 1 bright learners gifted learners Knows the answers Is interested Is attentive Has good ideas Works hard Answers the questions Top group Listens with interest Learns with ease 6-8 repetitions Understands ideas Enjoys peers Grasps the meaning Completes assignments Is receptive Copies accurately Enjoys school Absorbs information Technician Good memorizer Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation Is alert Is pleased with own learning Asks the questions Is highly curious Is mentally and physically involved Has wild, silly ideas Plays around, yet tests well Discusses in detail, elaborates Beyond the group Shows strong feelings and opinions Already knows 1-2 repetitions for mastery Constructs abstractions Prefers adults Draws inferences Initiates projects Is intense Creates a new design Enjoys learning Manipulates information Inventor Good guesser Thrives on complexity Is keenly observant Is highly self-critical by Janice Szabos 5 2 • the province should set standards for PEI talented and gifted program 6 1 standards 1 : definition of gifted Write a standard definition: Robert Sternberg 1997, Donalt Treffinger 1996, Françoys Gagné 1991, Julian Stanley 1974, John Feldhusen 1992, Georges Betts 1999, standards 2 : diagnostic and screening (what to do in each level of the assessment?) gifted screening test for grade three students. standard 3: services (enrichment-acceleration; adaptation or modification) standard 4. parents engagement standard 5. community initiatives 7 1 standard 6 : at the school board level Référence Mississipi departement of education each school board shall provide access to an appropriate program for pupils identified as gifted and talented in each of the following categories: • intellectual ability • specific academic ability • creative ability • artistic ability • leadership ability 8 standards 7. for educators 1 PD training –province-school board-school – classroom level training at UPEI 1. •1 needs of Gifted Learners: •2. deep Understanding of curriculum content •3. relevancy •4. pace of teaching an Idea •5. adaptation in curriculum •6. acceleration resources: One specialist to write standards, program and all concepts 2. allow adequate resources in each school. 9 1 standard 7. for educators From Jan & Bob Davidson Genius Denied •allow independent work when mastery is achieved early in unit •learn to recognize underachievement •give specific feedback on student work ( Super isn’t enough) •welcome accelerated students into your room •work collaboratively with parents •volunteer to coach academic teams •continue to learn about educational needs of GT students 10 2 standard 7. for educators From Jan & Bob Davidson Genius Denied •learn about curriculum compacting •design lesson plans using themes •offer more projects than worksheets •offer books with challenging vocabularies and themes •allow GT students to have long term projects •encourage GT students to enter competitions •advocate for GT students to be grouped with intellectual peers •learn about Renzulli ‘Triade’ 11 2 standard 7. for educators acceleration-enrichment • Horizontal (in the lesson) • Vertical (future) 12 2 why acceleration is not accepted in USA From A Nation Deceived: The Templeton National Report on Acceleration •teachers lack familiarity with acceleration •confidence about acceleration is lacking •acceleration runs counter to personal beliefs •age trumps everything else •safe is better than sorry •acceleration is not taught in Colleges of Ed. •it’s bad to push kids. •new friends are hard to make. •social adjustment in a school setting is a complicated issue. •it will upset other kids. •there will be gaps in a child’s knowledge. •disasters are memorable. with a strong gifted and-or enrichment program the need for acceleration will dramatically decrease. 13 2 standard 8 14 2 Standard 8 15 2 standard 8 annual Annual self-evaluation Self-Evalution • beginning with each year, the three PEI school boards will conduct an evaluation in accordance with PEI gifted program standards. • the results of the evaluation will be submitted to a consultant in the Ministry for reflection with the three school board 16 2 standard 8 • – a written evaluation report is made available. – this report is for the district and does not have to be submitted to the MEECD. 17 2 standard 8 • The three school boards must conduct an evaluation as to how well they have accomplished the stated goals and objectives for their local program. 18 2 standard 8 – each school board will do the grade three screening to identify gifted student for further level B assessment – this evaluation shall be made in accordance with MEECD education program standards. – the program of each school will be rated from one to four by the PLC-CAP, the Gifted consultant and school boards 19 2 standard 8 corrective program – a written corrective action plan approved by the local school board shall be submitted for each rating of level 1. – falsification of any area of the report could lead to the district’s gifted educational program being placed in a probationary status and possible loss of funding. 20 standard 8 • level 1: the school does not satisfy minimal criteria and is not in compliance. • the school must submit a corrective action plan with the evaluation. • the school could be placed in a probationary status. 21 standard 8 • level 2: The school is in compliance with the standard. • this is the minimal acceptable level of performance. 22 standard 8 • level 3: the school is performing above the standard • a rating of level 3 means that the school has satisfied all conditions of level 2 PLUS all the conditions of level 3 • the school must submit documentation to support this rating 23 standard 8 level 4: • the school is performing at the exemplary level. A rating of level 4 means that the district has satisfied all conditions for level 2, level 3, and level 4. • the school must submit documentation to support this rating. 