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Where we are



Events in our school

Things to do at school


Class 2c

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Our school is in Warsaw (the capital city of

Poland) in Smolna Street; as you saw before. It is located in the centre of the city, so there are many places of entertainment in our close surrounding. There are lots of: restaurants, theatres, cinemas, shops, cafes and many other attractions. The place we are especially proud of is The Old Town. It is very beautiful with many old buildings and special atmosphere.

The most famous building is The Royal Castle.

In addition Warsaw is famous for our Palace of

Culture and Science ( the highest building in

Warsaw). Our favourite place, where we go before lessons, is a little deli shop with food! It makes our life easier  .

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You want to visit us? - Nothing easier!

Because our school is in the centre of Warsaw, the connection from each place is very good. There are many bus stops near our school. If you do not like busses, you can take a tram or a train. And after watching our FANTASTIC presentation you can visit us, but then you’d have to use our wonderful underground  . You can also visit our website

Our class has 35 lessons a week. We have Art.,

Physic, English, Polish, Biology, Maths, PE,

History, Geography, German, Chemistry,

Religion, Technics and some of us Russian. On

Fridays we do to the swimming pool. It’s close to our school.Second classes have Technics and third have Music. We start school at 8 am and finish lessons at 2:35 pm. Lessons are 45 minutes long.

We’re at school from Monday to Friday, and have

7 lessons each day. Our class has more lessons than others.

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Timetable of class IIc

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Art Maths Physic Religion Polish

Physics German/P.E.

English History

Polish Polish







P.E./German Mathematic Religion

Technology Maths Form teacher’s hour

Technology Geography

Biology Form teacher’s hour

German/P. E.





P.E./Germa n



S. Pool

S. Pool

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We've got breaks after every lesson.

They are 10, 15 or 20 minutes long.

During breaks we talk, joke, laugh, read books and sometimes study. In the school we've got a small shop, which is led by our teachers. We can buy snacks and drinks in it. Every day two or three students walk around the corridors with rolls and doughnuts selling them.

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There are lots of different things we can do at school.

We’ve got a library which is great. It’s a place, where we can read books or do our homework. We’ve got hundreds of books, which are very interesting. The librarian is Mrs. Honorata (she also teaches Russian).

She always helps us and gives advise. She cares about our library and buys new books.

Mrs Honorata organises cafes at school to gain money – students sell cakes, which are made at home.

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There are two computer rooms. First is on the first floor and there we have technology lessons. The second computer room is on the third floor and there we study information technology. But we also can stay at school after the lessons and play on the computers.

We’ve also got a school newspaper, which is called “Sowie Wieści” (in English “Owl

News”). Students write short reports about what has happened at school.

Students can sing in the school choir.

Sometimes we have discos. They are funny and during them we can listen to good music.

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In our school we had excursions to Janów

Lubelski, Mostówka and Biskupin (in Poland).

In Janów Lubelski we drew pictures of nature and visited many interesting places. In

Mostówka we could make some sculptures or buy sculptures made by masters. Next year our class is going on a trip to London. We’ll see Big Ben, Traffalgar Square, the Houses of

Parliament, London Eye, the National Gallery and some of the most famous British museums (like Madam Tussauds). We also will talk with people from the entire world.

It`s very interesting to visit many towns and cities, talk to different people and learn their traditions, culture and customs.

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• Poster contest

First day of spring

Language contest

• Sports day

Valentine’s post


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Every year before Christmas our teachers organize a poster competition on the subject of holidays in Great

Britain, Germany and Russia. It’s connected with languages which we learn in our school. The posters are beautifully decorated with Christams trees, Santa

Clauses and brocade. Of course the information given by the students is also important. The most popular are the verses of Christmas carols, description of holiday dishes, the Christmas Eve table and

Christmas traditions in different countries. The jurors are the teachers of English, German, Russian and several impartial pupils. The winner is the student whose work gained the highest amount of points.

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On the first day of spring (21st March) our school organizes a competition of talents. Pupils from all the classes prepare artistic programmes, which they present themselves in front of other students and the jury. Main competitions are singing, dancing, recitating poems, painting and photography. After all the performances, the jury chooses the winner.

Nobody goes without a prize. Pupils who loose receive consolation gifts.

We also organize the election of miss and mister of the school. This is a very funny event. Boys and girls try to present themselves and attract the attention of the public. Every student votes for his/her favourite mister/miss. First day of spring is a day free from lessons and all students are happy, because they can’t have any tests that day.

