Community Development Grant

Funding for Sports Groups
Tim Barzycki
Project Officer
28 February 2011
Awards For All
Between £300 and £10,000 to fund a specific project or activity.
Organisations can receive up to a maximum of £10,000 from Awards for All in
any two year period.
• People have better chances in life – with better access to training and
development to improve their life skills.
•Stronger communities – with more active citizens working together to tackle
their problems.
•Improved rural and urban environments – which communities are better able
to access and enjoy.
•Healthier and more active people and communities.
Comic Relief (Sport Relief)
Financial assistance to small locally based not for profit groups or
organisations for projects that benefit those who are excluded or disadvantage.
The maximum award is £10,000, although the average grant is likely to be in
the region of £2,000.
Priority will be given to applications that provide clear evidence of need and
impact on people’s lives who may be excluded or disadvantaged through low
income, rural or social isolation, age, disabilities, race, sexuality or gender and
increase access to sport and exercise. The rest can be spent on schemes
which increase local services, build skills of local people, increase community
cohesion and/or respond to local economic needs
Community sport activities, furniture projects, projects providing access to
benefits advice, projects combating fuel poverty, community consultation
exercises, community employment projects, food co-ops, running and project
costs, volunteer training costs.
Lincolnshire Cooperative (1)
Community Dividend Donations
•9 members groups which make decisions on donations requests received.
•The groups are made up of local staff and members and meetings take place
4 time a year.
•Local community groups and charities can apply for anything from £10 raffle
prizes up to £500 towards likes sports kits and new equipment.
•There is no formal application form for this but we would need a request in
Lorna Newboult, []
Lincolnshire Cooperative (2)
Community Dividend Grants
•Applications for this fund are considered quarterly and groups can
apply for up to £2,000.
•There is a double sided application form to these grants but ask that
groups write or call to request the forms so that we can discuss
whether this is the best option for them.
•requests are often receive for grants to help towards refurbishing
community halls and equipment for schools or community groups.
•They are unable to support running costs.
Lorna Newboult,
Lincolnshire Cooperative(3)
Community Dividend Card
•Similar to the Dividend Card for individuals, groups have the opportunity to
have a Community Dividend Card where you can collect points every time you
shop with us.
•The difference is that groups are able to apply for several cards to give out to
their members or friends that all collect towards the same cause.
•At the end of the year, for every £1 the group has collected we will match it
and send the group a cheque.
Lorna Newboult, []
The Wells Sports
The Foundation provides grants to qualifying sports clubs to help fund legacy
projects that will increase participation in sport both now and in the future.
Sports Grants Scheme
•The Sports Grants Scheme has been established to create a lasting legacy for future
generations through the development of club sport. Grants of between £500 and £2,000 are
available to sports clubs to support worthwhile projects
•The Foundation aims to support projects that demonstrate development and sustainability
of sports clubs. For example - projects that need equipment that is specifically focused on
increasing participation, CRBs for volunteers, coaching qualifications and
refereeing/umpiring courses
•The project supports the development of grassroots sport for young people aged between
•The club has achieved Clubmark status.
•The club has at least one partnership agreement with a local state school.
•The club has raised at least 50% of the funds required for the overall project and can
provide evidence of this if required.
Cash 4 clubs
Available to any sports club that is registered with its sports' National
Governing body or local authority.
You might be looking for funding to help with coaching of young kids or you
may be after a grant to help buy a new boat or help renovate your current
In the past we have given money to sports clubs to fund such things as a new
female basketball team, or a sailing club wanting to kit out its new Yeoman 20
We look for sports clubs that play an active role in the community.
So if you are a sports club that helps its local community then you are very
much the type of club that we are looking to help. We welcome your application
for a Cash 4 Clubs sports grant, so start thinking about applying today.
Awards of £250, £500 and £1000 available
Sport England
Small Grants Programme
Sport England Small Grants Programme supports local community sport
projects which seek to
•increase participation,
•sustain participation
•develop opportunities for people to excel at their chosen sport in England.
An example of what may be funded is to purchase extra team kit or to pay
additional coaching fees
Maximum of £10,000
Funded by Sport England to support the development
of grassroots sport.
Through the scheme, Sportsmatch offers pound for pound matched funding to investments
made by businesses, trusts and individuals into projects that encourage sports participation
at grass roots level.
The funding available is primarily for running costs (maximum grant £100,000) although
capital awards of up to £25,000 can be made through the scheme. This can include non
personal sports equipment such as outdoor basketball nets, kwik cricket surfaces, boats,
sports wheelchairs etc.
The scheme is open to community based sports projects, in particular those that benefit
young people, disability groups, black and minority ethnic groups and/or women and girls.
Previous grant recipients include Devizes School. They obtained a three year sponsorship
from a local construction firm, which amounted to £10,000 per year. The school matched
this with a further £10,000 from Sportsmatch and were able to run an annual multi-sports
coaching camp during the school summer holidays.
Application can be submitted at any time up to the 19th September 2011.
Police Property Act
•Activities to reduce or prevent crime
•Example Fairplay football
Max £500 more likely £250
Contact Gill Finn
Lincs Police
0300 111 0300
Wakeham Trust
The Trust does not favour any particular areas of activity.
Most of the projects supported share some or all of these characteristics
•It is something new for this particular area.
• It doesn't matter if the idea is tried and tested in other parts of the country.
•If it is new for this community then we are interested in hearing about it.
•It is small.
• It does not employ staff.
•It is not well established.
• It has the potential to become self-supporting.
• It is outward looking and helps a lot of people
• It has a UK charity number, or can find a charity to accept funds on its behalf.
They help the underdog and the unfashionable.
They help groups who are usually considered recipients of voluntary action (for example old
age pensioners or young offenders) when these people themselves become involved in
helping other groups in the community.
They normally give grants to projects where an initial £75 to £750 can make a real difference
to getting the project up and running
Sport specific
Dickie Bird Foundation
County Golf Partnerships
Football Foundation
Lord Taverners Foundation
Ron Pickering Memorial Fund
Rugby Football Foundation
Canoeing Foundation
Lincolnshire County Council
Community Development Grant
Lincolnshire County Council is currently engaged in
various restructures and consultations. No final
decisions have been made about future funding to
deliver the Community Development Grant.
A further update about the Community Development
Grant and PIP will be made after 30th April 2011.
Funding for Sports Groups