24 • Program model for PEI • RTI 25 4. RTI for gifted 26 Renzulli’s Enrichment Triad Model: The Enrichment Triad Model • • Type 1 Enrichment Activities are designed to expose students to a wide variety of disciplines, topics, occupations, hobbies, persons, places, and events that would not be covered in a regular classroom. Type 1 experiences can involve the following: Contacting speakers Arranging demonstrations, trips, and/or performances Using varied materials such as films, slides, videos, print and non-print media • Type 2 Enrichment Activities promote the development of thinking and feeling processes such as: Creative thinking, problem solving, and critical thinking skills A wide variety of specific learning how-to-learn skills Skills in the use of advanced-level reference materials Written, oral, and visual communication • Type 3 Enrichment Activities involve pursuing “self-selected” areas (within guideline topics) for advanced content acquisition and process training in which students assume the role of first-hand inquirer. The goals of these type activities include the following: Providing opportunities to apply interests, knowledge, creative ideas, and task commitment to a selective problem Acquiring advanced-level understanding of knowledge (content) and methodology (process) Developing authentic products Developing self-directed learning skills in the areas of planning, organization, resource utilization, time management, decision-making, and self-evaluation Developing task commitment, self-confidence, and feelings of creative accomplishment. 27 Gifted Education Organizations • Alabama Association for Gifted Children - AAGC is association that unites parent, teachers, and other individuals together to improve gifted education in Alabama. Covers objectives and goals, newsletter, conference updates, and links. • American Association for Gifted Children (AAGC) - Advocacy association for gifted children in the United States. • The Association for the Gifted (TAG) - Encourages the welfare and education of youth blessed with gifts, talents, and/or high potential. USA. • The California Association for the Gifted - Describes conferences, position papers, educational options, resources, publications, links, advocacy background and suggestions. • Center for Gifted Education Policy (CGEP) - Division of the Education Directorate of the American Psychological Association. Its objective to create public awareness, advocacy, clinical applications, and modern research ideas that will improve the achievement and performance youth blessed with special gifts and talents. • Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University- IL - Offers testing and talent development programs designed for gifted youth. • Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University (JHU-CTY) - Operates an annual intellectual talent search, carries out research, and provides summer academic programs, distance learning, family academic conferences, and educational assessment, planning, and counseling services. Provides Newsletter for a fee. • CHI - Children of High Intelligence - A support association established to benefit the young and intellectually gifted in the UK. • Council for Exceptional Children - International professional association committed to enhancing educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted. • The Davidson Institute for Talent Development - Committed to providing recognition, nurture and support to uniquely intelligent youth and offering opportunities to develop their talents so they can become positive contributors to society. • Education Program for Gifted Youth - EPGY offers computer based distance education for gifted youth covering subjects such as mathematics, physics and writing from the elementary school level up to the university level. • Educators of Gifted, Talented, and Creative Children in B.C.- Canada - Provides links to brochures, journals, newsletters, and other resources concerning the education of the gifted. • The Gifted Child Society - Offering educational enrichment and support services especially developed for gifted children, support to parents in the upbringing of gifted children to full and productive adulthood, professional instruction to encourage educators to realize the special demands of these youth, as well as efforts to gain public recognition and acceptance of these unique needs. • Gifted Conference Planners - Organizers of the BeyondIQ offer conferences especially formatted for professionals, parents, children, and other gifted people. • The Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children - A nationwide support and resource network committed to realizing the needs of highly gifted youth. The Center primarily operates as a clearinghouse of details and events related to the needs of highly gifted youth. • Institute for Educational Advancement - Offers direct student services, educational consulting services and produces educational products to encourage intellectual and creative growth among high potential children. • Metagifted Education Resource Organization - Committed to improved understanding of gifted and talented people. • Michigan Alliance for Gifted Education - Offering leadership, advocacy, and support of differentiated education and services for realizing the special needs of gifted, talented, and creative learners in Michigan. • National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) - Supports able and talented youth in realizing their full potential by raising awareness in addition to providing support to teachers, other professionals and the wider educational community. • National Association for Gifted Students - NAGC helps the families of gifted youth in the UK. • National Association of Gifted - The National Association of Gifted offers basic research information that is useful for all areas and levels of teaching. • The National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children - Committed to the special needs of gifted and talented children this not-for-profit foundation offers free information and support to parents and educators of gifted youth. • Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development - Joint effort of the University of Connecticut, City University of New York/City College, Stanford University, University of Virginia, Yale University, as well as 52 state and territorial departments of education, plus 360 public and private schools, and 167 content area consultants, and stakeholders representing professional organizations, parent groups, and businesses. • New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC) - State chapter of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). Operates as public advocate to distribute information regarding the needs of gifted and talented youth. • Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented - Australia Gifted Organization • State Gifted Associations - A Directory of every state gifted associations, indexed by state. • Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented - TAGT is an association of educators, parents, and friends of the gifted 28 1 A New-York Gifted program Mensa Canada vidéo Mensa monthly puzzle 29