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Every year at the begining of June our school organizes a Sports Day. Teachers prepare on the school pitch posts with different sport competitions, such as football, basketball, jumping and many others. Every participant can take part in all competitions that interest him and check his physical efficiency. This day there are no lessons and all pupils gather on the pitch. Our librarian,

Mrs. Honorata sells rolls and distributes mineral water to the participants.

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Students of our school also participate in many language competitions. Many pupils want to check this way their knowledge. The highest frequency have English language competitions. The pupils of linguistic classes take part in them in great number and often occupy high, rewarded places. Gymnasium

44 has very good results in linguistic competitions, pupils from our school show, that they are ambitious and wise. The rewarded place guarantees also additional grade.

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Everyone knows about Valentine’s Day, which is on 14th February. In our school we celebrate it with Valentine’s

Post. A delegation of four students carries a big, pink box, in which we put our letters. Everybody can write wishes and some nice words to best friends, boyfriend/girlfriend or a favourite teacher.

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Once a year in our school a “Tanc-buda” competition takes place. It is a dancing contest organised by Mrs. Rzepka and Mrs.

Dorociak (PE teachers). Groups of maximum

6 girls from every class prepare an interesting choreography. The jury is composed of our teachers and some children who aren’t dancing.

This year and the year before our class won the second prize. Two of the best teams go to a distric level contest. If we win, we show our choreography in theatre “Roma”. Last year we won the second place.

We hope that this year we’ll be the best!

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As you know we’re students from a Polish school. We’re very happy to write to you. Some students in our class are 14 and some are 15. We started new books on the Intermediate level. We were very excited when our teacher told us that we could send e-mails to you

With best wishes,

Class 2c

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Description of us

Paulina Pujer

My name is Paulina. I’m 15. I like horse riding and dancing. My favourite school subject is biology. I would like to be a doctor in the future. I’ve been playing guitar for four years. Friends call me Cerata.

Alicja Wrońska

My name is Alicja. I’m 14 years old.

I like reading books, watching TV and listening to the music. I have a lot of friends and I would like to meet a new one. I like talking with people and emailing to them.

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Marta Łopacińska

My name is Marta. I’m 14 years old. I’m the youngest in my class because I was born on 31.12.1993.

It’s funny because it’s almost New

Year. I like sports as everyone.


Marcin Czerniawski

My name is Marcin. I’m 14 and I was born in London (but I live in

Warsaw since I was 2). I like Linkin Park. My favourite hobbies are: aquarians, painting and rollerblading. I love biology and physics.

Kamil Zawadzki

My name is Kamil. I like computer games, football and meeting friends. My favourite sport is football and my favourite footballer is Christiano Ronaldo and Henry. I like rock music, my favourite bands are Green Day and Linkin Park.

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Ola Charubin

I’m Ola. I’m 15 years old. I like swimming, reading interesting books, singing and playing basketball. I love meeting people.

Ewa Sztabowska

I’m Ewa. I like traveling, dancing, watching films and playing volleyball.

My dream is to go to USA, Mexico. I love spending time with my friends and going with them to the cinema.

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Agnieszka Kur

I’m Agnieszka. I like reading

(especially books written by

Agata Christy) and swimming.

I’ve got a dog and an older brother.


Sandra Dawiec

My name is Sandra. I’m 15 years old. I like music, books, dance and animals. I have one in my house. It is a rabbit called

Pusiek. I like most of the sports like swimming, diving, horse riding, basketball, skating, skiing and more.

Ania Adamska

I’m Anna. I like traveling. I go aboard every holiday. I’ve already been to

Chalkidiki, Rhodos, Crete, Turkey and

Tunisia  . I like playing computer games.

My favourite is “The Sims 2”. My favourite bands are Nirvana and Linkin Park.

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Karolina Pszkit

My name is Karolina. I’m 15 years old. I have a cat, which is called Figa. I like swimming, playing basketball and reading books about real life or teenager’s problems.


Hania Pastor

Hi, My name is Hannah. I’m 14.

I like books, cinema and I play the guitar and the piano. I started skateboarding and I really like it.

I’m really boring person as you can see on this picture.

Maja Żelazek

I’m Majka. I’m keen on dance especially modern. I’m really active. I’m quite stubborn, but always cheerful. I’m outgoing. I love strawberries.

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